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Just an average fun loving guy living in florida. I am an independent sales rep working from my home office selling medical supplies and services. Enjoying the single life again. If you love the sun, sand n surf and if you are single and unattached c'mon down.

  • Can someone give me an answer to a math problem?

    I am having a dispute with a couple people as to the correct answer for the following math problem: 12-2X6+2divided by 2. If there are any math gurus here I would appreciate your input including how you come about your answer. What I'm not looking for is just a guess so please provide exactly how you arrive at your answer as well as your credentials as a math guru. Thanks

    5 AnswersMathematics7 years ago
  • Are all social security payments direct deposited now or are there still some paper checks being mailed out?

    My dear Mother recently passed away (Sept 1, 2013) and my sister has power of attorney for my Mom. She says my Mom's final Soc Sec check (for August) came in the mail shortly after my Mom died and my sister said she contacted SS and was told that even though my Mom was due the money since she lived throughout the entire month of August she must physically return the check to a local SS field office since my Mom is not here to endorse the check. First of all I'm under the impression that all federal benefits are direct deposited after March 1, 2013 and secondly I thought "power of attorney" gives the person legal authority to sign for the person whether dead or simply unable or not mentally competent to sign their own name to any document. There is a consensus among 5 other siblings that my sister has cashed the final check and used the money for her personal use. Can someone who knows for sure please reply?

    2 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Has there ever been another president who has had a marine cover him with an umbrella?

    I shared a pic on face book of the marine holding the umbrella over Obama and a friend commented that he has seen numerous other presidents being shielded from the rain by marines holding an umbrella. The odd thing is that this friend is totally anti Obama. I replied saying that I hadn't seen any such pics and I asked that he tell me where I can see them or better yet please post those pics. No reply. Does anyone know if this is factual and if so can you please post a link where those pics can be viewed?

    12 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • Was there an armed guard on duty at Columbine HS at the time of the mass shootings by Harris and Klebold?

    I have heard some gun control people say there was an armed guard at Columbine HS and it still didn't prevent the shootings. Can someone clarify that please?

    5 AnswersOther - News & Events8 years ago
  • Can anyone direct me as to where and how to find an explanation for features offered on new Tvs?

    I am looking to buy a new HD TV (32" - 37") and since I am looking for a spare room set I don't want to spend a lot. I have been to the local Walmart store and also to their website. I see many different brands and models and each of them list features they include. My problem is that I am unaware of what most of those features actually are and if they are necessary and how they will benefit me.

    A couple examples that have me baffled are 'does not contain a battery' or 'alkaline battery', (what is the battery for?) ' no need to use bundled remote' (what is a bundled remote and what happens if I find out after it's too late that I need to have a bundled remote?), etc and many other questions/concerns. I am not asking for an explanation here I would simply like to know how I can learn exactly what each feature actually does. I realize I can go to the manufacturers website and enter the model number etc but that would be very time consuming and I doubt I would get the actual explanation as to each feature and whether I would want or need it or not. I have also checked Amazon's website with no luck. What I would like is to find a website where I can not only get an explanation of each feature's function but also after I am knowledgeable I can enter each feature I am interested in and it will lead me to a particular brand and model that has those features and not a lot of other things I am not interested in paying for.

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics9 years ago
  • How do you keep a cast iron skillet from rusting?

    Any tips on how to keep a cast iron skillet from rusting or how to remove the rust once it has rusted? I purchased a new cast iron skillet and never used it for about a year. Once I used it for the first time I put it in the dishwasher and when I removed it it was covered with rust and I have tried to clean the rust off but without much luck. I tried using SOS soap pads and that only helped a slight bit.

    6 AnswersOther - Home & Garden9 years ago
  • Does anybody know of Virtual Global Solution?

    Today I received a call from a guy who said he was with Virtual Global Solution from New York. He said my computer was sending thousands of error messages to the network this afternoon and he was calling to resolve the problem for me. He wanted me to go online and download software to assist in the process. I asked for his name and phone number which he gave me. While he was still on the phone I called using my cellphone and the person answered as 'Virtual Global Solution'. I stated the reason for calling and was told that yes I needed to cooperate with the individual I was talking to and download the software so they could get to the bottom of the problem. I told the guy that called initially I wanted to call Microsoft first to see if it was legit and he said there is no reason to call them because we work in conjunction with them. At that point I became even more suspicious and told him I would call him back later and I hung up. I haven't contacted Microsoft yet because first I thought I would see if I could get any feedback here. Any input other than guessing?

    PS.... I never received any error messages this afternoon and even though I have received them before it has been very infrequent and never in the thousands like he said. Usually 1 at the most per any 1 time.

    1 AnswerSoftware9 years ago
  • How do I change my yahoo ID?

    I would like to change my existing yahoo ID (primary email address) rather that just add a new one. I know how to add a new ID but I only want to change the underscore in my ID to a dash so it is not obscured by the line beneath the ID when I type it in a message to someone. I keep having problems giving my email address to others because when they see it they misinterpret it I don't want to delete my old email address or have to open 2 accounts in order to read my email. I am looking for a way to get email being sent to my existing account to a new account I would establish.

    2 AnswersPassword and Sign In9 years ago
  • Who started at first base for the Tampa Bay Rays last year?

    With the departure of Carlos Pena the Rays added a new starter at first base for 2011 and I'm trying to recall his name

    5 AnswersBaseball9 years ago
  • Why would someone get a headache every time they exercise?

    I have a friend (adult female) that wants to lose a few pounds even though she is not terribly over weight. Every time she exercises she gets a headache while exercising. Soon after she stops the headache goes away.

    4 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • Is it possible to move a photo attachment from my email inbox to 'my pictures' and if so how?

    A friend sent a single photo as an attachment to me via email and I would like to save it in 'my pictures' but I'm not aware if it can be done and if so I have no idea how to do it. I know how to put it in a folder but I want to include it in 'my pictures'

    1 AnswerAttachments and Photos9 years ago
  • How can I increase the volume on my pc?

    After having a new hard drive installed on my pc I can barely hear the speakers. I have checked the volume control at the bottom of the screen as well as checking the master volume control panel and all switches are on max volume. I have also opened my control panel and clicked on sounds and audio devices and checked all the volume indicators there as well and still no luck. I am using XP operating system if that makes a difference. I never had a problem with the audio before the new hard drive was installed. I can not listen to any video clips with sound due to the extreme low volume.

    3 AnswersDesktops9 years ago
  • How can I increase the volume on my PC?

    I recently had a virus on my pc that was so bad I was told by 3 different techs that it couldn't be removed so I'm starting all over with a different hard drive that was wiped clean (Not the same hard drive that was infected). I have downloaded everything I need and my files and documents have been recovered and transferred to the new machine. I had XP operating system before and that's what I have again now. My problem is now the volume is so low I can hardly hear any audio whatsoever. I have checked the speakers and they are plugged in and working fine but the volume is extremely low. My mic is also plugged in and seems right even according to the skype mic test. Even the audio alerts that have nothing to do with my mic on my yahoo messenger and skype for example as well as my email alert is so low I can hardly hear it. I have opened the master volume panel and all the levels are at the max and so is my volume on my icon at the bottom of my screen by the time. I have also went to my control panel and clicked on 'sounds and audio devices' and checked all the settings there and they are all on max, high volume etc. This all started with the new PC. I have never had audio volume problems before. I am at my wits end as to what to do next. Please help if you can.

    2 AnswersOther - Computers9 years ago
  • Why can't I get skype on my new computer?

    I recently got a new computer and since I had skype before I thought I would put it on my new computer but when I try to sign in to my skype it only takes me to my skype account page and I can't get to the actual skype page where I can communicate with my skype contacts. Can someone please tell me how I can get skype again?

    3 AnswersOther - Computers9 years ago
  • Why am I being required to sign into my yahoo account each time I re open my email?

    All of a sudden the past few days I am having to type my email address and password in the blank fields so I can access my yahoo email. I see my seal there but still The only way I can go to my email is to fill in the form first. How can I go back to the way it was before other than doing a system restore?

    3 AnswersPassword and Sign In10 years ago
  • How can we ordinary people stop the bickering back and forth between politicians?

    What on earth can we do as a common person to put an end to the constant stalemate between political parties. They act like a bunch of school kids arguing on the playground and refusing to see the other point of view just for the sake of winning! These are officials elected to protect and represent the very citizens who voted them into office and gave them the job. Voting them out of office is not the solution because the next bunch that will replace them will be exactly the same! That was just done in the 2010 elections when so many incumbents were sent packing and look where we are now. The newly elected idiots are not doing what we put them in to do. They all lie, cheat and steal just to get elected then they have a 'screw you' attitude toward us. We need to start a revolution in this country to make big changes in the system and the way things are done in DC! After all we are the boss and it is our taxpayer money they are squandering. If we owned a business and we had an employee that was doing the things they do to us on a daily basis they would be out the door and brought to justice in a court of law! C'mon people it's time we unite and take our country back from the corrupt thieves!

    3 AnswersCivic Participation10 years ago
  • Is there such a thing as a statute of limitations for collecting a bill?

    I live in the state of Florida and I was treated at a medical facility nearly 2 years ago and I have never received a bill or a phone call from them. I was covered by a Medicare advantage plan (HMO) that is funded under Medicare and I know there must be a co pay which I am responsible for however I feel that if they are not on top of their bookkeeping and billing procedures why should I inquire. I have chosen to 'let a sleeping dog lie' even though some may feel it is not the right thing to do. I am barely getting by each month on a meager little social security check so I don't have much choice when it comes to paying my bills so why stir the pot?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • Why are icicles forming in my freezer compartment of my refrigerator?

    I have a rather late model Amana refrigerator with frost free freezer and just recently I have icicles hanging from just inside the door and also on the inside of the door itself. I have tried changing the temp control both up and down as well as cleaning all the ice off but to no avail. This happens almost overnight.

    1 AnswerDo It Yourself (DIY)10 years ago
  • Why are icicles forming in my freezer?

    For the past month or so I have been getting icicles forming from the top of my freezer compartment in my 2 door (upper and lower) refrigerator. This is a relatively new unit (about 4 yrs old) and i haven't tampered with the settings nor have I changed the settings. They also hang from the top of the shelf compartment on the freezer door. The icicles are only at the very front of the freezer compartment near the door. The unit is an Admiral brand and is supposed to be a frost free refrigerator/freezer. I have inspected the door seal and it is intact and seems to be sealing good. I am at my wits end trying to figure this out. Please help if you are knowledgeable in this area but don't guess. I can do that myself.

    5 AnswersOther - Home & Garden10 years ago
  • Can antibiotics get rid of kidney stones?

    I have a friend that has been experiencing pain in her back as well as pain on urination and blood in her urine.She just had a kub ultrasound done yesterday. The Doctor said there was nothing of concern showing up in her kidneys other than 1 small kidney stone. The doctor told my friend that the stone could easily be gotten rid of by taking antibiotics (which she has already done twice prior to the ultrasound with no improvement). Could it be that she was not given the proper antibiotic for removing kidney stones but one for UTI instead (which was the preliminary diagnosis)? I myself have a very large kidney stone in my left kidney which my urologist has been monitoring for the past 4 years with an annualy Xray. It has never given me the least bit of trouble and I have never seen blood in my urine. If it's true that kidney stones can be gotten rid of with antibiotics why wouldn't my urologist have already prescribedthem for my stone? He said the only solution is to do one of 2 procedures, one which involves going up through the urethra and into the kidney breaking up the stone into small pieces that would still have to be passed with urination ...VERY painful! The other choice would be something called lithotripsy which is a laser type method used to break the stone up also and the small pieces would still have to be passed through urination ..... again VERY PAINFUL!

    10 AnswersInfectious Diseases10 years ago