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If you have gout, but lose weight, do you have to diet perpetually?
My boyfriend is 23 and has been diagnosed with gout (technically not yet because his blood work isn't back yet, but he exhibits the symptoms).
He doesn't eat organ meats, has never eaten them, actually- but he does eat red meat. He doesn't drink a lot (a beer or two with dinner maybe once biweekly?)
He told me apparently his father had gout (not sure what age) and my boyfriend is moderately overweight, but has been dieting prior to his diagnosis. He was going to return to the gym before he had the gout attack.
I researched what foods contain moderate and high purine, my question is: if he loses weight, does he have to maintain this diet constantly? How closely should he adhere to it? How serious is gout (he is not worried, but I am?) Would cheating the diet a little be horrible? Also any other ideas to prevent gout attacks, please!
Thanks for the help!
4 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years agoGave blood- what happened to me?
When I was in high school I gave blood for the first time. They tested my iron and other preliminary work beforehand and said I was good to go.
So the nurse was taking my blood and everything was going well and I believe I was almost done- the nurse walked away to help another student. I was lying down and all of a sudden I heard buzzing and the corners of my eyes became blurry and gray and started to take over my vision. I tried to call for help but I couldn't open my mouth. The nurse finally saw me and freaked out, a herd of nurses swarmed me and made me into a "V" shape (legs up all the way, head up all the way) and someone said my lips were blue. What did they do that helped me back to "normal?" Also after that I vomited which I understand is normal?
But what happened to me? How did they fix it? Will it happen again if I give blood?
2 AnswersMedicine7 years agoHow to deal with my boyfriend having E.D.?
My boyfriend is 22 and has E.D. because of a surgery he had to have at birth. He is able to have intercourse normally, but sparingly. Sometimes he is not able to become aroused. I understand this, but it still takes a huge toll on my self-esteem (I'm sure his as well, but I never try to mention it).
I try my best to promote doing new things or trying to be more attractive to him but it just doesn't happen. I feel like I have no control over my sex life because I have to wait until he is ready to have it. We have a lovely relationship otherwise, but I crave the sexual intimacy.
He has offered to get the "little blue pill" but I am afraid that
1) It will not work (then what do we do?)
2) He will get sick (or his erection will last over the hours & we have to go to the hospital)
I believe his E.D. also causes him to lack yearning for foreplay or anything because he is afraid when he gets an erection that it will leave. But this diminishes my self esteem because I cannot get pleasure or reach a climax.
Is there anything I can do?
5 AnswersMen's Health7 years agoA cool idea for my boyfriend's birthday?
My boyfriend's birthday is at the end of May (the 29th to be exact) and I really want to do something special. Another couple we are friends with invited us to go paint balling in May for their anniversary. A great idea- but that's what I was going to do for my boyfriend! I wouldn't want to take him twice since they would both be so close in May.
What other ideas should I have? We live in NY and have been to NYC many times so, according to him, he's a little bored of it. I really would love to have a unique idea or event that I could surprise him with.
I wouldn't mind traveling (by car) a couple of states away but a cool experience (like paintball or something) would also be really cool.
He enjoys video games too, if anyone has any cool experience ideas with that?
I have a while to plan, but I like to plan ahead! So please give me some cool experiences maybe you've had and can recommend :) It can be just for us as a couple or with friends (or just him if it's a solo experiment?)
1 AnswerNew York City7 years agoHow long does Percocet stay in your system/cause nausea?
I was in a car accident yesterday and the hospital perscribed me percocets for the pain. I took two (my recommended dose) and I had EXTREME nausea. I threw up for about 3 hours. I haven't thrown up again and needless to say I am not gong I continue the percocets. But I still have severe nausea. When will it go away? I was supposed to take it every six hours and it's been almost 10 hours since I took it.
2 AnswersMedicine7 years agoHow to cope and adjust to a boyfriend with E.D.?
My boyfriend is 22 years old and we've been dating for 3 years. He's very quiet and reserved and not usually very sexual- as in he doesn't want it all the time, in fact, not more than 2 or 3 times a week (usually, sometimes more). He's always had a little trouble keeping his man "standing" when aroused. He has recently revealed to me that this is because when he was a baby they was some sort of accident with a procedure to that damaged his testicles (one does look and feel larger than the other) but he lies sometimes when he's insecure so I can't be sure. Not to make this "all about me" but this hurts my self esteem greatly because I feel like it's my fault that he can't keep it up. Intercourse isn't exciting or even feel good anymore. Not sure if it's me but he does go limp sometimes during coitus. I love him a lot but it's seriously making me lose interest in sex completely and a little the relationship because I can't enjoy myself sexually. What can I do? He won't take the blue pill
1 AnswerOther - Health7 years agoBanned from Omegle for no reason?
I was just on Omegle literally just chatting with another person. Nothing dirty, I wasn't showing clevage- nothing. Just chatting with someone and when we disconnected it was I was banned and re directed me to a porn site? And stated "If you didn't do anything wrong, sorry! Mistakes happen sometimes. Your ban won't last forever"
Why was I banned? How long is the ban?
2 AnswersOther - Internet7 years agoWhat type of curlers are these and how do I use them?
My mom left behind some curlers in my house and I'd like to use them- but they don't look like regular curlers.
They are like bendy strips that can twist and turn. How would I use these? They don't look like they require heat. Should I use them with wet hair or dry hair?
2 AnswersHair7 years agoShould I try hot yoga?
I usually don't do well in hot rooms because I have asthma and I'm slightly overweight. I want to try hot yoga because I love doing yoga at home. But I am afraid with such a hot room that I may vomit or get dizzy.
Should I even try? Is the heat stifling? Has anyone tried this?
Diet & Fitness7 years agoASAP PLEASE: Overflow in oven, it's smoking?
I was making a cake in a bundt pan with a brown sugar/butter glaze. The recipe puffed up too much and overflowed in my oven. I scraped everything I saw on the oven floor and removed the pan, but the oven is still creating smoke! It's not black, it's grey, but it was constant until I turned off the oven.
My oven clean button doesn't work and I already scraped the bottom. What do I do? Could this make a fire? (I left it on for like 15 minutes with no fire but with smoke)
2 AnswersCooking & Recipes7 years agoBoyfriend won't help defend me?
My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 3 years and last year his best friend moved back to town. His best friend has a rough personality and is a bit rude. I tried to be friends with him but all he did was insult me ("jokingly"). He warmed up to me and we've kind of become friends ourselves but he STILL insults me. Things that hurt me very deeply like saying I'm fat or that my legs look manly (I work out so my legs are toned?). You can see on my face that I am hurt by these words and my boyfriend does NOTHING. After he caught me crying in the bathroom he snapped at me for asking him why he didn't defend me saying "He's my best friend! What am I supposed to do?" So I tried standing up for myself in front of his best friend the next time he insulted me and the friend didnt take me seriously and made fun of me MORE. I even tried to explain to his best friend alone that it truly hurts my feelings and bothers me when he says those things and he just laughed it off.
5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoCan I use chocolate bar chocolate in recipes?
I have a lot of milk-chocolate (as in non baking chocolate bars) lying around the house. I've used a knife to make them into shavings before to make cookies and they end up tasting really good!
My question is, can I use them in any other recipes? Or a ganache? How will this melt?
Thank you!
6 AnswersCooking & Recipes7 years agoHow do you cite an author within another author's work in MLA style?
I'm writing a philosophy paper and I'm using my textbook as a source. The textbook is by Grondin and the quote I am using is from Plotinus.
How do I cite this in MLA format as an in-text citation and as a formal "Works Cited" format?
1 AnswerHomework Help7 years agoWhen is will the NYC smoking age raise be in effect?
I live on Long Island but I travel to Queens a lot to smoke hookah. I've been able to do so legally because I was above the age to smoke. Now that Bloomberg has raised the age to 21, I cannot.
I was wondering if this is in effect as of right now. Would I be able to go tonight and smoke at a hookah lounge?
1 AnswerCurrent Events7 years agoIs schizophrenia hereditary?
My boyfriend's father exhibits the symptoms of a severe schizophrenic, but refuses to get help and/or a formal diagnosis- so we cannot be positive. Regardless, my boyfriend assumed that his father was "this way" [as he puts it] because he watched his own mother die in a terrible car crash when he was young. So, my boyfriend assumed it was from the traumatic experience as a child.
My boyfriend has three brothers and grew up in a tough living situation with their dad and their mom turning a blind eye to all of it. However, my boyfriend's youngest brother (age 16) has become increasingly violent as of late. His brother goes to an alternative school because of some sort of cognitive disability that they will not tell me/perhaps was diagnosed [it's not really my business so I never asked]. His brother has always been very kind, at least to me. But my boyfriend says that his youngest brother is becoming extremely paranoid about everything around him and talking to himself while remaining alone at the kitchen table. My boyfriend is also alarmed because he sees that his father is spending time with the youngest brother and believes that he is not helping him resolve any emotional issues he may be going through.
My boyfriend has always flip-flopped on the idea of having children some day, and one day I asked him why and he said that he was afraid his child would "have what his father has" or that my boyfriend himself would "get what his father has" because, apparently, his father has only been this severe in the past 5 years.
I know it can happen no matter what, of course. But I was curious to know if schizophrenia is hereditary, especially if the parents of the child don't have it, but the grandparent? Since his father refuses to get any professional help, we can't have anything documented for a formal diagnosis to use if we ever wanted to research family medical history to have children.
5 AnswersMental Health7 years agoA good topic about metaphysics?
I have to write a lengthy paper (15 pages) about a topic in Metaphysics for my philosophy class. I was given the topic Metaphysics of Death, but it is difficult to research.
Does anyone know an interesting topic on metaphysics that has a lot of information? (Ex. Metaphysics of ___"). It can basically be anything, I just need to know if there is a lot of information about it on the internet so that I may write an informative paper.
3 AnswersPhilosophy7 years agoThe Metaphysics of Death?
I'm supposed to write a 10 page paper on the Metaphysics of Death. My professor never lectured about it specifically. My textbook mentions nothing, so he told me to look elsewhere for the paper. However, on the internet I can find very, very little. Any time I search it with a specific philosopher, it just shows me their death date.
I also don't really understand what metaphysics IS... can someone explain? If so, can you also explain the metaphysics of death? Thank you, I am very confused!
5 AnswersPhilosophy7 years agoHow to remove glitter nail polish from yoga pants?
I spilled some silver glitter nail polish on my yoga pants. Is there a way I can remove the stain? I attempted to gently scrape it off with a razor, but it didn't work.
6 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years agoFun, interesting breakfast ideas?
I'm making breakfast for dinner this evening, I'm trying to think of some new, non-traditional breakfast ideas?
For example, I'm already planning to make "Egg in a Hole" (my favorite breakfast), but are there any unconventional recipes for breakfast?
8 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago