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Lv 43,589 points

Chelle Mary

Favorite Answers17%

    She started at 200 this afternoon, I live in MST. There have been 4, I can feel the 5th but she cannot deliver. Now I see feet sticking out (barely, just so I can see toes and nail) and she isn't pushing anymore, is she ok? Do I just let her go on or does she need help?

    5 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • house training a Chihuahua help?

    I asked this question before but I wasn't specific enough. I have had lots of dogs, house trained them all successfully. I do not scold for pee or poo in the house. I take him outside when I think he should have to go, I praise him and get really excited when he does pee outside. My question is on the occasions I don't realize he needs to go out if he could ask me or let me know somehow he has to pee. Whining by the door, scratching to get out, or even sitting next to me with "that look" on their face has always been the end result of how I house train my dogs. I have successfully trained Rottweilers, Huskey-Malamute, Poodle, Golden Retriever, and 1 medium shaggy mutt. This Chihuahua is confounding me. I have tried all my tricks-praise and hot dog bites for doing business outside taking a pee soaked towel and placing it just outside the back door with the door opened to allow him to go outside at will, and dog enzyme cleaner to remove the pee smell from where he pees in the house(usually the same 2-3spots)so he won't go back there. I take him outside before bed, when we get up in the morning, after meals or a long nap. He still pees like he tries to hide it, usually on my stairs landing. I tried putting an old towel where he pees, he goes right by it not ever on it. I would be happy if I could newspaper train him for inside and I will continue to take him out when I think he needs to go. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your attention.

    2 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • House training a Chihuahua help?

    I have had dogs all my life, but never a small one. Now I have a Chihuahua turned 1yr in November. Little background: He was the neighbors dog but she didn't take care of him. He was starving, I could see his bumpy spine and hip bones and ribs etc, looked like a little skeleton dog. I would shove food through the fence to him, then they started leaving him in a tiny cage in the hot July sun of New Mexico. He couldn't even stand up in it much less get food or water. I asked the neighbor "why don't you just give me that dog". They were happy to give him to me because he wont house train. I have had him since August and have not been able to get him to ask to go outside. Any advice would be very appreciated.

    2 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Moody Blues question....?

    Whats the name of the song with the poem at the end "white is grey and yellow black..." and as long as you here, whats you favorite Moody Blues song? I like Ride My Seesaw

    6 AnswersBlues9 years ago
  • Suggestions for Photographers to study?

    My daughter is taking photography in high school, and has been assigned to pick a photographer to study and write about. Someone who would inspire young adults, women photographers would be great, but anyone noteworthy would be a helpful suggestion. We already have Annie Liebovitz on the list, please suggest any you admire.

    4 AnswersPhotography9 years ago
  • Rolling Stone Photographer?

    Shes famous for her pictures of musicians, but I cannot remember her name, please help! My daughter is taking a photography class and needs photographers she can look their work up in libraries. She can choose anyone she wants, so if you know the answer to my question or any other suggestions for photographers work to study, please let us know!

    3 AnswersPhotography9 years ago
  • Have I been hacked windows stuff disappeared!?

    All my windows stuff like auto downloads and anti spy etc computer says cannot find file. When I go into add/delete programs on control panel, says cannot find file what happened?

    4 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • What makes the difference between a fruit and a vegetable?

    Is it fruits come from flowers, or some other distinction between the two?

    6 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Other question and answer sites....?

    Are there some other fun question answer sites that aren't as strict with the content they allow? I like yahoo answers, but would like to check out other sites that allow "racier" questions and answers, any suggestions?

    1 AnswerLanguages1 decade ago
  • In the phone commercial with Whoopie Goldberg....?

    I think the second guy she hands the phone to is the Bulls coach, what is his name? I know the person he hands the phone to is Jesse James, but am I right? Is he the Bulls coach and what is his name?

    1 AnswerCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Paraiba gem question?

    I have inherited a1.5k paraiba ring. I have been looking on the internet for info as I had never heard of a paraiba gem until now. Can a gemologist tell by looking only if it is a natural or manufactured gem? If not is there a test to determine if it is natural and from where it might have originated? What would be a fair price for an appraisal? Do all better jewelery stores have a gemologist or do I need to call around and ask stores if they have one on site?

    2 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • A question just for the ladies?

    How old were you when you started your period?

    12 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Could my dream have meaning, or is a cigar just a cigar......please interpret?

    I am sitting in the back seat of a big car with bench seats, the interior is beige if that makes a difference. Soon I realize no one is in the drivers seat and the car is basically driving itself. I try to climb into the front seat over the bench seats, and have a lot of trouble making it over. I finally do make it into the driver's seat and take the wheel, that is where the dream stops every time.

    Second reoccurring dream...I am in outer space, and I am on some sort of structure, I don't know what is is, but I have to hang onto it like I am on a ledge. I need get back to where I will be safe. I can see where I want to go, but I am afraid to try to shoot myself over. I know if I push off, 0gravity of space will allow me to fly to safety, but I am afraid if I try, I will over-shoot or miss my target and be adrift in space where I will die!

    I don't think I have any big stress in my life, but I am trying to quit smoking again, started smoking again after quitting for a year!

    5 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • If I can see Jupiter tonight, how far back into time am I seeing?

    How many years did it take the light from Jupiter to get to earth?

    5 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Which planet is rising in the east every night lately?

    I live in New Mexico USA, it comes up every night about 9pm MST. My children asked me which planet it is, can someone help me answer them?

    6 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Do you believe in Heaven?

    If yes, who do you hope greets you first? If not, do you believe in any sort or spirit that continues on, or do you believe that it is like a light that shuts off and there is simply no more?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What movies makes you cry?

    Not just a little misty eyed, I mean crying like a baby, lost in the story, feeling sorrow for characters you know are only on a screen. I watched One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest today, that makes me cry every time, what does it for you?

    30 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest question.....?

    What did Mr. McMurphy do do get put into the mental hospital? Such a great movie, so many talented actors giving outstanding performances, I was very happy to be able to sit and watch it on A&E this afternoon, but I didn't catch it from the very beginning. I have seen the movie before, but I cannot remember, what did he do?

    9 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Who is your favorite vocalist?

    Any genre, list more than one if you like. I have more than one, Cris Cornell, Layne Staley, Andrea Bocelli, Placido Domingo Luciano Pavarotti, Jose Carreras, Anita Baker, Donna Summer, Sara Vaughn, Roberta Flack, Aretha Franklin, Elvis Presely, Johnny Cash and June Carter, Patsy Cline, and John Lennon, Paul McCartney, just to name a few. Who do you like?

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago