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  • Need some advice having issues with a guy i am dating?

    I have been dating a mature guy in his 40s for awhile when i go to find that

    he also has been seen this other women who he calls a friend for dinner and

    drinks frequently. What is the best way to deal with this situation?

    If i saw a single guy frequently as well for dinner and drinks would that be appropriate?

    Need some advice how to handle this preferable from another guy. He is a professional and

    seemed like a suitable candidate not so sure now. He said she invites me?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Any good ideas for a child's birthday party. Its a 6 year old girl.?

    Anything from snacks if you have any great suggestions, or games etc.

    2 AnswersGrade-Schooler9 years ago
  • Why do men/guys want make up sex if they do something wrong?

    When the last thing i want is to be intimate after someone being rude to me. I have

    a high sex drive but that turns me off any guy. Guys why is that?

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • Had a string of bad luck in my life lately can do with some advice?

    I had a long term partner he is deceased now, sadly he was great, i was left with my beautiful daughter.

    I met a guy he seemed nice enough took me out for dinner when i first met him, did not sleep with him till after a month. I was not rushing into anything then after 3-4 months he changed, he became very jealous, insecure, he used an ex up against me like i mean he started an argument, then called her to come and pick him up, i did nothing to him he just started accusing me cheating like what. I was stunned speechless, i never did do not know where that came from,. I am a working professional, i go to work helping other people. His ex came with her partner this made me laugh, she is engaged to someone else and has been with someone else for 3 years. He started putting me down saying he would rather be with the ex. At the time i did not even know her but i spoke to her and told her what he did. She left and told him to walk home. I got rid of him. I just did not understand we are both in our 30s why is he suddenly acting like that.

    My first thought was that is his true colors coming out? I was right for leaving, now he keeps on calling me every second day calling me beautiful saying he wants to be friends. I am attractive, financially well off and independent. I gave him a chance and he turned on me. I hate myself for trusting him because my daughter gets attached to people especially guys because she lost her dad. I let this guy meet her and she liked him and then suddenly he turned from Mr. Nice guy into something else.

    Now she asks for him even though i waited months for him to meet her. 2 months not long enough.

    He also would say one thing and then do another.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • What is this guy intentions, i need to know i am going away with him?

    We dated but i broke it off because, he became extremely jealous and he would mention his ex all the time which was a big turn off for me. His ex has been with someone else for 3 years, you would think he has moved on then, she has. She is engaged to someone else. We booked a holiday and its all paid for so we are going as friends. He keeps calling me, he addresses the word friends a lot now, he messages me saying hi beautiful, and frankly i am a little confused by it all. I do not contact him unless i have too. He keeps checking up on me what i am doing, every day nearly.

    Is this normal. I have been in a long term relationship before he past away, i had exes in the past they never did this. I told him we are strictly friends because he is too insecure and jealous. Has he still got feelings for me, because of all the calls. He calls me beautiful and i am like wanting to end the conversation, friends do not do that. He messages me saying i am looking forward to spending time with you. This holiday is next week for 2 weeks. Do you think he will try something again? I do not want it? I made it clear but he keeps on giving me hints how disappointed he is. I am a working professional, educated, financially well off and attractive. Is it normal to check up on someone all the time like everyday to see what they are doing?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Can a holiday make things better if the relationship is not at its best?

    Anybody has any experience, i have lost connection with this person due to things

    he has said and done i find hard to forgive. He has improved but i am a skeptic due to

    a past bad relationship. We are going on holiday next week for 2 weeks can that help he seems to think it will and can, why am i not so sure. He is my partner but an ex interfered and he let her to much, he is not anymore, and has said sorry. I am confused is that what it is?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • I booked a trip with this guy and now he says i am not coming?

    He started being nasty accused me of things i have not even done, its all planned payed for and

    my parents are babysitting my daughter for 2 weeks so i can go. It is horrible i am not going with

    a person like that. I payed for the stay there in a hotel and the flights. I hate myself for doing this?

    Its the right decision not to go. He accused me of destroying his stuff i never touched his stuff.

    Am i making the right decision not to go? I have to tell my parents now. I am humiliated, i never felt so humiliated. He told me he dos not want to go with me anyway. Why would a person make arrangements to do this and then become like this, what the? I hate myself for believing anyone now.

    I took time off work, he has the papers? He cut me off after i payed? And then starts on me saying i did things i never did, there is something wrong with him i suspect and i am not going anywhere with someone like that? Am i right in doing that?

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships10 years ago
  • I have a friend who i thought was a real good friend, then the person said?

    You are useless good for nothing, because i confronted an issue that i was

    not happy about, this is not a real good friend is it.? It was like what the?

    I stopped talking and left the place after that, i work dealing with people, but

    i had to because i suppose that hurt i have done a lot for this person.

    I do not know whether to talk to this person again, those words still are

    going through my head, never have any person talked like that to me, what

    would you do, would you talk to someone like that again? The person is in their

    30s. I do not abuse or belittle people but i will say it nicely if i do not like what

    someone is doing.

    4 AnswersFriends10 years ago
  • teens with drug abuse problems, should the parents have the power -?

    To be able to force intervention if they know it is the best treatment for them in the long run?

    Especially because of the harm it causes, like stealing from their parents, acting abusive, becoming very moody and irritated. In Australia the law is when a child is 16 you as a parent have no right to get help for them, they decide over you at 16, its wrong. What i am trying to say is they do not know what is best for them, should the laws not change, so you can enforce the necessary treatment, an addict dos not see what he is doing, the drug is controlling him. Here they say throw them out? What do you think? Is that all you can do.? Really

    1 AnswerFamily10 years ago
  • When a guy is persistent but not a good person?

    Your feelings, if you are uncomfortable about something, they do not care to make it better, but if you confront them with your wrongdoing, they deny it even if true or retaliate on you. You break it off and say it will not work, this guy was abused when younger and can be emotionally abusive. I say no unless you get help, he will humiliate you to people when you have done nothing nothing. There is no two sides, it is his nature, and i am done, and he keeps on harassing me. I said you go and get help, he refuses and says there is nothing wrong with me? Yeah sure people told me get a camera and film him, that is what he thinks. I have not seen him for 2 weeks then he shows up. "Says it is my birthday, and tries to come onto me? I got so angry, and he says you are ******.

    I told him, he needs help, he says bad things about you to other people even in-front of your face and strangers, and i walked. I recognize abuse i work with it. I changed number, he talks to his ex all the time and puts that in my face, compares you to her what is that. If i treated a guy like that what would he do. He even said i would rather sleep with her. I changed number. Him coming around yesterday doing that or trying made me feel sick.

    Why is it when you tell someone this will never work because they think you are entitled to treat people bad, and i have always been with good guys. He stood over me in my face, pushed me into the wall, and says you know you want it. My daughter was here she is 5, can i have him charged so he stops harassing me. I changed number. He still comes to the door, i mean what is wrong with people like this. I managed to push him out and close the door.

    I still feel sick.?

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • I would like an answer to something i have seen on here a 100 times? A straight one?

    If a person is seeing someone else and they still have contact with their ex, every week, and sees them they have no kids together. They even talk about the other person, what is acceptable, and where to draw a line, if a person insults his partner to the ex is that acceptable, and why would a person have a need to see and contact this ex every week if they say they have moved on. I deal with people and would like to know if others find this acceptable or not?

    16 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • This guy is out of control give me your opinion.?

    He planned a holiday with his girlfriend booked the tickets, then told her he would rather take his ex. He then started belittling her her to the ex, i know the ex, i told him off to me that is wrong. What would you do if you were his girlfriend.

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships10 years ago
  • Need a little advice on this guy i am seeing have a few issues with him?

    I have been dating this guy for 6 months he is 5 years younger than me, he is 32 and i am 37, not that it is an issue. He gets insecure with me which i do not like, at a party he told a guy he could not talk to me, what is that, he has a female friend i am fine with that. I let him talk to who ever. I hurt my knee from having to sit on the carpet the vacuum cleaner broke and he saw my knee, and he accused me of ******* someone else on the carpet. I am considering walking away, i have my own place, i am financially stable, have a great job, educated. I have met someone who is like this, i sat him down and said what is your problem, i never did him wrong, so why would a person think like this. I am very confused. How would you deal with this, or is walking away the best option.

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • A guy i went out with did this, i am in disbelief?

    I used to date this guy and i stopped because of issues, the other night i was asleep i got woken up by someone coming in the house, and then suddenly the light were turned on in the bedroom i am sleeping in. I jumped the house was locked there he was at 1 am in the morning, he broke in the back of my house, he took the hinges off one of the windows and he says not happy to see me he is intoxicated. He walks through the house spilling alcohol everywhere, starts insulting me, i told him to leave i have to go to work in the morning, not that it is an excuse. I am like have you lost it, i have a 5 year old daughter, I told him to leave, he gets rude and starts telling me he is not my *****. I am like i am not with you, so what are you doing here, i am trying to remain calm to get him out. I do not get what that was about. He did damage to the back, he tells me he was never loyal to me. I broke it off with him. How rude is that. I told him if he dos that again i will call the police, i do not go and get into other peoples houses in the middle of the night. What is he trying to prove. He is in his late 30s.

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What would you do if a guy dos this?

    I have been with this guy for 5 years we broke up because may i add we were engaged, it happened because he lost his job and i had to support him for 5 months he is a tradesman and there is work out there for him. I have a daughter. I have not spoken to him in a few weeks and then he turns up, now i am working and he offered to take and pick up my daughter from school, i am having trouble getting anyone to help me out with that. We broke up because i said if i was in need and he was working would he do the same for me, and he said no that would be me using him for his money, that made me angry and i said he could get out then i felt used. He has been calling me is now trying to be nice and offer help with my daughter. That is not her dad her father was killed in an accident when she was just a baby. She got very attached to him. Is that him trying to make up, i am a little confused. I love him but i don't want to be used any advice. Should i let him help me out. He offered i did not say anything. We are both in our 30s.

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What is your opinion of this person?

    When drunk he accuses people of taking his stuff like his mobile and then the phone is hanging or attached to his pants while he is doing it. He accuses people of going through his stuff when no has moved. He goes off and becomes demanding and aggressive wanting to hurt others or himself, irrational. He is 39 years old so he is not that young. He blames everyone else and will not take responsibility for his actions. He can't hold down a relationship. He lies and makes up stories about others when it was him who did it. Now i know this person, i am interested in what people would make out of someone like this. He lost most of his friends and family because of his actions and still wont accept responsibility, even his kids. What would you think his problem is i am curious to hear? He loses everything and his job. He lost his kids to lying to them all the time. And when caught he threatens suicide, he dos not follow through though or he tries to make people feel sorry for him.

    1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • What is your definition of this guy?

    When drunk he accuses people of taking his stuff like his mobile and then the phone is hanging or attached to his pants while he is doing it. He accuses people of going through his stuff when no has moved. He goes off and becomes demanding and aggressive wanting to hurt others or himself, irrational. He is 39 years old so he is not that young. He blames everyone else and will not take responsibility for his actions. He can't hold down a relationship. He lies and makes up stories about others when it was him who did it. Now i know this person, i am interested in what people would make out of someone like this. He lost most of his friends and family because of his actions and still wont accept responsibility, even his kids. What would you think his problem is i am curious to hear? He loses everything and his job. He lost his kids to lying to them all the time. And when caught he threatens suicide, he dos not follow through though or he tries to make people feel sorry for him.

    8 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago