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Janelle M
How will I know if God is going to deny me my prayer?
I am currently married and feel my husband would be better off with someone who could speak spanish and have a relationship with his family. His family is not accepting of me because I am white and they are hispanic. Is it wrong that I pray to ask God to let him fall in love with another female? It would be sad, but I am tired of the constant judgement and not being good enough.
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years agoIs this a normal behavior for a married woman?
I m 22 years old and I ve been with my husband for almost 5 years and married for 1 year. Lately I ve been dreaming about other men, not sexually more as dating, but I feel so happy I don t want to wake up. I have sometimes fantasied about just being deseired by someone else. Is this normal?
8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce5 years agoHow do I get into acting?
I am from Oklahoma and wanting to try to get into acting and maybe end up on the big screen. How do I go about this leaving in a small time without having to go to college for it.
2 AnswersTheater & Acting5 years agoWhere do I get started?
I live in Oklahoma and I am 21. Acting and singing have always been something I want to do. How do I get started living in a state that has no agents?
5 AnswersTheater & Acting6 years agoDo you know anyone?
Does anyone know a person who has gotten pregnant before or during veterinarian school and was still successful?
1 AnswerCelebrities6 years agoSo vet tech or dvm?
I am wanting to know what the difference is when it comes to what they do and what they can do. I am wanting to one day own my own clinic and have a boarding, training, and rescue ran out of it. I want to be able to help rescues and run my own rescue being able to have a small pet store and adoption store in my clinic. I just need to know which educational path would be better for to do all this. Please give lots of advice.
5 AnswersDogs6 years agoIs it too late? Should I stay with nursing?
I am Junior in college by credit hours. I am torn between nursing and pre-vet. I am pretty close to finished classes so I can apply for nursing school, but I have switched once already and that was from biology to forensics. I love animals and working with them. It just comes natural to me, but science classes like chemistry are so hard and I'd have get a biology degree before I could apply for veterinary school. I know this could mean more debt and longer before I could start my career. I am just so confused on what I want to do. Can I get so advice please!
1 AnswerHigher Education (University +)6 years agoCriminal Justice Ethics helpppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
Do sex offender registries violate the natural rights of those on the registries? If not, why not? If so, how could we prevent recidivism among former sex offenders without registries?
Whoever can give me 500 words or at least a start I will give you as many points as I can give you!
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years agoHelp not sure what to think?
My nuvaring fell out in august and then me and my bf had unprotected sex. It's now Oct 3rd and I have yet to have period. I put a new ring in on the 1st of September. I went to my gyn and the pee test was negative but still haven't gotten the blood work back. I have taken two home test and both negative. Are my hormones Just messed up? I have some signs of pregnancy
1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years agoI need some tips?
I have real bad cellulite on my stomach and back of thighs. What is the fastest and best way to get rid of it. I want my stomach to be tight again.
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 years agoMastering chemistry help!!!!?
Calculate ΔG at 298 K if the partial pressures of NO2 and N2O4 are 0.40atm and 1.64atm , respectively.
Please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 AnswerChemistry8 years agoChemistry 2 help!!!!?
Can you please list to both questions so I know how to do them in the future? Please and thank you.
Calculate the pH of a buffer that is 0.135M in NaHCO3 and 0.240M in Na2CO3.
Calculate the pH of a solution formed by mixing 65 mL of 0.35M NaHCO3 with 75 mL of 0.29M Na2CO3.
2 AnswersChemistry8 years agoChemistry II help!!!!?
Polyethylene is a synthetic polymer. If 1.40 g of polyethylene is dissolved in enough benzene to make 0.100 L of solution, and the osmotic pressure (π) is found to be 2.45 x 10-3 atm at 298 K, what is the molecular weight of the polyethylene?
Please don't just give me the answer. If you could work it out. I am so lost.
1 AnswerChemistry8 years agoHelp with chemistry!?
A 350mL sample of nitrogen was collected by displacement of water from a container at 30C and an atmospheric pressure of 736 torr. If the vapor pressure of water at 30C is 31.8 torr, calculated the number of moles of nitrogen gas produced.
Please work out because I am lost!
1 AnswerChemistry8 years agoPhysical Therapist or Nurse Practitioner?
I am currently a freshman in college. I can't decide what I want to do so far. It's between nurse practitioner or physical therapist. I have done lots of research on both, but would like the input of others. Can someone give me salary, number of years in school, degree type, and exact route of schooling I would need to take. Thank you!
2 AnswersMedicine9 years agoChem helppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
I am given two imaginary isotopes Nv^293 and Nv^295 there is a picture of atoms 12 of with belong to Nv^293 and 8 belong Nv^295 I am suppose find the % abundance how do I go about doing that?
1 AnswerChemistry9 years agoSharp painss in my tummy?
At work today I started getting extremely bad pains. I could barely walk and it felt like I needed to puke. I haven't started and I am a month late. I haven't had sex so I know for sure I am not pregnant. They are sharp veryyyy sharp. It feels like I am being stabbed or someone is twisting my insides.It starts at the low part of my stomach and goes to my chest. I have been gassy lately. What could it be?
1 AnswerMedicine9 years agoI need some advicee!?
I want to dance or do some form of exercise, but I also need money. I need a way to make more money besides my job. I work at an animal hospital and monday and friday I work 4-7 then tues-thurs- 4-6 then the weeks sometimes which is about 9 hours all together. What can I do to make more money to be able to afford to do more things. Please help.
1 AnswerPersonal Finance10 years agoHelp with thesis sentence?
I am having to write a 6-10 double space research paper over how dance has shaped society. Can anyone help me come up with a thesis sentence?
I got this so far.
Dance is essential to society as it has help shaped it to many diverse groups.
2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade agoHow can i get on track to become a oncologist?
I am a junior in high school in oklahoma. I am waiting to go college for a cancer specialist, but i also am fascinated by the heart is there any way i can intertwine them both? also what classes should i be taking and any college recommendations?
4 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago