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How far do we have to fall before Obama will admit he is wrong?

How low does the Stock Market have to fall, how many jobs have to be lost, how much debt do we have to endure before that fool in the White House realizes his ideas are totally wrong?

God help us all.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The stock market is an bet on the future, as of now the market

    does not like the future.

    Obama huge spending proposals are not being received well.

    Excess consumer consumption and credit have lead us here.

    Do you think the US Goverment spending more money then

    all the previous administrations combined sounds like a solution?

    Check out this graph of the federal debt held by the public.

  • Sorry libs, although I will agree Bush has lent his hand to this debacle Obama now has his own hands on it he has spent more in one month than bush did in 8 fact.........President Obama's 2010 budget proposal continues the unprecedented spending spree of George W. Bush and provides relatively few benefits to the economy. Even beyond the temporary fiscal measures recently enacted to address the economic downturn, the Obama budget dramatically increases spending over the long term and generates fewer tax revenues compared with budget projections from a year ago.

    Senior Fellow

    Kevin A. Hassett

    The gap between rhetoric and hype in President Barack Obama's budget is as wide as the Pacific Ocean. Obama has not offered change; he has offered a continuation of George W. Bush's policies.

    Obama is not the anti-Bush. He is Bush on steroids.

    Bush's policies could be summarized in one sentence: Spend like a drunken sailor and don't pay for it. Obama's policies can be summarized by the same sentence, except that Obama goes beyond drunk to alcohol poisoning.

    If Bush policies were disastrous, as Obama claims, then why is he continuing them?

    Obama is not the anti-Bush. He is Bush on steroids.

    Sure, Obama's fans might say government finally is going to restore some fairness by spending on health care and other problems. Fact is, this was Bush's core belief too, which is why he championed and signed the massive prescription-drug benefit under Medicare. In the end, Bush offered voters juicy benefits without paying for them.

    That's exactly what Obama is doing too....

    Look you got shang highed just admoit it I got it from Bush now it waqs your turn you fell for the political B.S. Obama only cares about Obama and his place in History which at this point he will go down in history as the first CRAPPY black president.....another fact 4 u

  • 1 decade ago

    George Bush brought us to the cliff. Obama is pushing us over. So in a nut shell, it really didn't matter who was in office. But what is clear is that we have too many incompetent idiots running the show. But what I feel is perfectly clear to me is this notion of helping the poor. Or rather handing out money to people who refuse to do anything for themselves and sit home expecting the government to take care of them from cradle to grave. And then the stupid notion of affordable housing. All housing is affordable. All one has to do is work and save up for it. And make sure that one can afford the mortgage.

    The other link in the chain that snapped is allowing all these bank mergers in the past. If a bank is failing, let them fail, don't merge with a good bank.

    And the icing on the cake is spending more then you bring in. That is applicable both to government and we the consumer. We borrow on our future every time we use them damn credit cards. The government borrows on our future when they spend and borrow more then they bring in from tax revenue.

  • Doug B
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Wow, you would have surrendered to the Japanese in January 1942. Obama hasn't been President for two months yet, and his policies are just starting to take effect! The President himself has warned us repeatedly that it's going to take months to turn around the economy. Were you not listening?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "We" have not fallen. The stock market has fallen because they don't like to be regulated. There hasn't been time yet to see if the stimulus will work.

    You guys let Bush ruin our country for eight years, and after six weeks of the new administration, you're shouting that he's ruining the country. Give me a break.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Bush did not admit he was wrong nor did anyone on the right and he gave us two wars, recession, record debt, record high spending, and a deficit.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The recession began in December 2007. The premise of your question is too simplistic since you disregard the already established fact that the market fell from 14,000 to under 8,000 under our president Bush quite rapidly. Our president Bush left the economy to Obama already bleeding jobs. Under our president Bush job growth was 0.28% over his eight years in office.

  • 1 decade ago

    i thought the stock market was the rich people gambling making money and i think that the president is doing just fine. America was not destroyed in a day

  • 1 decade ago

    He is not wrong in his eyes, he is doing exactly what he planned to do. Destroy our nation as it was founded. Can you say dictator. Get ready, it's going to get ugly.

  • Ben H
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I don't think he has a connection to anything. He is listening to his sycophantic followers and advisers. If He can't figure out that every time he speaks, the stock market falls, He must be absolutely disconnected.

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