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Lv 31,529 points

Tina S

Favorite Answers8%

I have been a member for a couple of years, I love animals and you will usually see my answers in the pets forum. I will not send any snide comments unless necessary and you are free to e-mail me with any of your animal questions. I have had so much experience with animals, you could fill a book with it. Sad to say we found Delhi our cat. He was hit by a car and we found him a little ways off the road. Thanks to all for your help.

  • How to record Draw My Life video?

    I have the white board, and more than one device to record with, but how do I set it up so that it records what I draw? Over my shoulder or what? :o

    Thank you!

    3 AnswersYouTube8 years ago
  • My husband has stage 4 kidney cancer.?

    He was diagnosed about a week ago, he had gone in complaining about back pain and that is when they found it. I need to know what we can expect from this type of cancer and what we can do to make him more comfortable. It has currently spread to his lymph nodes, his lung, his spine, into most of the bones and his liver. The doctors said that he wouldn't live through it, but they didn't say much else.

    2 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • Cat with coughing fits and mucus on his last legs.?

    We don't know what to do!! Our domestic shorthair tigger is on his last legs, he is dying right before my very eyes and I am just helpless to do anything. He has on and off over a span of a year, or so. (It has been so long I have lost track.) Coughing, gagging, excessive mucus, listlessness, has trouble eating and drinking, rapid weight loss, even trouble breathing and it has been such a strain on him that he has actually had seizures when he sleeps. We have taken him to the vets office, two different ones several times and they just keep saying the same thing, that he has a respiratory infection, they would send him home with antibiotics and it would help with the worst of the symptoms, but it wouldn't take care of the problem. He would seem better for a time, while taking the antibiotics and then as soon as the treatment was over, (we have tried several of these right up to the strongest they can give without killing him) and he would get sick again worse than before. We don't know what to do, he is now dying and none of the vets will say anything aside from it is a respiratory infection without even giving him anything other than the basic tests, so I ask you what do we do? We don't want our cat to die!

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Does anybody know who to turn a bad shelter in to in Pennsylvania?

    One that is privately owned. The owner has threatened several people and has illegally changed their shelter contract. They have also cheated people out of dogs, so who do we turn them in to? We are so fed up and we just want the dog we were told we could have.

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Has anyone seen this cat?

    He is a light/dark gray tabby, he is only about a year and a half old and he has cerebellar hypoplasia, which causes him to walk as though he is drunk. He also has several broken teeth and his name is Delhi, though he answers to either Delhi, or Delly. We have been looking for him for more than a month. Please if you, or someone you know has seen him, or picked him up please call us at 724-550-1869. He escaped from our fenced in yard in Smithfield Pennsylvania and we have not seen him since. Please bring our baby home, he is missed terribly.

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Are Narcissistic Personality Disordered people potentially harmful to other people?

    It's happened before. This person has a long history of abusing me and the rest of my family. I know this person is diagnosed as bipolar, but we believe it could be NPD. So can physical abuse to others or even homicide follow symptoms of NPD?

    4 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Cat with nerve paralysis and she's pregnant.?

    Well we got this cat from a friend of ours whose husband found her cowering in their garage. She was starved and had her tail pulled off. Since then the tail has been repaired and has healed up nicely, the only lasting effects are some nerve damage in her back end. We are wondering if because she has paralyzed nerves will she be able to deliver her kittens on her own, or will she need a c-section? She has probably another week to go before she is due. Please help.

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • What are some of the worst holiday gifts you've ever gotten?

    Just wanna know. Some of my worst were socks zebra cookies made with salt in place of sugar, oh and lets not forget the moldy chocolates, that we didn't know the age of. So what are some of your worst gifts that you've ever received?

    8 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Virtual villagers 3 repairing the lift!?!?!?!?

    How the heck do I repair the lift???? I already have restoration level 2 and they are MASTER builders, but every time I try and make them repair the lift and there are two of them. They say that it is to hard to do alone. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN???? Will they ever repair it???????? If so how do I make them?????

  • Rabbit chewing HELLLLP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!?

    Ok, so our Flemish Giant rabbit Jackie Keeps chewing EVERYTHING!!!!!! We can't stop her!!!! We tried capcaisin, sour apple, cayenne pepper, SHE LIKES THEM ALL!!!!! We haven't found one that she doesn't like. PLEASE HELLLLLP!!!!!

    4 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know what I can give a cat for pain?????

    Our fixed female calico got attacked by a stray male. He beat her up real bad and hurt her leg to the point where she can barely walk. Does anyone know of anything that we can give her for pain? Thanks.

    16 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Can anyone translate these directions for me????

    Okay heres the deal I have some german pudding, Dr Oetker vanilla and I need the directions translated into english. Okay here goes. Puddingpulver mit 3 EL (40 g) Zucker mischen. Nach und nach mit mind. 6 EL von 1/2 kalter Milch glatt ruhren. The u in ruhren has the two dots on top, the ``.

    Ubrige (again with the two dots above the U) Milch aufkochen, von der Kochstelle nehmen und angeruhrtes (again with the dots above the u) Pulver einruhren (again with the dots above the u).

    Pudding unter Ruhren (again with the dots above the u) mindestens 1 Minute kochen lassen.

    Pudding in eine Schale oder kaltausgespulte (again with the dots above the u) Sturzform fullen (again with the dots above the u). Zum Sturzen (again with the dots above the u) mind. 4 Std. in den Kuhlschrank (again with the dots above the u) stellen.

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • What is wrong with my guinea pig HELLLLP!!!!!!!!?

    Okay heres the deal. We thought our guinea pig had fleas, so we bathed him and everything and gave him something for it, but this is in the middle to the end of WINTER. Well we checked today, he looked fine for a while didn't think much of it. He has scabs all over his body and he is losing his fur and has big bald patches all over. If anyone could tell us what it is it would be much appreciated. Thanks.

    13 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • I was wondering?

    Can you play Xbox 360 games on the Wii?

    3 AnswersNintendo Wii1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know......?

    where I can find a 2.5lb, or lighter male teacup yorkie for $1,000, or less? I do not want him neutered and he has to be full grown. PLEASE HELP!!!!

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know where I can find a place where I can legally foster a baby gorilla?

    I really would like to it's been a dream of mine for years and I just really want to. I have taken care of baby animals before and I know that they are wild animals not pets. I mean actually hand raise it myself. I just wanna do this, so that I know I am making a difference.

    2 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Does anyone here......?

    know where I can find chef boyardee mini beef ravioli in tomato and cheese sauce?

    5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • My goldfish is sad. He lost his buddy. What should I do?

    His friend died a few months ago and then my dad broke his really big tank and we had to move him to a smaller one, right after his friend died. He won't go after the food like he used to and he just sorta floats around and swims really weakly near the bottom of the tank. He didn't even touch his food when I fed him recently. He gets fed every day. It seems though that some days he is okay enough to eat and other days he just sits there. What should I do? Please help!!!!

    26 AnswersFish1 decade ago