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Lv 59,258 points


Favorite Answers7%
  • Survey of random things?

    Whats your top 3 favorite salty snacks?

    Whats your top 3 favorite sweet snacks?

    Whats your top 3 favorite female singers?

    Whats your top 3 favorite male singers?

    Whats your top 3 favorite tv shows?

    Whats your top 3 favorite sports?

    Whats your top 3 favorite crestive activitys?

    Whats your top 3 favorite subjects in school?

    Whats your top 3 all time favorite movies?

    Whats your top 3 all time favorite books?

    Best answer is the person who actually answers the questions and whos answers have inthusiasm! Come one think of some positive things! Live a little!

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Poll: Like or dislike? (music)?

    I'll put a person and you say if you like that person or not.

    Justin bieber?

    One direction?

    Lady ga ga?

    Katy parry?


    Taylor swift?

    The wanted?

    Bruno mars?

    Selena gomez?


    Jonas brothers?

    Demi lavato?

    Cody simpson?

    Miley cyrus?

    Carrie underwood?

    And what are your fav five yes pick the best five even if you don't like any of them.

    Also tell why you like your top five choices.

    17 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Random questions survey?

    1. What level of candy crush are you at?

    2. Whats the oldest movies you've watched reacently?

    3. Who was the last person you texted?

    4. When is the last time you played poker?

    5. Where do you want to travel to?

    My answers:

    Level of candy crush? 72

    Oldest movie i've watched reacently? The incredible Mr. Limpet.

    Last person i texted? My brother.

    Last time i played poker? About a month ago.

    Where do i want to travel to?

    Many places but Paris,Australia,Isreal,China, Rome,Italy,and Russia to name a few.

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Is this too much of an age difference?

    So i'm 19 turned 19 in june.

    I think i'm falling for a really great guy whos one of the few honestly good guys i've ever met. Hes loyal a good friend to his friends and is good to his family.

    We also have the same belief's and are staying strong and true in those.

    But he's 25 i know as kids (the younger you are the lower the maturaty levels usually are) an age difference is a big deal. (And should probably be avoided with good reason) but since were both adults i was wondering if people stilk though our age difference was to much and all that stuff.

    (were not dating and haven't shown any sign of it yet) but he's looking for the right one and so am i.... Would this be an appropriate relationship? What do you think?

    I want lots of opinions and discussion.

    Give me the pros and cons just tell me what you think.

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Is this too much of an age difference?

    So i'm 19 turned 19 in june.

    I think i'm falling for a really great guy whos one of the few honestly good guys i've ever met. Hes loyal a good friend to his friends and is good to his family.

    We also have the same belief's and are staying strong and true in those.

    But he's 25 i know as kids (the younger you are the lower the maturaty levels usually are) an age difference is a big deal. (And should probably be avoided with good reason) but since were both adults i was wondering if people stilk though our age difference was to much and all that stuff.

    (were not dating and haven't shown any sign of it yet) but he's looking for the right one and so am i.... Would this be an appropriate relationship? What do you think?

    I want lots of opinions and discussion.

    Give me the pros and cons just tell me what you think.

    2 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • Is this too much of an age difference?

    So i'm 19 turned 19 in june.

    I think i'm falling for a really great guy whos one of the few honestly good guys i've ever met. Hes loyal a good friend to his friends and is good to his family.

    We also have the same belief's and are staying strong and true in those.

    But he's 25 i know as kids (the younger you are the lower the maturaty levels usually are) an age difference is a big deal. (And should probably be avoided with good reason) but since were both adults i was wondering if people stilk though our age difference was to much and all that stuff.

    (were not dating and haven't shown any sign of it yet) but he's looking for the right one and so am i.... Would this be an appropriate relationship? What do you think?

    I want lots of opinions and discussion.

    Give me the pros and cons just tell me what you think.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • A good first name to go with the midde name parker?

    And a good first name to go with the middle name julian

    Writting a story needing help with character names.

    The guy with the middle name parker has strawberry blond hair and hazle colored eyes.

    He's 5'7 and 16 years old.

    He's out going and into music acting' writting, swimming, basketball and bace ball he wants to be a writter. He's fiercely loyal with his friends and family. He hates his father because he was abusive to him and to his mother.

    The guy with the middle name julian has black hair blue eyes he's 5'9 and is 18 years old.

    He's shy but very determined and will stand up for his beliefs his father died when he was 10 and they were really close his mother had/has to travel around alot in her work so that they moved around alot when he was a kid he's staying in one place living on his own and going to college his mom is working in another state.

    So he's pretty much alone in the world in a new town where he plans to stay for a while for once.

    So what names do you think? Give me plenty of suggestions! :)

    3 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • This or That Girl and Guy Names?

    Katheryne or Tara?

    Joyce or Elizabeth?

    Isabelle or Summer?

    Emma or Chloe?

    Kamber or Mercedes?

    Lynn or Shay?

    Ethan or James?

    Chris or Caleb?

    Gene or Jake?

    Darin or Kenny?

    Hunter or Hayden?

    Gabe or Tristan?

    3 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • This or That Girl and Guy Names?

    Katheryne or Tara?

    Joyce or Elizabeth?

    Isabelle or Summer?

    Emma or Chloe?

    Kamber or Mercedes?

    Lynn or Shay?

    Ethan or James?

    Chris or Caleb?

    Gene or Jake?

    Darin or Kenny?

    Hunter or Hayden?

    Gabe or Tristan?

  • Poll: should you be asleep right now?

    I should... Uts almost 1 am for me and i'm going to regret this (being up so late) in the morning....

    So.... Good night world.

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • True or false? survey.?

    For fun. Random questions.

    True or false:

    1. You are older than 16 and younger than 25?

    2. You like the color orange?

    3. You want to go to college?

    4. Your a virgin?

    5. You could pass a major world history test tomorrow to save your life?

    6. You have cracked heels?

    7. You know a Taylor Swift song by heart?

    8.youve read a book in the past week?

    9. You have a tattoo?

    10. You have siblings?

    11. You have a dog/dogs?

    12. You've been drunk before?

    13. You've been to other countrys besides the one your from?

    14. You speak more than one language?

    15. You know how to roller blade?

    16. You are unsure about your future?

    17. You've been bullyed?

    18. Your currently single?

    19. You have or have had a penpal/epal?

    20. You were Fraid of the dark as a kid?

    Best answer goes to the person who one answers these by asking the question and then answering like this: example:

    You like the color orange? true.

    And best answer also goes to the person whos honest answers line up best with mine.

    Have fun!

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • This or that baby names?

    Wesley or westen?

    Aria or Ariel?

    Hayden or Hunter?

    Kamber or Amber?

    Mercedes or Melody?

    Ellie or Ella?

    Marco or marcus?

    Corey or cody?

    Lily or Lesley?

    Zoe or zelda?

    Adam or Andrew?

    James or Julius?

    Fiona or Faith?

    Kayla or Kyla

    Levi or Liam

    Russel or Ronald

    Gabriel or Gavin

    Garret or Guy

    Brandon or brannon?

    Tara or Kara?

    Sara or Dara?

    Paige or Penny

    Saige or Stephany

    Mia or Nia?

    Sophie or sofia?

    Damon or Dylan

    Dekota or Damein?

    Kyle or Keven?

    Emma or Emily?

    Angelina or Anistasia?

    Joyce or Jane?

    Julie or Julia?

    Ethan or Evan?

    Raine or Robert?

    Kenny or Keith?

    Daniel or Darin?

    17 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Poll: will you take my survey?

    Go to

    Click the read what others have written button

    In the search box at the top of the page type

    "Bless levi and bethany"

    Read the entry call (survey for fun)

    At the bottom it will have a button that says send feedback.

    Click it and answer the 10 survey questions!

    Its easy and fun. Its not a trick or something stupid.

    Read the other entrys if you want then send feedback on those if you want.

    We are trying to get a big number of people to send in there answers! So please do so! :)

    Oh and my answers to the survey questions are poasted on there. (Look I know most of you won't want to leave YA to go to another sight you probabyhave never heard of... and will say no and I get that...but if the rolls were reversed I'd at least check it out)

    Help us break a record! Please?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Poll: Like or dislike? (food)?


    2. Shrimp

    3. Lamb

    4. Black olives

    5. Green olives

    6. Meat loaf

    7. Jelly

    8. Ramen noodles

    9. Squash

    10. Pineapple

    11. Strawberry ice cream

    12. Corndogs

    13. Chicken salad

    14. No bake cookies

    15. Pickles

    Randomly chosen foods...some I like some I don't like

    What about you?

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Poll: Like or Dislike?(music)?

    1. Eminem

    2. Miley cyrus

    3. Lady ga ga

    4. Westlife.

    5. The wanted

    6. The Fray

    7. The goo goo dolls

    8. One directoon

    9. Brittany spears

    10. Hillary duff.

    11. Paramore

    12. Nickleback

    13. Katy Perry

    14. Jordan Sparks

    15. Taylor swift.

    Me: I like some of and Dislike some(just trying to put up a variety)

    What about you?

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • What is this quote? help!!!?

    Ok so there's this quote I can't remember all of it or who its by and I've tried looking for it no luck there so maybe some one else knows here what I remember its something like: "I'd rather be a used to be than a never was...."

    But there's more to it anybody know what it is?

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • What is this quote? help!!!?

    Ok so there's this quote I can't remember all of it or who its by and I've tried looking for it no luck there so maybe some one else knows here what I remember its something like: "I'd rather be a used to be than a never was...."

    But there's more to it anybody know what it is?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago