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  • Can I get a screenname with yahoo without a mailbox?

    My dad wants to be able to play games on yahoo but already has a email account from cable company. He doesn't want another. Can I set him up with oh yahoo without a email account?

    3 AnswersOther - Yahoo Mail1 decade ago
  • Can I get a yahoo screenname without a mailbox?

    My dad wants to be able to play games on yahoo but he already has an email account through cable company. He doesn't want another. Can I set him up without a mailbox?

    3 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products1 decade ago
  • I want to get a new email address?

    I would like to get a new email address with yahoo as mine is from when I was a teenager, and it is pretty immature. It isn't something to put on resumes...but I don't want 2 email addresses plus i have messenger...can I make a new account and transer all my things without much hassle?

    6 AnswersOther - Yahoo Mail1 decade ago
  • This is for BD teachers, I have a opinion question?


    I went out to dinner today with my best friend, she is a first year Special ED teacher...self contained middle school. I was talking to her about school, and asked her if she thought that, if situations at home were more stable and structured if she thought that she would still have the students she has. She thought that 3 out of her 4 students wouldn't be in her class. She also said that the students are capable of learning the stuff in mainstream, but because of an IEP, that she has to pull kids becak because they do not complete their work. So my question is, do you think that Special Ed and/or IEP's enable parents to not parent as because of IEP's, Special Ed teachers can not just allow a child to fail?

    9 AnswersSpecial Education1 decade ago
  • KIds say the darnest things!!?

    I know this isn't much of a question, but for those out their that are having a bit of a stressful day, heres for a laugh. I got this in an email today!


    You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff.

    Like, if you like

    sports, she should like it that you like sports, and

    she should keep

    the chips and dip coming.

    -- Alan, age 10

    No person really decides before they grow up who

    they're going to marry.

    God decides it all way before, and you get to find out

    later who

    you're stuck with.

    -- Kristen, age 10


    Twenty-three is the best age because you know the

    person FOREVER by


    -- Camille, age 10


    You might have to guess, based on whether they seem to

    be yelling at

    the same kids.

    -- Derrick, age 8


    Both don't want any more kids.

    -- Lori, age 8


    Dates are for having fun, and people should use them

    to get to know

    each other. Even boys have something to say if you

    listen long enough.

    -- Lynnette, age 8 (isn't she a treasure)

    On the first date, they just tell each other lies and

    that Usually

    gets them interested enough to go for a second date.

    -- Martin, age 10



    I'd run home and play dead. The next day I would call

    all the

    newspapers and make sure they wrote about me in all

    the dead columns.

    -- Craig, age 9


    When they're rich.

    -- Pam, age 7

    The law says you have to be eighteen, so I wouldn't

    want to mess with


    - - Curt, age 7

    The rule goes like this: If you kiss someone, then you

    should marry

    them and have kids with them. It's the right thing to


    -- Howard, age 8


    It's better for girls to be single but not for boys.

    Boys need

    someone to clean up after them.

    -- Anita, age 9 (bless you child)



    There sure would be a lot of kids to explain, wouldn't


    -- Kelvin, age 8

    And the #1 Favorite is........


    Tell your wife that she looks pretty, even if she

    looks like a dump


    -- Ricky, age 10

    22 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • What are your thoughts on Domestic Discipline?

    I have written answers before on a Domestic discipline I will cut and past one of my answers to explain why I am in favor of it. READ IT BEFORE ANSWERING!!

    I believe in Domestic Discipline completely. It's not right for every couple, however I believe there are plenty of couples that it couple work and would be a great idea for! Spanking in a relationship can help with many different things, i believe morals have gone to hell in this country! Divorce rate is so damn high. I believe that if BOTH parties know that there are consequences to their actions that they will think twice before doing something. Everyone is human and will make mistakes. That is OK. Every relationship has disagreements as well. However, there are times that they get out of hand and there are hurt feelings and perhaps built up resentment. That isn't healthy for a relationship and it can prevent it from succeeding. I believe it can be very therapeutic to have real consequences for your actions,

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Don't I deserve respect?

    I am a very nice person, sweet, loving, caring, and understanding. I understand things happen but why do I consistantly get taken advantage of and disrespected? I am really isolated within my life.I am working on that! However, I try to meet people and talk tot them and build friendships, however it seems as if I don't deserve common curtisy. People will suggest that we get together and i hold off for a little while, but they insist and i become comfortable with the idea and agree, so we make plans...and they blow me off! I don't get a phone call, an email, an offline messege, a text nothing for days..This isn't just one person or one time..this seems to have become a trend. I listen to thier reasons and give them another chance..then they do it again. Why is it that I am not taken seriously or people do no believe i deserve to be respected? How do i change this? I do not want to be hurt or disapointed consitantly.i know disapointments happen..I give respect and don't want to isolated

    6 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • How cute are your kids responses?

    How do you kids respond to you? My niece was over on Sat...she is 2 1/2. If you ask her to do something in the most sweetest cutest voice will say "No, thank you" or if you ask her if she did something, like if she made her bed she will say "Yes I do". Its soo cute.

    Another thing she did on Sat dad was whistling and then asked "where's the birdy?" and he did it a few times..then she said "Tweet, Tweet here I am" its was sooo cute and funny!

    What do your kids say that is just so darn cute you almost can't stand it?

    8 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • How do I keep myself from hurting every time i see him?

    My ex came over today, because hes "Mr. Fix-it". He was an abusive guy, parents don't know that though. However there are still strong feelings. However, we had sex, while he sent my dad for some parts in order to put in the water heater. Also he said that he got himself a new puppy, we were suppose of been married in June, but i left him. However, before i left we talked about getting another puppy. When he said that it hit me wrong, put chills down my spine. After, we had sex, someone called him asking what he was doing, and when he was coming home, almost made me feel like anotehr girl...kinda hit me wrong..don't think it would of though if he hadnt talked me into sex. I didn't really want sex, but he wouldn't stop asking, so i gave in. How do i stop getting myself all tangled up with screw emotions? Remember, there is a part that loves him and always will. i wanna stop getting hurt though. but it seems like im addicted to him, but it only ends up in pain.

    7 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • How do I keep myself from hurting every time i see him?

    My ex came over today, because hes "Mr. Fix-it". He was an abusive guy, parents don't know that though. However there are still strong feelings. However, we had sex, while he sent my dad for some parts in order to put in the water heater. Also he said that he got himself a new puppy, we were suppose of been married in June, but i left him. However, before i left we talked about getting another puppy. When he said that it hit me wrong, put chills down my spine. After, we had sex, someone called him asking what he was doing, and when he was coming home, almost made me feel like anotehr girl...kinda hit me wrong..don't think it would of though if he hadnt talked me into sex. I didn't really want sex, but he wouldn't stop asking, so i gave in. How do i stop getting myself all tangled up with screw emotions? Remember, there is a part that loves him and always will. i wanna stop getting hurt though. but it seems like im addicted to him, but it only ends up in pain.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Does any one have a pond?

    My parents have a pond in thier back yard with fish, Shebunckins, Coy, and Goldfish, However we are having a problem with a Great Blue Heron...He has found us and our pond. We have put string across the pond to try to keep him out, however he still comes back..Is there anything we can do? Does anyone have any suggestion?? Please!

    6 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • need some REALLY big advice ASAP PLEASEEEEEE!!!!!?

    There is a girl that is 18 that I talk to you, I met her online 4 years ago. She has become like a little sister or almost like a daughter despite the only 6 year difference (im 24). Anyways, she had every type of bad thing happen to her imaginable. I have been there for through all of it through the last 4 years. I have tried to guide her and mentor her more or less. I love her dearly. The problem is that she has been hurt so much and so mis guided that shes in a rut. She's been abused and more or less accepts it as a way of like. She in the hospital because her bf beat her, she almost lost her life. She just called me, and she is still with her bf because doesn't believe she can do it on her own. She has to start taking control of her life, and deciding she wants to be happy but I don't know how to get her there. I h ave started to do a little of that "tough love" and just support her descions however, verses more or less telling her what she needs to do, but ever since i have tried

    7 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • I need some REALLY big advice ASAP PLEASEEEEEE!!!!!?

    There is a girl that is 18 that I talk to you, I met her online 4 years ago. She has become like a little sister or almost like a daughter despite the only 6 year difference (im 24). Anyways, she had every type of bad thing happen to her imaginable. I have been there for through all of it through the last 4 years. I have tried to guide her and mentor her more or less. I love her dearly. The problem is that she has been hurt so much and so mis guided that shes in a rut. She's been abused and more or less accepts it as a way of like. She in the hospital because her bf beat her, she almost lost her life. She just called me, and she is still with her bf because doesn't believe she can do it on her own. She has to start taking control of her life, and deciding she wants to be happy but I don't know how to get her there. I h ave started to do a little of that "tough love" and just support her descions however, verses more or less telling her what she needs to do, but ever since i have tried

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • I wanna become closer to my brother?? Please Advice?

    My brother called a few days ago to talk to my mom, she wasn't home. I told him that. He said ok. I asked what was up?He said ,"Well I just called to see if she was around. I gotta go Love ya."

    He is 14 years older then me so I do not know how to handle this. I know I don't need to know everything that goes on with him, however I want to have an open relationship, as of right now we are a "need to know" basis. He is my biggest idol...but that is probably because of the age difference and I see much of only what I want to see. However I am 24, I am now an adult I want an adult relationship with my brother. I want to be able to talk to him and ask him for advice and him to talk to me as if i know something...I am an adult. I am not stupid. I could put a different perspective on things i think but he doesn't give me the chance. I feel as if hes like dad and trying to "protect his little girl" How do I open the lines of communication? we haven't lived together or even in the same state

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • My brother Called?

    My brother called a few days ago to talk to my mom, she wasn't home. I told him that. He said ok. I asked what was up?He said ,"Well I just called to see if she was around. I gotta go Love ya."

    He is 14 years older then me so I do not know how to handle this. I know I don't need to know everything that goes on with him, however I want to have an open relationship, as of right now we are a "need to know" basis. He is my biggest idol...but that is probably because of the age difference and I see much of only what I want to see. However I am 24, I am now an adult I want an adult relationship with my brother. I want to be able to talk to him and ask him for advice and him to talk to me as if i know something...I am an adult. I am not stupid. I could put a different perspective on things i think but he doesn't give me the chance. I feel as if hes like dad and trying to "protect his little girl" How do I open the lines of communication? we haven't lived together or even in the same state

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • How do you talk to kids??

    My brother has 3 kids but lives far away so I never had to or learned to really talk to them properly. So when i see them i feel stupid as I don't know how to. Do not know if I should have that "sweet voice" or talk more normally with them. they are 6,8 , 10 and my sister's kids are 2 weeks and 2 1/2. how do i talk to the 2 1/2 year old...I do not want to be insulting by using "baby talk" but i do not want to talk over their head either. When do you start to talk "normally" to children?

    12 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • How do I learn to talk to Kids?

    I am the baby of my family! my brother has 3 kids but are far sister has 2 but only 1 enough to converse with...shes 2 1/2 how do i talk to a kid? I don't want to go above either heads or go below their do i know how to talk to a kid? whn do you start talking to a kid normally?

    4 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • I need some help??

    On my computer someone changed something and its bothering me and i do not know how to fix it. When i go onto explorer and maximize the screen it goes in front of the start bar and also the address bar on the top disapears until i put my curser up ther and then it lowers...but i have to minimize the screen in order to see if someone is IMing me or to go to another window and its bothering me. Do you know how to fix it?

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Can I Adopt?

    I am not looking to adopt right now, but perhaps one day. I was born with Spina Bifida and am in a wheelchair. I was wondering if that will keep me from adopting?

    6 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • Non-Spankers??

    Not all but often enough i see non-spankers say that spankins is illegal. Where did you get the idea that it is illegal? There is no law saying that spanking is illegal!

    15 AnswersParenting1 decade ago