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I try to do the right thing. I am caring and I am kind. Christian I am and Christian I shall be, I am glad to serve He Who Is Above. I am an artist and writer but try not to judge others, only God can, and even still he chooses not to hold a grudge nor judge the way we do, so why should I? I have my faults and sides, “Everybody's got a dark side, nobody's a picture perfect but we're worth it”-Kelly Clarkson Dark Side

  • Christian struggling with bisexuality, automatically damned, no hope, no peace, or is it a phase?

    Christian struggling with bisexuality, automatically damned, no hope, no peace, or is it a phase?:

    This is very long but serious, if you read, please respond fairly and justly.

    This is me again... I know that as a Christian homosexuality, bisexuality, and deviant sexuality is perverse, but one problem, yeah I'm dealing with it. Now problem is that I have been dealing with this for years, yes I am young, 18 in fact but (sniffs) I can't come to terms with this! I find this stuff wrong I do but I have it and do not wish to change who I am or how I am, and other Christians just say I might as well be atheist, that I'm damned, can have no peace. I told my mother, an ordained Christian minister she said she won't agree with my choice but will love me, she's my mother she says. But I literally cry on this. Because I love God and my family too much to leave either and I know that anything LGBT is very much so wrong and frowned upon, and I do not align with the LGBT. But to me, who is so Christian that the person can question my faith and degrade me?

    I love God, I love my family but I know I've had these feelings like crazy, and no I am not abandoning God. But is it so terrible for me to be bisexual? Am I now so foul that even a Christian may spit at my feet? Am I so foul that God shan't love me, that I can no longer be called, "Christian?"

    Ugh when will it end, I feel so confused on the whole issue, I cry and feel near suicidal at times.

    I am praying... but God Bless. He's all I have right now.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why's sexually so difficult for some people, including me?

    Hi, this is a bit of a serious issue here and a tear jerker maybe so if you do not want to read that kind of topic, this is a warning.

    Lately or rather since puberty I have always been shy around girls yet never found them repulsive but I have never been sexually aroused by one nor sexually attracted to a girl, (maybe because I've never dated and I'm so plain vanilla). It is odd because I want a girlfriend and wife one day but peope whom I've shared by thougths with on possibly being gay or bisexual but also me wanted to ignore sex completely say, "you can't change or ignore who you are" yet I don't care what they say I don't like the confusion!

    I am Christian and to those I've told it has blinded me and made me feel guilty about everything though no do not try and talk me out of my beliefs they are staying. But still I do not wish to have gay thoughts or be bisexual but boys turn me on just not emotionally. I probably sound half crazy by now but that is my dilemma. Plus I have felt an overwhelming sense of guilt and shame because my family would never accept this, "confused me." And my friends who are gay or with the LGBT community regard me as a "homophobe," or "hypocrite," (like that helps really!?) but like I am just so unsure. Any options or community sites unless this one itself could help.

    Sadly I just feel like I'm going in a downward spiral and I have no one to really tell and no one to help me with this. I know some say, "accept it," but I don't want to. Can't I be what I want to be? Which for would be 100% straight. Many men and women are so why can't I? *sigh* if you want, message respond it doesn't matter. I just feel a bit gray at the moment. I don't want to lose my family, friends, sanity, or faith. It's just that everything feels so confusing, conflicting and gray! And even worse at age 5 and sometimes now I used to wish I was a girl and now it is fading... help I guess.

    Plus what I don't get is how some know sexuality so young or how some are 100% straight whilst so many others are nearly 100% confused? Thank you for reading this

  • Spelling of Judgement is, Judgement or Judgment? Is one UK or US English?

    This is a double question, what spelling is considered correct for Judgement? I spell it with an "e" but so many programs and American dictionaries and books on grammar consider it neither right nor wrong. Does Judgement and Judgment have a difference other than spelling? Is one more common in the UK versus the US or do the words have two different meanings in context.

    I know that Judgment without the "e" is often used in legal business... And to me Judgement with an "e" looks better and reads easier at first glance. So is one spelling really incorrect or just a matter of context and preference?

    5 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • Why do so many people judge when they could either support or leave well enough alone?

    This question is what I'm asking. This references those only preaching damnation to others and saying the person is damned as if they became God! Only God can judge another. Why do so many people try to judge a person's life but in the, "Divine," sense, such as damnation to a person who is living differently? Divine Judgement rests to God and or to another person who they believe is inclined to judge. So why are so many people religious and non so judgemental on many subjects even they don't understand? I mean no one knows what can happen to a person from now until their death. Maybe instead of judging we should offer support if wanted and love regardless?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Opinion: How has Christianity lasted the ages and the persecution?

    Despite the trouble we Christians face we are still here, and despite the naysayers and false-Christians there are still some true Christians and truth in the original message of Christ.

    Is faith why Christianity has lasted the ages, or love and faith? This sentence has been a question many ask as to how the faithful though at once few have blossomed. Could the answer be of faith, love, both faith and love, by a belief in grace and mercy, and or the truth of the Bible?

    If you disagree with what I said, fine, you are entitled to your opinion as I am to mine. I only ask that if you answer in either agreement, or disagreement please keep things civil and in decency.

    Thank and God Bless!

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Can harsh words at times strengthen Faith?

    I mean, sometimes a person trying to deny you can make you that more sure of yourself because of the person's obvious insecurities. Can this be the same for faith? Can the harsh words of others sometimes be like water on a duck's back and because of a person's faith or even lack there of strengthen their beliefs? If this question does not make adequate sense, comment I will try to elucidate further. Please, no hate comments or anti-religious comments please. Can we keep it civil? Thank you! God Bless!

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What is the difference between the spirit and the soul?

    What is the difference between the spirit and the soul of a living being? What do animals have? We as humans according to the teachings of the Bible have a body, a spirit, and a soul. But what is the difference?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What is a missionary in a religious sense?

    I mean this in a religious sense. Please, no hate mail! And give an answer if you chose to, no hate cop-outs. God Bless you and thank you!

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • God being who he is does he really have more than one name?

    Just a question here. This statement doesn't bother me but I was wondering, God is what he is, a god thus called, God. But some have asked me, "I don't believe in the Trinity so what is God's real name?" To me, God. But does God himself really have a name or is what he is his only one true name? Or does God have multiple names? I know The Almighty and Hosanna, are a few. (Oops I think I just answered my own question!)

    Feel free to answer just don't junk this up with hate filled answers and "God doesn't exist" answers. Please I know those who answer clicked to see this question for a reason and that they have a real answer. Thanks and God Bless!

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why do nonbelievers feel better to bash God if they claim to not believe in him?

    If nonbelievers do not believe in something they don't hate it, they just don't believe. But you cannot say you do not believe in something and hate it! You can not hate air. In your mind you are thinking, "I hate him, but don't believe in him." Hmm well then he exists in your mind since God comes to mind if you are in the process of claiming that. Why waste a breath on what you do not believe in?

    And if you hate something, it must exist because you hate real things. People can hate the imaginary but that becomes real too since "the imaginary" is a thing to hate in the first place in the mind.

    Just a question on the logic of this, hating what you believe to be false yet it is true enough to deny?

    25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Book of Jubilees: Life and Death: What are they exactly?

    The question states this, but I am aware as to how the Book of Life and Book of Death and Book of Jubilees exist across some faiths. What are they really?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Where are the origins of the Christian and Islamic faith?

    This is for research purposes. I will do some searching but I wanted to know if anyone can answer any of this. I heard from documentaries and read from essays that Christianity is believed to have originated in Turkey and flourished in Greece. This true? As for Islam, sadly I do not know. I think maybe Iran, no that can't be right... I'm not entirely sure.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • So many testimonies of Heaven and Hell but the subjects are denied, why?

    There have been many testimonies of people going to Heaven and back, even Hell and back, and not all of the people who experienced these out of body afterlife experiences were Christians.

    With so many texts, stories, and similarities in many of them why do some try so hard to refute the idea of a Heaven or Hell? So many other religions have a version of a Heaven or Hell. With all the similarities and stories why do so many ignore the possibility of a Heaven or Hell. I know for a fact that you don't blackout and that is death. But with all the stories, why the trouble accepting?

    It's not infringing, it is people telling you what they saw.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What lasts the ages in your opinion, Faith and Wisdom or Facts and Studies?

    This is not to provoke. Opinion based. My opinion? Either or. Faith and Wisdom can last the ages but Facts and Studies can be corrected and replaced whereas Faith and Wisdom when the do change they strengthen usually. However Facts and Studies lead to Knowledge, knowledge is priceless.

    When you answer you can change the other, it can Wisdom and Studies, Facts and Faith, or whatever combination you see best to answer.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Biblical Opinion: Do you think a person should read the Bible before they quote the Bible?

    In my opinion yes because a person must understand what they are talking about and must understand texts before quoting.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why do so many call themselves Christian but they cherry pick the Bible?

    Why do so many call themselves Christian but they cherry pick the Bible? Not exactly true is you ask me. True some things are more relevant than others but to cherry pick all the good stuff or at least what interests you seems a bit, confusing right?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why is Greece often associated with Christianity?

    I looked up this subject but received little to go on. All I know is that Christianity has many early roots to parts of Europe and the Middle East and that Greece is on such part.

    I'm not saying Greece is a Christian nation nor that Christianity came from Greece but is there a reason as to why it is often associated with Christianity? Is it the Greek Orthodox Church?

    And how if Greece was once pagan?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • If Nondenominational Christian is not listed as a branch of Christianity what is it?

    If to be Nondenominational is to not be formally aligned with a religious denomination, what is it exactly?

    I looked it up but so far all I see is that is historically Protestant.

    I do know Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas is nondenominational and they get criticism for it but what exactly is it considered if not a branch of the Christianity tree per se?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why do people insist Allah and God are the same?

    Allah may be God in another language but as a Christian I don't pray to Allah, no offense. I mean why are the two called the same god?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • If Judgement is near has the Antichrist arisen yet?

    I know Judgement will come and I believe in it. But to the Believers, the True Christians, do you feel as if the Antichrist has arisen or will rise soon? My question may sound a bit vulgar but I am simply asking here. It feels as if the Antichrist has risen if you see how intolerant and truly evil some are and if you see how twisted the world is. But has the Antichrist risen or begun to emerge?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago