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  • I am completely crazy about this girl, what should I do?

    So, I really like a friend of mine and I was wondering if I can email someone? the main reason is because I want to share the complete story without putting it on the internet where she could possibly see this plus I want to talk to someone about it

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I can't stop liking this girl, what do I do?

    So, I become friends with this girl and after talking to her for a while I started getting feelings for her and later on found out she liked someone else I tried to move on it was hard and painful but I thought I finally succeeded and tried pursuing a couple of other girls but ultimately it didn't work and now finding out she isn't interested in that guy anymore and after realizing how much more we actually have in common it makes me want to be with her that much more any advice?

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • I want to be with this girl so bad but I don't think she will ever feel the same way any advice?

    So...we are good friends and I really liked her a while ago and she was interested/involved with someone else and it caused me a lot of pain and I tried to move on started trying to pursue a couple of other girls didn't work out but even though I was pursuing she was the one I always wanted to talk to and the one I always wanted to be around(I am not clingy though, I give space) and I even tried to convince myself I didn't like her or that I liked her for the wrong reasons but now she isn't interested/involved with this guy anymore and I was honestly a little to happy about that and then realizing how much more we actually have in common and how similar we are makes me like her even more and makes me want to be with her that much more but she probably won't ever think of me that way any advice?

    3 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • I am really confused, any advice?

    So, lets make this simple there are 3 girls(girl 1,girl 2, and girl 3)

    I became friends with girl 1 & 2 almost instantly and I text/chat with girl 1 almost everyday and occasionally with girl 2 and we hang out from time to time but I started getting feelings for girl 1 and then I found out she likes someone else and it was really painful and I felt like I moved past it when I had feelings for girl 3 and I convinced myself I didn't really like girl 1 or it was for all the wrong reasons and then I kind of moved past girl 1 & 3 and started to have feelings for girl 2(not that surprising) and I told her how I felt and got rejected now we don't talk anymore and have moved on from girl 2(but still want to be friends) and I started getting interested in girl 3 again and then I found out girl 1 didn't like that other guy anymore and I was a little too happy and even though I knew me and girl 1 had a lot in common I realized how much more we have in common and now I am very confused by all this and I don't know what to do about it

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • I really like a girl(friend) who doesn't like me how do I get over this?

    So, I really a girl who I am friends with met on campus(college) and I talked with friends about it and I thought very hard about how I felt about her because here is the pathetic part I wanted to make sure on the very off chance she maybe felt the same way that I didn't hurt her by being confused by how I felt but anyways I finally got the courage to tell her that I liked her and obviously she didn't like me back I mean she is this sweet,caring,crazy girl who is also very beautiful I mean she didn't just say " we can't be friends anymore " she was happy we were still going to be friends but honestly right now it is very painful to be friends with her right now but I just care about her a lot and want to be there for her I mean there were girls in the past that I liked out of all of them I only told two girls I actually liked them this girl and one other but anyways I eventually found a reason for each why it wouldn't work out but I can't find any with this girl how do I get over this girl and move on?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Is it creepy to write a song about a girl you like?

    I am a song writer in college right now, and there is this girl(that I am good friends with) that I like and have started writing a song about her and fear it is creepy is it?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • I like a girl, but am too scared to say anything how can I get the courage?

    So, I met a couple girls about a month ago on campus(college) and we became friends pretty much instantly and soon I was confused how I felt about both of them I eventually realized I liked one of the girls(girl 1) but she is interested in someone else and I was really hurting so I confided in girl 2 about it(I am scared that was a mistake seeing the circumstances) and I eventually got over it and over the past few days after going to a concert with girl 1 and 2 I saw something in girl 2 that I hadn't seen before and after that I had a dream about her and have been thinking a lot about her my heart beats faster and it is hard to describe but that feeling you get when you are excited like a fluttering in my chest I am really close to just telling her or asking her out but I am still too scared how do I get that last burst of courage to finally tell her?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How can I stop being a loner?

    So, I am in college living on campus and I am very shy,quiet,introverted, and very much a loner I am always by myself I don't have many friends and I never hang out with anyone how can I stop these tendencies? I really want to make some friends

    4 AnswersEtiquette8 years ago
  • Any good ramen recipes?

    I am a college student and have been living on ramen for a few weeks and even though I like the way I have made ramen I want to try something new

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • How can I balance school with a job?

    I am currently in college, and since I live on campus I need to support myself and since my college has apartments instead of dorms there are no meal plans and I don't have enough financial aid to spend on living so I know I need a job but I don't know how to balance it here is basically my schedule



    9:00 to 10:50 class

    1:00 to 3:50 class


    11:00 to 12:00 chapel(required by the college)

    12:00 to either 12:30 or 1:00 devotion groups(required)

    1:00 to 2:20 class

    2:30 to 3:50 class


    1:00 to 2:20 class


    1:00 to 2:20 class

    2:30 to 3:50 class

    Friday is the same as Wednesday

    but I also have to have 15 christian service events(voluntering) every semester in order to graduate plus I have a lot of homework and haven't even scratched the surface yet and I also am busy with church on Sundays do you think there is anyway to find a job where I can still pass my classes?

  • What would you say are the most versatile guitar effects?

    I am really indecisive when ti comes to guitar effects I use a line 6 m13 multi-effects pedal at my church I have a clean channel and 3 different distortions with different levels of intensity I also have an analog delay and an analog delay set to a dotted 8th and an octave type effect and a reverb but I am not sure what other effects I want to use any suggestions would be great

    1 AnswerPerforming Arts8 years ago
  • Would someone be able to help me find information on my great grandparents?

    This is the link to my family tree so far on the side I am most interested in right now is my paternal grandmothers parents the problem is my free trial is up and can't afford a full membership right now so any help would be appreciated

    3 AnswersGenealogy8 years ago
  • Any Information on these last names?

    I am trying to find information on my great grandmother and my great aunt said she used two different last names aside from her married name " Spitz " now I know the last name will not really say much but my main question is why would someone use two maiden names? my other thing is I have no idea if these last names are fake because I can't find any information on them the names on the records are " Fonovich " which comes up the most but also " Addnorach " on a couple as well I know she was originally from Poland and came to Canada so they could be transliterations is there any countries where these names or similar names are used? I just need somewhere to start

    5 AnswersGenealogy8 years ago
  • Having a hard time finding much about my family any tips?

    I am trying to find information on my great grandparents(my paternal grandmother's parents) but I can't find much information on them and I don't know why I do know they were born in the late 1800's, they were Jewish and from Eastern Europe I believe my great grandfather was from Russia and my great grandmother was from Poland I also know they immigrated to Canada but my main thing is I am not able to find many records on them or even where they were really from also birth locations and their names changed in different records for example on some of my great grandfathers records(that I do have) it shows different first names such as Henry, Harry, Harris my aunt said it was Abraham/Avraham idk and for my great grandmother it showed names such as Sarah Rachel Fonovich or Rachel Addnorach my great aunt(grandmothers sister) said she used two maiden names I am guessing Fonovich and Addnorach I know last names won't tell where she was from but are these last names found in any country or are they fake last names? also it shows their birth locations changing from both Russian, both Polish, both German and then one Russian and one Polish how do I get to the bottom of this? the problem is my grandmother is the only one out of 5 children who actually had kids so this is really all my dad knows

    3 AnswersGenealogy8 years ago
  • Do you think this girl is ignoring me?

    So, I met this girl online we have been talking everyday for 3 weeks and then she asked me for my number and we have been texting for a few days and we added each other on Facebook but now she has unfriended me on Facebook and hasn't responded to my message in a few days(on the site) even though she has been on it after I sent the message I also texted her and then a few messages later she said she was going to bed and then asked ttyl? but we haven't talked since then and she has only initiated a text once what should I do?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • I am really scared to ask this girl out what do I do?

    So, I met this girl online and we have talked back and forth for almost 3 weeks and we started texting (she actually asked me about texting) and I really want to ask her out and see if things could go anywhere down the road but due to a past experience just like this has kind of scared me off also I found out she got of a relationship around a month or two ago and was wondering how long I should wait?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How to gain self confidence?

    I have extremely low self confidence, I have been made fun of about my looks for a really long time I remember a kid came up to me and said what's wrong with your face? it looks off idk no one wanted me to sit by them in the lunch room so I pretty much hid in the bathroom until lunch was over and not only that girls would reject me like it was a game even though I never said anything to them all the friends I had turned on me and even the teachers kind of gave up on me saying that I was a drug user(which I am not and I have never done drugs) and a loser pretty much and I am also shy and quiet so before class there were times where people would come up to my desk and just try and get me to talk like they didn't like me or want to talk to me they just treated me like a freak and people still sometimes do that not only that I never really had friends I had acquaintances people who would say hi to me in the hallways but nothing else and even people that say are my friend never really talk to me don't really return texts and when we do make plans they always forget or have something come at the very last second and really only talk to me when they want me to do something for them or want me to help them through something plus a lot of people in school for the longest time thought I was stupid also my parents don't really much either I mean sure they encourage me with music or art but that is it they treat me like a child when I am in fact 20 they have always had a knack for just pointing out my flaws that I was already aware of and felt bad about I also overheard my mom saying how I am going to end up being a drug dealer she has called me emotionally disturbed and my dad when we used to really fight he would say things like " go to hell " or calling me " hateful ", " evil " even " spawn of the devil " they tell me all the time how I have no life even when they talk with relatives on the phone they talk about my brother but with me " oh, he's good " that is all they can say about me hell, people even criticize me over having low self confidence like I chose to be insecure I went on a date with this girl and I stepped out of my comfort zone a lot I asked her out and during the date I was myself and things seemed to be going really well and we texted a little bit after that and I asked her out again and she yes she stood me up I drove an hour and a half out of my way I waited four hours(a little long I know) and I texted her and she said she had work but she gets off at 5:30 and it was 8:00 she didn't even bother to text me and I asked if she wanted to reschedule and said we'll see and then a day later she said I was too insecure and a loser but we only had one date she never really got to me or give me a chance and this is the way everybody around me is and has been since I could remember I mean I do have good friends that I can talk about anything and have things I am good at like drawing,guitar and song writing but I still can't shake this low self confidence what should I do?

  • Does this girl like me(I have no clue)?

    So, I met this girl online and we talked a little and I asked her out she said yes and then she gave me her number to text her the location and the day before the date we texted from like 12 something to around 4 or 5 just talking learning more about each other and on the date I was very nervous after the movie we got something to eat and talked for a couple hours we talked about a lot of stuff our families and our pasts she told me what she wants in a guy after that I walked her to her car we talked some more and then we got to her car and talked some more then we hugged 2 or 3 times before we said goodbye to each other and I told her I would text her when I got home and I did 2 hours later and she said she was getting worried and we texted a little bit after that during the week and asked her out again and she said yes and texted some after that and this brings us to now lol

    The thing about me is I am very shy and quiet, to me speaking to others is like public speaking and most of the people that talk to me try to get me to talk and I basically just nod or shrug my shoulders because I am so nervous but it wasn't the case with her we actually had conversations which for me is pretty rare for me the problem is I like this girl and I don't know if she likes me at all

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • I like this girl and I don't know what to do about it?

    I am not going to go in too much detail but basically there is this girl that I know that I am starting to have feeling for but I am not sure what to do but I am willing to do whatever it takes

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Why does my finger hurt when playing guitar?

    First off, I have been playing for a while and have developed calluses but lately when I have been playing guitar my finger usually my index sometimes my pinky(fretting hand) will hurt a little(not enough to keep me from playing) like it is bruised or something is that normal?

    4 AnswersPerforming Arts8 years ago