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Lv 43,212 points


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I have been doing construction and remodeling for over 26 years now. I also have my own construction/remodel company. My favorite thing to do for work is remodel kitchens. When I started years back I said to myself, 'I will never do remodeling". Well I have eatin my words. Remodeling is the hardest thing to do in carpentry but I found out that it`s sometimes the most rewarding. I think I have done about everything possible in the carpentry field. And have seen things that has amazed me. Even asked myself, "How did the building inspector allow this to pass the final inspection?". I Love my job an Love to help people as much as I can... Love making other lifes easier !!!!!!!!!! If you want to contact me and ask me any questions about carpentry/remodeling, here`s my email address: