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  • Breastfed baby spitting up?

    My daughter is now 3 weeks old and since my milk came in at least everyday since she will spit up a few tablespoons of milk sometimes after a feeding. It's not a lot, but enough to makes her onesie all wet or have a nice little puddle on her blanket (a tablespoon or 2). I told the pediatrician who said it is fine as long as it's not projectile or appearing to be the entire feeding. My 1st son did this a little but not until he was several months old and tended to be during growth spurts.

    I just wanted to know if anyone else had/has similar experience with a newborn. She tends to nurse like 8-10 minutes on each breast and I do burp her in between.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Labia laceration after giving birth?

    I had my 2nd child on Dec. 1st (about 3 weeks ago). With my 1st, the labor was slow, and I barely tore and only needed 2 tiny stitches. This time, I got to the hospital and delivered so fast I had no time for pain meds or anything and my baby was born in like 3 pushes which took like 1 minute. So, my midwife informed me I had a left labia laceration (no idea what degree). She said instead of having 2 labias it appeared as though I had 3 from the tear. They stitched it which hurt so bad as I could feel the needle at times. It has been almost 3 weeks, no sign of infection and the stitches have began to come out I believe. From what I can tell, it's still a lil swollen and tender.

    I think I am going to be terrified the first time my husband and I resume having sex, and am concerned about how this will heal. So I was hoping anyone who may have had a similar eperience can tell me how they healed, and how everything went. Thanks.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • When is labor going to happen?

    I am 38 weeks 5 days pregnant with 2nd baby. My son was born at 39 weeks, so I am sooo ready for this baby any day now too. I feel like baby is teasing me, and everytime I think labor is imminent...nothing.

    About 12 days ago I was 3 cm, 80% effaced, head engaged. About 11 days ago I lost mucus plug and 2 days ago when I wiped there was some more mucus (just a lil) with some pink and some blood tinged in it. I had tiny amount of that yet for the past few days. I have been so crampy, feel like I have side stitches, but no consistent contractions. I will get some really strong ones, then they just die off and I'm back to square one.

    As I sit here waiting for those first "real" contractions I was just hoping for anyone to relate, or be able to comment on when your 2nd child came. Anything really, I'll enjoy reading, lol.

    I understand average pregnancies are 37-42 weeks I could have up to almost 3 weeks yet (boo!)

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Was this the "bloody show"?

    I am 38 weeks 4 days pregnant with 2nd baby. With my 1st, my water broke and I never lost mucus plug or had a "bloody show" until I was 7cm at hospital in active labor. Yesterday, I woke up and when I wiped there was a lil mucus and some tiny red streaks of blood and it was kinda pinkish/brownish. Not alot of blood or anything, more so pink. I had it a lil again that day, but no consistent contractions.

    I read "bloody show" means labor could be 1-2 days away, and it has now be 24 hours and nothing. So was this something else? Did you have a bloody show and if so could you share your experience with it. I don't want to get my hopes up, but I am ready to have this baby! lol

    About 11 days ago my midwife told me I was 2-3cm dilated, 80% effaced, head engaged. And I believe I lost mucus plug over 2-3 days about a week or so ago.

    Thanks everyone :o)

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Bloody show and labor?

    I am 38 weeks 3 days pregnant with my 2nd baby. This morning I woke up and noticed some pinkish/brownish discharged mixed with a lil mucus. With my son, I never had any bloody show until I was in active labor dilatd 7cm at hospital and water had broken, so this is kinda new for me.

    About 10 days ago my midwife had told me I was 2-3cm dilated, 80% effaced, and babies head was engaged. The past several days I had lots of braxton hicks about 10 minutes apart for 2-3 hours but then they always stopped.

    So my question is, is what I had the "bloody show". It wasn't really all that "bloody". And if you had that show, when did your labor start? I am reading online labor could be hours or days away and sometimes weeks even. I had my son at 39 weeks, so I am hoping baby comes soon! Oh, and still no consistent contractions, since this morning I may have had like 3-4.

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • False labor with 2nd pregnancy?

    Okay, so when I was pregnant with my 1st baby I had tons of braxton hicks and that, but none that made me think I was in labor. This pregnancy for the past like week I had 3 nights where I was up for about 2-3 hours with braxton hicks coming every 10 minutes that were painful enough to prevent me from falling asleep. I would drink water, walk around, and still had them. But when I finally got my body to go to sleep I would wake up in the morning fine. I never went to emergency room or even called my midwife because I know true labor, and I know they need to be closer than 10 minutes. It's just so weird that I am having false labor pains so consistenctly, and I feel like the baby is teasing me because I am so ready for her to come out! lol.

    Anyway, wanted to know if anyone else had similar expereinces, and if so when did you finally deliver? About a week and a half ago I was 3cm, like 70-80% effaced, babies head engaged, so just waited for the real contractions...

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • When did you deliver your 2nd baby?

    I am 38 weeks with baby #2 and am getting anxious and excited and was just curious as to when you delivered your 1st vs your 2nd (3rd, 4th, etc) babies. I know each baby is different and labor can come at any time when baby is mature and ready, but I have time and would love to hear comparisons.

    My 1st son was born at exactly 39 weeks according to his ultrasound due date. This 2nd babie's "ultrasound" due date is Dec. 3rd, but according to LMP it's Dec. 9th. I am measuring exactly the same with this baby as with my 1st which is interesting. Last week I was about 3cm dilated, and 2 weeks ago I was either 70-80% effaced. I have been getting good ole braxton hicks, but I have had them for weeks now, and know that's no predictor of labor.

    So when did you deliver you subsequent babies? And was it natural or induced? My son cam eon his own at the 39 week mark...

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Discharge at 37 weeks?

    I am 37 weeks 2 days pregnant. Yesterday and today after using the bathroom I noticed the discharge was (sorry if TMI, lol) long like strands, kind of like snot; whitish, clearish, yellowish. It was pretty thick and long in strands almost. No blood streaks, just goo. I had typical discharge while pregnant with my son, but I don't recall it being like this. So just wanted to know if anyone experienced anything similar. I am assuming it's just typical dilation/effacement. 3 days ago I was examined and was at 3cm, but I know that's really no predictor of when labor will start. I get braxton hicks all the time, which I did with my first pregnancy as well and my son was born at exactly 39 weeks according to his ultrasound EDD, with this baby I am due Dec. 9th, but dec 3rd according to ultrasound at 20 weeks.


    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 2nd pregancy...when did you deliver and babies weight?

    I am almost 36 weeks pregnant with 2nd child and naturally building with anticipation for babies arrival. So while I am waiting, I was hoping to hear how your 2nd baby differed from your first in terms of birthdate and weight. I know everyone is different and their are a lot of variable involved, but it's fun to read.

    My 1st son was born exactly one week early, weighed 9 lbs 8 1/2oz 21 1/4" tall.

    I am now pregnant with a baby girl due Dec 9th although my ultrasound date is for Dec 3rd (we used ultrasound date with my son since I did not remember last period)

    Thanks :o)

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Was breastfeeding easier the 2nd time around?

    I nursed my son until he was about 14 months old. He is not 21 months and I am 30 weeks pregnant with baby #2. Since it will be almost a year since I nursed will it be like it was when I nursed my son? Sore? Tender? etc...Or are my nipples/breast more "prepared" since it was less thana year ago I nursed him? I would appreciate any feedback on how nursing went the 2nd time around for you. Thanks!

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What do you think of my baby girls name?

    Evangeline Rae (Eva for short)

    No opinions will change our minds, but it's different so was curious as to what everyones initial reaction would be. Most of our family doesn't like it which actually makes me like it more, lol.

    13 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Hip, back, pelvic pain at 28 weeks pregnant?

    I just hit the 28 pregnancy mark with my 2nd pregnancy. I know every pregnancy is different, but I can't help feeling more anxious this time around. It feels like baby is very low and the pressure is killing my hips, and causing pelvic and back pain. The other night, I swear the baby would just fall out because she is so low! I was also diagnosed with placenta previa at 22 weeks (partial), and wont find out if the placenta migrated up until I am 32 weeks. I fear preterm labor and anything going wrong, and I can't shake this thought. I'm hoping it's just paranoia and not instincts. So, has anyone else felt this low pain? If I sit or stand too long it hurts so bad to move.

    Any similar experiences of advice would be appreciated.

    Thanks :o)

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Pelvic and hip pain/pressure in pregnancy?

    I will be 28 weeks pregnant tomorrow and for the past several weeks my hips have been killing me. Especially if I sit or lay down it is hard and painful to get up. I know that this baby must be a lot lower than my 1st pregnancy, because I did not experience this at all with my first pregnancy. I tried walking, which only makes it worse.

    Has anyone else experienced this? If so, what helped you? I bought a hot water bag that I fill and place on my hips which helps temporarily. I was starting to get worried, but my midwife assured me this is a "typical pregnancy symptom" that I just have to deal with. I was diagnosed with a previa, but hoping that moved up since I was 22 weeks (get another ultrasound at 32 weeks). I have no bleeding/spotting so I am thankful for that, and was told if that happens with this pressure/pain I feel then to call.

    Thanks for sharing :o0

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Transitioning to toddler bed?

    My son is almost 21 months old and we are going to try him in his big boy toddler bed this weekend. My fear is that since he will have acces to toys and a room that he will not want to sleep, but play all night instead, lol. I want to try the transition now only because we are expecting as baby in 3 months and I don't want to hit him with a new baby sister, a new bed, and then potty training around 2 as well.

    So, any advise on ways to ease a toddler into their toddler bed? How did it go for your child?


    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • What can your 20 month old say?

    I don't have any concerns at this point, and realize every child is different, but was just wondering what your child was able to say at 20 months.

    Currently, my son mostly says "What's that?" for everything and wants me to identify and label everything, which I have been doing. He talks in mostly one word phrases though, words like Juice, Mommy, Daddy, Sashy (for Ashley), TJ, All done, Hi, Knee, Eye, Ball, Kitty Cat, etc. He has a somewhat shy personality and will say these words for daddy and I, but play bashful in front of strangers and unknown family.

    He definetly understands more than he says. If I say "wheres your phone" or "go get your shoes" he does it and knows, but is just not speaking in multiple words yet.

    Just wanted to see what others were able to do out of curiosity, I have heard of some 20 month olds still only sayin mama and dada, and others that sound like little adults.

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Which baby name is better Evangeline or Riley?

    I'm more fearful to ask friends and family what they think of the potential names for our daugher. Doesn't bother me if a stranger hates my childs name, but a relative might have more influence. Anyway, I'm a Disney fanatic so want my childs 1st name to have a Disney reference then the middle name to have a family reference.

    My sons name is Jack Michael (Jack from Conderella, Incredibles, Pirates of the Caribbean) and Michael is my husbands middle name.

    Now, I am pregnant with a girl and we really like the name Riley and Evangeline. I wanted Riley initially but there is a popular tuxedo store in our area called "Jack O'Rileys" hmmph.. which is my son and her name. I feared Evangeline would be too different or too much potential to be made fun of too like eVAGINALy, or something stupid like that (even though we prefer to call her Eva for short). Anyway, I dont want to go on and on but you get the jist.

    Riley or Evangeline? Which prefered?

    18 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Anyone else have low lying placenta, and what was the outcome?

    I had my 1st ultrasound done yesterday and I am 21 weeks 3 days along. The doctor said the placenta was covering cervix, and of course we need that to move up by the time delivery approaches. I will have another ultrasound around 32 weeks to see if it did move.

    This is my 2nd pregnancy, my first pregnancy was natural vaginal birth. My son was pretty big (9 lbs 8 1/2 oz) and I did bleed more than average after the birth. I read online that a low lying placenta can be caused by a previous pregnancy/scaring/etc. so wasn't sure if that could be effecting it or not.

    Anyway, I do know that it like 80-90% of the time the placenta does move up over time, so I am not at the freaking out point yet, and remain hopeful. I just wanted to know if anyone else had a low lying placenta, was it your 1st/2nd/etc. pregnancy, and what was the end result. Did it move? Did you require c-section? etc.

    Thanks in advance! :o)

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How did your pregnancies/babies compare?

    I am 14 weeks pregnant with my 2nd baby (my 1st son is 17 months old). So far, the pregnancies have been similar expect I believe I had morning sickness worse this time around and this time I am craving sweet things which I did not do with my son. My son was literally the perfect baby for me. Slept well, happy, content, joyful, all that good stuff. I always hear how each baby is so different and just wondering how your pregnancies/babies were the same or different. I think I am mentally preparing myself for a baby that will be completely different from my son.

    So, how were pregnancies different/same and did you have boys or girls. And then in the first few months how were they the same/different? Feel free to share any stories, I enjoy reading them.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • When did you show in 2nd pregnancy?

    I am currently 13 weeks 2 days pregnant. With my 1st pregnancy I got a tiny bump at like 4 months but only started to "show" at like 5-6 months. I understand that many times women show early with their 2nd babies since things are already "strecthed out" persay, but I was wondering when? I already have a decent size bump and my belly button is popped out already (which didnt happen until almost 6-7 months with my 1st)

    I am anxious for my next appointment in 11 days so midwife can measure me and ensure all is well, and rule out twins, lol.

    Also, I am slender, starting this pregnancy 5'6" 125 lbs, about the same as my 1st pregnancy

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • When did you feel your 2nd baby kick/move?

    I am only 11 weeks 3 days pregnant with my 2nd pregnancy. I was lying on my back last night and could have swore i felt a tiny kick/baby move. I have been pregnant before and know it felt just like that. I felt this like 2 days ago too when I went to bed one night.

    I just assume it's something else because I am so early. I felt my son kick fairly early (around 16-17 weeks) which my doctor said was because I was so thin, and I am the same weight now than I was then.

    When did you feel your 2nd, 3rd, subsequent babies kick/move?

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago