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Potter'sClay-Isa 64:8
Fun loving, Fitness lover and have Jesus Christ as my Lord. Jokes i dont make. But real life scenarios are many times funny. Dont you laugh at times!
My ex dumped me despite me not cheating on her or anything. After many failed attempts to call her back (after months)?
i decided not to cry over someone who doesnt care you a bit.
Now after 2 yrs of asking for her divorce approval, she is now forcing me to take her back saying she loves me. I have no interest in this person anymore due to what she dealt me in the past. Now they are coming for a discussion in which they want me to take her like she is got some brain damage. She is like a kid who still thinks i love her. But i hate her like hell and have no interest in her. Thing is i need to outrightly express this to her while meeting her and her family for a discussion on this. Give me some strong words to thrash on them. Not cuss words. Any? Thanks.
6 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agoWas Jesus Christ really crucified?
Or as the muslims say - he was not, but another impostor in his place?
If Jesus Christ was not crucified, that means he didnt resurrect too. That means He hasnt then appeared to the disciples who were then new apostles and were hiding in fear of the Jews or the Romans. AND if He hasn't appeared to them - then there is no further preaching of the Gospel of Christ.
Regardless of what i have said - what is your personal beliefs or proofs that He has / hasn't died?
You may mention spiritual dreams or visions too - if you feel like you or anyone had it. Thanks for sharing. God bless you all
13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoAccounting question: calculate Net Income?
Accounting question:
Following adjustments happen. Increase in:
Assets - 356000
Lia - 108000
Capital Stock - 240000
Additional paid-in capital - 24000
Dividend payment - 52000
Calculate Net Income?
1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance1 decade agoChristians, do you long for to have that Spirit that Caleb and Joshua had?
Num 14:24 But my servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit and has followed me fully, I will bring into the land into which he went, and his descendants shall possess it.
[Entire story is from Numbers 13 - 14]
Its written that they had a different spirit. What does that mean? or how do you relate that with our spiritual life?
Thanks for answering. God bless.
9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoFellow christians: how much refreshed do you feel in the Spirit when you read the Word of God?
I was reading this portion of the scripture where Moses sends spies to spy the land of Canaan. [Numbers 13-14]. Now just look at the unfaithfulness of 10 of the spies. Make no mistake, they have experienced the exodus from Egypt, the Red Sea miracles, the manna miracles etc. They went out now to spy the land. And they did not come back empty handed. They had grapes bunches cut and they were not the small grapes size as we now see in the market. Read it carefully. They had to carry it in a pole and helped by two men for each pole! Still what they said - words of fear and discouragement.
But you can see in the next verses - the words from Caleb and Joshua:
>>“Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it.”
>>“The land we passed through to spy out is an exceedingly good land. 8 If the Lord delights in us, then He will bring us into this land and give it to us, ‘a land which flows with milk and honey.’ 9 Only do not rebel against the Lord, nor fear the people of the land, for they are our bread; their protection has departed from them, land the Lord is with us. Do not fear them.”
So my question is from these above portions:
how do you find these words refreshing in your spiritual life?
Thanks for all your answers. God bless.
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoSo the POPE of the catholics sanctions I-phone app for making confessions?
Well, Catholics have a pagan-tradition of confessing their sins to the priest. Only God can forgive sins my friend. BUT you choose to follow your vain man-made heathen adopted traditions of confessing to the priest!
So now - my question is: what do you think of this new sanction by the POPE to make the confessions via i-phone?
God bless
13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoQuestion based on Catholic teaching of child-baptism..?
1. Is child baptism ever taught anywhere in the Bible? OR are you taking examples of entire households getting baptised in ACTS OF APOSTLES and saying those households must have had some children or babies too ? (Which is nothing but an assumption)
2. These children or infants are baptised, because catholics teach that their Adamic sins should be cleased. This they do inorder to avoid LOSING heaven if the child happens to die before it develops its decerning capability of wrong and right. So my second question: Do you believe that God will judge such infants if they are not baptised? And if the infant doesnt happened to be baptised, will God put him/her in hell? Can i get a honest explanation to teach this way? Will a kid/infant be convicted of sin?
3. For such things as above, do you give more importance to what the Bible says or what the tradition says?
God bless
24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWho does the 144000 people represent in two different places in Revelation?
THere is 144,000 people in Rev 7 and there is another 144,000 in Rev 14. These both are not the same group. The figures though are literal i suppose.
Rev 7: 12000 each from 12 tribes of Israel. These are those who "look at the One who is pierced" and beat on their chest and lament acknowledging Christ?
Rev 14: these are the firstfruits BUT those who belong to Holy Zion in heaven.
Who are these two groups of 144,000 people mentioned in these chapters? Is there any valuable inputs than what i have written?
Thanks, God bless
14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoChristians, do u often realise, how much privileged are you to call your God as "Father"?
I know and hav spokn to various numbers of muslms who are religious acc to their book and they say that we are not supposed to call God as our Father. I cant blame them for this for they are taught in that way.
But christians, how often do you realise, that you are highly privileged are we to have God as our Father and call Him "abba Father"?
Along with calling God our Father, and having us adopted as His sons & daughters, to what extent are we to grow in his fullness?
God bless..
