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I am a proud mother of three. Ages 9 (step-son), 6 (daughter), and 2 (daughter). I am married and work full-time, as does my husband. My family and I live in Montana, USA.

  • Where can I buy L'Oreal Double Extend Beauty Tubes Mascara?

    I have looked everywhere and can't seem to find it. Does anyone know of a website that sells it? (The L'Oreal website was sold out) Thanks!

    4 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • What to do w/ son who lies?

    I have a 9 y/o son who is well behaved and is well-liked. He rarely misbehaves at home and is overall a happy boy. But yesterday his teacher informed me that he has been skipping one of his classes. That wouldn't be so bad except that he tells me everyday about what they did in that class and how much fun it was. So he has been making up elaborate stories and lying to me. I also found out that he has not been turning in the lunch money I send to school with him. He has been keeping it, in my book that is stealing. When I asked him about these things he won't say anything other than 'sorry.' Obviously he is grounded, but I am shocked by his behavior and quite frankly, I am devastated that he can lie to me like this without thinking twice. Is it normal for young boys to lie like this? Does anyone have any advise on what else I can do to figure out where this behavior is coming from? My husband thinks that this is "normal boy stuff" but lying and stealing are not things that I will tolerate.

    5 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • Why does my 2 year old only misbehave for me?

    My 2 year old daughter is good at daycare, good for my husband, and good for everyone else but always misbehaves when I am with her. I don't understand this because I discipline her the same as everyone else and am consistent with the discipline. Everyone tells me that it is because she knows she can get away with it, but she doesn't! I spend more time with her than anyone else and give her a lot of positive attention when she is being good. I am at a loss and don't know what I can do differently. Has anyone else experienced this? Any advise?

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Should I be upset or am I over reacting?

    I hired a 15 y/o girl to watch my 9 y/o son and 6 y/o daughter for 4 hours per day this summer. Ever since she started my daughter has been displaying inappropriate sexual behavior. It wasn't until today that I made the connection between her new found trashy behavior with the sitter. I stopped home today and my daughter ripped my cardigan off and told me I looked sexier without it (yeah, she's 6!) and I went into the front room and they were watching a television show that showed a nude man running around the beach (the private parts were blurred, but still) Also my son grabbed the sitter's cell phone and was looking at an animated character peeing. It was a little animated boy that was naked and peeing on a cactus. And then to top it off they left the house (which they destroyed first) and left every television on and the door wide open causing our new bull dog puppy to escape. Also she doesn't play with them much and lets them do whatever they please. My kids are normally very well

    34 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Oddest things you've said to your toddler?

    I just wanted to lighten the mood and ask what are some of the strangest things you've had to say to your toddler?

    Some of mine are:

    "Get your finger out of your brother's nose"

    "Don't dip your cookie in the potty"

    "Don't eat the puppy food"

    That was just this week, lol.

    55 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Suggestions please.....?

    I am going to hire a sitter to watch my 9 y/o and 6 y/o for 4 hours per day Mon-Fri. My husband will be working in the building next door but we want someone to entertain the kids for a couple hours during the day. She won't be required to cook, clean or anything like that. We live in a small town in Montana. I pay daycare $2.75/hr to watch my 2 y/o. I was thinking of offering the sitter for my oldest two $5/hr. That would be $100 per week. Do you think this is reasonable? I, of course, will talk to her about it beforehand but don't want to insult her.

    P.S. I am sorry for those who are sick of this type of question. I know similar ones have been posted by others a lot recently.

    6 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Child Supervision?

    We live in a house that is attached to a business in which my husband runs. We were considering letting our 9 y/o and 6 y/o stay home for a few hours during the day this summer. They would mostly be playing outside in the yard (where my husband can see them) and in the house where he would check on them often. I think it is comparable to kids being in the house or in the yard while he is in the garage but what do you think? Is this acceptable?

    7 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • How many times....?

    do you make love to your spouse during the average month? My husband and I usually do about 5 times and he makes me feel like he is being neglected. We have 3 kids and both work full time so it is hard to find the time and energy. I was just wondering if 5 times per month is a lot less than the average married working couple with kids?

    24 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Shots needed for kittens?

    My cat just had kittens. What shots, if any, do I need to give them before they are given away? And when do I give them? I have no knowledge of this subject at all so any advice would be appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help.

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • My 2 y/o refuses to brush her teeth?

    My 2 y/o refuses to brush her teeth. I hate having to struggle with her to do it. I have tried letting her pick out her own toothbrush at the store, brushing my teeth at the same time, having her brush her teeth w/ her older siblings but nothing seems to work. Does anyone have ideas that might make her more interested in this?

    5 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • My 2 y/o doesn't want to brush her teeth?

    My 2 y/o refuses to brush her teeth. I hate having to struggle with her to do it. I have tried letting her pick out her own toothbrush at the store, brushing my teeth at the same time, having her brush her teeth w/ her older siblings but nothing seems to work. Does anyone have ideas that might make her more interested in this?

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • How do I deal with my step son's mentally ill mother???

    My step son was removed from his mom's care when he was 2 (he's now 9) b/c she was physically and emotionally abusive to him and his younger brother. The court granted my husband full custody. They did order that she be given visitations. She's always caused problems with me and my husband but we never knew she dragged him into the drama. (And we never talk bad about his mother in front of him. He does love her very much.) Lately he's told me stuff that she told him that is quite disturbing. Things like she always has babies in her belly but they all die, and that his little brother (her other son) hates him, and other demented things that a 9 y/o shouldn't hear. I talked to our laywer & told him we're worried that she is dragging our boy into her delusions and don't feel it is safe anymore and he said legally there is nothing we can do. Any ideas how to deal w/ it outside of court? Talking to her is never productive b/c she is explosive and avoids issues. I'll appreciate any help! Thx

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago