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Lv 57,930 points

Donna R

Favorite Answers21%
  • Why is it we hear so much about illegals and almost nothing about the homeless?

    The news is constantly talking about Opening Our borders and the plight of the illegal aliens but I never hear anything about our massive homeless population. I live in Redding California and the homeless population is incredible unbelievable and they're doing absolutely nothing to help them. In fact the authorities seem to go out of their way to make things harder for them.

    10 AnswersPolitics3 years ago
  • I'm trying to help a friend learn to meditate.?

    When I ask her to follow her breath all the way down inside herself to her abdomen she says there's nothing down there. This is because I made the mistake of telling her this is where you find bliss. I try to tell her if she goes down there looking for something she'll never find it but unfortunately I have confused her and am having difficulty clarifying it for her as I can't seem to explain it in a way that she can understand. But I find it really cool that she even sees there's nothing down there because that means that she is actually going there. If she can go there that easily if I can just get her to let go of expectation and just let herself be there isn't that where God is found? Can someone explain to me about the stillness, the void, the emptiness that's always being talked about in meditation? Isn't this the same place where she says there is nothing? Thanks for sharing your knowledge. I practice breath and mantra meditation but have very little actual knowledge of the different states of consciousness and other facts of meditation. You guys are wonderful. Thank you so much.

    4 AnswersAlternative Medicine6 years ago
  • Where can I get inexpensive help fixing a website?

    I have a new horse trainer who just moved here. She's incredible but she did her website herself and besides not doing her justice there are many errors. Her husband said she worked on it for months so I feel bad pointing this out but the right website would get her a lot more business around here. Do you think I could place an ad on craigslist looking for help from a student who would be willing to trade services like riding or training services or would do it for a small fee. They would just need to tweak the old website a bit. Grateful for any help. Thanks.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design7 years ago
  • I need to make a website for my business asap and have very (and I mean very)little cash at the moment?

    Where can I go to have someone help me inexpensively? I was thinking of placing an ad on Craigslist and finding a student or just a regular person who is good with these things. If I don't get my business up and running asap I'm afraid I'll lose everything. Can anyone tell me the best way to go about this? I will help the person as much as I can but even my punctuation and spelling need work. I am desperate and so grateful for any help you can give me. Thankyou so much.

    1 AnswerSmall Business7 years ago
  • Question about earned income credit?

    If they only took FICA out of my paychecks but no state or federal taxes is it still considered earned income?

    3 AnswersOther - Taxes7 years ago
  • I need to know what kind of tests these are?

    EGD with pathology report, upper GI series or H. Pylori test. Are these two different tests? Thank you so much for your help.

    1 AnswerMedicine7 years ago
  • Do you think protective leg boots or polo wraps and a pair of bell boots are necessary for trail riding?

    I was just going through some old papers and found something I copied from somewhere (don't remember when or where) that says, 'tack should include protective leg boots or polo wraps and a pair of bell boots'. Do any of you use these things for plain old easy going trail riding which is the only thing my mare and I do so why else would I have copied it. I must have read it somewhere. Thanks.

    8 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • saddle pad question?

    I have a nice thick Abetta air grip saddle pad. The underside is almost like a neoprene but it has all these tiny holes in it that they say help to keep your horse cool. The neoprene like material is so it doesn't slip. I did not choose this pad myself, it came with my saddle and matches it. While I love the thickness and the way it cushions the saddle I'm not crazy about the neoprene like material. I am finding it hard to understand how this material could keep a horse cooler. If I wore something made out of a rubbery material next to my skin I think it would make me feel hot and sweaty even if it did have small air holes all through it. I was thinking of getting some kind of a thin liner to go against my mare. What are your opinions on this? Also, what is the coolest material for a liner? Felt or cotton maybe? Thanks so much for your opinons.

    3 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • my mare's vagina looked crusty today and as I was washing off the outside with a soft cloth it opened up. The?

    Skin inside was gray and mottled with little bumps. I'm calling my vet first thing in the morning but right now I am freaking out. Can someone please help me? I've never looked inside there before but I'm telling you it did not look right at all.

    4 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • I have a 13 year old mare that I adore and couldn't bare to part with but I no longer give her the time,?

    attention, and exercise that she needs and deserves. Her comfort and happiness are important to me and I go out of my way to provide the things that increase both of these things for her. She sees a natural farrier every six weeks. He comes out with his wife and she told me I have the best husbandry of any of her clients so I know Bella is more than well cared for but the one thing she doesn't have that I would love to give her is what I had with my first horse at the age of 14. I don't think to this day that I have ever loved another thing on this earth more or had such an incredible relationship with another creature. (better hide this from my husband and I've never had any children in my 53 years on this earth). I would love to find a horse crazy teenager that would give anything to have a horse of their own but cannot afford it but I would rather let my mare lounge around the yard forever than let someone ride her is riding just for the sake of riding a horse. I need someone who will truleysp care for her and take the time to build a relationship with her. I want her to look forward to seeing them the way my first mare looked forward to spending time with me. Also, I would like them to be close enough by that they can either get over here easily or I can pick them up without having to drive forever. Any ideas on how I can go about this will be greatly appreciated. It may sound silly to some of you but this mare is like a child to me and it is really important to me that the person treat her with the same care and kindness that I do. I would of course pay for a number of lessons with an experienced trainer who can judge the fit of the two. But it is the heart that matters most to me. I think my mare is special. She is a beautiful Palomino dun with a long mane and tail and a brown stripe down her back. She is a fast and fancy mover and people always stop and roll down their windows to tell me how beautiful she is. They don't have to be a great rider but they do have to be a confident rider as Bella will take advantage of an insecure rider and I doubt they could get her out of the driveway. But though she can be a handful I think Bella is a blast and she has a really good heart. Thanks for any thoughts on this matter that you may have positive or negative will be appreciated.

    3 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • How can you recognize if someone is one of God's important teachers or maybe even a prophet?

    and how can I be sure I am hearing God correctly when I feel He is telling me something? I pray and meditate and I know He tells me things and sends me messages to verify them like with songs or other kinds of things that help me know it's Him but sometimes I am afraid that I might add some wishful thinking into it and I wish I could be sure what was really from Him. How do you hear Him and will you share it with me? Thanks for your help.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • I need to know the best material to use for drainage in a horse stall built on hardpan?

    I was told to use pea gravel covered by finer more comfortable sand. I am afraid the sand will eventually fall through the pea gravel and make it uncomfortable for my animals. What have you used or seen used or could suggest for materials and how much of it do I need to use? Thanks for your time.

    5 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • My mare has sweet itch all along the line of her stomach but mostly around her belly button?

    I feel so sorry for her. We have tried everything but the only thing that really seems to help is a coat of vaseline over the areas where the midges bite her. I found this by accident after I had tried everything I had heard of that might help (and didn't). One day her stomach was all scabby so I applied Neosporin and found that she started healing. I then realized it wasn't so much the Neosporin as it was the fact the midges were unable to bite through this barrier. I wish I could find something else that worked as well because I would hate to have a coat of vaseline on my stomach in the heat of the summer. Also, does anyone give their horse benadryl for the itch. I have heard of this and called my vet but she is out of town and I am curious to know so I am asking you guys. Sometimes you come up with the best answers. Your amazing and have helped me so much. I recently read about a vaccine for sweet itch. I don't think it has come out on the marked yet though. Does anyone know anything about this? As always, Much Thanks to all of you.

    2 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • Could my mare be eating shavings I put in the barn?

    I was putting down shavings and then straw but I suddenly for some reason my mare began to eat the straw. She has over an acre to roam with her 2 little goats and I because she lives at my home and I am home alot I usually break her feed into 3 or 4 feedings a day with the middle feedings fed in a slow feed hay net. I had been using the straw for bedding for quite some time when I noticed it start to disappear. I wasn't sure what was happening at first until almost all the straw was gone so I bought 2 bags of shavings instead of straw and within 2 weeks the barn stall was almost bare. She can go in and out of the barn as she pleases and though the grass is dry now there is still some to nibble on and it isn't peed on the way she likes to pee in the barn. I am not feeding her any differently than I have been feeding her for ages. In fact, according to my vet she is way over fed. My vet only wants her to have 10 lbs of grass hay a day but I usually throw in an extra 5 pounds so giving her more food is not an option. Have you ever heard of a horse eating shavings? Can this hurt her? Is there a way to prevent her from doing this? I bought another bale of straw and have put this down and am watching to see how fast it disappears. My vet is out of town for a week but I am thinking of calling another vet and asking about this tomorrow. I was just curious if any of you have ever heard of a horse doing this. Why would she suddenly start doing this when I've been putting shavings in her barn for years and she has never done it before? Thanks so much for any help you can give me.

    7 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • The fleas are terrible this year where I live and I'd like to know if there are any inexpensive flea drops?

    that will actually keep the fleas off my two little (less than 5 pounds) chihuahuas. Frontline is so expensive and at the moment I am strapped for cash. If you know of any other ways to get rid of the fleas I would love to hear them. Also, does anyone know of any more natural remedies where you don't have to put poison on your babies but can still keep fleas at bay. Much thanks.

    4 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • I have a Poloroid mp3 player that I have downloaded music onto in the past?

    I got an emusic card from a friend and when I downloaded the songs onto the mp3 player I wasn't able to access them to play. They didn't come up on the regular play list but on did come up in a different looking format on another list which I am unable to get them to play from. I called the polaroid tech and he told me (I have windows that I must not have downloaded them in the mp3 format. For the life of me I cannot figure out what he is talking about. He took me to a page on my computer which sounded like what he was describing but where the format was suppossedly listed I could see nothing. Can anyone help me? I admit to being extreme computer dummy and am grateful to anyone that can help me understand and fix this problem. Thanks a million.

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players8 years ago