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  • Pain in my lower left side abdomen/back...could it be a herniated disc, endometriosis, or something more serious? Please help!?

    Hello. I am a 20 year old female experiencing lower pelvic pains with some lower back pain (not at the same time). To start it off, I have been experiencing lower left side back pain that travels down my left leg for the past 3 1/2 years. I believe it was part of a soccer injury, but it is more of an on-and-off thing. The back pain normally flares up when I have my period. For the last few years, I also tend to leak urine during my menstrual cycle (it only happens during that time of the month). Recently (within the past month), I have been experiencing some urinatry trouble. Frequent urge to urinate, the feeling of having to pee then nothing comes out, and when my bladder is full I sometimes get a pain in my lower left pelvic region. I went to the doctor about a month ago and they said it was a UTI (after performing external and internal pelvic ultrasounds to rule out any ovarian cysts). Seeing a gyno in 2 days, but I'm starting to begin to think it is something serious. I feel very healthy besides these symptoms (no fatigue, sudden weight loss, fevers, etc). Please help!

    1 AnswerWomen's Health5 years ago
  • 20 year old female experiencing some lower pelvic/lower back pain-Looking for answers?

    Hello. I am a 20 year old female experiencing lower pelvic pains with some lower back pain (not at the same time). To start it off, I have been experiencing lower left side back pain that travels down my left leg for the past 3 1/2 years. I believe it was part of a soccer injury, but it is more of an on-and-off thing. The back pain normally flares up when I have my period. For the last few years, I also tend to leak urine during my menstrual cycle (it only happens during that time of the month). Recently (within the past month), I have been experiencing some urinatry trouble. Frequent urge to urinate, the feeling of having to pee then nothing comes out, and when my bladder is full I sometimes get a pain in my lower left pelvic region. I went to the doctor about a month ago and they said it was a UTI (after performing external and internal pelvic ultrasounds to rule out any ovarian cysts). Seeing a gyno in 2 days, but I'm starting to begin to think it is something serious. I feel very healthy besides these symptoms (no fatigue, sudden weight loss, fevers, etc). Please help!

    2 AnswersWomen's Health5 years ago
  • Does this seem like allergies?

    I've never really been a sick person until I've lived in my college dorms this past year. I've been getting sick semi-frequently, not like "sick" sick, but like congestion, stuffy/runny nose, sore throat, watery eyes, and exhaustion. Does this sound like it could be allergy related or do you think I just keep catching a cold? We did have black mold in one of my air vents in my dorm but they claimed they cleaned it out...Any help with what to do/home remedies to get rid of these symptoms would be appreciated!

    1 AnswerOther - Health7 years ago
  • Do you think I have allergies?

    I've never really been a sick person until I've lived in my college dorms this past year. I've been getting sick semi-frequently, not like "sick" sick, but like congestion, stuffy/runny nose, sore throat, watery eyes, and exhaustion. Does this sound like it could be allergy related or do you think I just keep catching a cold? We did have black mold in one of my air vents in my dorm but they claimed they cleaned it out...Any help with what to do/home remedies to get rid of these symptoms would be appreciated!

    1 AnswerAllergies7 years ago
  • Good box dye to achieve red hair?

    My hair is at light auburn right now, but I would like to achieve a bright red hair color similar to Snookie's. I'm at a pretty tight budget and can't really afford to get it done, so I was wondering if anyone had any luck at a good box dye? After reading reviews, it seems like the John Frieda Color Foam is the best, but none of the shades of red they offer are quite what I am looking for. The Feria brand has more shades I like, but the reviews seem very iffy. Any suggestions would be helpful! :)

    5 AnswersHair7 years ago
  • My hair doesn't straighten?

    I have really REALLY thick wavy hair and it seems to never straighten. My old straightener was one of those wet to dry straighteners and it gave me decent results (i never used it while my hair was wet) but I recently just purchased a Rusk brand flat iron and it gives me the same results. It looks straight for 20 minutes but immediately gets poofy and wavy towards the ends.I normally curl my hair with the wand and i get good results but sometimes I just want to straighten it! Should I return the Rusk and buy a different flat iron? I don't want to spend that much money but I want good looking hair! Please help!

    4 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • Any good college majors to get into that don't require math?

    I'm an incoming college freshmen and I really want a decent paying job when i'm older but I hear it's impossible to get one in this economy if you're not doing something with math or science. Some of the majors i'm interested in are sociology, psychology, communications with an interest in media studies, and early childhood education. Just looking for some suggestions, thanks!

  • Math placement test for college?

    Taking my math placement test for college tomorrow. I've never been good at math and now i'm freaking out about what's going to be on the test. I know I waited until the last minute with this, but I was wondering if anyone could help summarize what might be on the test? I know i'm not going to take the trig part so i'm just gonna be taking the algebra part. Also if you get a low enough score can they kick you out of the college or do you just take a lower level class that doesn't count as college credit? Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated!

    1 AnswerStandards & Testing8 years ago
  • Need help on my European History Debate...Hitler Vs Bismark?

    In my European History Class, we are doing debates on who had the biggest impact on history (positive or negative). I have Hitler and tomorrow i'm going against Otto Von Bismark. Does anyone have any advice or witty things to say? The debate is pretty much based around you grilling the opponent (ie Bismark), so if you have any examples please let me know!

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • Stray cat had kittens in our garage and now they appear to be dying please help?

    Been feeding a stray cat for a couple of months now...she got pregnant and had her kittens in our garage this morning. She had them under a pile of fiberglass so we moved the 5 kittens to a big dog carrier (1 kitten was dead in the pile so she had 6 total) with blankets on the bottom. Now she moved 2 of the kittens back into the fiberglass pile and 2 of the kittens are in the carrier twitching and meowing...the mother cat moved the kitten on the deck with her and is now nursing that one kitten? please help I would love to try to save the rest I just really can't bring them inside

    6 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • Can someone please help me with college stuff?

    I just finished up my junior year of high school and it was NOT my best year. I ended up failing both semesters of math and one semester of physics. I got a 21 on my ACT (but i am retaking it in September) and i am freaking out about college applications. I really have my heart set on going to ISU (Illinois State University) but i don't know if i can even get in :/ Does anyone have any suggestions when or how i should apply OR if i can even get in? ugh

  • How much would it cost to fix my Ipod touch?

    My Ipod touch is a little more than 1 year old. A water bottle bottle in my purse opened up in my purse and my ipod got a little wet. It still worked fine, but after a week later, i dropped it. Now the screen is stuck black and i can't turn it on/off. It is still playing on my ipod dock just fine. I really would like to get this fixed.

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • My dog is drooling excessively?

    Last night, my dog had been drooling A LOT. This morning, the drooling continues. His overall behavior is normal (chasing cats, eating some treats, etc) but i am worried this might be a symptom of bloat....please help ASAP

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • i cut my finger with a knife and green goo is coming out?

    i was cutting garlic bread for my friends from upstate, and all of the sudden, my cat jumped on the table and made my hand slip! the knife pierced through my skin and sliced my finger right off. green goo is shooting everywhere and is getting all over my new shag rug! HELP ME PLEASE, WHAT DO I DO!???!??!?????!???!

    7 AnswersFirst Aid1 decade ago
  • what should i do for my 16th birthday party? (for a girl)?

    my birthday is coming up in a month and i have no idea on what to do. i am not the richest person so it cant be something like renting out a banquet hall, etc. i live in the chicago area, so is there anything i could do downtown with some friends? thanks!

    5 AnswersEntertaining1 decade ago
  • Someone stepped on my arm during soccer?

    At a soccer game, someone stepped on my forearm. it is now swollen, bruised, and there is a minor scrape. around the scrape, it all numb and tingly. does anyone have an idea on what i should do or what i did?

    4 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • HELP! my expander is digging into the roof of my mouth.?

    My pallate expander for my braces is digging into the roof of my mouth. The pain is unbearable, and the fastest orthodonist appointment i can go to is Monday. Are there any ways i can help ease the pain until then? I can barely eat, sleep, and talk, so any help would be appreciated. Thanks! (:

    3 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • What can me and my friend do for our birthday party?

    My best friend, for two almost three years, and I are having a dual 15th birthday party. we are having about 10 girls sleepover but we dont know what stuff we can do to keep us busy and having fun. note that it is winter and there is snow on the ground, so outside activities are a no.

    5 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • what can me and my friends do over winter break?

    we are 14 years old, and live in the midwest area. try to remember our cash flow isn't the greatest. we just really want to do something fun and memorable.

    4 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • HELP! my friend keeps lying to me. what should i do?

    Me and my friend have been best friends since we were like 5. Lately, she's been lying to me if she was with anybody, she never asks me to hang out (she leaves me out of the group, she'll call the rest of them), and she ignores my calls. When i confronted her about it today, she told me shut up and dont talk. Tommorow, should i talk to her or what? what should i even do about this ? im confused.

    5 AnswersFriends1 decade ago