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  • Do you think outer space is scary?

    Like do you think it's creepy? I just think it is so weird how it's so dark and we lose all sense of direction out there. You don't know if you're upside down or right side up, or if you're looking left or right, north, south, east, or west. Like wtf?? And if something hits you, you'll just keep going in that direction until something touches you and changes your speed and direction. And all of the giant planets I bet looks really weird up close or even far away. And how no one really knows what a black hole is and by the time you realize you're in one, it's too late. I feel like I would just have a heart attack if I got lost in space just knowing that I'm surrounded by trillions and trillions of light years of nothingness, but that's just me. Why is it so weird and does anyone else feel this way?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • Atheist answer only plz. Do you believe in spiritual energy?

    I talked to an atheist several years ago and remember him saying something about not believing in an afterlife (as most people describe or believe), or God of course, but he does believe that it is just natural for everything in the universe to possess an energy that is simultaneously released from them when/as they die and that energy continues to go on forever and is continuously being transfered to different dimensions, worlds, or even into other energy. He feels as though this energy was nor created nor can be destroyed and that it is contained by the brain/mind. Now if he believes that the energy we embody was neither created nor can be destroyed, he is basically saying that our energy has always existed and that our energy actually be millions or even billions of years old. We as our physically selves here and now haven't always been around, but our energy has. This is not speaking of reincarnation, but more like we were energy being transfered somewhere in the universe, and we just so happen to be transferred into human form along the way, sort of like a bump in the road and that we may never get that chance again because once we die, we'll just go back to energy and may never get a chance to be transferred into something like the form we are in now. He also feels as though this energy can also travel through space timelessly and instantly (like all energy of course). To me, it just sounds like your spirit, or the "soul" if you will. I'm not trying to put anyone's beliefs down or up, just asking for honest opinions about this because it sort of makes sense. I know a lot of atheist who believe in this energy and that it is also the soul, but it is just natural. Scientifically, our mind is nothing but energy, so it has to be transfered into something else when we die right? Not saying an afterlife or a life like this one, but just more or different energy. What do you guys think? Do you think it sounds logical, or totally bonkers!!!

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • To the Victims of 9/11: What was it like?

    if you all don't mind me asking, unfortunately I never had the priviledge to talk to a victim of this tragic incident. I was in 5th grade in class when I saw this on the news and we were all sent home early. I knew a classmate who's father died in this tragedy, but I never actually, personally, knew anyone who was a victim, came close to being a victim, or if you know a victim. I know this is old and something I probably should have asked last month, but I didn't think of it until just now. (it is something that has been on my heart ever since 2001 and it something I will never forget). So if anyone care to share their story, (experience in the building, near the building, on the street, views from homes, etc) please feel free to do so and please know that I GREATLY appreciate it with much respect. :)

    ps- this is not for any type of paper, website, or anything like that. I am not a writer, journalist or anything. Just a regular 22 year old woman who has been touched by this incident ever since. I am genuinely interested ONLY in hearing what you all have to say. Thanks!

    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism9 years ago
  • Question to Atheists: Do You Think Life Has to Have a Purpose?

    or do you feel as though "purpose" is a human invention, feeling, or concept? What are your views on life and the reason (purpose) of it? I really only prefer atheists to answer but all others are also welcomed.

    btw: I was born and raised a christian my whole life, but since I've been in college, I feel more like an agnostic theist.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • I have a question can someone PLEASEEEE answer!!!!!!?

    Can someone please answer my question. Hey!!!! Hellllloooo I have a question here!!! (raises hand, waving it back in forth in frustration)... Guys???!!!

    3 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • Help!! I'm addicted to SEX!!!?

    if im not having sex i play with myself all time and even lately i've even been into girls and i've always been straight but it's like now i like boys and girls i just want everyone to do me like anytime ALL the time idc who they are or what they have i just can't turn it down even when i want to. i do whatever ppl want like head and everything to girls and boys i really need help plz don't judge me. i am a female and im 21.

    10 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Do you really think I'm ugly?

    Everyone always makes fun of me at school.. :(

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Is Christianity a SLAVE Religion?

    some reasons why I ask:

    (I am a Christian, but while I am in college, an HBCU, I've been learning things that really gets me thinking)

    1) The story of the curse of Ham basically ends with Canaan and his offspring "cursed" with "black sin", big lips, wide nose, and course/nappy hair (which is beautiful to me. I am NATURAL). How is this a curse again? Oh because those are African/Black features... right.... WRONG! The story of Cain and Abel is also associated with "black sin". The bible states this: "And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell" (Gen. 4:5), suggesting that Cain underwent a permanent change in skin color. In an Eastern Christian (Armenian) Adam-book (5th or 6th century) it is written: “And the Lord was wroth with Cain. . . He beat Cain’s face with hail, which blackened like coal, and thus he remained with a black face".. so what? Black is beautiful. He probably looked better than ever before!

    2) THE 7 DEADLY SINS are as if they were to control the slaves:

    a) Lust- Very strong sexual desire. (sounds to me as if they were making sure the Africans did not multiply and reproduce more of their offspring and/or that the Whites didn't mix with the slaves if you know what I mean)

    b) Gluttony- habitual eating to excess. (the slaves were seldom fed and were often times never fed at all. But may have been told, it is a sin to eat so much!)

    c) Greed- intense and selfish desire for something, esp. wealth, power, or food. (or is it really selfish within itself, or is the person selfish? Sounds to me as though the slave masters told their slaves that they shouldn't desire wealth, power, or food. Slaves did not have paid labor, they sure didn't have any power, and I'm sure they weren't fed well either. So whenever they passed out from lack of food/water, they would get beat for it)

    d) Sloth- Reluctance to work or make an effort; laziness. (this is self explanatory). Slave masters may have told their slaves that it is a sin if they did not work when told. It is considered "lazy" even though it was like over 100 degrees outside..

    e) wrath- extreme anger. (slave masters were afraid, especially of the male Africans. So they were basically manipulated into believing that they will be punished by God if they were to resist and fight back. They must be "slow to anger".)

    f) envy- Desire to have a quality, possession, or other attribute belonging to (someone else). (the slaves may have wanted to live differently and comfortably - like their masters - but were told that if they wanted what someone else had, they will be punished by god).

    g) and Pride- A feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired. (I don't see anything wrong with this. Seems like the masters wanted to keep them beaten down in order to keep them in line. They wanted to break ALL confidence and self-awareness. What's wrong with being proud of your talents and abilities?)

    Slave masters knew that Africans were very religious and believed wholeheartedly in a higher power. This is why I feel they took advantage of this. The bible just has a lot of things in it that I just can not understand or even agree with. Is there anyone else out there who honestly sees the shadyness, too? Or are you all going to ignore it as usual..

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Have you ever been degraded by your own family?

    Or have you ever felt that you could relate better to others who weren't family members more so than your own relatives?

    3 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • Why Is My Cell Phone Taking Forever To Charge?

    last night i was browsing the web on my cell phone (LG Rumor Touch) and i also talked on the phone with my boyfriend for a long time... also earlier that day, i was texting a lot and using my phone. I did not charge it at all until the battery started blinking and the phone began to die. I took too long to get it to the charger and it shut off so I'm guessing it completely died on me. I also didn't let it charge when I went to bed last night (I forgot). But today, ever since like 11:30 this morning, I've been charging it all day until now and instead of saying 0 bars like it did last night, it says i now have 2 out of 4 bars.. 2 OUT OF 4 BARS??? but I've been charging it ALL DAY!!! it's been charging really slowly since i let it die on me. i even tried cutting it off and letting it charge while it's off but it still only reaches 2 bars. and i just now put it in power save mode to see if there's any change. Is this normal and should i just keep giving it some time because it did completely die or.......? help plz

    *btw, my battery sticker is still white. It is not pink or red. So it's not water damage... the battery should still be in good condition.... i hope....

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • Why Are Atheists So Rude & Evil Most of the Time?

    they just have really bad/negative attitudes. I don't understand. I've met a couple who were really nice people regardless of race, religion, or whatever someone else was. It seems lke the Atheists I encounter with online are very prejudice to other people of different religions.

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What is my current grade in this class?

    if my current overall grade in the class is a 75% now and i just took a test and earned a 46% and the test was worth 20% of our grade?

  • Atheists: Where does the term, Skyfairy come from?

    Skyfairy as referring to God and why do some Atheists refer to God as such?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Can Gay People Be Christians?

    My friend's mom said they can't and I was like why not? That's crazy...