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  • The best way to keep your kids protected in the internet?

    What methods do you use in order to keep your kids safe in the net. I have a problem concerning keeping control over my kids activity in the net. I heard about locating computer in a public room but I think that I need some software that will be able to control them when I am not at home.

    2 AnswersSoftware4 years ago
  • Timing questions?

    We have a 17 month old and have just happened across early learning and have finished Domans how to read book.

    We would love to do at least reading and maths to start with.

    I know that sessions for reading have to be at least 15 min apart, but my question is do all sessions have to be 15min apart, or can you do a reading and math set back to back.

    It all seems a little overwhelming at the moment, but it may be one of those things where you have to dive in and see what happens

    2 AnswersTeaching4 years ago
  • Advice to help concentrate toddler on session?

    My 15 month old likes LR when i tell her about reading time, she concentrate as well but only in sessions that shows picture or video. She doesn't bother when it comes to pattern phonics or sight words dry . Same way, when a word comes in game session, she shows me whats that by acting out, but not pointing! (like when it ask for to point toward jump, she shows me how to jump but does not point to the word on screen). Is she really taking that words in by sight or just learning by hearing from me?

    I am trying to read storybooks by taking her in my lap and reading it aloud, but she would just grab the book and start playing with it! i dont know how to make her sit and make her listen to what i read!

    plz help me with this!

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler5 years ago
  • Flash cards in two languages?

    I recently started doing flashcards with my 18-month old daughter who has down syndrome. Since we are speaking both German and English to her, I also want to teach her to read in both languages simultaneously. But how do I best approach this without confusing her? One idea was to show her the flashcards with the german word, then the english word then a photo (showing the meaning of the word), etc. would this work? Or is it better to keep the languages separate in a flashcard session?

    Also, in your experience when is a good time to move from words to couplets and sentences? Do children give us any cues on when they are ready for the next stage?

    1 AnswerLanguages5 years ago
  • How to teach a toddler practical piano?

    My children are 2 y 10 mo. They know solfege from LM and would run to the piano and play do, re, mi... I play and prefer to teach them myself but I have found it difficult to teach them in a consistent way. So, we haven't gotten very far compared to English and Math, which have their own challenges in terms of content and how to present lessons that are fun with lots of self-learning. Teaching piano is very different again. What has worked for you in developing musicianship in your little ones?

    3 AnswersTeaching5 years ago
  • Teaching during vacation?

    We are just starting out to teach (ie. homeschooling) at home and I was wondering whether any/whom among us continue to teach during family getaway/vacations? We are leaving the country for a week and I am wondering if I should take curriculum along.

    I understand this as different from learning - because they are learning all the time. I'm thinking about the work I'm to do/prepare and keep doing while on vacation.... doesn't that make it NOT a break?

    4 AnswersHome Schooling5 years ago
  • Massages and permanent breast growth?

    My personal natural breast enlargement program is a strict, only massage routine (chi and female deer), i do those massages 2x a day. Once i reach my goal breast size, will the growth be permanent? Or would i have to continue doing the massages for them to stay that size?

    4 AnswersWomen's Health5 years ago
  • Could my new cat be pregnant?

    I found a cat two weeks ago after she walked into a mcdonalds I was eating in (not joking) lol. Im quite sure she wasn't a street or feral cat. She looked healthy and wasn't afraid of people whats so ever. I literally walker up to her, picked her up and carried her home. She purred the entire way.

    Im taking her to her first vet appointment next week but I have this odd feeling that she's pregnant. She hasn't been outside since I got her two and a half weeks ago, but she's starting to gain a lot of weight in her tummy area.

    Im not sure exactly how pink her nipples are supposed to get to determine if she's ready to start producing milk. Is my cat pregnant?

    5 AnswersCats5 years ago
  • My cat hates everyone but me?

    I have a 9month old female kitten who hasn't always been so pleasant. Since the first day I got her she hissed upon coming out of her crate granted I shoulda let her out on her own I hadn't. Since then months go down the road and she now hisses at my boyfriend mainly and runs from him low to the ground like a,rat around my house. She'll hide from him and anyone else even me till she knows it's me. If she hears his voice she Tourette meows and scuttles away n hides.....someone please tell me why shes like this

    1 AnswerCats5 years ago
  • Golf ball at rest moved in rough?

    I have a query about the golf ball moving a couple of inches in the rough. My playing partners ball landed in the rough on a downslope,

    He then approached the ball ready to play it but had not addressed the ball, but had taken his stance, could not really address the ball because of the position it was sitting and the ball would deffinetly have moved if the club was placed at address. When the ball moved it was in a better position.

    My query/question is should he have had a penalty stroke for the ball moving and for not replacing the ball from where it moved.

    I think he caused the ball to move because of where he was standing and how fragile the ball was sitting. This was talked about in the club house and others where saying because he did not address the ball then there is no penalty.

    I was thinking 2 shot penalty for ball moving and for not replacing the ball.

    1 AnswerGolf5 years ago
  • Teaching my 4 year old to read-Need help?

    I need some help with teaching my 4 year old daughter to read. She does not attend any kind of school but she does know her ABC's and what sound each letter makes. She knows a few sight words but when I show her a beginning BOB book she cannot seem to understand the sounds all together make a word. I am not sure what to do next and would really appreciate any advice. She is extremely smart and picks things up quickly.

  • How do you increase golf swing speed?

    What exercises at the gym should one do to particularly increase swing speed? What do long series drivers do?

    2 AnswersGolf5 years ago
  • What do you do for preschool?

    I'm a stay at home Mom and I'm always with the kids. I get to be on the computer for maybe 30 minutes a day and not much time to plan lessons. I already bought the Horizon preschool curriculum and I use YBCR, YBCD, Little Reader, Little Math, we rent Signing Time DVDs and Preschool Prep and we have a lot of puzzles, crafts and stuff to use but I get so lost thinking of what to do each day. confused I spent close to $1,000 already on this stuff. It's money well spent but I'd like to use what I have and not buy more.

    Friday I made a sight word parking lot (I got the idea off Pinterest) and I put all new words for my 2 year old to find and drive his cars on. I'm looking for things like that that teach them while having fun. My daughter Lily is 1 and I just let her watch the programs and play with her and sometimes count her cheerios or just talk to her while I cook/clean and tell her what I'm doing. My 2 year old Kevin likes things that he can play with and touch. He loves He likes to help cook and clean. My mom makes realistic baby dolls and made one for Lily's 1st birthday. The doll is anatomically correct and wears a diaper and Kevin brought me the baby and said "She pooped pizza". He likes saying what food he pooped, anyway, I showed him how to change her diaper and he really liked that.

    How do you set up your curriculum's for each each day? Are you just creative or do have a schedule you follow for each thing?

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler5 years ago
  • I can not find an accurate bra size- everyone is telling me differently!?

    I wear a 34 B cup, yet a VS they say I should wear a 32 B (which is extremely tight on me). I then got it measured at another store and they say I am a 32A whic is crazy because my breasts wont even fit into a 32 A cup. The crazy thing about it is, I measured my bust and at the beginning of my NBE i was a 31, then a 32, and now im a 33 but my band is a 27 . What is my actualy breasts size? What is going on?? I tried it online and they claim I am a 30 C. Could that be true? Even my 34 B cup is starting to feel a little tight but not too tight.

    3 AnswersWomen's Health5 years ago
  • Is weight training bad for golfers?

    Wondered if any of you could help clear up some confusion. I've heard all sorts of different opinions on this, some saying that it squeezes out the fluidity in the swing, but some saying that it adds power and clubhead speed which obviously promotes more distance. Haven't got a clue whether or not it damages your game, but surely if some of the top pros in the world visit the gym on a regular basis it can't be that harmful?

    6 AnswersGolf5 years ago
  • Left Handed,Play Golf Right Handed?

    I write left handed,play squash, tennis & snooker the same way. But I play golf right handed with a regular grip. Anyone else in the same boat?

    Golf5 years ago
  • Quick start on using magnets for natural breast enlargement?

    I bought neodymium magnets, and I read the posts on how to use magnets for NBE. Just to be clear, I put the positive north against the skin, and the negative south outside? Thanks. I want to start magnet. I'm using noogleberry for 3 weeks now, and while it's doing a marvelous job of expanding, widening sideways, I want for the lifted outward look. Maybe, the magnets will do the job.

    3 AnswersPhysics5 years ago
  • Learning two languages within the same language family?

    I am very interested in teaching my 10 month old English. Our native language is Dutch and there are a lot of phonemic similarities with the English language, since they belong to the same language family. I am worried that teaching him English before he has mastered Dutch will lead to a lot of confusion an ultimately do him more harm then good.

    Have any of you come across this problem?

    7 AnswersLanguages5 years ago
  • Unexpected Homeschooling?

    My daughter is only 7 months old, but I imagine she will be advanced regardless of her aptitude simply because we are teaching her from a young age.

    My husband and I rent and also live near some of the best school districts in my State. We were planning on moving strategically about a year before DD enters kindergarten. A recent client has me rethinking this. I have been working inside of a local private school and the type of education they receive just kills me. It's not good. For my career, I provide 1:1 academic services to students with ADHD and Dyslexia and I can just imagine so many ways to cater to both the advanced students and the delayed ones in that classroom. I just can't imagine how a student would be able to thrive in that environment. I mean, my husband and I did ok. But, I think my enjoyment was learning the material and then being able to show how good I was at it (if that makes sense).

    I don't know if being so far ahead in material would be helpful for my daughter. I would think it would just be extremely boring in class. My husband and I both work, although neither of us do so full time. I don't know if homeschooling would be a financial possibility, plus I'm not sure it would be great socially.

    Did anyone end up homeschooling past age 5 that didn't expect to? What was your experience?

    3 AnswersHome Schooling5 years ago