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Charly Dat
Who else has also experienced a derecho wind storm before?
On Monday August 10, 2020 a derecho wind storm has hit my native hometown of Chicago, Illinois. It was said that to have caused a tornado in Rogers Park, which is a neighborhood in Chicago. I have never experienced a tornado in real life before, this was my first time experiencing and seeing a tornado in real life and it was very scary. The derecho wind storm has brought a very destructive EF-1 tornado that has touched down in Rogers Park, Chicago, Illinois. The derecho wind storm in Chicago has caused a tornado that has knocked down thousands of trees and power lines. On that same day, I heard a tornado siren from my home, and it was a really loud tornado siren. Chicago has over several modulator tornado siren alarms in Downtown, Midway International Airport and O’hare International Airport.
Weather8 months agoWho has seen a deer in a cemetery before?
I’ve never ever seen anything like this before, I was riding my bike through Saint Boniface Catholic Cemetery in Chicago, Illinois and I saw this deer walking in between the gravestones and eating grass. This was my first time witnessing something like this in real life. Saint Boniface Catholic Cemetery is a city cemetery located in Chicago, which is very large and crowded city in Illinois, but I have no idea how this deer managed to get into a city cemetery. The picture below is my picture that I captured on my phone while I was riding my bike, I did not ride my bike on the gravestones, so don’t worry about it. I stayed on the concrete road.
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 months agoWhy don’t some people mind their own businesses?
I work in a stressful work environment as a janitorial worker and this man, who does not own the shop, comes into the shop is often pushing me to work faster, even though I am trying my best to work as hard as I can. I don’t like being rushed and I don’t like being pressured. He did not have to tell me what to do, I know what I need to do and sometimes if I forget, my boss reminds me. This man is not my boss and he often tells me to hurry up, work, work, work faster! This is as fast as I can work and I have a disability. My boss also told me not to rush and that I need to always take my time. Being a janitorial worker is often a very stressful job and rushing me does not make me work any faster, it only increases stress even more although this man does not even mind his own business and let me do my own job at my own pace. I was already working as fast as I can and as hard as I can. My boss even said to me that it is his problem, not mine and that I can take my time and do not rush. I am often stressed out and I cannot pickup the pace like most people as this increases even more stress for me, especially when I am disabled because I have a disability. My boss told me not to stress myself out and that I do not need to rush. I don’t know if this man understands that being janitorial worker is really stressful or not, but I also wonder if any of this stuff has happened to you before, when someone else was telling you to work faster although they’re not your boss.
Small Business10 months agoWhy is the United States of America vulnerable to hurricanes?
Every year in early June, the west coast of the United States often gets hit by tropical storms, cyclones, typhoons or hurricanes. The most targeted states are Florida, Louisiana, Texas, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, New York, West Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey and Delaware. Each year, it seems like that the USA is far more vulnerable to hurricanes than any other countries in the World. Is America the only country that is the most vulnerable to tropical cyclones or are there other countries that are more vulnerable?
Weather10 months agoCan you join the Military with a stutter?
Hi guys, my name is Charly Dat Duc Lai and I have stutter/stammer and I thinking about joining the Army. I was born in Chicago and I grew up in Illinois with a stutter. My stutter used to really severe, but right now it is not as severe as it was before. Today I just talked to US Army Recruiting Chicago. Now that the Army knows that I have a stutter. I even asked the recruiter if they any military jobs for people with disabilities. Just a reminder so that you don’t bully or make fun of someone who has a speech disorder. Do not type like this 'I-I-I-I d-d-d-o-o-n’t-t-t k-k-kn-n-o-o-w-w'. Understand that it is not funny and not cool to mock someone with a stutter/stammer. If you meet someone who stutters, do not mock them for the sake of a joke unless your stutter/stammer is really real. I’ve planned on joining the Military with a speech disorder and I don’t know if they would accept me although I’ve reduced the severity of my stutter/stammer. But I am still trying my best to overcome the stutter, especially when trying to join the military with some minor mental disabilities. I am a 25 year old male living in Chicago, Illinois who wants join the Armed Forces. But however, I have heard that there are some soldiers in the US Military that also stutter/stammer. While I was talking to the US Army recruiter on my phone, the recruiter was quite patient and I was allowed to take my time and slow my speech down to keep the stutter under control.
5 AnswersMilitary11 months agoWhat is difference between containing and preventing?
2 AnswersChemistry11 months agoWhen will the Coronavirus vaccine be ready?
I’ve been waiting inside of my house for over 5 weeks, nearly 6 weeks. When will the Covid-19 Coronavirus vaccine finally be ready?
12 AnswersCats1 year agoHow to talk to abusive parents?
What should we do if our moms and dads get abusive and start making threats, yelling, bullying, insulting and hitting children? What if they refuse to change and get even more abusive? How should address the abuse?
4 AnswersFamily1 year agoWhen will Coronavirus in the United States decrease? ?
The Covid-19 Virus in the United States of America has surpassed Italy and China in the last couple of days ago as the Coronavirus continues to spread rapidly fast. So far, I’ve heard that the Virus has slowed down in China and is beginning to slow down in Italy. But when will the Virus begin to slow down in the US. I am a 25 year old male living in Chicago, Illinois and I have not been outside of my home since the last 2 weeks ago and I am still at home right now. Because of the Covid-19 Coronavirus, all restaurants, schools and bars have been closed in Illinois. I want to ride my bike on the Chicago lakefront, but due to Coronavirus, I am not allowed to do so until this pandemic is finally over. But when will the Virus in the United States of America finally stop for good? I have my bike inside of my bedroom that I want to ride, but the Chicago lakefront has been shutdown by the Chicago Police Department for the safety of Chicago residents from Covid-19 Coronavirus. It seems that every day people are getting sick and dying and we are getting more and more cases of Coronavirus in the USA as most of the hospitals have been overwhelmed. Even the US Military is setting up more field hospitals to treat Coronavirus patients, but it still won’t be enough either. But when will Coronavirus finally stop in the United States of America?
5 AnswersChicago1 year agoWhat if there is a hurricane in Florida during the Coronavirus pandemic?
What should the American people who live in the US State of Florida if there is a hurricane during the Coronavirus crisis? Especially when they have to stay at Home to protect themselves and others from the Covid-19 Coronavirus, but what if there is a hurricane coming and how would the Military be able to help those people?
Other - Society & Culture1 year agoWhy do abusers say 'Stop being sensitive'?
When people respond to abusive situations such as yelling, beating, bullying, cursing, insulting and threatening behaviors, abusers often say this 'Stop being so sensitive'. But why? Don’t they have the capacity to admit that their behavior is never okay and change their behavior?
27 AnswersPsychology1 year agoAny good news about Coronavirus? ?
We have to hear good news about Coronavirus, AKA Covid-19! If there any good news or a sign of the Virus slowing down or coming to a stop?
3 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop1 year agoIs abuse ever a funny joke?
On Facebook, I found a video that a former friend of mine posted online of a Chihuahua dog being a beaten up for fun, although the dog was not really beaten up, the owner was doing it for fun. When I saw that video, I did not find it funny at all as the dog was scared and terrified. I commented on the video that my Facebook friend has posted standing up for the Chihuahua dog. The person who posted the video laughed at it while Animal Abuse is real and serious stuff. He thinks that this is funny, so does the dog owner. The owner of the dog in the video started laughing after the Chihuahua dog ran away in fear. They said that they were just doing it for fun and it isn’t abuse, but the video showed everything. That dog was really terrified and afraid and the owner laughed at it, so did my friend who posted that video on Facebook. I also got blocked by the person who posted the video on Facebook for standing up for the poor dog. This stuff is not funny and the dog’s owner has no idea that the Police takes this joke really seriously. I should have showed the person YouTube videos of dogs getting beaten up by their abusive owners for real so he could see how serious Animal Abuse really is, this is real life and there is no reason to laugh at it and that this joke is not an innocent joke.
3 AnswersDogs1 year agoWhen will Coronavirus be over?
When will Coronavirus finally die? I want to get out of the house and get some fresh air, ride my bike and have fun outside. But when will Coronavirus finally be over? I’ve heard that it will be over this summer or may be next year, but I don’t know if it’s true or not.
3 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 year agoHow to adjust brakes on a Titan Fusion Mountain Bike?
I got an Orange Titan Fusion Mountain Bike for Christmas and I plan on fixing the bike brakes by myself but I don’t know how. Any highly experienced person who knows a lot about bikes here? I need help on how to fix my brakes just in case if they don’t work.
2 AnswersCycling1 year agoHow to engage in Conversations? ?
I feel like giving up all hope, I feel disconnected from others since that no one at home is helping me. Even when I choose a topic, no one is still interested in talking. I am trying the best I can to improve my Social Skills or interaction skills. I also want to have fun conversations with others too, but I don’t know how.
6 AnswersPsychology1 year agoWhat symptoms does Coronavirus have? ?
3 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 year agoHow do I get a medical treatment for my throat?
Recently, I’ve been coughing a lot. I tried to stop coughing, but I wasn’t able to and I’ve been coughing for over 4 weeks until this morning, I found out that I coughed up blood due to coughing too much. While I was brushing my teeth, I saw blood coming out of my mouth, it was coming from my throat as it dripped down onto my toothbrush and onto the bathroom sink. I am a 25 year old male living in Chicago, Illinois and I wonder if there are any locations in Chicago that offer free or cheap medical treatments for my throat.
Respiratory Diseases1 year agoHow do I get a medical treatment for my throat?
Recently, I’ve been coughing a lot. I tried to stop coughing, but I wasn’t able to and I’ve been coughing for over 4 weeks until this morning, I found out that I coughed up blood due to coughing too much. While I was brushing my teeth, I saw blood coming out of my mouth, it was coming from my throat as it dripped down onto my toothbrush and onto the bathroom sink. I am a 25 year old male living in Chicago, Illinois and I wonder if there are any locations in Chicago that offer free or cheap medical treatments for my throat.
1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases1 year agoWhy are sonic booms illegal?
I’ve heard that sonic booms by supersonic aircraft were banned back in 1973, but the Concorde continued flying flying after that. Don’t most of today’s modern military planes still break the sound barrier and create sonic booms? If sonic booms are illegal, why are there still airplanes flying much faster than the speed of sound? Military aircraft today still fly at supersonic speed, which is roughly over Mach 1.4 or maybe nearly Mach 2, two times faster than the speed of sound. The Concorde however, was retired back in 2003 for some reasons. But why were sonic booms outlawed back in 1973? If sonic booms were outlawed, why military planes still fly at supersonic speed?
7 AnswersAircraft1 year ago