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  • Cat's Mouth Bleeding, cause unclear?

    My grandmother decided to take in this stray cat she found one day. I live next door, I help take care of Daisy. It's been probably been about a month since then. One thing we did notice that there is something wrong with her skin. Her nose has red lumps over it.

    But something else noticed is that there seems to often be smeared blood in her hair somewhere. Some days I see blood on her belly, her foot or leg. It was only a small amount and there seems to be scabs on her that could bleed of her scratched them so I ignored it. Though one morning I checked on her and there was blood all over her mouth. Her entire chin was completely covered with blood as if she was bleeding from her mouth, a lot of it. Not 100% sure if she was bleeding from her mouth but it's the most likely reason.

    My first thought was that there was something wrong with her teeth. I checked and her teeth look normal to me though she does try to push me away when I look at her mouth or lift her chin; though I know many cats who find that quite uncomfortable so it might be nothing.

    She doesn't seem to be injured or acting unusual, she's eating and everything. I saw her an hour ago and she has a little blood on her foot. She sleeps on the bed and now there's blood on the bedsheets. I can't track where the blood is coming from. I'm going arrange to take her to the vet but anyone have any ideas?

    3 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Siamese cat coughing, other cats feeling ill?

    I have a year old Seal-Point Siamese called "Snowbie"; for the last two days, she's been coughing. It's really loud, she's coughing up something. It's not blood, she coughs and out comes a ton of slobber. We are pretty sure it's Bronchitis but we could be wrong.

    Every few minutes she thrusts her head forward for some reason, she coughs loudly every 5-60 minutes, there doesn't seem to be a pattern. She isn't vomiting, she can breathe out her nose fine, she isn't sneezing either.

    She is having trouble eating, she coughs during, slobbers a lot and ends up spitting out some of what eating while she tries to eat. We are hand-feeding little bites at a time, she coughs a lot and it tries to come right up but she is able to keep it down. She *can* eat but it's difficult for her.

    She is a very active cat, she doesn't seem to be sleeping a lot or playing any less. While she's playing she's coughing but still bouncing up and down regardless. She's begging to go outside in the icy 40F weather to play right now even though I won't let her. I've added an attachments of Snowbie.

    I try to isolate her from other cats so she won't spread it, though I think I'm doing a bad job at it; it's hard when you have NINE cats. My Calico named Cali cat sticks to Snowbie like glue, they keep smelling noses and it's hard to isolate her from Snowbie. Now she's looking sick...Watery; glassy eyes, her tongue keeps coming out, I think she has a sore throat.

    I also have a male Bombay named Mickey who had suffered from similar problems and after a week he's better and playing again.

    Should I take them to the vet or should they just rest? Is there any medication or things I could do that might help?

    1 AnswerCats8 years ago
  • Hair loss, black scabs on nose, constant scratching?

    My orange tabby has a blackish-brownish...something on his nose. It feels scale-like when I touch it. He doesn't see to be bothered by it. When he got it one day, I thought it was a bruise. It's been a few months and it's still there, I think it's gotten slightly bigger.

    It's not on his nostrils, it's on the actual nose where a thin coat of hair should be. His nose has next to no hair on it. It's about the size of a penny, it's like a scaly black scab. He has little black spots on his nostrils and lips, like many orange tabbies. I don't have many pictures of his nose, I can only describe it. He's about three years old.

    The part of his belly between his back legs is completely bald. He's got a small bald patch down his back slightly bigger than the size of a quarter. It's right at the start of his back, between the bones of his front legs. I started putting olive oil on his back (it's supposed to help hair loss), his hair grew back a little bit after a week yet he keeps scratching and washing it repeatedly.

    The bald patches seem to not be irritated. The bald area near his nose seems to be red though. The bald area on his belly and back seems to be a soft light pink, not scaly or painful.

    He constantly scratching, every 10 seconds he's scratching everywhere. Scratch left ear, scratch the other, scratch neck, scratch back, anywhere he can reach. We regular clean out his ears, he just keep scratching. We clean him of fleas and ticks a couple times a week, he has very few fleas and has never had a tick.

    He is spayed, he likes to travel outside but he doesn't fight with any of the other cats in the area. He hasn't gotten any wounds recently.

    Another troubling thing is he's occasionally vomiting after he eats. He used to do this all the time, now it's rare though.

    I have 9 cats (yes, seriously) and nobody seems to be picking anything up from him. They all eat from many pans after another, share the same 5 sleeping spots and are close to him.

    2 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • Being around Steam makes feel faint?

    This has been happening for a while. Whenever I bathe in really hot water; I start feeling faint, dizzy and I feel like I have trouble breathing. Showers are short 5 minutes or less, the symptoms hardly effect me. In baths I sit in steam for long periods of time. A lot of people relax in rooms of steam; when I inhale steam, I feel like I can't breathe.

    2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases8 years ago
  • I ate some moly bread?

    I ate a sandwich for lunch about an hour ago. I'm a teenager, my mom had two packs of bread. She noticed that I didn't use any of the new bread. She asked me if I ate the old bread, I did. Turns out the bread was had mold growing on it and she was throwing it out to birds to get rid of it. The bread smelt horrible but I ate it thinking that's normal.

    I feel just fine, do you think there is any danger in the bread that I ate? Should I do something?

    5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink8 years ago
  • I think I might have depression, what do you think?

    I think I might have depression, I'm only a teenager just so you know. I'm blessed to have the parents I do, even though we don't always get along.

    I am extremely emotional, big time. Sometimes I just breakdown and cry and I don't even know why. Ever since I was young I would cry over little trivial things that don't matter but the older I got, the worse it got.

    This is a problem I got this year, I am get fiery RAGE over the littlest of things. Just the sound of people breathing around me makes me lose my nonexistent temper.

    I seem to think about death all the time, not thoughts of like cutting myself. For example: When I see a knife; images start going through my head of me being stabbed, chills go through me. I'm obsessively thinking about and terrified of death. Near the beginning of the year I was having suicidal thoughts but overtime they vanished and I got terrified of death instead.

    Stress is very hard on me, my life feels like a soap opera sometimes. A small problem is a big problem to me. A big problem seems a critical problem to me.

    I'm always feeling tired and just sit in bed after I wake up. I lack energy and just rather sit around rather than get up and take on the day. I was told that caffeine could be what has been dragging me down, I cut caffeine and it certainly helped.

    I also find it difficult to concentrate and understand what I read. I have to usually read something 5 or six times before it sinks in and I understand something. I don't know if that's important or not, just putting it out there.

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • I am obsessed with death, how can I get over this?

    I find myself thinking about death all the time and am sick of it. I want to tell myself "I'm going to die one day no matter what, get over it!" but I just doesn't work sometimes. I am not suicidal, I don't want to die; that is the core of it all. I am only a teenager too! I've had pets die but strangely I feel nothing when that happens... It's all about my death that terrifies me.

    When I see a knife, images go through my head of me getting stabbed. When I'm on a bridge, I'm imaging the bridge falling, ext. I'm also a germaphobe: I am obsessed with germs, the thought of shaking somebody's hand makes me extremely uncomfortable.

    I've thought about death before but it's only gotten bad recently. I've recently left my religion, the thought of that barrier of death being lifted is what I think triggered these thoughts. When I start thinking about death, I try to surround myself with happy thoughts and it sometimes works and I forget about it till the next day... When watch happy movies I feel really sad; it's as if I'm afraid when I die, I'll have regrets or not have a life as happy as that.

    I'm sick of worrying about death all the time, I don't want to go yet. I want to find peace within myself.

    6 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Where is Jesus Christ!?!?!?

    I read in youtube comment he would be here at 2:00AM! Where is he?!

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Do you think this normal?

    I've had 3 periods so far, I'm 14. Each one came nearly exactly 30 apart but coming a day sooner between each one, getting closer and closer together.

    5 months have passes since I've had my last period. I know it can be irregular at first but this is just plain weird. Do you think it's normal to have such a big gap all a sudden?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • What is your internet policy?

    1. How closely do you monitor your child's history and social network posts? How much is too much?

    2. What is your deal with FaceBook and social websites? A: They are fine, they are just keeping in touch with their friends/ B: As long as I keep in touch them as a contact/ C: No way, who knows who my kid is talking to?

    3. How long is your kids allowed to be on it?

    6 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Should parents check on their child's cell phone?

    There has been a debate on cell phones and I'd like your opinions on it and why you feel the way you do.

    1. Should parents regularly go through a kid messages? Why or why not?

    2. If you child got their phone taken away at school, what would you do?

    3. When should kids get cell phones?

    13 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Process of enrolling into a virtual school?

    School starts in 20 days, I'm enrolling in a virtual school. Do I inform the school?

    What is the process in enrolling in a virtual school?

    1 AnswerHome Schooling9 years ago
  • Atheists- What made you become atheist?

    I am an atheist, I was a christan as a child, I changed sides at age 12. I was too scared too question this "god" as a kid. I learned about evolution, fossils and more, I became atheist.

    Share your stories and reasons you are atheist.

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What's something your priest would never tell you?

    ...This is going to be interesting.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago