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I'm a 15-year old girl. I'm veg and I love all animals. I have a boxer. I run XC and distance track at my high school, and plan on doing my first half marathon September 2011, and to run in a D2 college. I plan on majoring in neurobiology. I have played the piano for 10 years. I hate class and formal lessons, but like playing on my own- especially from musicals like Phantom, Wicked, and Les Mis. I despise rap and pop music. I like rock, musicals, classical, country, alternative, blues, ragtime, new age, jazz, baroque- I'm not picky. I read too much for my own good. I like Harry Potter books 3 and on, and hate Twilight. I love P. Pullman, V. Hugo, Carrie Ryan, C.S. Lewis, etc. I am an agnostic atheist. I love to food! And I love to cook, especially [vegan] desserts. I'm the sort of person who will always show up to family gatherings with a dessert, even if you told me not to :p

  • Does anybody have a recipe for nut burgers?

    I'm vegan. My dad is a total omnivore and doesn't get it at all, but he apparently had a vegetarian friend when he was younger who made these walnut burgers? Anyways, he keeps telling me how I need to find a recipe for them, they're amazing, and yadda yadda. And if my dad is going on about a vegan recipe, I know I better try it.

    So... does anybody have a decent recipe they recommend for walnut/nut burgers?

    Thank you :)

    PostScript: Preferably soy-free, as I try to keep unfermented soy intake to a minimum.

    4 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Does anybody else think that women and blacks are subconsciously oppressed?

    I was looking at the cover of my mom's dental magazine. It had a bunch of "leaders in the field' pictures on it of important dentists. There were 110- 11 were women, 4 were black, no black women

    Obviously, women make up a heckuva lot more than 10%, blacks make up more than ~4%, and black women make up more than 0%.

    I feel like very few people consciously think 'black' or 'man' or 'woman' or 'white', and stereotype them based on that. But, isn't that idea in the back of everyone's head? Those roles that we won't be totally rid of for a long, long time?

    Or do you think this is stupid?

    7 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Does my diet look ok for tomorrow?

    Meal 1: ½ c oats with cinnamon, cocoa, brown sugar, and 1/8 c walnuts (270); 1 c raspberries (60)

    Meal 2: almonds (200); lowfat milk (80)

    Meal 3: protein bar (270); celery/carrots (30); apple (100)

    Meal 4: ½ c beans (110); ½ whole wheat bagel with tomato hummus (170)

    Meal 5: ½ c veggie rice (80) + 2/3 c mixed veggies (90) ½ tbsp olive oil (60); 2 c steamed broccoli (50)

    Meal 6: ½ c edamame (120)

    Total 1690 calories

    I have track after school, and it's gonna be a long run, so about 5 miles? So about a 40-minute run.

    I am 15, 5'5, 120 lbs, and want to get back to 105 eventually, which was the weight I was this summer (no, it is not unhealthy for me, I was running 5ks and 10ks and alert and happy and still never got sick... so don't tell me that's too low). I'm not going to risk my health, though- is this enough calories and nutrients?

    And the lowfat milk is stuff I bought from my friend's farm, I have been there, her family basically treats the cows like pets and do not sell them to be killed when their production declines. So no vegans suggesting that I'm doing something bad, anyways :)

    8 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Is there any dress style that would look good on me?

    I'm a 15 year old girl and I am 5'6 and 120 pounds. I used to be only 100 so I'm really uncomfortable in my body right now- but there's no way I can lose more than 1lb a week w/o ruining my track times- anyways back to the point I'd really like to get something that looks ok.

    I have, basically, zero boobs. Everyone says they have zero boobs, but I actually do. I wear AA cups, and they're loose.

    I run XC and track, so my legs are muscular. Not fat, but wide. And I think they're ugly, mostly my thighs, so I'd prefer a not-super-short dress.

    My measurements are 30-26-32 (chest-waist-hips? not sure if its right order :)).

    Hazel eyes, brown hair, natural blonde highlights, skin tone- slightly darker than average.

    It's a Christmas dance, and it's ABC (anything but color), so the dress should be black/white/grey. (Not asking for specific dress options, just styles, though)

    If you have any suggestions I would love them :) Gracias!

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Vegans/vegetarians, what did you eat so far today?

    I made tempeh bacon and had a banana for breakfast

    Then I got hungry so I had some fruit salad and a spoonful of almond-flax butter

    We're gonna pick up lunch at Qdoba, so I'm getting one of those ginormous rice-veggie-bean burritos.

    Just curious :)

    15 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago

    I'm soph in high school, im a girl

    OK so a couple months ago she told me she was bi.

    I was totally ok with that.

    But now today she told me she has a crush on me and wanted to ask me to the dance.

    i though I had made it perfectly clear that I was straight.

    And now its just creepy. I don't know what to do. I can't act normal around her anymore. I mean, she's still my friend, because she's still the person I knew, but honestly! Its WEIRD! I just want to never see her again and forget it all happened! And I don't want to hurt her feelings, but that just totally CREEPED ME OUT!

    Now I can't stop wondering whether she's imagined kissing me, whether she imagined anything else with me... *shudder* See what I mean? GROSS!!!!

    God, I don't know what to do. She's always followed me around, but I thought it was just because, to be blunt, she really doesn't have that many friends. And now, I find out she's had a crush on me for god knows how long.

    I don't think I can ever be around her again without wondering whether she's looking at me in a more-than-friends way.

    But EWWW!!! I dunno what to do!

    I mean, I understand it must be hard for her, but why'd she have to tell ME!? How insensitive was that, when she knows I'm straight? hgtsuiwergqhrwegvihtoihgoi4rg;irtkbljj;erjgkwghriu4htiu4h3ituhrelgh34uth34iu4qwtgi2u35trdhkjwagvbkj

    help please

  • I'm fat, help please?

    I'm 5'5 and 117 pounds.

    ONE SEVENTEEN! I just weighed myself, and I was like, oh... god. My god. WTF HAPPENED!

    I used to be like 103!

    I hate myself. It sounds so, so shallow, but I hate myself. I'm lazy and fat and greedy, and this is what I get for it. I made mini-muffins today. I had SEVEN!

    I started trying to gain weight to get my period back (lost because I was running too much, I know I got enough iron and all). And it didn't work. So now a) I got fat for nothing and b) my reproductive system is still screwed.

    But I need to keep running well for XC. Since I gained weight, I'm running the same time (with 2 weeks serious training) that I did when I peaked end of last year. I'm doing 4 flat on 1000m intervals.

    So, I don't know how being fat made me a better runner than I was. But whatever.

    How can I lose weight but keep running my same times? How many calories should I eat a day?

    To give you an idea, for lunch tomorrow I packed a) whole wheat bagel with almond butter and all-fruit jelly, b) fiberful fruit leather, c) 2 celery stalks, d) apple, e) 1/2 c chickpeas, f) 2 mini-muffins. Now, obviously that is way too much, but its what I normally eat. So since I weighed myself I'll probably take out the muffins and have the chickpeas for an after-practice snack instead of lunch. Is stuff like that ok? Is that too much?

    And for breakfast, I'll have a bowl of oats with a piece of fruit, dinner can be a small bowl of pasta with lots of veggies and beans or some stir-fried tempeh?

    How many calories should I be eating in a day when I'm running? What about during indoor soccer season, since it burns less? Is what I'm planning to eat too much?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Meat-eaters, why do you eat meat?

    This is a serious question, no trolls please.

    I just don't get why people eat it...? Is it just because its yummy? Or do you think because its natural means its better for you?

    I mean, its bad for your health (yes, I have reliable sources if you want me to post them), its bad for the environment, and its bad for the animals.

    NOT trying to be rude! I'm just curious :)


    17 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • I'm an atheist at a Christian high school?

    OK so my parents send me to a Christian high school- they don't know I'm atheist and there's no way I'm telling them until I move out. Hope they don't get mad the tuition didn't pay off :)

    Anyways would you Christians get mad if I just stood there while everyone bows their heads and prays? I don't want to annoy anyone but there's no way I'm going to pray about something I don't believe in.

    Usually I find religion class to be fascinating, so thats not an issue, I like looking at things from other perspectives. I don't tout around the fact I'm an atheist, I'm not quite sure how many people even know about it.

    So... yeah, any opinions/tips appreciated, gracias :)

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can being vegan cause you to become lactose-intolerant?

    OK so I'm vegan.

    2 days ago I started getting really bad gas and some bloating :/

    So I look at my food log, and I check the ingredients on everything I ate, and apparently the bread (which I guess I must've mixed up with a vegan brand), the very last ingredient was 'nonfat milk'.

    One freaking minor ingredient in 2 slices of bread. How could I react to such a small amount?

    And I didn't know it had dairy in it so it couldn't have been psychological.

    I've read up with and what I've come up with is that most mammals stop producting lactase when they're weaned off breast milk. The gene gets turned off. So if you stop drinking milk (I was off it since spring), does the gene get turned off then?

    To be clear, this was a one-time mistake, and I'm staying vegan and I'm not going to try to reintroduce dairy back into my diet.

    Thanks for any help!

    6 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Dried beans instead of canned beans?

    OK so I'm trying to cut down on sodium- most in my diet comes from canned beans and pasta sauce, and I eat about 4-5 servings a day of those o.O So, I'm going to switch over to dried beans instead of canned beans.

    My question is, what do I do with the dried beans to prepare them? I've never done anything but canned.

    Do you soak them? If so, how long? Do you boil them? Soak them and then boil them?

    Basically, how do you prepare dried beans?

    Thanks for any help!

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • People who raised their kids vegan?

    OK, first of all, please don't tell me it's stupid or unhealthy. I've done a lot of research on the pros and cons, the reasons, the concerns and benedits, of a vegan diet and lifestyle. If I become pregnant, I plan on seeing a R.D. to ensure I'm getting everything. I've been vegan a while now, continue to run cross-country and distance track, and feel healthier than ever- so don't tell me what to do. Ok? Thanks.

    So, when I have kids, I definitely plan on raising them vegan. I have a couple questions for vegan parents

    -what do you do for halloween?

    -what do you do when your child's invited to birthday parties?

    For halloween, I think I'll host a big Halloween party with vegan candies, bat cookies, pumpkins, cupcakes, etc, every year with my kids so they don't feel totally left out.

    For birthday parties, do you just pack a lunch? I'm assuming you contact the host beforehand, how do they usually react?

    OK, thanks for any help :)

    5 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Omnivores' opinion- would this be polite?

    Ok, I'm a teenage girl, a vegan, and I run XC. For our XC team, we have pasta parties the nights before meets, where we all go to someone's house and eat lots and lots of carbs :)

    However, I'm vegan- and while most sauces and wheat pastas are vegan, I don't want to end up with margarine and stuff.

    So, I'm going to email the person who's hosting it:

    "Hey so-and-so!

    First off, thanks for hosting the pasta party :) Secondly, I wanted to let you know that I'm vegan- that means I don't eat meat, fish, eggs, dairy, or bee products. Most pastas and sauces are vegan, but I don't know what you're going to be preparing, and I don't want to necessitate a special dish. Would it be ok if I brought a dish- just spaghetti with marinara sauce or something like that- that's vegan, for everyone to share (1 1/2-2 pounds)? I think it might take a bit of stress off whoever's cooking, too.

    If that doesn't work for you, just let me know! I'm sorry for any inconvenience


    I really don't want to be a pain, but I'm not willing to break my ethics either. Would it be ok to contact her like that?

    Thanks for any suggestions or anything.

    5 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Who do people usually invite to their sweet 16?

    I'm only inviting about 20-25 girlfriends (and no guys). It's going to be an Alice in Wonderland theme, everyone's going to dress up, (I'm the red queen)and there's a costume contest, hedgehog croquet, etc. I don't want to make it a huge deal, and its going to be pretty casual.

    My question is, who should I invite? Obviously the 20-25 friends I mentioned, but family? Neighbors? Some friends I've known since I was 3, and I'm really close with their families, so should I invite their families? But then should I invite the families of the friends who I am not so close to (and don't know their families)? Should I invite my cousins who are my age (but that would be really awkward because they don't know my friends)?

    Don't tell me just to invite who I like, because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, and I don't know who it is normal to invite. Thanks!

    3 AnswersEntertaining1 decade ago
  • Who do people usually invite to their sweet 16?

    I'm only inviting about 20-25 girlfriends (and no guys). It's going to be an Alice in Wonderland theme, everyone's going to dress up, (I'm the red queen)and there's a costume contest, hedgehog croquet, etc. I don't want to make it a huge deal, and its going to be pretty casual.

    Just light tea party finger foods (mad tea party)- mock chicken salad, scones, cucumber sandwiches, lemon biscotti, thumbprint cookies, and then lots of desserts- playing card cake, cookies and cupcakes that say 'eat me', etc. There'll be painted roses, teapots, rabbit tracks, caterpillars, pink lawn flamingos, etc, as decorations. I want to have a caricature drawer who exaggerates one feature of each guest (like how the red queen's courtiers have big nose, big forehead, big ears, etc). It'll probably be from 5-9:30 pm or something like that. We're going to watch the Alice In Wonderland movie at the end.

    My question is, who should I invite? Obviously my friends, but family? Neighbors? Some friends I've known since I was 3, and I'm really close with their families, so should I invite their families? But then should I invite the families of the friends who I am not so close to (and don't know their families)? Should I invite my cousins who are my age (but that would be really awkward because they don't know my friends)?

    Don't tell me just to invite who I like, because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, and I don't know who it is normal to invite. Thanks!

    2 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • do you agree or disagree that?

    in every nonbeliever, there is something longing to believe

    and in every believer, there is something longing to doubt

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is this an ok weight?

    I'm a teenage girl, I'm 5'5 and 105 lbs.

    Everyone says I'm thin- my friend's mom actually talked to my mom because she thought I was underweight- but I feel fat- not unhealthily so, but unattractively so, if that makes sense. Part of me knows that my BMI is even underweight, but then most of me is telling me that my thighs are enormous, that I'm flabby, etc.

    I don't know what to do- I'm so scared I'm going to get an eating disorder, or screw up my body. I'm not close enough to anyone that I would feel ok talking about it.

    I run XC and distance track and eat a healthy vegan diet. I kept track of a few days, and I eat around 1600 calories a day (I run/swim 4-5 days/week).

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Vegan and going to the beach, an omnivores opinion appreciated?

    I'm going to the beach for a week with a friend and her family (we're leaving tomorrow morning). They are big meat eaters and do not know about me being vegan or even vegetarian.

    Anyway, my mom and I were fighting over what i should do

    My mom says:

    -don't tell her mom because then she will feel the need to prepare dishes for you, buy stuff like tofu/veggie burgers, etc, and you don't want to put her under stress

    -it would be rude to prepare my own meal, even if its just granola and almond milk, when another meal is already being prepared for everyone else

    -that I should just go with the flow instead of being high-maintenance

    I say

    -tell her, but make it very clear that I am bringing my own food (granola, Luna bars, almond milk, trek mix, dried fruit), and am perfectly happy eating that, and please, please, please, don't prepare any special food, and that I'm really sorry for any inconvenience but thought I should let her know

    -that it would also be just as rude to refuse to eat her food without any explanation

    I'm also bringing plenty of my own money, so if we go grocery shopping I might buy veggie burgers or a frozen meal, but all with my own money. If we're eating out, I'm not going to complain or ask them to take me somewhere with veg options, most places have salads with oil&vinegar or a plain baked potato.

    I also NEVER am rude about other people eating meat, never make snide comments, faces, or preach, etc.

    What do you think? What should I do?

    Thanks to everyone for nice answers :)

    PostScript- please, please don't tell me "Just eat a bit of meat.dairy, won't kill ya", because I'm vegan for ethical reasons (among other things), and in my opinion there is no halfway point in ethics. I can't say "I think eating meat is wrong, except when I'm on vacation and its convenient".

    I'm just looking for a meat-eater's opinion on this- as different diets would tend to look at it biasedly, even if they don't mean to. Thanks

    10 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • I'm vegan and going to the beach for a week- all answers welcome?

    I'm going to the beach for a week with a friend and her family. They are big meat eaters and do not know about me being vegan or even vegetarian.

    Anyway, my mom and I were fighting over what i should do

    My mom says:

    -don't tell her mom because then she will feel the need to prepare dishes for you, buy stuff like tofu/veggie burgers, etc, and you don't want to put her under stress

    -it would be rude to prepare my own meal, even if its just granola and almond milk, when another meal is already being prepared for everyone else

    -that I should just go with the flow instead of being high-maintenance

    I say

    -tell her, but make it very clear that I am bringing my own food (granola, Luna bars, almond milk, trek mix, dried fruit), and am perfectly happy eating that, and please, please, please, don't prepare any special food, and that I'm really sorry for any inconvenience but thought I should let her know

    -that it would also be just as rude to refuse to eat her food without any explanation

    I'm also bringing plenty of my own money, so if we go grocery shopping I might buy veggie burgers or a frozen meal, but all with my own money. If we're eating out, I'm not going to complain or ask them to take me somewhere with veg options, most places have salads with oil&vinegar or a plain baked potato.

    I also NEVER am rude about other people eating meat, never make snide comments, faces, or preach, etc.

    What do you think? What should I do?

    Thanks to everyone for nice answers :)

    PostScript- please, please don't tell me "Just eat a bit of meat.dairy, won't kill ya", because I'm vegan for ethical reasons (among other things), and in my opinion there is no halfway point in ethics. I can't say "I think eating meat is wrong, except when I'm on vacation and its convenient".

    11 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Is 1,000 calories a day enough on a diet?

    for a 15-yr-old 5'5 girl?

    I hear all about starvation mode, but what everyone says is always different, so if anyone has any DEPENDABLE REPUTABLE links that would be helpful.

    And I will be exercising- shooting basketball, swimming laps, etc, and I always eat healthy.

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago