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fake shallow depth of field in video?
Hey, thanks for clicking on my question:)
I make vlogs/videos on YouTube for people in need (depression etc) and I thought it d be nice if I could make it look a little more professional. I can t really afford a new camera but I use a canon legria h56 camcorder. I want to know if there s a way I can Fake the depth of field in my videos. The camera doesn t really blur itself either so focal length aperture and zooming won t work as I walk with the camera in my hands. Is there any software or editing tools to fake the background blur. Can I use software (please recomend) to keep my face in focus but the background blurred? I know there s something out there, and if there is can you please help me. Thanks. I need to but the background. Thanks. Have a great day :)
6 AnswersCamcorders6 years agoSix pack abs?
Hi, I'm 17 and I'm quite thin with no fat but a little muscle on my stomach, I need to know how to get proper abs as I'm just flat right now. I tend to use no equipment as I don't have any and don't want to join the gym. A lot of guys my age and younger mostly have abs and I'd like to know how they do this at home? Shall I do crunches or a little more? Thanks :)
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness6 years agoHair loss? Help me?
Hi I'm 17 male and I've been starting to style my hair with a lot of product for about 8 months now. I use mouse with a blow drier, styling clay, powder and hair spray and I've noticed that every time I wash my hair I see loads of hairs on my hands and I also feel like it's a lot tougher and has lost its bouncyness after a wash and volume. Is this because I'm losing my hair? Please help im considering using the vitabiotics as they seem to work for some people. Please help me I don't want to stop styling my hair either so is there anything I could do or is there any other styling product which won't damage my hair?
2 AnswersHair6 years agoCaptain America civil war?
Hi, I love marvel and I'm always looking forward to new movies etc. I've seen the IMDB for the captain America civilwar and it seems really interesting. I know it's based on a comic but it seems really serious and the fact that they'll show allies come apart is a little weird. Is there a main villain in the movie/comic or is it just captain v iron man? If hate to see my favs go against each other. It's a little strange of im honest. I always expect a happy ending and this doesn't seem it. Any ideas on how it'll go? Will they end it in a good way and will they have a common enemy to fight? Thanks :)
2 AnswersComics & Animation6 years agoPhotoshop help?
Anyone here who could possibly Photoshop a picture of mine? It'd mean a lot :) it's for my Instagram and if you're on it I can mention you in the picture when I upload it I have over 3k followers... Just write your email if you can thanks
3 AnswersPhotography6 years agoMcm backpack colour?
Hi can you please help me chose the colour of the backpack.
3 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years agoWhy does my dad not buy me anything?
Hi I'm 17 and I have a cousins who have better parents than mine. They buy them everything and anything they want. Even if they can't afford it they get it them or do anything to make there kids happy this year they spent over £2000 on them for no reason and bought them a new MacBook and a new DSlr camera and then they bought another MacBook as it was newer by a year. I don't have anything and Ive only had two birthday presents in my whole life and that's just a iphone and iPad which were bought in 2009. I've never been bought anything before 2009 or after then. I also never get spending money and I'm not aloud to go out either because I chose not to as i hate having no money and wearing the same clothes everyday. My parents make a lot more money than my cousins who have everything and still they don't do anything for me. Why is this? It makes me really upset and please don't say because they are spoilt.
2 AnswersFamily7 years agoPain in testicle please help :(?
Hi I've already asked this question but no one answered. For a while now I often get pain in my testicle as if I've been kicked there especially in the left testicle. Today I thought I had stomach cramps but then realised it was my left testicle. I've tried to examine it and see if there's any bumps or so but couldn't carry on as even a slight touch left me bending over in pain! I did notice it's the top and bottom which is the most sensitive compared the the right testicle which is fine. I found out that there are these tubes in the top and bottom which I located on both testes the right one wasn't as easy to find as the left was very easy because it felt bigger and thicker. I dont want to visit the doctors as I know her personally so is there anywhere I can go fo help. I can't handle the pain as walking and keeping my legs together hurts. I live in the UK is there any places I can go for help. Thanks
2 AnswersPain & Pain Management7 years agoPenis girth?
Hi I'm 16 and my penis is very skinny it's only 4.72inches in girth
2 AnswersMen's Health7 years agoPain in testicle?
Hi today I was walking home and had really bad pain in my stomach mainly on the bottom left I thought it was a cramp but later on when I got home and sat down I felt the same type of feeling/pain in my left testicle and it REALLY HURT! I don't know what to do and it doesn't seem normal as it's always happening to me. Yesterday I noticed the left testicle was quite smaller In size compared to the other and was more softer when I held/squeezed it. The bottom and too of the testicle hurts the most when I touch it. I don't want to visit the doctor. I have stopped masturbating for 2 weeks now as i thought it was a bad habit so is it because of that? I'm 16 by the way and I sleep with just boxer shorts so it could be that but a nice explanation would be good. I live in ghe UK and I don't want to visit my GP as I know her very well and it'd be weird
1 AnswerMen's Health7 years agoNo caller ID?
Hi I've been getting bad calls on unknown and I'd just like to know if there's any way of revealing that number via my Boone itself my carrier etc. and if there is no way to do that then why does such a thing of blocking your number exist?
1 AnswerLand Phones7 years agoCondom into foreskin?
Hi I'm circumsized and I want to try and imagine I have a foreskin. I have a condom and I was wondering if I could do somthing to the condom and use it as the way a forseskin would work? Any ideas to make a condom into a foreksin?
1 AnswerMen's Health7 years agoHomework help? Science.?
Hi, I've been given a pre-induction task at college as I'm a new student as of September. My task is to do a PowerPoint presentation infront of the class. The teacher told us the presentation had to be about an "issue" he have everyone a issue with parts of science I got told my issue was first aid. Now that makes no sense to me, does he mean I have to write about issues with first aid or somthing? Please help me I need to do this. I can't find any information on first aid issues so if you can please tell me some as I'm in need if help :). Thank you
2 AnswersHomework Help7 years agoDSLR camera help.?
Hi I have a DSLR and I have a few options for the image size. I'm confused between two of the sizes and I want to have the best quality for my 55inch full HD LED tv. Please look at the picture I've provided of the sizes and please could you recommend the best quality one for my TV. And before you say it doesn't make a difference it does because they both take different amount of memory. Thanks :)
3 AnswersCameras7 years agoCollege guys jewellery?
Hey I'm going to college in a few weeks and I want to wear mens jewellery but I want it to be something different and unique that will help people recognise me from like a signature or something. It may sound silly but could you please help me. :) thank you x
1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style7 years agoMuslims only!?
Hi there's a page with millions of fans on Facebook against Muslims. I commented on it defending Islam and it got a few likes over 150 and over 100 replies in positive and negative ways both from british white people. I spent all my time trying to show the world the goodness in Muslims. Will doing this get me any sawaab / reward from god? I'm a Muslim by the way. :) no negative comments. And he's I've already posted this but got a lot of hate.
1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality7 years agoIslam question?
Hi there's a page with millions of fans on Facebook against Muslims. I commented on it defending Islam and it got a few likes over 150 and over 100 replies in positive and negative ways both from british white people. I spent all my time trying to show the world the goodness in Muslims. Will doing this get me any sawaab / reward from god?
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoPeeled skin grown back hard?
Hey I recently peeled the skin off my nose by accident, it's about 0.7cm long and wide I'd say and I'ts kind of healed but the new grown skin is REALLY hard. It's texture is rally rough and the colour is also a lot darker than my natural colour. What do I do? Please help it looks horrible :(
1 AnswerSkin Conditions7 years agoWhite/black heads?
Hi last year I used to have a LOT of white heads and black heads on my nose really big ones about 2-3mm and I used to squeeze them out. There was one left and it was pretty big and after taking it out it was a pretty deep hole that it has left. The hole was sealed later and the skin gee too much and left a big hard bump. I applied wart cream that burns skin and it worked. But now I I tried to scrape another one out that's right next to the healed numb and I accidentally without knowing peeled off skin and now I'm afraid if the same happens agian and by the same I mean when the skin heals will it grow too much skin and make a hard bump. Please help me I've got school in a few days and I don't want to go in with a red nose and a big fat layer of skin.
1 AnswerSkin Conditions7 years agoI'm bored with life...?
Hi, I've been feeling this way for a long time now I feel like my life's boring and there's nothing exciting or fun. I mostly feel this way because I want to be noticed and by that I mean famous. It may sound stupid and I know everyone wants to be famous etc. but I love singing and acting and I've wanted to go into the acting industry but I just don't know how and it just feels impossible. Please help me it's really hard to explain.
4 AnswersPsychology7 years ago