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  • Why do I try to make myself Sad?

    I know this sounds like dumb but whatever.

    So about a year ago, I was diagnosed with depression. About 2 days ago, I felt like the urge to cry but I couldn't. Like it felt like a need. So I tried to look at sad videos. Songs and edits by my favourite rapper, xxxtentacion. Nothing seemed to work.

    It wasn't until his album came out a few hours later where I actually cried.

    So the next day I did whatever I was doing and I felt the urge to cry again at school all the way back to my house.

    Like this never happened before. Well actually now that I think about it. I did feel like this before but this was years ago.

    I don't know if I'm out of like sad juice or something lol.

    Am I becoming happy and my body is use to all the sadness that it thinks something is wrong?

    3 AnswersMental Health2 years ago
  • For someone who works at National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)?

    If another country went up to the moon and knocked down the flag, would you guys send a flight to the moon to set it back up? If they repeated to do this would you eventually quit or make a barrier or something?

    - Cherry

    5 AnswersAstronomy & Space2 years ago
  • What does this paragraph mean in Great Expectation?

    "I am afraid--sore afraid-- that this purpose originated in my sense of the contrast there would be between me and Joe, if we went to the coach together. I had pretended with myself that there was nothing of this taint in the arrangement..."

    Any ideas?

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay3 years ago
  • How is Suicide Possible?

    If our bodies are designed to survive. How come people get depression and feel like dying? Lots of animals don't commit suicide and if they do it's not really common. Humans do it every day.

    3 AnswersPsychology3 years ago
  • How did Maria Theresa impact the enlightenment?

    How did Maria Theresa impact the enlightenment?

    Her philosophical idea and legacy?

    1 AnswerHistory3 years ago
  • Attachment image

    What do you think about this fanart compared to the original?

    I watched this video which I really liked. I drew fanart based off the main character, Elliot. I drew him as a girl named Elle or Ellie.

    Warning: It could have some triggering parts for people with depression

    The video is here:

    2 AnswersComics & Animation3 years ago
  • (please help) Is my younger brother a narcissist or is he just being a younger brother? part 2 of 2?

    He's constantly screaming and cussing at his games or me when i tell him to be quiet.

    he broke my stuff dozens of times. Once I was messing with him and he broke my mechanical pencil (those really expensive ones. One time where he got mad at me and threw my pen which broke it's tip. Broke my box for my charger when he got mad it wasnt charging his phone (turned out to be his cord and not MY box) He freaking threw it at a wall and tried to say the next day he didnt throw it even though he told me the day before he did. once trashed my room when he got mad at me.

    he spit on me when we were fighting and calls me names

    lil sh*t, b*tch, c*ck sucker, f*ck*r

    whale (for me being a lil over weight for my age. (5'6 and 150 pounds) and im working out!)

    fat when i eat literally anything. If i get a lil more than people. Once this girl just gave me a plate of food and he called me fat.

    My mom is like this too. So maybe its genetic or something.

    Is my younger brother a narcissist or is he just being a younger brother?

    part 2 of 2

    3 AnswersFamily3 years ago
  • What lessons should I take?

    When I was younger, I would always defeat him but now he's getting older and getting more stronger than me. I usually used my weights as a advantage. I want to take lessons so I can still be stronger than him.

    Should I take self defense, boxing, karate lessons? Or should I just work out?

    1 AnswerMartial Arts3 years ago
  • Dream Meanings 2/2 ?

    There was a wasp in the house and i went to my dad and he said he wasn't going to get the wasp. (a few years ago, me and my brother were throwing dirt rocks at a underground wasp next and my dad got stung (yes we're dumb butts))

    I had a dream about a tornado coming to my house and we were trying to pack everything quickly. my dad came home and everything started to slow down (but the storm). I told my parents that we needed supplies. I tried looking for my phone. Than as we head down stairs my mom ask me what im naming my children (???) I said "Jamie and marco" My mom turns into my sister and says "youre not calling my grand children that (??? shes my sister???) So i go to my dad who is in the bathroom looking in the mirror and i ask what did he think about the names and he said something but he agreed with me.

    I was in class and i was really happy and these girls started being mean. I became really sad (I have depression irl) More than usual. I felt myself about to cry. I go into the hallway where theres a line with my health teacher at a table. I cut to the front and about to ask my teacher if i can go to the restroom. But she interrupts me and says " that shes not going to help me" (about the girls bullying me) I quietly tell her that i need to go to the restroom (to cry).

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation3 years ago
  • Dreams Meanings?

    I had like 3 dreams where I found phones

    The 4th dream is my teacher giving me her phone.

    (I lost 2 phones and broke 1 phone and my mom got me another one)

    I had another dream where I was lying to my dad and he said "are you sure". And I was like "You can check i'm not lying" He was going to open the box? and i interrupted and said I was lying. And we hugged.

    I had 3 dreams where I was raped. twice by people i didn't know ( i was calling for help and no one came) and the other by my dad.

    There was one dream where me and my brother went to someones house and i thought they were really weird and so i told my brother we should leave they look like rapist. He didn't believe me. I open the door and the people are there. I get scared and grab my brother and we run down the street.

    I had another dream where I saw this dog and it was attacking me and biting my arm. I poured soda on it and it looked like it was dying. My brother yelled at me saying "dogs are allergic to soda" and I said "How was i suppose to know." the dog came back to life or something and tried to attack me. He got on top of me trying to bite my face as I held it up. I tried asking for help but no one was coming.

    I was in the kitchen making breakfast for my parents with my brother. I had an argument with him. I heard my grandmother screaming and woke up and found out it was outside from a car sliding in the rain.

    Part 1/2

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation3 years ago
  • Smart Comeback?

    So this guy commented on my pfp and this other guy said don t talk to the slave. So i need a comeback to tell the guy who called me a slave. That will roast the sh*t out of him.

    ill give top comment to the best response

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Where was Adolph Hitler born? (Hospital, House?)?

    So I'm writing a story and I need a place where he was delivered. I looked online but it only showed what place he was born.

    Does anyone know?

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors3 years ago
  • Relationships between France and Vietnam today?

    What is the relationship between France and Vietnam today? please site your sources and don't use wikipedia

    2 AnswersHistory3 years ago
  • Places they repair drinking glasses?

    My step mom broke my dad's favorite cup. It's nothing fancy. Just glass. Where are places they repair simple drinking glasses before Christmas arrives?

    5 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits3 years ago
  • What if Fortunato said yes?

    On page two of my packet of "The Cast of Amontillado," Montresor says “Come,” I said, with a decision, “we will go back; your health is precious. You are rich, respected, admired, beloved, you are happy, as once I was. You are a man to be missed. For me, it is no matter. We will go back; you will be ill, and I cannot be responsible. Besides, there is Luchresi --,” before being cut off my Fortunato. Fortunato says "Enough, the cough s a mere nothing; it will not kill me. I shall not die of a cough." But.... he does. He dies of a cough. Well not exactly. What if Fortunato actually agreed to go back? What would Montresor actually do?

    1 AnswerHomework Help4 years ago
  • Bumps on Ankle? Bleach?

    I have 3 small bumps on my ankle and i was using bleach/soap/water to get the stains out of the couch. Im pretty sure i got some bleach on me and i got 3 small irritaing bumps. Is it because of the bleach. I had this before but i forgot about the past events.

    1 AnswerCleaning & Laundry4 years ago
  • What websites are like this?

    Where you can anonymously chat with people. but the website picks a partner for you.

    i dont want any dating websites

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago