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  • Is "sex" a cuss word?

    Just a few minutes ago at around 7:40pm, my (21m) brother (9m) came downstairs after finding out that my bedroom door was open. The show, "Family Guy," was on. He asked me that when I leave the bedroom, I should close the door because the show is "too inappropriate."

    I believed him, acknowledging and accepting the fact that FG was inappropriate. However, I asked him, "Didn't you say a few months ago that your parents let you watch that show sometimes?" He responded, "Um, that was The Simpsons." He added, "There's less S-E-X and other inappropriate things." I swear, he spelled out the word, which to me is exactly the same as saying it.

    My brother also added regarding The Simpsons, because of "sensitive people," that show has actually become more appropriate and kid-friendly. I've watched both the old seasons and new seasons and they're absolutely no more appropriate than Futurama or Bob's Burgers, which everyone knows are adult shows.

    But my stigma is where the word "sex" is at, and sexual content is the only specific thing my brother mentioned, not profanity or violence.

    1 AnswerLanguages2 days ago
  • Why is it always the Trump supporters that go by "President Elect..." on social media?

    I don't mean to generalize. I just never see any Biden supporters, liberals or even leftists do this whole President Elect trend.

    5 AnswersPolitics3 days ago
  • How do I transform my Chromebook into a Windows XP?

    I am doing this for a school project.

    1 AnswerSoftware3 days ago
  • Is "Biden" a swear word?

    Tonight we were eating at a sushi restaurant and the Japanese-American news channel was on and it was mentioning Joe Biden. My brother said "Biden!" and our mom shushed him as if it was a cuss word similar to crap, damn, asshole, sh** or f***.

    2 AnswersPolitics4 days ago
  • Is "poo" a swear word?

    I'm surprised anyone finds it to be a swear word. My stepdad (47m) questioned me (21m) for using it. I said, "There was some poo" in regards to the toilet. He said, "Poo?"

    Here's the context:

    My brother's dad [47m] is raising a ******* tattletale and he [9m] doesn't know it. He's responsible for all the crap that I have questioned yet he takes offense to my anger. I wasn't having a "trigger" or a "blowout" as my mom [45f] accuses me of having, but I was implying that even a kid with half a brain would check to make sure to flush the toilet completely.

    The toilet had some piss and poop, I asked who forgot to flush it. I knocked on the door but the parents weren't available for discussion at that brief moment. I said to my brother, "You know what- I'm just gonna pretend I didn't flush it" just to put the blame on myself since "no one wants to take responsibility."

    I flushed the toilet, only peed and reflushed, and my brother was accused of sharing "too much information" that he (and I, too) are informed not to discuss poop or pee with anyone BESIDES the parents.

    A lot of kids' shows/movies make pee and poo jokes. Doctors/nurses discuss pee (urinal) with patients. What's the ******* big deal?

    2 AnswersEtiquette6 days ago
  • How many Trump voters sided with George Gascon last year?

    I am one of them.

    I know that many Trump voters and some Biden voters sided with Jackie Lacey.

    Being that George Gascon was the progressive pick, many Biden voters sided with him. However, as a Trump voter, I voted for him too.

    3 AnswersPolitics1 week ago
  • What are your thoughts of Lewis Hamilton after he was accused of making antisemitic and xenophobic remarks about Hispanics?

    Lewis Hamilton, the black F1 racing driver with experience, has made a few insensitive remarks similar to what Jeremy Clarkson has done. But people only place the blame on Clarkson.

    My POV:

    The media doesn't rant about black racists the same way they do about white racists because they want to make sure the black person is always innocent.

    A few months back, he was trashtalking Jews, calling them and their country (Israel) "a bunch of termites and rats," and spoke of American Hispanic women as "dogs from shithole countries." Despite his remarks, he has gained support from Mercedes-AMG.

    1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups2 weeks ago
  • Why do most parents force their kids to sleep?

    Most adults don't even sleep themselves.

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 weeks ago
  • Why are most English teachers Trump supporters?

    My mom told me if someone says the teachers say they "cannot share their political views" it means they are lying. I believe what my mom said. I can tell they support Trump because of their aggressive/old-school character.

    2 AnswersPolitics2 weeks ago
  • Should I kiss my girlfriend and pet her even though she said no?

    We started dating and after discussing politics I asked her if I could hug her, tease her and kiss her on the lips and she said no. I attempted to kiss her twice and she walked away, sat down and cried. She told me to "go upstairs" and I wanted to yell at her like a madman but I don't want any trouble so I just went upstairs like she said. Later that day, I found her sleeping in the same bed as my mom and stepdad and brother.

    I seriously want to force my girlfriend out of my family's bedroom and get her into my bedroom.

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating2 weeks ago
  • Should I lie to my girlfriend about my vote?

    I voted for Trump and my new girlfriend is super progressive and anarchist on Twitter, retweets black women and says stuff like "f*** the police."

    She asked me who I voted for, and I said Trump, and she threatened to break up with me. I told her I was just kidding and that my vote was "private."

    13 AnswersSingles & Dating2 weeks ago
  • Attachment image

    What kind of Armenian food is this?

    I tried finding this and no results appeared to be found. I tried asking my parents but they told me to shut the hell up.

    1 AnswerEthnic Cuisine2 weeks ago
  • Attachment image

    How do I make Facebook pay me back $4?

    Retailer Name: FACEBK *V8K97Z2H42 (re: money issue)

    What happened: I promoted about 5 posts and I "paused" the promotions after about a day to budget. Instead of $6, the dollar was already rounded up to the set $10 after the "pending" as I checked my Visa gift card balance.

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance2 weeks ago
  • Is it safe to walk in Los Angeles past 12am?

    For example, I live in Pasadena. At 12am I plan on walking for a combined four to six hours, possibly to two or three different cities and back. My stepdad works at home starting at 6-8am depending on the mood.

    Technically I am required to "sleep" at 12 but if he's in bed at, say, 12:30, usually he won't know, so long as I keep quiet.

    4 AnswersFamily3 weeks ago
  • Was it right for me (21M) to block a younger girl (16F)?

    We had each other on TikTok and Snapchat. I am funny on TikTok and sometimes this girl would chat with me on Snapchat. I would duet to her videos (she is comfortable with that) and she started following me because my videos were funny (and she likes political videos too). So she asked me which college I go to, I said [redacted], and I asked her which school she goes to, and she said she doesn't feel comfortable sharing that info with the public. I told her everything is a two-way street and she said no it's not. So she hung up and I blocked her.

    I blocked her on Snapchat because I tried to convince her that everything is a two-way street but she wouldn't listen. I also do not feel comfortable engaging with underage people, especially girls.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating3 weeks ago