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My boyfriend said "I love you...." accidentally...?
so my boyfriend and I have recently declared that we are falling for each other (this was about a week ago). At the weekend just passed, we were messing about, talking about all the things we liked about each other (like saying "i like you because you have nice eyes....bla bla bla)
then he said "i love you because...."(i wasnt really listening to the because...i was in too much shock). Then we started laughing, and passed it off as a slip of the tounge.
Then the next day I was walking him to the bus stop, and he slipped out again! we were both laughing and I jokingly said "have you got something you want to tell me?" and he said "no no no not yet, i guess its just at the back of my mind"
what does all this mean? Is he wanting to say it to me? I want to tell him I love him, but i dont want to be the first to say it! Shoud i just come out with it?
13 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years agoComic Book geeks- is this a decent comic?
My boyfriend collects comic books (he has absolutely tonnes!). His favourite is Batman.
I wanted to do something special for him, and so bought his this one I found on Ebay. I dont want to ask him if its a good/special one, cause I dont want to ruin the surprise for him. Could someone who knows a little about comics have a look and tell me if its good or not?
3 AnswersComics & Animation10 years agoNeed some help with percentages?
Im half way through a module at university
we haven't finished the module yet, so Ive still not done 2 of the tests
but here are my marks for the 3 I have done, and I would like to know what my percentage is so far
Oral= 60% (this test is worth 20% of over all grade)
Reading= 80% (this test is worth 15% of over all grade)
Listening= 22% (this test is worth 15% of over all grade)
so, what is my percentage so far? the pass mark for the entire module is 40%
3 AnswersMathematics10 years agoDrivers: ever had this dream?
I just passed my test in Feb this year, so Im still a relatively new driver.
But every now and then (I'd say maybe once or twice a month) i have this dream where im driving, and when i press the break as im approaching a junction, the car doesnt slow down, and i panic! last night i dreamt that i was on a 20mph road (with speed bumps) and the car was going too fast!
do any other drivers have dreams like this? im just curious. i think its really strange!
2 AnswersDream Interpretation10 years agoSong from Inbetweeners Movie dance scene?
I just saw the film yesterday (absolutely amazing btw)
Whats the song that plays in the scene where the 3 of them dance over to the girls in the deserted nightclub?
4 AnswersMovies10 years agoHelp! Unattractive Ingrown Hairs!?
Ok, im panicking a wee bit!
Ive been dating this guy for a few weeks and we just decided at the weekend to be official boyfriend and girlfriend, which i was so excited about! We haven't slept together yet, but we have done everything else. I knew it was going to happen and I went for a brazilian wax. But now, 2 weeks on, I have a big problem!
Tomorrow will be our first sleep over, and Im hoping we will finally have sex for the first time! Although, since its been 2 weeks since my wax, the hair is growing back (when it does, I get really bad ingrown hairs, even though i exfoliate often and moisturise every day!).
So, bottom line is, the ingrown hairs are particuarly bad just now, and my lady part doesnt look particularly attractive (quite a few red bumps and irritated) and Im worried he will be really turned off by it! Is there anyway I can soothe the area before tomorrow night, and make it look a bit better?
Also, does anybody have any suggestions on how to minimise ingrown hairs in the future? Any advice would be really helpful!
4 AnswersOther - Skin & Body10 years agoWhen does dating become a relationship?
Ive been dating this guy for about 2 and 1/2 weeks now, tomorrow we are going on date number 5. We have both talked quite imtimately about our feelings for each other, and it seems like we are both on the same page with what we want in a relationship. He mentioned once that he doesnt think we would date anyone else, and on our last date, as I was heading home, he said there was something really special about me. He also mentioned that I was completely 100% his type.
I feel all these things for him too, but Ive not mentioned it, for fear of coming on too strong and scaring him off.
My question is, when will our dating change in being boyfriend and girlfriend. I can see just now that its too soon, and I dont want to bring it up with him, again for fear of seeming too keen. But I really like him and could see us being really happy in a relationship together. Is there anyway I can subtly ask what he thinks about when our dating will become a relationship, or should I wait for him to bring it up?
5 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years agowhy do cheques take so long to clear?
Why do they take so long to clear? Its fo frustrating!
4 AnswersPersonal Finance10 years agoIf it aint a scene then what is it?
1 AnswerLyrics10 years agoBeen on 2 dates with this guy, whats happening now?
So ive been on two (what i would class as very sucessful) dates with this guy (the latest of which was last night). Last night when I was going home, we had our first kiss (or kisses) and we left it on saying we would go out again next sunday. He told me last night he felt quite a good connection to me, which made me happy cause I felt a good connection too.
We used to talk quite alot, like texting and facebook chat. But tonight we were chatting and it just wasn't the same. He said when he came online that he had a sore head, but im not sure if thats why he was being quieter than usual. I really need some advice, cause from after last night, I began to really like him. But now Im worried its the opposite for him.
How should I act now? Should I be cool, like ice queen, and let him do the chasing. Or do you think he just wasn't in the mood for talking tonight? Or is he just plain not interested any more?/
2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years agoIf a guy reschedules a date, does it mean hes not interested?
So I had a lunch date (it was out first date) with this guy on monday, and I felt it went really well. He even asked me out on a second date, this saturday. It was supposed to be for dinner and drinks. Then next time we spoke the date was downgraded to " cinema or maybe a home cooked dinner at his flat", so I suggested we went for drinks (because i thought it was too early for going to his house, and at the cinema you cant really talk and get to know each other)
Then today, I got a text from him saying he had to cancel saturday because it was his brothers girlfriends birthday party, and he "has to go" (his brother has a baby with the girlfriend, and their all a close family) He wants to reschedule for sunday night instead.
Does this mean that hes not particularly interested? Also, to me the excuse is pretty flimsy. Is there a chance he has had a better offer from another girl? I don't really know how to react.
Any advice?
7 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years agoHeading to an egagement party where i will be alone...?
Im getting ready to go to an engagement party for one of my best friends. I think she is wanting me to be one of her bridesmaids. The problem is, i feel really uncomfortable going to this party.
Im going on my own (my bf of 2 years and I just broke up last week, and it was because of the news of her engagement I decided to end it), and im not a total social butterfly, so I fear I will be alone a lot of the night. She knows Im not great in situations where I don't really know many people.
Do you think she will be offended if i leave after only staying an hour or two? Do you have any advice on how to handle this situation?
3 AnswersFriends10 years agoWhere does the word bupkis come from?
3 AnswersWords & Wordplay10 years agoWill i get into trouble for going into work out of hours?
so im a bit worried. I work in a shop, and i finished tonight at 8 (although someone was there until later than me). Im in no way a manager, just a shop assistant. But we all own keys and know the security code.
So i finished at 8, and was having dinner with some friends in the area when i realised i had left something at the desk. So i ran over (about half 10), opened the door, turned off the alarm, got what i needed, set the alarm again, locked up and left.
Is there any way i can get in trouble for this? As im feeling really guilty know and really dont want to get in trouble!
2 AnswersLaw & Legal10 years agoMy best friend just got engaged, why do I feel this way?
My best friend just got engaged (today) and while im super super happy for her, its stirring up a lot of emotions within myself which are making me feel really uncomfortable. Shes been with this guy since she was like 13, and Ive known them both since then (we are now 22/23). I know they are really happy together and Ive always known it would eventually happen.
Firstly, I feel I might lose her as a best friend, as things will change.
Secondly (and more importantly) im starting to think 'am i happy in my relationship?' Ive been with my boyfriend for 2 years, and I know deep deep down that Im not happy. He is unemployed (and has been since we've been together, despite a couple of odd jobs both of which he got fired from!) and his whole attitude towards finding a job is rotten. He lives in another city (about 40 miles from me) so we see each other maybe once a week (although lately its been a lot less!). Ive been changing a lot since we've been together (losing direction in my life, then finding a new one) and I feel almost like he's holding me back from it. If i do decide to end it, its gonna be terrible because he has told me after his ex girlfriend broke up with him he "went to a very dark place" and he keeps saying things like "i dunno what i would do without you, your holding everything together for me" and the last thing I want to do is drive him to doing something stupid!
Any advice on how to handle this situation would be great, as Im currently feeling a bit lost
3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships10 years agoCan antibiotics cure 2 things at once?
I've just been prescribed penicillin for a infected gland. I can also feel the start of a throat infection coming on? Is it possible for the penicillin to cure both the infected gland and the throat infection?
6 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade agoIn a pickle with JobSeekers Allowance UK?
I need some help!
My boyfriend and I booked a holiday abroad last year for May this year. Its all been paid off, and I cant wait to go! But unfortunately, my boyfriend recently lost his job and had to sign on to JSA. I heard/read somewhere that if you abroad while your signed on they will stop your benefit. Im a bit worried cause its too late to cancel our holiday, and wouldnt get a full refund, and i dont want him to lose his JSA as its his only source of income at the moment.
Does anybody know why they do it, and if it is stopped then for how long? or is there a way around it, like sign off before we go, and then sign back on when we get back (we're gone for a week).
any help would be appreciated!
1 AnswerOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoInformation on Port El Kantoui in Tunisia?
My boyfriend and I have booked a holiday to Port El Kantoui, and i just want to ask people advice on a few things
1: what is the situation like for bank machines and banks etc? i dont know if i should take all my cash with me, or maybe travellers cheques, or even if i can take cash out of ATMs in the town.
2: what is the main town of Port El Kantoui like? what sore of things is there to do/see?
3: im really wanting to do some watersports there. what kind of prices (in GBP) are things like jet-skis and parasailing?
4: what kind of bars/restraunts are there in the town of Port El Kantoui?
your advice and experiences would be appreciated!
2 AnswersTunisia1 decade agoWhat is the correct grammar in thi situation?
Im writing about a paper written by someone whos surname is Fish.
Is it correct to say "In Fish's paper...."
or is it "In Fishs' paper..."
4 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade agoWhat kind of tights should I wear with a all black dress?
Ive bought an all chiffon black dress, with a hitched up skirt, that could down to a few inches about the knee. Im planning on wearing some teal green suede heeled ankle boots with it, but i am really struggling with what kind of tights to use.
I was originally thinking along the lines of a natural tan colour, or even an opqaue black, but im not sure it would look good. I dont want any bright colours (except for my shoes), as I just want to look classic.
Any suggestions?
10 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago