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  • Why am I having such a hard time working out?

    I started swimming competitively when I was 7 years old and at the same time played club soccer year round. I continued to swim and play soccer for over 7 years....I was in seriously good shape. Then I stopped playing sports and focused on school for about a year and a half. I then began playing volleyball once a week for a church league and continued through highschool until graduation this past year. Over the summer I have been doing some exercise ( I played about 45 of tennis every night, and ran 1 mile per week) nothing intense. I just got to college 3 days ago for volleyball training. We were doing conditioning when I started to feel really exhausted and in pain. Since we were in volleyball tryout camp I didn't say anything and just thought I could push through the workout...Towards the end of the circuit the coach ran over and pulled me to the side because she said I wasn't breathing well...I was so physically drained and had been so focused on trying to keep myself moving I hadn't even been thinking about my breathing...The coach asked me to take deep breaths and I was totally unable to do so...I could only take really short staggered breaths for the first minute or two....then I was able to breath deeply but only when I bent down and had my head and chest facing the floor....I also noticed that my nose and mouth were tingling and numb which was really weird. 15 minutes later I got a pretty intense headache while we were running stairs and it lasted for the rest of the my question is this...Is there something wrong with me? Or am I just really out of shape? The practice was EXTREMELY INTENSE! But I also really didn't feel right at all...and even now 2 days later my muscles r really tight (they are also sore but it seems like no matter how much I stretch or try to move around or heat them the muscles just won't loosen very much). I eat pretty healthy balanced meals, and am pretty skinny, and I thought in good shape, but after that practice I felt awful and tired for pretty much the rest of the 3 days...I don't know whether I should be worried or I should just focus on getting back into shape? Help!

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care8 years ago
  • why am i always feeling sick?

    For about two weeks now I've just not been feeling very good at all. I feel slightly nauseous all the time, and i have almost no appetite. Usually i have a huge appetite, and I never feel like this, i just was wondering why? I have figured out recently within the last two months that I can't eat certain foods anymore, like anything greasy or do u think this could be fixed by changing my diet? any suggestions would be appriciated

    2 AnswersPsychology10 years ago
  • please watch this youtube vid!?

    This is an insanely awsome video my sister made...and she really wants some honest feed PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE watch and comment...its amazing, you wont regret!

    1 AnswerSinging1 decade ago
  • are you bored? looking for something to do or watch?

    Okay, I am trying to promote my sisters video she made, cause she has mad skills when it comes to make music the link, watch, and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave comments!:

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What to where tube socks with?

    I have seven pairs of the CUTEST tube socks ever, but I haven't ever worn them before. What kinds of things should I where them with. Could anyone possibly post pictures also?? I am just clueless! and I really want to wear them and look please leave any comments.

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • I REALLY need help with my Mp3?

    I have a huge I-Tunes Library and I want to put those songs onto my Mp3. The problem is that whenever I plug my Mp3 into the computer it always comes up in my Windows Music setting, but doesn't show up as a device on I-Tunes. I have no idea what to do. I wouldn't even mind if I could just transfer the I- Tunes music to My Music folder on my computer, but I have tried that and it didnt work... so if anyone has any ideas I would really appreciate your help.

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • How to talk to a boy without being awkward?

    Okay, I have the worst crush on this one guy at my school, but it will never work out. So i figure at least I should try to be really good friends with him, but I don't know how to transfer from the " acquaintance who teases and is teased" stage to the " still good friend, but also really trustworthy, serious confidant" ? Any suggestions would be appreciated but please be realistic people.

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • I need abs, without a lot of pain?

    Okay, so I am really thin, I way 112, I'm 14 and I am almost 5'7" if that gives you an idea. I really want to look hot, and gets abs, not crazy wash board abs, but abs. Anyway, I never could do the whole "pain is gain" routine where you doing a million crunches and fight through the pain. Its not pain I mind, its that it never pays off, and it leaves my shoulders and lower back cramped, sore, and aching for weeks after wards. So if anyone knows a good method to use for getting great abs quickly and effectively then please HELP ME!!!

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Whats a good research paper to write about?

    Okay, so for the end of the year project at my school I have to write a research paper. I am so bad at picking topics so I was hoping to get some suggestions.... There are a few rules, I don't want it do be very political. I also want it to be broad, but really amazing and unknown. It has to be with in the time period of 1900-1950. I cannot do topics like World War I, or II. I also can't do the civil rights movement. I want a really ridiculous and awesome topic, so whatever suggestions you guys have, I would be really really grateful.

    1 AnswerOther - Education1 decade ago
  • Help me convince my parents about Halloween?

    Okay, my parents think that Halloween is bad because its "the Devils Birthday" and I really want some candy. So please give me some good aurguments I can use so that I can go tricker treating this year.

    3 AnswersHalloween1 decade ago
  • Uh, my hair is so bland!?

    I have a major problem. I have gorgeous, long blond hair, but i have absolutely no style, and no ideas. I can't get it cut because I am in a play and it has to be as long as possible! anyway, I am sick of keeping it in a braid, and it doesn't curl at all.So give me some ideas about how to were it and style it.

    1 AnswerHair1 decade ago
  • Help me, I really like this kid I go to school with.?

    I really like him, but i have a few problems. First off, he is a year older. Second, I only see him twice a week, and not for a long time. And third, Ive got a lot of competition, like my beautiful older sister, and all of my class mates.

    2 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago