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Casper's Ghost

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I am a girl. If anyone's wondering.

  • Will my 5 year old neice grow out of travel sickness?

    Ever since she was about 2-3 she has had travel sickness. Think it's got something to do with heat also as she asks for the windows to be open.

    Today we went shopping with her sister.

    On the way back she said she felt sick, we opened all the windows and gave her a bag, but she was never sick. Instead fell asleep.

    It was only a 5 minute drive, she's never like this on short journeys.

    Was it a the travel sickness or her probably being tired?

  • Dog broke second stair gate. How on Earth are we suppose to separate them?

    We have 4 dogs, 2 neutered males and 2 spayed females. All get along except the males don't like each other. Casper is 10 and Zeus is 7. Zeus is in the kitchen(his bedroom) and Casper anywhere but we shut them out the living room.

    Zeus can't be in the hallway becuase of the cats and he plays rough with the girls.

    He's actually sweet but he has this dominance humping thing.

    The girls are good as gold, but today Zeus broke the stair gate. So my dad got his from home and it's a proper dog gate, taller. Stupidly my mum's dog jumped over the gate and it came off.

    There is no door, there's never been one.

    May(my dog) jumps over it too, but it was Xena who broke it.

    My mum said she'll have to keep Zeus outside tonight. He has been outside before actually, but came back in. He's a Siberian Husky cross.

    They get walked throughout the day but the field is bogged because of the rain.

    So I try and take them else where or onto the field anyway.

    1 AnswerDogs6 years ago
  • Siberian Husky female has had key hole spay. Info please?

    So my parents are collecting her from the vets right now. She's 3 years old and had puppies in September. It was either spay her or get the male snipped.

    My dad has a part time job as a take away driver 5pm most days. He lives 6 miles away in the middle of no where(buses stop at a specific time).

    Can he leave her alone for a few hour most days? He won't today as he'll call in and tell them he can't.

    He has a cone for her and a cage if it's needed. It's a little incision so would it be a quicker heal?

    Also what can we give her to fatten her up? Up until her last puppy went, which was probably 1 or 2 weeks ago she was regugitating for him. Even though they were searated, once together she would give him food.

    2 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • What's happened to my foot? Weird pain?

    So it happened about 2 hours ago, I got on a bus to go into town. But for some strange reason everytime I put pressure on my foot, like when you're walking I had this pain down the side of my foot. The pain was on the outside, no where near any joints. Not sprained as I didn't do anything to do that. This has happened before, but last time my foot made a snapping sound and I couldn't walk properly.

    What could this be?

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management6 years ago
  • Just asking. Can my mum be granted a walk in shower?

    My mum has scoliosis of the spine and has a bent back at the top. Giving her a hunched over look.

    She struggles getting out of the bath, it is shorter then it used to be. And due to the fact that we already had a shower over the bath(it is permanently cold and we can't fix it+ it's well over 7 yrs old) So they placed the bath taps facing the door when it used to be facing the window.

    Which means me and my mum struggle getting out, a hand rail which was fitted doesn't work as we don't have the upper body strenth. She also has arthritus and is on medication+ vertigo.

    Can they fit in a shower?

    Don't mind if they can't, but am just wondering.

    The shower we have has to be a specific size due to the council tiling it in.

  • Why do I do these weird things. Losing your belly?

    Sometimes I can go over a bridge on a bus or by car and I get these chills where I have to lift my shoulders. My dad called it 'losing your belly'. I haven't found anything on this weird thing.

    It will also come on when I'm walking somewhere, it's like I don't want to go there. I get goosebump like chills.

    I can't go down the esculator in department stores. I've done this since I was a child.

    Has anyone heard of this?

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style6 years ago
  • Introducing female cat to outdoors, but we have a male outdoor cat too?

    We have 4 cats, Gizmo is semi indoor and outdoor(not the outdoor cat) but will not leave the garden. He's neuterd and microchipped.

    Minnie his niece has recently gotten brave enough to go outside, but I'm reluctent to let her outside. It costs £20+ for microchipping so I can do that later. I want to get her a tag first. She's never quite met Whiskey the outdoor cat, only when he was neutered when she was a kitten.

    When she sneaks out she will just stay on the path and not move. I want her to meet Whiskey but he's hardly around for her to meet. And I'm scared that when she sees him she might bolt. I have to carry Minnie indoors because of the dogs.

    How do I help her get outside and not be afraid? Should she meet Whiskey first?

    1 AnswerCats6 years ago
  • Mother dog is losing weight, fed 3 times a day?

    The puppies are being weaned from her, they are 7 weeks next Monday.

    She's fed on Pedigree but not putting on any weight. Could the puppies be doing this?

    She's regular in the toilet department, her poops are solid but are grey. She's been eating newspaper that lined the floor.

    Her and the puppies are separated.

    They are fed all the time and have water.

    4 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • My 17 month old nephew is in a bed?

    When he outgrew his make shift moses basket my sister put him in a travel cot.

    For a reason I have no idea for, she decided it was a good idea to use a bed for him.

    They have no stairgate but use something to block it. She says it's easier for him, if he gets restless during the night, he can walk to her room and sleep with her.

    My neices also sleep with her, but they have a double bed. If they want to sleep with her it's up to them. So sometimes there can be 5 people in the bed.

    At what age should my nephew be in a bed?

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler7 years ago
  • School reported my sister to social services?

    My sister had 4 children, the oldest is 14 and lives with us because she was 16 and her ex used to hand him over to us everyday, so in the end he got used to us. My mum has full guardianship now.

    She has two daughters, aged 5 and 7 and a 16 month old son.

    Here is a list of things why she was reported by the school.

    * They reckon the girls go to school in smelly clothes.

    *They go to school all dirty.

    *They go to school with the wrong PE kit.

    *They need new shoes

    *They never see my sister

    *And they go to school late.

    Here's what I know. My sister has anxiety and has crown issues, which is why she is hardly at the school gates. She has panic attacks too.

    I know she has clean clothes for the girls everyday because they are in their drawers clean.

    In Sepetember, me, my sister and mum went to get the 6 yr old new school shoes.

    They have breakfast club and arrive at 8am, before the girls broke up last term. The school handed my nieces PE kits which belonged to 3 different people and a Princess bag which clearly wasn't my nieces as it had a name in it. The teacher handed my neice the bag. I know they are cleaned and washed before school. Even I've taken them to school.

    I only live 2 doors down and see them everyday.

    This school has done this before and my sister has done nothing wrong.

    What can they do? Think the SS are coming down to see my sister.

    3 AnswersGrade-Schooler7 years ago
  • Is our family cat stressed?

    In April my cat died and ever since then Gizmo has been licking himself and pulling out his fur. He doesn't have fleas or worms as he is upto date on his treatments.

    My mum was watching a programme and they mentioned stress. He doesn't have all the symptoms, just the pulling out his hair with his constant licking.

    He shares the house with his niece and 4 dogs. He doesn't care about them but they do like to follow him/chase him. We have Border Collies who try to herd him. He doesn't batter an eye.

    He's not hiding and eats a lot and has put on some weight. Could Gizmo be stressed?

    He never really liked Felix though, only slept with his niece.

    2 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • Sending a parcel to Venezuela, containing sweets?

    Is there anything I should know? What can't I send? I'm sending coconut chocolate bars too. I am sending them in Royal Mail's Postpak which is a fold down one. Really hard to describe, I'll have to tape it down securly.

    What is legal to send to my friend?

    1 AnswerVenezuela7 years ago
  • Ordered Sims 3 from Amazon and it's from Canada?

    I never clicked on any buyer because there was no choice this time. I thought it would be like any other game but then my brother said, 'hope it's region 2'. How am I suppose to know that.

    I clicked on the information, because mine's been dispatched so I can't see it. And yep it's frpom OH, Canada.

    Is it the same region as us?

    I feel rather stupid asking this question.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • Does my dog need a bed?

    I am looking for a dog bed, because right now she sleeps on a pillow, behind my bedroom door. She refuses to sleep elsewhere, I don't have a carpet and she is a Border Collie but I don't think she's comfortable sleeping on a pillow.

    She's small, size of a spaniel.

    Hope these photos will help determine her size as she is asleep right now. - that is where May sleeps. She's done that since I got her aged 4 months. she is sleeping next to the male Border Collie and Siberian Husky. She's the smallest.

    I'll measure her in the morning but I want to know what size to get her?

    2 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • How to geet rid of dog urine and poop smell?

    So my Dad has 8 four day old puppies that are in his bedroom as he had no where else to put them and he wanted to keep a close eye on mother while she had them.

    Monday morning she had a runny poop which is normal after having puppies. But it had stained his carpet.

    Mummy dog is doing her job and feeding the pups. But she has gone toilet inside and we have to encourage her to go outside. She did go out today and had several wees which looked like she needed.

    How do we get rid of the smell of puppie poop smell along with other's.

    She does make them go but it's on the blanket and that smell lingers.

    Got newspaper underneath them, we did this a few years back with my dog and can't remember that kind of smell.

    4 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Can we register this litter of puppies?

    They are pure Siberian Husky puppies, both mother and father are Siberian Huskies.

    Father is 1 year old and mother is 3 years.

    Puppies are 2 days old.

    8 pups together.

    6 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Does a puppy take it's traits from its parents or is it from what its learnt?

    So we've just had puppies and the father is a destructive, howling crazy dog. Who was good as gold when we got them.

    Whereas the mother is calm, kind and loves cuddles.

    'Daddy' cannot sit still and will jump up at my nieces when visiting them. Our dogs are kind and docile.

    I was just wondering if both parents were crazy and nuerotic would they become bonkers? Or because one parent is kind will they be sweet?


    12 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Would taking a pregnant dog to a strange place stress her out?

    So today my Dad took the father out of the house to our's. Where he was able to walk him. Now the pregnant dog needs her walks too, but my Dad owns a 4x4 and I don't know if it would stress her out taking her 6 miles to s strange place.

    She's only been to our's once. Our dogs smothered her with love, specially my mum's dog. She's got 2 weeks to go so don't want to stress her out.

    5 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • How to handle male dog with suspected seperation anxiety?

    My dad has two dogs which he got last month. Shadow is the male and he was being rough with Sabre. When he got them they already had mated and my dad didn't know. She's about 5-6 weeks. Been to the vets and that. She's not the problem, he is.

    Shadow is one and I suspect has never had any training at all. When he got them Sabre was and is the quitness of both. My dad wants to build a pen because today when we came round his, Shadow had destroyed a plant that was on the windosill far away from him.

    The whole kitchen was a mess including Shadow.

    Sabre was in the hall way because he hurts her and she has snapped at him.

    My dad was going to give him away but we love him and are helping him.

    People are already interested in the puppies, Sabre will be spayed after having her puppies.

    The point is, when we leave Shadow alone he barks. He never did this in the first few weeks we had him.

    Sabre doesn't care if she's alone or not. We would love Shadow to meet our dogs for a long walk where we live. Where my dad lives they are going to block the dog walking area off for who knows how long because they are demolishing some houses.

    What would you do about the destruction and anxiety? My dad already has a stair gate.

    1 AnswerDogs7 years ago
  • How to prevent car sickness in a 5 year old?

    My niece has always been car sick. Today we went to a museum which was an hour away, we thought she would be OK. But she wasn't. On the way there she had some juice and the windows were open, but she still puked.

    On the way back she was sick even more, she tried eating her sandwiches before we left the museum but couldn't.

    She was sick when she was asleep. How could that happen?

    I heard there is something you can get for her over the counter? Is there?

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler7 years ago