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I am true to me and love open disucssions and debates. It is not ususally my intent to offend.

  • Punk *** Rocheforte - What happened to your ?

    WTH, you send me an email that I am unable to respond to with an accusation.

    Yes, I responded to your question.

    No, I did not refer to YOU personally as I can only speak for myself.

    No, I wasn't infering that you weren't proud to be white or lying about your ethnicity.

    I never "imply" or "infer" I simply say what I mean and mean what I say. You are not very well able to read what is written are you? Know who you are phuking with before you try to bring some $h*t and I will be better at recognizing a bigoted troll before I give an honest and serious response.

    What I said was I have no idea exactly what my race and/or ethnicity is and that is perfectly okay. I am who I am with a very deep knowledge of exactly who and what I am. That is what makes me proud.

    Get the hell off of my toys and out of my sandbox!

  • Shabazz's Wifey - ethnic curly hair ?

    Firstly, my apologies if this breaks protocol....I saw this too late to respond. Miss Jessie's is what you are looking for. They are next to impossible to find in the retail market and many salons but ordering on line is worth it and usually arrives within 2 days. Any questions, let me know I allow email. I change my hair alot and am chemical free but even with chemicals these products are what's up!

    1 AnswerHair1 decade ago
  • I need suggestions for finger sandwiches: fillings: not bread, etc.?

    This is a spring event so I would like yummy and healthy seasonal fillings. My personal favorite is cream cheese with red currant/jalapeno chutney.

    Also, what suggestions do you have for an alternative for bread and/or not letting the bread get stale. What about ways to not waste bread. I was thinking about baking different kinds ont he cutsey little shaped tubes but a bread baker I am not!

    It is a 4 hour event and the trays will be passed and replenished but I have to assemble most everything prior to arriving at the location of the event due to space limitations.

    Any suggestions are appreciated.

    9 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Please help me, my 17 year old daughter is smoking "Wet".?

    I have read everything I can get my hands on so I know what it is and what it does. She has admitted that she smoked it once because she wanted to see what it was like. But I know it has been more than once. She is also using mushrooma and extasy.

    I honestly need some help here. She used to be such a good kid and I don't even recognize her anymore, let alone trust her. she will be 18 in about 3 weeks. I am looking into in-patient rehab and know that I am running out of time in so many ways. Right now she has been suspened from school for fighting (she has never been in a fight before last week.) and has to stay in the house.

    Please if anyone knows what to ask or say please share your experiences. I am very scared and my heart is broken.

    6 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Piggy back to What happened on October 4, 1957?

    Does anyone buy into the no one has walked on the moon and that the US made it up to beat the Soviet Union to it?

    3 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • Have you ever been out in public & wondered if you were ...?

    standing next to someone from Y! Answers?

    Or, randomly wanted to ask someone if they were a certain avitar.

    I know this is sad but I do quite often and I am not even on here very much!

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Is the thought of monogamy natural to you?

    Not necessarily from a moral perspective but a human one?

    I am referring to the present day, not when your nearest neighbor was miles away and there was minimal interaction with other people.

    There are not many species that mate for life and I am quite certain that humans are not one of them. Sometimes it just feels like a set-up.

    13 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • 12 S of the Z?

    My apologies if this posts twice - I think I may have done something wrong the first time.

    Ok, I know this meand 12 signs of the zodiac but what are these puzzles or riddles actually called and where can I find a book or website?

    I love them and have been doing them for years but now I am on a mission. Any suggestions are appreciated.


    1 AnswerJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Please tell me what you know about Salvia ....?

    My 17 year old daughter has fallen into a pretty wild crowd and mentioned that all the kids are doing it now that they were able to find it at the Warp Tour last week. I remeber seeing somthing about it on the news a while ago and I remember it being discussed by parents who'd lost their children to the drug be it by side effects or poor judgement.

