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Lv 57,127 points


Favorite Answers6%
  • so when are they going to fix yahoo answers?

    like are they even going to fix it? I havent been getting any enjoyement out of it for the past two weeks. for one thing i dont even know what percentage best answers i have. every time i get a best answer now im just like meh whatever. cuz my percentage is at like 7000% which makes no sense at all. and besides that i had to get on google chrome just to post a question. internet explorer wont do it anymore.

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • do you agree with zachariahH " We have nothing, if not belief"?

    what else is worth having in life? some people don't seem to know.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • lol i have 6000% best answers?

    yahoo must be glitchy as hell today....

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • hmm kept it illegal for so long, said it was sooo dangerous huh?

    read this article and tell me what you think. the time of psychedelics is rising again. they said it was dangerous, said it would make you go crazy. been illegal all this time, even for research. well here you have it. first legit study on humans with LSD in over 40 years, with no adverse effects. its safe in a controlled setting, but then again legitimate studies already showed that way back in the 60s, the government just ignored the valid information because it was afraid.

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • what do you think are the most boring questions on polls and survey section?

    im getting really bored with all the "am I ugly" or "rate my picture on a scale of 1-10" kind of questions.

    how about you?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • what is the point of tumblr?

    the website where people blog a bunch of random nonsense. I mean I think I understand the point of it (possibly) but besides asking anonymous questions what can you do with a tumblr that you cant do with a social networking site like say facebook? you still can share pictures, videos, quotes, probably gifs I would imagine. so what is the big deal?

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • why can i still only answer 80 questions a day?

    I could answer 80 when I was level 4 now im level 5 and still can only answer 80. what gives?

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • does anyone actually like jerry spring and steve wilkos?

    I hate that all nonsense. a lot of my friends seem to find it entertaining, and I just don't understand. if you have seen one episode you have seen them all.

    and now we're going to bring out your wife whose been listening back stage the whole time....


    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • do you normally hit your daily answer limit?

    im kind of depressed. because there are lots of things I want to to do but never seem to find the time, yet the last four days in a row I have hit my daily answer limit on Y!A which currently is 80. seems like I might be spending too much time here. how bout yall?

    14 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • my mom is a middle school teacher who thinks the theory of evolution is a bunch of nonsense?

    isn't that sad?

    BQ: I bet you can guess her religious views? and isn't that sad as well.

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • follow up question about pastors salaries?

    alright a couple hours ago I posted the question why do preachers like to say they don't make very much money. plenty of good responses but many people seem to feel that only pastors of very large churches make good money. I through out the number 80k which of course is just an example, but people seemed to feel that most pastors made much less than that. of course we can all agree there are a lot of pastors who make less, im not going to argue that. truth is I don't know for sure, my number was actually based on an anecdotal piece of evidence from a kid I once knew who told me his dad was a preacher and made 75k (I was rounding up), but that was a pretty small church. any way if you follow the link down at the bottom you will see according to this site (first result on google) the median salary is actually higher than 80k. now of course median is not the same thing as average, so we will keep that in mind. if anyone wants to share a credible link with the actual average salary that would be appreciated, but my question is

    a) how do you all feel about pastors making so much money?

    b) do you think its fair for a pastor making over 60k to insist that they really don't make much? or would you consider that dishonest. again im not saying they are rich but 60k is still doing good. the average salary in America is about 50k and there are a hell of a lot of people making a hell of a lot less than that.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • why do christian preachers always like to say they dont make alot of money?

    I mean okay they are not rich or anything but if your making 80k a year you are doing pretty good IMO. especially when all you have to do is talk a bunch of nonsense.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • m0r@l1ty 15 5u8j3ct1v3?

    MIS? or MIO?

    there's only one right answer.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • christians what would you say if you found out you had to go to hell anyway?

    like say hypothetically god changes his mind about the requirements, or heaven gets overcrowded so everyone who dies after that point just gets sent to hell. would you wish that you had lived your life how you wanted to, knowing that your afterlife is not going to be what you had hoped?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • my mom believes in christianity because men have one less rib than women?

    except in reality men and women have the same number of ribs. so she tells me she believes Christianity is true because men have one less rib, I tell her they don't, she asks how I know, I tell her go look it up. she says she will look it up, but of course never does. does this sound like the typical willfully ignorant religious person any of you have to deal with on a regular basis?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • why do so many people ask 'why do some people' questions?

    and why do they get so many answers? spiritually speaking of course. is that really all people on the internet want? lets make some obnoxious generalizations cuz everyone will surely want a a piece of that conversation?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • whats the difference between pantheism and optimistic atheism?

    isn't pantheism really just spirituality for atheists? and don't take the definition of pantheism so literally. remember, like any ideology it is open to subjective interpretations.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • what kind of balance should we have between freedom of speech and sexual harrasment?

    I guess sexual harassment no longer applies to just physical contact but apparently can be verbal or other. im not talking about sexual harassment in the work place I mean in general as a criminal charge. how far should this law extend? I mean Im not okay with people being verbally harassed, that is bad, but it seems like it could be a slippery slope towards losing some freedom of speech? I mean is it okay to make a sexist joke? in general? only in certain company? can just looking at someone the 'wrong way' be sexual harassment? like when I was in school our guidance councelor told us staring at a girls breasts can be sexual harassment. I guess I can understand that if its really staring but where does a glance end and a stare begin? you see what I mean? like sexual harassment in some definitions is any unwanted sexual attention, so by that definition if you ask a girl on a date and she thinks your ugly she can say your sexually harassing her because she is offended by your request? I mean I don't think we are really at that point, but could it ever get that bad?

    8 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • why is feminism still called feminism?

    I mean I understand why it was called that originally but doesn't it seem like that sends the wrong message? if we are promoting equality for both genders why would we call ourselves feminists instead of equalists or just civil rights activists or something? or does feminism continue to focus more on helping women? I understand there is still prejudice against women, but I think we can all agree there is also prejudice against men, which is greater is kind of difficult to discern is it not?

    8 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago