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  • What are some rap/hip hop artists whose style would fit in with these artists?

    Busta Rhymes


    Weerd Science

    Cypress Hill

    Krayzie Bone


    Tech N9ne

    Mainly, I m looking for artists with complex lyrical rhythms and fast delivery, with themes similar to what these artists sing about.

    Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop7 years ago
  • Is it true that Fox News didn't mention Labor Day on their broadcast today?

    And is it because the jaded, sociopathic, oligarchs who control the network are no longer even trying to disguise their contempt for the common man?

    3 AnswersMedia & Journalism8 years ago
  • Help me find a Rap or Hip-Hop Song about UFOs?

    I'm looking for a hip-hop/rap song that is all about government conspiracies, UFOs, maybe the Illuminati, and other similar things.

    I heard this song around 2004, so it is at least that old. It kind of sounded like the Roots or BEP - a hip hop group featuring different vocalists.

    1 AnswerRap and Hip-Hop8 years ago
  • Christians: Are most of your 'representatives' on Y!A for real, or trolls?

    I am constantly astounded by the depth of ignorance, refusal to apply common sense, and condescending posts made by people here claiming to be Christian.

    For the most part, would you say Y!A is a good cross-section of Christianity?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Agnostics: Time to Own Up?

    I know definitions vary, but generally an 'agnostic' person is one who is undecided about the existence of God (or of some aspect thereof).

    Here's my problem with that: It's not really intellectually honest. It's a case of special pleading, wherein you are giving the idea of God an undeserved 'benefit of the doubt' just because (presumably) you are not comfortable with just plain denying.

    Are you unsure about Leprechauns?

    Allow me to copypasta for a moment...

    "Let's imagine that we have a conversation one day and I say to you, "I believe in Leprechauns. You cannot prove that Leprechauns do not exist, therefore they exist." You actually have heard of Leprechauns. There are lots of books, movies and fairy tales dealing with Leprechauns. People talk about Leprechauns all the time. Leprechauns even have a popular brand of breakfast cereal. But that does not mean that Leprechauns exist. There is no physical evidence for the existence of Leprechauns. Not a single bit. Therefore, it is obvious to any normal person that Leprechauns are imaginary."

    The question is, why do we not hold the idea of God up to the same 'doesn't exist until proven so' standard that we hold every single other thing up to?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why are so many Christian fundamentalists on their 2nd (or more) Marriage?

    I don't want to mention any names, but i feel a big BALL OF FIRE when I think of how hypocritical it is to make a solemn vow before God to love someone forever, but then remarry someone else...

    Any insight?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Creationists: Have you considered?

    That the universe may have been 'created' by something other than a God?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Help me find a Hip-Hop Song about UFOs, Government Conspiracy, etc.?

    I'm looking for a hip-hop/rap song that is all about government conspiracies, UFOs, and other similar things.

    I heard this song around 2004, so it is at least that old. It kind of sounded like the Roots or BEP - a hip hop group featuring different singers.

    This is not the Eminem song about 911.

    3 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop1 decade ago
  • Freewill: What a Load of Crapola... Am I Right?

    I know, we'll never solve this eons-old debate on Y/A! But it's worth considering if you haven't before...

    (Looking at you, Fundamentalist Theists.)

    How is it possible for an all-powerful, all-knowing God who is bound to act only in goodness, to 'allow' his creations to act outside his will?

    Consider: God is all-powerful. He can do whatever he desires, and can make any event occur.

    God is all-knowing. He knows perfectly the events of the past, present, and future.

    God knows what you will do before you do it, and he has the ability to make you do something different if he chooses, right? That, by itself, means you don't really have free-will, because God holds veto-power over your actions. If God does not have control over you, then he is not all-powerful.

    You may argue that it is still freewill because God chooses not to interfere. But you don't even need to take action at all, because God already has seen what your actions will be, (and has already judged you for them).

    Since God made you, knows your choices, knows your future, and ultimately controls all the things that will happen to you, how can you call that freewill?

    If you are of the belief that God does NOT know your future and is waiting to see your actions before he judges, then you must believe that God can be surprised by the choices you make:

    GOD: "I really thought Ralph was going to make it to heaven, but then he went and hired that hooker! I couldn't believe it!"

    This lack of information about your future means God is not all-knowing.

    Isn't it impossible to have an all-powerful God and freewill in the same universe?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists Don't "Want" God To Exist?

    Theists are constantly accusing atheists of dishonesty about their beliefs. It is said that atheists just don't "want" God to exist, because they would then be judged for their actions.

    This position reveals a lack of understanding that I find, well, difficult to understand.

    Speaking as an atheist, I would LOVE for God to be real. An infinitely strong force for good that only wants to love me until he welcomes me to eternal bliss sounds pretty great, actually.

    For similar reasons, I would also love for Santa Claus and Optimus Prime to be real. But alas, I KNOW because of my OBSERVATION, CONTEMPLATION, DEDUCTION, and INTROSPECTION, that God cannot be real. You must employ these things in order to 'believe' in the reality of ANYTHING.

    I know this in the same way that I know Leprechauns and Hill Trolls aren't real. It's not that I fear the reality of Leprechauns and Hill Trolls. I disbelieve in your god (or any God) for many of the same reasons that Christians don't 'believe' in the Muslim God who tells people to blow themselves up on busses. Or is the argument that suicide bombers just don't WANT to believe in the Christian God?

    Some other person, through their own OBSERVATION, CONTEMPLATION, DEDUCTION, and INTROSPECTION, may come to a different conclusion about the existence of God. Many of these people will (contrary to all sense, IMO) conclude that God is real. Others will honestly conclude that God is not real.

    I think the real issue is that Christians cannot reconcile that their all-powerful, all-loving God created people that honestly cannot believe in him.

    In the end, isn't it theists who are truly the frightened ones?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is the Bible PROOF of?

    Why would people obey, consult, and even worship, a book?

    Most people who quote the bible or make life decisions based upon it are unaware of its origins!

    This is like me deciding to sculpt my life around some political pamphlet I find in an alley.

    People say their 'proof' of God is the bible!

    The bible is just a book (and not a very good one), written by many MANY different people over thousands of years. It has been re-translated and re-edited so many times it is difficult to even know the origin of many of the books. The modern 'bible' was shaved down from literally THOUSANDS of texts - most of which were thrown out because they didn't mesh with the political climate of the day. Even biblical scholars who have studied the book for DECADES can't even be sure of the meanings of many of the verses...

    Here's what the bible PROVES:

    1. People are gullible, and likely to believe anything if an authority figure tells them.

    2. The older something claims to be, the more likely people are to ignore it's self-contradictions.

    3. A story with a happy ending will sell a lot of copies.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How Can You PROVE God Doesn't Exist?

    Being unable to prove something false does NOT make it true, people! Seriously, do we need to re-visit this 3rd-grade concept to have an adult conversation here?

    Let's say we'll believe in everything that has not been otherwise disproven. That is to say,we believe in god because someone gave us the idea, and we were not able to immediately dismiss it with available 'evidence', so we internalize the belief.

    So, I have this 25' rainbow colored sasquatch which I keep in my basement. He's really smart and important. He gives me all kinds of good advice and makes me happy. Plus, he says I can go to sasquatch land when I die... What? You don't believe me? Prove it's not true! Otherwise, get ready to go to sasquatchello when you die - the evil place where you're in sasquatch poop forever!

    What? He wasn't in the basement when YOU were there? That's because he's such a smart sasquatch that he was out running my errands? OH? You don't find any sasquatch hair in my house? Well, he's the cleanest sasquatch ever - a hairless one. What's that? Nobody has EVER seen a sasquatch or collected any evidence of one? That's just because my magical sasquatch only appears to people who really WANT to believe...

    You can make something ridiculous into 'reality' when you have no standards for truth. Add "You can't prove it's false" and apparently you can win over 50% of the population.

    I mean, there is just as much evidence in support of my sasquatch as there is in support of god (that is to say, none, except human claims), and there is an equal lack of verifiable, repeatable evidence for both. We cannot ever PROVE anything about god, because the idea of god - like my rainbow sasquatch - was created to be something which can NEVER be proven true or false.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How does the Old Testament predict/describe Jesus' life in detail?

    I have heard this claimed. Evidence in support?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is EA Online the WORST online game company EVER?

    I purchased Battlefield: Bad Company 2 when it came out. I was able to play for a single buggy, imbalanced, no-servers, hack-filled month. Now, for the last month, the game is reduced to 'Unable to connect to EA Online". That's it. No explanation, no advice, just "Sorry, your game doesn't work anymore."

    I have tried reinstalling, restarting, reinstalling Punkbuster, and every other imaginable solution aside from buying a new computer. The EA forums don't work, and I have had predictably useless "assistance" from EA's "tech support".

    So, is EA online the worst online game company ever?


    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Isn't Battlestar Galactica Season 1 Idiotic?

    I have heard that the new Battlestar Galactica series is great. I started watching it.

    It is supposed to be a gritty, realistic sci-fi series. The first few episodes seemed to be alright...until...

    First season, the episode "You Can't Go Home Again". Starbuck literally rips apart the interior of a downed cylon ship, sucks on an open tube of oxygen from the ship, then simply grabs onto the severed ends of control surface cables and is able to pilot the ship into orbit.

    Also, she is able to patch a hull breach using only her jacket.

    If someone can explain to me how to keep faith in this series after this, please do. I was really hoping to like this show, but I don't think I can after this.

    4 AnswersOther - Television1 decade ago
  • Does a high seed content in marijuana indicate low quality bud?

    More seeds, less crystals? Any connection?

    4 AnswersBotany1 decade ago
  • Sometimes The Answer To Prayer is "No"?

    Please explain the process God uses to decide how to answer a prayer.

    What are the qualifications for God to deviate from his pre-approved, perfect, plan for the sake of some mortal asking?

    Also, if I ask God for something and I receive it, doesn't that mean God was going to give it to me anyway? So what was the point in asking?

    Just trying to understand - thanks!

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago