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  • what should change? Can anyone help me?

    hey guys well I just wanted to ask if anyone could help me because i'm in a dilemma at the moment. I met this really nice guy on the internet and he is honestly the best thing that's ever happened to me and I really do mean that because he's helped me with a lot of my problems (I have a lot of family problems and issues going on at the moment) and I really appreciate him. He's 22 and i'm 17 and age to me isn't the issue as both of us get on really well. The thing is that we've been talking for 7 months and he hasn't properly seen a picture of me and that's because i feel like im not good enough for him at all. I refuse to send him any pictures or meet up with him because im scared that he might not like what he see's. Its a psychological problem as well as a physical one and many of my friends say that its not fair on him and i know that it isn't. But I really do need him in my life but I'm scared about it coz i have been hurt before and i always feel worthless . I did tell him way back in May that I had feelings for him as well which made it harder because he wanted to meet me but i feel so ashamed of myself and I get really sad over it. Can anyone please help me because I know that I will meet him, i just can't bring myself to do so. :/

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • have u ever been in love?



    this basic bit*h bare fit right. she's my bird and i shag her a couple of times but she always says to me nooo bubzxx not today im on meh period RAPE damn girl dlolololol


    but seriously she slapped in the face with a wet fish what do i do?

    plx helps mi

    5 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • What can I do to get him back?

    On friday my cat went out and didn't come back home. He normally wonders about the area where I live and always comes back home at night-however he didn't but me and my family assumed he probably was going to come back the next day-however he didn't. By Sunday-we wondered all around the city and we couldn't find him so we started to call shelters and put up posters requesting anyone who might have seen him to phone us. On Tuesday we recieved a phone call from a woman who said that her sister had seen my cat on Friday and took it with her and gave him a new home. We asked if she could ask her sister to give him back to us and we were willing to give her money for telling us where he was-she however said that her sister didn't want to give my cat back and that she lives in another town so it won't be possible. She then blocked our number and took out her sim card (when we tried to contact her again the phone number was unrecognizable). What can I do? I really miss him I have had him for as long as I remember and I literally cried all night because of what she said. Is there any legal action I can take because I need to have him back because I can't live without him-its like a part of me has died. :(

    5 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • I've Made So Many Mistakes-What Do I Do?

    Firstly, I want to start by telling you what my life has been like for the past 3 years. When I was in Yr 9 I was on the right track. I was getting B's in my Science GCSE's and started on my OCR Nationals in ICT. During this time I was getting bullied a lot and told my parents and teachers about it but they never stopped it or even tried to. The ICT coursework was becoming too much and I ended up getting shouted at by the teachers for not working hard enough. I tried day in and day out to complete and finish this before my deadlines and even asked for my teachers help but she would say is to look for the answers myself-that I'm old enough. In June 2010 my parents had a fallout and seperated on my 14th Birthday. I had an exam the day after and I couldn't concentrate properly because I had no idea what was happening. I ended up failing Physics and every other exam I took after that. I became so depressed because everyone was at me. They were out to get me and no matter how hard I tried and how much I revised I just couldn't pass. I retook so many exams and failed them. In Yr 10 I made the mistake my taking GCSE Art and Music. Both subjects which I was good at in Yr 9 but ended up being horrific and barely getting a C in. My music teacher told me that I was working on a G grade and there was no chance of me ever getting a C. I was mortified because I knew I worked harder then I ever did just get by. My Art Teacher hated me. I know many students say that their teachers hate them but she truly did. I would put in so much effort and all she would do is compare me to other kids in the class. One time she gave me detention for failing to live up to her standards. The kids in my class would defend me because they knew she was being unfair. I wanted to quit these subjects so bad but the teachers wouldn't let me. After being screamed at for the last time I just gave up. I went to school and came back home and I knew that I was a failure. The only subject I passed was English. I ended up getting an A in my coursework in Yr 11. In Yr 11 I hated it. It was just as bad as every other year. I missed my prom because I was catching up on my work and my friends were all like-"wtf u should have come" they didn't even care. I failed so many times. Also I became distant from my friends. I tried so hard to make it up to my friend and tried to impress her on her birthday by giving her a lot of presents and making the day special. When my birthday came along all she gave me was a 50p nail polish and a pencil case because she was convinced I liked them. My friend said it was the thought that counted so I put that nail polish on and ended up being allergic to it and the pencil case ripped the second I opened it. Wow-special huh? I then realized that she never was there for me-ever. She made me feel so bad about everything I did and controlled everyone. On top of that I'm scared i'm going to fail everything because of what has happened in these 3 years. What is wrong with me?

    6 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Am I Ok? Do I need help?

    Hi guys. I want to start by telling everyone about me and what I've been through. I'm a 15 year old girl who suffers from very severe depression brought on by years and years of abuse from people. Growing up I never had much friends and was bullied for about 10 years. the friends I did have would sometimes exclude me from conversations, parties etc. For so long, I tried so hard not to let it get to me because it seems so shallow but looking at it now-I really wanted to go and have fun instead of being cooped up at home all the time. I have tried to get out there-but as time went on I developed an anxiety or paranoia from the outside. My friend who I used to be close to has drifted off and found herself a much more better group to hang around with although she still tells me that I can talk to her about anything-I can't. I mention that she leaves me out and ignores and me and she always flips it round and says that I do that even though I don't and when I fail exams (due to family problems)-she's never there for me. Also, I used to be a Grade A/B student and in 3 years that has changed to a Grade below an F. Even teachers tell me that getting C is impossible. But no one knows that I work so hard and revise way too much-I guess that never really pays off now. My school attendance has dropped from 100% to 91% (our school's average is 97%) and no one asks anymore where I go. I can't get up and go to school anymore and even though the school year is nearly over and Yr 11 is almost finished-I just can't do it anymore. Sometimes I cry at night but then I tell myself I'm stupid and I start criticising myself. I'm overweight and I never used to be when I first started secondary school. I was ok but I would starve myself and not eat anything for a long time then I would binge eat. I never knew anything about anorexia or eating disorders as I was 12 at the time but I found out recently that I did suffer from all these eating disorders (and I have tried dieting but I lose motivation because I get so depressed). Pretty soon-people would bully me so much I would beg and beg my parents to let me leave school-but they weren't much help as they would pick on me too. My own brother would tell me to lose weight and act all supportive-then turn around and call me names and punch me thinking he's funny. I wouldn't take care of appearance because it came to a point where I just stopped trying. The other big issue for me is that Prom is coming up and all these people are asking me if I'm coming then going behind my back and saying things like "god what would she wear? that fat cow wouldn't fit in to any dress-she would be the worst dressed person there..." etc. In front of everyone I act like I don't want to go because I have better things to do but deep down I want to go more than anything because just for once I want to be considered "beautiful". But I also know that I've got no chance of going anyway. My parents are going through a marital crisis and are going to separate and I know that we wouldn't be able to afford a decent dress. So most of the time I just sit there at school and try to get the best possible grades I can even though the teachers tell me all the time that it isn't possible. I have to listen to people talk about how good there life is and what they will be wearing to prom-while I just smile and nod and accept things the way they are. I've become so weak and I don't feel anything but pain and sadness.

    Truth is. I don't know what to live for anymore? I mean I wake up every morning wishing things got better-but each day just drags on and I become so suicidal. I don't know what to do.

    Just thought you might want to know.

    4 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • Could someone write me a Blues Piano Composition?

    so I can get a little bit more help on my own composition as I'm stuck with ideas on what to do next.

    :) thanks

    2 AnswersBlues9 years ago
  • What Does This Dream Mean?

    My friend had a dream about me and this guy I really like. I know its a bit strange but hear me out.

    Basically me and this guy are a bit older like 19-21 and we are in this university campus and we're talking to each other. And my friend sed that she turned around and said that I finally got what I wanted. She woke me up and told me about it and I was like "that can't be real". But I have heard that dreams can interpret real life sometimes. Hopefully thi is true-but what does this actually mean?

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Do long distance relationships work?

    Well basically my friend gas been dating this guy from Finland and I'm just thinking do these type of relationships actually work?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Dropping GCSE Art? What Do I do?

    Hi I was wondering if you can drop GCSE Art. I'm in yr 11 and so far over the past year I realised how much I hate art as a subject. In yr 9 I loved it but when I chose it for GCSE it just became this subject that was too constricting for me as my Art Teachers wouldn't let me use my imagination or be myself. The coursework and everything that goes with it is just to difficult and as much as I've tried I just can bring myself to love art like I used to and its really making me panic as I know I've left it too late but the reason for that was that I always thought I could get myself through this and scrape a C atleast. I've just find out that I'm working on a D and that just made me think "Why did I ever pick this?".

    Plus it isn't just about the difficulty its about the teachers as well. Like I said before they will not allow me to be myself and that has caused me to not even try anymore. They basically punish me for trying my best and many people in my Art Class do believe that they are treating me badly (they told me this recently) and also on my report they give me really bad effort grades and that just makes me feel like I don't belong in that subject at all.

    I don't mean to whine about this but I just don't want to do something I hate and also I don't know how to explain myself to the teachers about this as they probably feel that I'm unorganised and don't try. Also many people don't give up or drop a GCSE subject but in my friends school some drop Art as they believe its too difficult.

    Any thoughts and advice on this?

    Also my initail choices on reserve were GCSE Buisness and History. Just in case any one wanted to know.

    2 AnswersStandards & Testing9 years ago
  • Good Storylines/Plots for a Book?

    Im thinking about writing a book but so far I haven't come up with any ideas that are original.

    So i'm just wondering if you guys are interested in anything that you may want to read about.

    Thanks a bunch.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • She Lost A Stone In A week? (14lbs)?

    a friend of mine lost a stone in a week and I am completely aware that this was due to crash dieting and even though I advised her against it she still lost a stone. I'm actually jealous I need to lose half my body weight in less than 3 months and she's lost a stone. It seems stupid but why do I feel jealous of her. She doesn't need to lose weight as she is completely perfect. Any advise how to lose weight? I'm 15/16 stone now (due to an accident I had a year ago) and my target is 8-11 stones. Any tips. yes I will crash diet if I need to lol.

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago

    if not whats wrong?

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Interfaith Marriages? Do they work?

    Hi i'm researching a little bit about interfaith marriages. I would like to know how a christian man and muslim woman get married? same vise versa. also i would like to know about how they would raise their children or where they would get married. the reason why I am asking is that I'm a course about this and I would like to know more. I understand that many religions forbid marriage between different religions but I would like to look at this in a more modern view. In my opinion if two people get married they should be able to do so. Also marriage between a religious and a non-religious person? will that work? Thanks and I am open to any opinions and etc.

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Help With Singing Voice?

    Hi I'm a 15 year old girl who loves singing but for the past year and a half i've been noticing that my voice isn't as good as it was when I was younger and that my larynx hurts and causes discomfort when I sing. My voice used to be very deep and many would compare it to singers Beyonce, Whitney etc. but now its very flat compared to what it used to be like. I can still try to reach those notes but quite a few times I can't. I have been to the doctors and they've given me medicine to ease the pain but it still hasn't done this ( I will be visiting the doctors again). I do scream a lot sometimes as I have a short temper ( I admit it yes) but I'm just really worried about my singing voice, I mean is it normal for people to lose their voice around this age? If so will they ever get it back?

    I am also considering getting help from a singing tutor but will even help at all?

    If anyone has ever been in this sort of situation before please, please try to help.

    Thanks :)x

    1 AnswerSinging9 years ago
  • POLL: are you athiest?

    or if u believe in god which religion do u believe in?

    31 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Losing Weight Before May? Diet Plan?

    Hi I need to lose half of my body weight before may (16 stone to at least 8-9 1/2 stone). I'm 15 years old.

    The reason for this is that I have a family wedding and I really don't wanna be depressed with myself.

    I don't wanna do any crash diets since they can really mess up the body.

    But I do want a diet plan that actually works especially for someone my age.

    Thanks :)

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago

    i mean if u want to be a singer or dancer or anything really?

    would U DO IT.

    16 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • A-Level Choices? Any Advice?

    Hi guys I was wondering if any of you could help me with my a-level choices by giving me more insight to the subjects I have chosen and help me choose the right subject by telling me which is better or not.

    So here are the subjects:

    English Language or English Literature (i enjoyed both in GCSE but which is better?)

    Sociology or psychology ( again I know what these subjects are but which do you believe is better?)



    I have already looked into these subjects but it would be helpful if people who have done any of these subjects would explain which is better for the long haul etc. I have asked my sunject teachers but the advice they gave was to ask students who study these lesson but I however don't know anybody.

    Thanks :D

    3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education9 years ago