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  • What works you think about, sense about, and/or otherwise around such a person?

    They a) have no healthcare b) they need charity and can't get it and c) they need social welfare. 

    They perpetually need these things and can't get any of them. How work you feel about and/or around such a person?

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 week ago
  • Would any of you find this scary? Also, what do you think about this as an advertisement?

    At 11:06PM on Fridays, its called "the real thing." It is an extremely mature rated advertisement and it costs a fortune to watch. It plays really cookoo, anti-Semitic, controversial, rabbinic like music. It scars the bejesust out of me. Do you guys know what I'm talking about? Have you seen it?

    1 AnswerOther - Television1 week ago
  • What happens when?

    What happens when you have have one person who secretly has sex with another person while the other person is equally quantifiably secretive in their having sex with that said person? 

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 week ago
  • Whose the eviler in this scenario? Is one partner more complicit than the other?

    This girl has a boyfriend who is deeply in love with her. I'm atrocious to this boyfriend in question: I mean, I absolutely torture him. However, while I haven't been conscious about it, I've had sex with this girlfriend roacously all of the time. Not only that, everyone has told this girl that if I was in her, their, close sleeping quarters that this would be an inevitability of her having sex with me. I mean, this is extremely noutious and what not but this is what it is. When we're alone in private we're extremely intimate with each other and she calls me honey and says that she wants me to be her boyfriend, wants us to be a couple, etc. Could a relationship stem from this? Or, are we already a couple? Or, with all of this being said, who would you say is the eviler of the two? Me or her? Or, are we both equally complicit in all of this? Or, am I an evil person with evil, piggish desires respectively? I mean, when we're alone, the love, sex, and romance really, really, kicks in.  

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 week ago
  • If a male and a female who are best friends have sex: does it constitute them cheating?

    I mean, let's say you had a male and female who were best friends.  The girl has a boyfriend and the boy has a girlfriend. However, behind her boyfriend's back and behind the girlfriends back, they have sex. I'm talking deep, amorous, animalistic sex in any and/or all combination of ways etc. Now, the girl is still loyal to her boyfriend and the boy is still loyal to his girlfriend. The girl is still madly head over heels in love with her boyfriend and the boy with his girlfriend. However, the girl behind her boyfriend's back and the boy behind his girlfriends back have deep, amorous, animalistic sex. 

    4 AnswersOther - Health1 week ago
  • Whose the eviler in this hypothetical scenario?

    You have a boyfriend and a girlfriend. They're head over heels madly in love. They have a plan to rip off another girl. Only: the girl they we're going to rip off starts sleeping with the boyfriend well ahead of time. This girl is absolutely mean, sadistic, and brutal to the girlfriend in question. The girlfriend hates the girl but finds 100% complete solace that she at least has a boyfriend. The girlfriend has no idea that when they're at the house the outside is soundproofed and/or otherwise visionally as well. When the girlfriend is right close next by: the girl and the boyfriend (who hides it so infinitely well) have wild, ravousness, absolutely absolute diabolical hardcore in love sex in the hottub. The boyfriend still acts like he's the boyfriend of the girlfriend and his usual, ingratiated, normal self. However, this has been closely and decisively going on.

  • Is this a funny way of how my girlfriend and I met?

    I met her when I was 17 and she was 16. From about circa of the period of that year say approximately estimatedly September-November she started dating my stepbrother. On and on right up until this period I heard loud, raucous, animalistic sex. I was sick with jeolousy every single night. I'm talking about absolute unprecedented things I've ever heard in my life (and I'm one sick you know what). I had a bit of a coldspell with them. Anyway, the year is 2021 and I now realize that she has been my girlfriend this entire time and this was just part of a long, elaborate date lol On a scale of 1-10, how funny do you think that this is?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating2 weeks ago
  • Can someone please answer this long and complicated statistics problem?

    If something statistical acts and participates in the non-statistical realm, does that mean that everything in this non-statistical realm is and any knowledge or self enlightement from the statistical really is prone and privy to all of the fool hardy and shortfalls from this non-statistical realm? More specifically, does that mean that everything that interacts with this statistical entity and/or any achievements that the statistical realm achieves are non-statistical and predicated as non-statistical?

    Mathematics2 weeks ago
  • Does this matter if it happens within the confines of a plutonic friendship? Meaning: would any of these actions be classified as irrelevant?

    Alright, I'll try to keep this story as short and concise as possible. The reason being is that I'm a) now 28 years old and b) have discovered that I'm a Ronald McDonald House Charities patient and c) with that being said, I have some pretty noteworthy non-statistical accomplishments and a TON of what I classify as hearing abjudicational: that is, stuff that I've done but is not non-statistical and is classified as 100% per a d what it as it is being that I'm statistically a Ronald McDonald House Charities patient and my statistical institution is Ronald McDonald House Charities. Anyway, there's this girl I've know since I was 18 and she was 16. We've been best friends for 10 years now. We are definitely classified as best friends. However, with that being said, this is what we do and I'll try to keep the histiocrity as short and concise as possible. She's my one and only. I don't have any family, friends, or anybody outside of this. She might of or did hootwink me accordingly. She's a soulmate to the core of my soul and knows everything about me. She is very, very sexual. We go out on dates, we have deep, loving, intense, amorous sex, we molest each other for at least 12 hours a day. We stalk each other non stop 24/7 365 days a year. She has entrapped me in this said best friend relationship and potentially perhaps I her. It's only me and only her. She demands that I have a picture of her on my desk. She is robotic and diabolically clever. We kiss and kiss for hours on end. 

    2 AnswersFriends2 weeks ago
  • Why is this or why is this not statistical?

    This guy named Ryan was sitting on the couch in nothing but his underwear (non-statistically). A guy named Josh was in the bedroom with his (statistical) girlfriend named Jane. Josh and Jane were (statistically) offended by this. To (statistically) punish and to (non-statistically) turn Ryan on, they came out of the bedroom together. Josh was shirtless in his boxer while Jane was wearing nothing but a very short t-shirt. Ryan was (statistically) very aroused and jeolous of this. Were Josh and Jane (statistically) successful in punishing Ryan being as that was what they intensed to do? Were they at least (non-statistically) successful? Was Ryan (non-statistically) hurt by this? Please feed me your comments, concerns, and questions. 

    2 AnswersMathematics3 weeks ago
  • What do you think about this whole statistical and non-statistical scenario?

    A man named John is (statistically) to marry a woman named Jamie (statistically). After a couple of events however, John gets thrown into a statistical Quarantine. In this Quarantine John realizes that his life was non statistical and this Hell that he hates and finds uncomfortable is actually statistical. In this statistical Hell, he realizes that everything has been and always will be non-statistical. Jamie is now (statistically) in love with a guy named Adam (who is statistically in love with her). Adam still has a non-statistical girlfriend. What do you think about all of this? 

    Mathematics3 weeks ago
  • Would you feel sorry for the guy in this instance or not?

    This guy named Adam is head over heels in love (statistically) with this guy named John. John, whose (statistical) girlfriend Chelsea, is (non-statistically) in love with Adam. Adam is also (statistically) in love with Chelsea. Chelsea is (non-statistically) in love with Adam as well. Now, this is where things get complicated. Adam (statistically) considers John his boyfriend and Chelsea his girlfriend. Likewise, John (non-statistically) considers Adam his boyfriend and Chelsea (non-statistically) considers Adam her boyfriend. Adam (non-statistically) considers John his best friend and John (statistically) considers Adam his best friend. Adam (non-statistically) considers Chelsea his best friend. Chelsea (statistically) considers Adam her best friend. 

    1 AnswerMathematics3 weeks ago