    She even told me that she tried it and hated it so much she gave it away after she hallucinated. I read about it on-line but would really appreciate some insight here. I already have some concerns with her smoking pot although I do believe it is somewhat of a right of passage.

    She is a really good kid and I am honored that she knows she can tell me anything without being judged. I just cannot stand the thought of her getting caught up in something she can't get out of and by trying the Salvia I am wondering what else she will or has tried. I used to laugh when folks would say that weed was a gateway drug, but honestly it is.

    5 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • You have got to be kidding me - Another ridiculous question removed - Black Women in the USA ....?

    Scratching my head in amazement. Those women are not black, they have a country from which they hail and are representing.

    Are they beautiful, certainly they are but they are of color rather than black. Do you seriously believe that the Black women in the USA are not attractive. Now, truth be told it takes all kinds but in reality there are some people that are more attractive than others in their race. It is simply the luck of the draw. There is beauty in everything and everyone if you are not totally superficial.

    Black is an American term. Gee, lets see, we went from the n-word, to colored, to black and now I get to be referred to as an African American because we are America's black eye (no pun intended) and they keep coining new terms to refer to us as.

    There is a litany of other derogatory terms that we have been referred to over the years.

    11 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Can't remember who you are but you asked about Black Africans immigrating to Austrailia & then you punked out

    I hardly think so unless they immigrate with slave mentality. And no I do not buy into that for myself personally but I know too many people that t is real to. Very sad but our reality as a race.

    I really hope that you have been ignorantly misled by the media. Suzie blowing an eight ball up her nose does not make the 6 o'clock news, but let Sheniqua even raise her voice and folks are running for cover --- puuulease. Guess what, white people commit crimes too or is Australia presently totally white and crime free? And, if you believe what they say about blacks in American as you have so blatantly generalized. One of the biggest stereotypes is that blacks in America do not work please explain how they are collecting or draining social security, which is a benefit that they have not paid into.

    Get a grip and get over yourself. People regardless of their race are just that --- people. Everyone should be held accountable for misdeeds but to pre-judge someone is archaic. And, for the record, go ahead and call an African black and see how quick they will go "tribal "on your azz. They are a proud people and want no association with blacks in America.

    1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • What would you do ...?

    I am in an industry which has allowed me to grow and advance exponentially. I was recently called and asked to seriously consider taking a management position.The position involves 18 "problem employees" in a highprofile department of the company I work for. I have worked with these people in different capacities over the years and they have been noting but helpful to me. But I am not so sure they will accept me as their manager due to the fact that a few of them have applied for the position which I have been offered. I did not post for this position and feel rather badly because there is one guy that I know posted for it and I really encouraged his advancement but the powers that be see it differently. I would speak to him before any announcement was made because it is important for me to let him know wthat in no way have I undermined him. The other issue which is of concern to mgmt is I have already hit the salary ceiling so it is a lateral move w/ merit increases & bonuses.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Never say Never .......?

    Do you really believe that the phrase "never say never" applies to every potential situation?

    Personally, it is quite a powerful statement for me and for the most part I am a believer in that philosophy.

    However, we are all human and prone to make mistakes and bad decisions or chocies but there has to be something that you know with absolute certainty that you would never do.

    For me, I KNOW with everything that I am that I would never abuse, mistreat, neglect or intentionally harm a child or an elderly person in any way, be it physically, mentally or emotionally. Nor would I ever do any of what I stated above to mentally challenged or phsycially handicapped person.

    What about you?

    3 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Call to size 3 females of average height?

    Where on Earth do you by pants (not jeans) that actually fit all over?

    I am pretty average with my proportions and I can't find anything that really fits me. I have a shape but not a lot going on in the bootie dept and am 5'4". I see females with less than me that have pants that fit! It is quite frustrating and I think it is a conspiracy and the clothing manufacturers have changed the sizes in some way because this started happening with me about a year ago.

    If I can find a 2 that ususally is pretty good but they are very hard to find in my area.

    Suggestions please.

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Dilemma as seen on House, MD .....?

    There are 2 brothers -- One is in need of a bone marrow transplant -- The other is a match and is scheduled to donate to his brother when he is unable to because he too has become sick -- B1's condition is so severe when he is brought into the hospital, he is going to die with out a transplant although the actual diagnosis is unknown for B1 and B2's sympotms are progressing-- time is running out and the doctors suggest to the parents that they give their permission for them to inject the terminally ill sons marrow into the other son in order to observe his symptoms and treat them as they progress in an attempt to diagnose him and avoid his death too -- Dilemma......the other sons death is imminent. The parents say NO!, B1's condition gets worse still and he then begs his parents to go through with the procedure....... What would you do?

    2 AnswersOther - Social Science1 decade ago
  • Fergie's Glamourous?

    Does anyone else just love that song? Even though I have no idea what she is saying half of the time I cannot sit still when it is on!

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Suggestions for a tattooed tribute to Mom?

    My oldest daughter is leaving for college this fall and wants to get a tattoo in my honor.

    She wants a heart shaped lock with a key on her hip, similar to Kelly Osbournes. Initially she was going to use "Mommy's little girl" in Spanish and someone told her it was "hood" so that is no longer an option.

    She is set on the lock and key but still wants to dedicate it to me in someway but in Spanish. I suggested Dont forget to remember me after hearing Carrie Underwood's song for the first time and really thought it was fitting given the fact that she is going to be away from me for the first time. She was totally on board with it until she wrote it out in Spanish and it lost its meaning via translation.

    I can't quite figure out the lock and key and a tribute to me and am looking for suggestions to pass along to her. I think she would go for Italian too - I saw the Life is Beautiful translation and love it which is what made me think of suggesting something in Italian.

    6 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • Why are some people simply incapable of having a 2 sided?

    conversation? If I call you on the phone, guess what I might actually have had a reason for calling but after you talked AT me for 20 minutes I am so frustrated it dosen't even matter any more.

    This happens with this person while we are physically together too and I have told him how annoying it is but he still does it. Is it that he thinks only his thoughts or opinions are worthy of being voiced? Sometimes I get so fed up with it I walk away and just say nevermind and then he acts like he is sorry and wants to know what I was going to say! But he keeps doing it to everyone so at least is is not just me.

    He is also a notorious interrupter - In the middle of a sentence or statement there he is chiming in on something totally unrelated and random to the subject at hand.

    I have talked to him about this several times but nothing changes. This is a serious issue to me because the relationship matters but I just can't see it as anything but rude and self-centered. Suggestions?

    1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Would you be more flattered if told you were beautiful or had a beautiful spirit?

    I was once told by a total stranger that I was beautiful which was nice. We have since become long distance friends. This is not a romantic relationship or a "friend with benefits". He knows and respects the fact that I am married and has invited my whole family to visit.

    Anyway, he recently told me that I had a beautiful spirit.

    I honestly don't think that I have ever been more flattered, there is a big difference in outwardly displayed beauty being noticed and commented upon but for someone to recognize what you are on the inside is major!

    10 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Are we over medicating our children today?

    I fully understand that there are some kids that truly need to be medicated in order to give them a chance entering society. Those are not the cases I am referring to here.

    But come on, it seems like every other parent I talk to has their kid on some sort of anti depressant or another. All the while I am thinking --- What? Guess what, growing up is hard and at a lot of times painful. And as parents it is our job to teach our children what acceptable behavior is. Some kids are just plain rotten and push every button the can on purpose just to get a reaction.

    Back in the day, little Johnny got tuned up for showing out and he was good to go for a while. Are we too scared of DHS to physically discipline our children today? I tell mine all the time that I will drop them where they stand and they know I will. There just seem to be so many cases ofADD/ADHD diagnosed in recent years. I dont think the kids are any worse that they were 20 years ago, I think parents stopped parenting

    5 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago