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Why did my engine lock up?
I have a Toyota Matrix 2005. I was driving home from a 5 hour trip and about 4 hours in my car stopped running on the highway. I had to have it towed to the nearest town and the the mechanic there told me my engine locked up. I just had the oil changed last week, and he says that all the fluids are still full. The car was running fine for the 5 hours I drove and the 4 hours back that day. I do have an oil spot on my driveway, that was where I parked this car, but the my other car has a leak so I guess it could be older, since this car still has oil in it.... The mechanic said he did not know what it was, but of course he did not take the engine apart just did a diagnostic. I am getting it hauled home by my parents this weekend.
Any ideas what caused it? The engine only has 78,000 miles on it. The mechanic says I need a new engine, but I don't know this guy. Should I get a second opinion? Or should I just get a new engine? I know nothing about cars so I cannot do the work myself for sure.
5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years agoDrag shows in New Orleans?
Hi I am looking to go see a drag show in New Orleans while I am visiting and cannot find much solid info. Which places have them and on what nights and which one is best? Thanks!
7 AnswersNew Orleans9 years agoWhat can you use in food or candy to make your mouth change color?
I am looking to figure out what to use in mints, or candy, or gum that will change your mouth color to either red or blue? Or something that I can buy that I can conceal the color of.
The idea is to give my family a white candy or whatnot and make them eat it and show each other to see what gender our baby is. So it could be a filling or something. Not sure if this is possible but it would be fun!
6 AnswersOther - Food & Drink10 years agoFUNNY ways to tell parents/in-laws that you're pregnant?
We are not expecting yet, but are planning, and I want some funny or fun ways to tell parents and in-laws or husband when it happens. Something humorous and creative.
I am NOT looking for cute ways. No picture frames, or T-shirts, or random Grandma/Grampa stuff. I have looked at tons of sites and suggestions, but nothing I have seen is actually funny or fun.
4 AnswersPregnancy10 years agoHow can I keep my cat from opening up drawers under my bed?
I have a platform bed and my cats learned to open the drawers. Now they sleep on my clothes and get them all hairy. I open them every day to get my clothes, so I do not want something that will make it hard for me to open the drawers like child locks. The drawers roll on the floor not on rails/slides.
My cats have a very nice tower and many cat beds in the house. I cannot keep the bedroom door closed all the time, but I normally keep it closed when I am gone. Which means they often get locked in there since I do not know they are there.
I was thinking maybe magnets?
3 AnswersCats1 decade agoWhat is the best vacuum for hardwood/tile floors and pet hair?
I need a vacuum for my hardwood floors and tile floors, with a couple area rugs. I have 2 dogs and 2 cats, so it needs to be great a pet hair and dog food pieces/litter pieces. Thanks for your input! I cannot afford a really expensive vacuum, and my home is only 1400 sq feet.
2 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade agoHow do you care for vintage stainless steel flatware?
I bought some neat stainless steel flatware from an estate sale. It is in the original boxes, from Sears, 1961. The knives have hollow handles, but the rest is solid.
Can I use the dishwasher? How do I keep them in good shape? Are they alright to use on a daily basis?
And does anyone know what they are worth?
Thanks for your response!
4 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade agoWhere is the cheapest place to buy area rugs?
Including online or stores. Not looking for beautiful amazing expensive rugs, just something sturdy and good looking, not cheap crud.
Decorating & Remodeling1 decade agoWhat can I make that would associate well with: black, white, dolls, tomboy, long hair, scars?
I am doing a swap with an online friend - I am making something for her doll. What do the above words combine in your mind? I need ideas and this is a challenge for me. It can be off the wall or unexpected.
No perverted or sarcastic answers please. Be mature, the only fool you can make is yourself.
2 AnswersOther - Visual Arts1 decade agoDog with separation anxiety desperate for help?
Anxiety may not be the right word here. I have a 7 year old Shiba Inu. He is a great dog, but has strange crazy fits sometimes. Normally he is fine at home with our other dog and 2 cats when we leave. When he was little he would stay under the couch while we were gone even if the parents were home. We tried kennel training him but it did not work - he would shriek his head off non-stop for hours. We were dedicated about trying and read all the books about it. He is veryyy stubborn. A year or two ago we were mowing the lawn and left him in the house and he destroyed our basement door trying to get to us. He has eaten through 6 foot fence several times when we tried leaving him outside, and I am just talking about for a couple hours. Our neighbors say if we leave him outside he screams and scratches at the chain link. But not all the time, he seems to go through phases. When we left him at my mother in laws for a night, he ate through her fence. Whenever we left him out it was good weather and he had water and a bed on the porch. A couple weeks ago we left him inside while we were at work and he destroyed that basement door again. We tried kenneling him again - and left him for 2 hours - we came back and he actually bent and destroyed the metal bar kennel and cut his gum and escaped again. He is normally fine inside but seems to have these episodes. He has access to fresh water, several dog beds, the couch, and the company of our other pets - who he gets along with. We have had him since he was 8 weeks old. We have tried taking him to the dog park all the time and walks. Walks actually made him worse - after walks he would immediately go to break out of the fence. We have a large yard and he is in and out of it all day when we are home. He is declared healthy by the vet and up to date on everything. We have taken him to obedience classes. We have tried giving him bones or balls to keep him busy.
Soooo we love him and just want him to stop destroying doors and fences, what can we do???!! We want him to stop hurting himself and we cannot afford doggy day care.
Any suggestions?
2 AnswersDogs1 decade agoHow much for Sebaceus Cyst removal?
I have no insurance and the cyst has recently gotten painful and much larger- it is on the line of my bra strap. When I still had insurance they said it was nothing at the doctor, but now it hurts and I want it gone! I live in Colorado, and any suggestions for lost cost clinics would be appreciated too. Thanks!
1 AnswerSkin Conditions1 decade agoHow much should I offer on a house like this?
I am looking at a house that is just what I want, and it is hard to find horse property in a suburb that is anywhere close to what I can afford.
Asking price is 182,000. House will need new windows and desperatly needs floors refinished. Prob. new roof too. 3 bedrooms, one bathroom. 930 sq ft. But lot size is 16,000 and zoned and set up for horse. Not a great neighborhood, near some rough stuff, but not in the rough stuff. Houses in the neighborhood - which are similar age early 50s and lot size but differing size, sell from anywhere from 120,000 to 200,000.
My realtor is being a pain about advising me on this.
What do you think would be appropriate?
7 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoHow much does it cost to have a new foundation built and utilities set up?
For a 1024 sq ft home.
No basement
City water, sewer, gas, and electricity set up?
In Lakewood, CO
1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden1 decade agoIf I bought this tiny two bedroom house, would it hurt the resale value to combine the 2 rooms?
We are looking at a tiny old ranch house. It is in town though with horse property and very cheap - a fixer upper. Our only problem is that the bedrooms are so small I do not thing you could fit anything but a Queen Bed, if that. No dresser, nada.
Would it hurt the value of the home if we knocked out the wall between them and made it a one bedroom?
9 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoIn Colorado - Denver suburbs - how much would it cost to build a two bedroom home?
We found some land we like and are looking atbuilding a 2 br 1 bath house - hiring someone to do it that is. Nice size rooms. Maybe between 900-1000 sq ft?
1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoWhat are the cities in Colorado that have Dog Breed Bans (BSL)?
I know Denver and Aurora both have bans on certain breeds. Where else has them? Does Commerce City? Links to current laws or information would be appreciated as well as the level on enforcement.
(My dog looks slightly like a pit bull and I do not want to take chances)
3 AnswersDogs1 decade agoWhat would the ideal horse barn have?
If you could build a 2 horse barn - no bigger - what would it have, what is important to include and for upkeep ease. I would love tips to prevent common problems such as mud, chewed wood...etc...
Such as:
What would the floors look like?
Water supply
Tack room
4 AnswersHorses1 decade agoCan anyone help with legal language help for marriage laws?
Here is the Colorado law:
14-2-109. Solemnization and registration. Statute text (1) A marriage may be solemnized by a judge of a court, by a court magistrate, by a retired judge of a court, by a public official whose powers include solemnization of marriages, by the parties to the marriage, or in accordance with any mode of solemnization recognized by any religious denomination or Indian nation or tribe. Either the person solemnizing the marriage or, if no individual acting alone solemnized the marriage, a party to the marriage shall complete the marriage certificate form and forward it to the county clerk and recorder within sixty days after the solemnization. Any person who fails to forward the marriage certificate to the county clerk and recorder as required by this section shall be required to pay a late fee in an amount of not less than twenty dollars. An additional five-dollar late fee may be assessed for each additional day of failure to comply with the forwarding requirements of this subsection (1) up to a maximum of fifty dollars. For purposes of determining whether a late fee shall be assessed pursuant to this subsection (1), the date of forwarding shall be deemed to be the date of postmark.
Can you sum this up for me? So who can marry us?
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoHow much would a modular home cost to set up and hook up utilities?
If I wanted a modular home with 2+ bedrooms- not a mobile home, just a prefab modular, how much would it cost estimated? And how much does it cost to get all the necessaries - water, gas, electricity, sewage hooked up? The lot would be right on the street.
What factors affect the price?
Renting & Real Estate1 decade agoCheap food for party - cold and finger food?
So I want to thank the staff at the school where I student taught. There are about 30 staff, and it needs to be finger food, and cold, as I do not have time to microwave anything, and it will have to be in the fridge or out from 7am to 2pm - covered of course. I am a college student and cannot afford much. What are the cheapest options possible?
I do not want petite-fours/small sandwiches, or cheese platters. Most of these people have big hearty appetites.
6 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago