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  • How do I get rid of the new Yahoo Home Page — it sucks.?

    I have to sign out, delete all cookies and then resign in to get rid of the new Yahoo homepage. I hate it. I do not want it. I want to get rid of it FOREVER. Any ideas? Besides blowing up my computer?

    4 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products1 decade ago
  • How far do we have to fall before Obama will admit he is wrong?

    How low does the Stock Market have to fall, how many jobs have to be lost, how much debt do we have to endure before that fool in the White House realizes his ideas are totally wrong?

    God help us all.

    14 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Universal Health Care, an idea... Give me your opinion...?

    My wife and I make less than $25,000 a year so we do not have big paychecks. We would be willing to pay $30-$40 dollars a week for total Universal Health care. All Prescriptions, all Doctors, all Hospitals etc. Add on a small $10.00 co-pays for everything (one time per visit/occurrence).

    However, we do not believe that the Government can run this system without creating a total monster. We are suggesting that a Private Corporation, funded by the Government, be created to run the Health Care System. In this way, the Corporation would be regulated and overseen by the laws of the land and any waste would have to be answered for by the ones running the Company.

    One more thing. Legal reform would be necessary. No more BS Law suits where someone sues some doctor or hospital because they have a scar after a operation that saved their life and they get a million dollars because their belly doesn't look perfect. You know what I mean. A limit to actual damages and no punitive damages allowed on medical law suits.

    What do you think of this idea? Do you think it would work?

    This year, my company's rates for Health Insurance will go up 27.3% for absolutely no reason. My wife and I have a combined monthly premium of over $1100.00 for our health care. Where is this going to end?

    I would really like some serious opinions if you think this could work.

    10 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • How do we lower Employee Health Care Cost. Small Business.?

    Does anyone have any serious suggestions on a viable way to cut health care cost for a small business with a group of less than 10 members. We are members of the NFIB and our local Area Chamber of Commerce as well as local Baker's Association's.

    1 AnswerSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Whats the best way to copy an entire hard drive?

    I have to replace one of my Hard Drives. I have a lot of information on this drive and I have to copy it exactly to a new much larger drive. I need to make a copy and not sure the best, easiest way to do this. I have heard that Norton "GHOST" can do this but not sure how. Any Help would be great...

    10 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • I am looking for a good Mini Dachshund breeder. Does anyone know of any. NO PUPPY MILLS!?

    I will only do business with a small breader, home raised. I will have to see the home and the parents before I am interested. I just want a good breader of my favorite little dogs. Male or female makes no diffferance.

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Does the general public realize how fake Obama really is?

    His trip to Bagram Afghanistan was a total farst. He got off the plane and shuned the solders who risk their lives for our freedoms. When will the American public wake up?

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • The "Myth" behind "Separation of Church and State."?

    Where do you believe the "Separation" doctrine came from?

    Did you know that this wording is NOT found in the United States Constitution? It is however found in the USSR Constitutuion (Section 3A). Only Thomas Jefferson used a brief referance of this wording in a letter to someone (a friend) in Europe. It became legal precedent after the ACLU took it to court using this letter from Jefferson, out of context to forward their agenda. However, if you look up the history of the ACLU, you will discover the ACLU was founded by a Socialist and they still have Socialism of our government as one of their main goals. Did you know these facts?

    11 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Advertising Question.?

    We own a small retail Bakery. It has been in business for over 50 years. It is an old fashioned, from scratch Bakery that is family owned. How do we get the most bang for our advertizing bucks? Being such a small place advertizing is not real high on the budget list so we do not have a lot to spend but do want to attract new customers to our store. We are not the most expensive Bakery in the area but by no means the cheapest either. We use good ingredients like real milk and real butter and no presertives. Any ideas would be helpful,

    4 AnswersOther - Advertising & Marketing1 decade ago