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWill the muslms like it if we build a church nearby the proposed mosq near Ground zero?
Also, why do the muslms like to njoy freedom here in US while they restrict other religions in their muslm countries like GCC, iraq, iran, pakistan etc?
Yes, there are churches in these countries, a few, and their own existence is at stake. If we need to build a church, there is no free permission. If a muslim person wants to convert to christianity, he/she is threatened of killing and torture. All these are done, not by "terrorists" but by ordinary muslms.
If they are intolerant of building churches and the growth of christianity, why do they demand so much for a mosq in US?
20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhy does it insult muslms when i carry a empty coffee cup, as usual, during ramadan days also?
I am living in a muslm country and wrking in a offc wher mjorty are muslms. Because of ramadan, i dont eat / drink publicly in office - because of their rule prohibiting eating / drinking in public.
So we are allowed to have it "inside" the pantry.
Now, There is a coffee cup i keep on my table. People started telling me, you should not even carry an empty cup "to and from" the pantry and that's an insult.
I just find this silly. Sorry if i am wrong. But can you tell how does this insult you if i carry an empty cup around?
Shouldnt your fasting be in secret? Or do you do fasting to "show" others that you are strict muslm?
Thank you and God bless.
14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoCan you tell me some good and short documentary video that can be interesting and exciting - office fun day?
i am using this section since there are many people on here and sorry if my question sounds dumb. WE are having a office fun day and i thought of having some interesting video shows on. It should be around a 30 minutes time frame or upto around 40 min. Staffs will be accompanying their families too. This is just one part of some other activities going on.
It can be any good documentary - which is family and children friendly.
Can any provide some good stuffs?
God bless you
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoA question about the Sep 11 attacks? Plane or Bomb?
I just want to post it here coz of its religious influence. There are some videos and articles which claims that these attacks were generated from inside and is not a plane hitting. Some claim they have seen the plane. What is the most appropiate news you believe and the support to back your claim?
Was it done by US themselves or the Alqaeda or Taliban?
(maybe its an outdated question, but i felt like asking it anyway)
Thank you for your answers
16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago1. Is Peter the rock on which the Church is built? Or does the Rock denote Jesus Christ?
Are we as christians supposed to hold onto Peter as that Rock on which the church is built?
2. The Rock on which the church is built should be unshakeable, bold and strong - ofcourse talking in the Spiritual sense. Do you agree with me?
3. If so, if Peter was this unshakeable Rock, then :
- why did he deny Christ?
- Why did he recommend Christ that crucifixion shouldnt happen to Jesus to which he was rebuked as saying what the devil intended?
- Why did he lost his courage when he stepped onto the water by seeing the wind and the waves?
4. By the above incidents show that Peter was NOT the Rock (unshakeable or Foundation Rock). If so, who then is the "Rock" , Jesus Christ is talking about in Matthew 16:18?
Matt 16:18 says,
(Jesus to Peter) “I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.
Are we being refreshed by this Rock daily in our spiritual life?
15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoTo our catholic / orthodox friends, if Bible instructs us to pray or intercede only thru Jesus Christ?
Why do you need another person like Mary or other Saints to intercede for you in heaven? Are we not bound to obey the salvation teaching thru Jesus Christ who is the only One who died for all of our sins?
24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoAccording to the Bible, can we worship Mother Mary and bow down at her statue?
Shouldnt she be holy since she brought forth the Holy God Jesus Christ?
If you are telling that worshipping Mother Mary is wrong, are you not telling that 80% or more of the whole christian population is wrong too? Do you think such a huge population will be mistaken?
17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhen someone dies in Gaza Israel conflict its drawn to International media highlights, why?
And when in Pakistan, muslims kill other muslims and hundreds are dying almost everyday - but they dont get so much of international hatred or such higlights in international media. Why is that?
Obviously the incidents in Pakistan , Iran, Iraq about bombings are coming in the news but not drawing such international hatred as the news surrounding Israel.
Is it because muslims fighting each other is considered more tolerable than this Gaza event?
19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoShould we give importance to Mother Mary since she was the Mother of Jesus? Is it right if we pray to her?
2. "If we are not supposed to pray / intercede to Mother Mary, then why do you let your pastors / church leaders to lay hands on you and pray for you?"
3. Also, some claim that Mother Mary has not died, she is only transformed to heaven - becoz there is no verse in the Bible that says that Mary died. So, did Mother Mary die or not?
4. So what is the harm in praying to a person who reached heaven and so that they can intercede for us?
Please quote Bible references to your answer. Thanks.
18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoCooking recipe for boneless fish - Cream Dory Fillet?
Ok. So i have bought this one fish called Cream Dory Fillet . Hmmm... if u havent heard its ok, just consider it as another fish. THis is available in the market, with bones removed. Here, i got a link u can see the first picture in there in the black background...
Can u tell me how to cook this with a simple recipe?
4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoChristians, about water baptism: 'Who' needs to be baptized?
A baby / child? or a person believing in Jesus Christ?
I am asking this because of the concept of child-baptism which is praticed in catholic and some other denominations.
Jesus says in Mark 16:15-16
15And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.
16He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned."
Are we to stick to our human traditions or what the Bible teaches us?
God bless
19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago