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Lv 31,554 points

Kim H

Favorite Answers31%
  • how do you write a reference letter?

    I have been asked to write a letter of reference for a medic in the young marines. I have known her for at least 10 years and think she would be great. I just have a very difficult time writing letters because of a learning disability I have.

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • Canon Printer compatible with HP Computer?

    Our current printer is not working at all. We have a possible Canon PIXMA printer that will be a gift and need to know if it would be compatible with our HP computer. We have Windows XP on it and microsoft word.

    4 AnswersPrinters8 years ago
  • Any one diagnosed with oligodendroglioma?

    I had a major seizure in early April and they discovered the brain tumor. I was wondering if anyone else has been diagnosed with this and what is your outcome. I had to have 80% of the tumor removed.

    1 AnswerCancer8 years ago
  • which of the following statements is correct?

    a. All combustion reactions are also combination of reactions

    B. all chemical reactions can be classified as one of give general types

    C.incomplete combustion of a hydrocarbon may produce carbon monoxide and water

    D. a single reactant is the identifying characteristic of a single replacement reaction

    1 AnswerGeography9 years ago
  • Why would my doctor order an endometrial biopsy?

    I went in for my yearly "shoe horn" test in December. I just got a call from my doctor's office asking for me to schedule a biopsy. Has anyone had this done? Does it hurt and how long does it take to get results?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • How good are Haier microwave ovens?

    My daughter needs a 900 Watt or smaller for college. Our local store is selling a Haier microwave (700 watt) for $59.99 regular price and is currently on sale for $39.99

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • Movies for the stages of Voyage of a hero?

    The element of literature that states every story follows the same basic eight stage pattern.

    Stage 1 - Birth

    Stage 2 - Childhood Adventures

    Stage 3 - Preperation, Meditation, Withdrawel, Refusal

    Stage 4 - Quest

    Stage 5 - Death

    Stage 6 - Underworld

    Stage 7 - Resurrection

    Stage 8 - Apotheosis

    Need Movies for each stage of this. For example: the movie "Taken" could go for the under world

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • How much would it cost to upgrade ipod touch 3G to 4G (camera)?

    If my Ipod "broke" and I turned it into Apple how much would it cost to upgrade. Or is there an easier way

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • What is the best Flat Screen TV to choose?

    We are really thinking about purchasing a flat screen tv. We want one that is 36"-40". We are not very tech savvy so we need lots of help. We don't want to spend much more than $700 for one. Any advice both good and bad would be needed.

    3 AnswersTVs1 decade ago
  • Napoleon Military Maxim on battle of Trafalgar?

    I am doing a paper on the battle of Trafalgar. I need 2 of Napoleons Military Maxims(you can find these on google) and I dont understand a lot of them . I can tell you that the strategies of the British was they took 27 ships and lined them up in two straight lines. The French and Spanish had random strategies

    so the question is apply two of the Maxims on this battle

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Help!!! I think my computer has a virus?

    I have Avast Anti-Virus protection and Malwarebytes. It tells me I have no viruses, but I keep getting this message when I try to access several websites.

    Attention! Your web page request has been cancelled.

    This web site refused your connection as it was reported as a malicious request. This can be caused by Viruses, Trojans or Malware found on your computer.

    In order to resend your request to the website, press Resend request (please note, this action may cause a permanent block of your computer by the requested website)

    In order to activate your security software, please press Fix Now (recommended)

    It doesn't matter which website I am accessing, it does it on most of them. This is what came up in the bar at the top for Comcast. It also happens with google, etc.

    3 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • How to stop children from downloading programs on computer?

    I would like to know how I can keep my children from downloading "Limewire" on my computer. We only have one computer in the house. I do not want this program at all

    5 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • How do I get rid of power steering fluid from driveway?

    My husbands truck leaked power steering in the driveway. What is a safe way to clean this up. There are a lot of cats in the neighborhood and we don't want them getting ill

    7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • My ear is plugged and can't hear?

    My left ear is plugged and I can't hear anything. I have tried Maurine Ear Drops and home remedy peroxide w/water. Every so often, it will pop and I can hear for a short period of time. Then it goes back to feeling clogged and can't hear. It is very irritating. What should I do next?

    3 AnswersFirst Aid1 decade ago
  • Our son tested positive for THC, please help?

    My 14 year old son was caught with someone who had marijuana on them near school grounds. He finally admitted to have smoked it in the last week, but not the day he was caught. We are very upset over this and quit shocked. How do you discipline for this? I have been heart sick for days. We did a urine test and sent it off for further testing. It did come back positive. Here is what the result said 1-Nor-9-carboxy delta9-THC = 545 ng/ml Can someone explain what this means.

    We were told by the school to buy a test and the results of it were inclusive so according to the package it said to send it off.

    He is in sports and boy scouts. It is the students that he hangs around with at school that talked him into smoking it.

    We did not yell at him or take his sports away because this would've done more harm. He is a good child, he just wants to be liked by everyone. He is more of a follower than a leader.

    We are not bad parents. We are parents who care about our childrens welfare. We just don't want him going further and want to make sure he doesn't keep doing it.

    6 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • Our son tested positive for THC, please help?

    My 14 year old son was caught with someone who had marijuana on them near school grounds. He finally admitted to have smoked it in the last week, but not the day he was caught. We are very upset over this and quit shocked. How do you discipline for this? I have been heart sick for days. We did a urine test and sent it off for further testing. It did come back positive. Here is what the result said 1-Nor-9-carboxy delta9-THC = 545 ng/ml Can someone explain what this means.

    6 AnswersBotany1 decade ago
  • How do i get rid of the msg on my computer,"Script error,do you want to continue running scripts on the page?

    I am using Firefox and just recently, I keep getting the message while trying to open almost any page. I am very irritated that I can't even go to email w/o getting this message.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Explain the responsibilities of a salesperson?

    My son is doing research for a merit badge for boy scouts.

    1. Explain the responsibilities of a salesperson

    2. how a salesperson serves customers

    3. helps stimulate the economy.

    4. What career opportunities are in sales and what qualifications/experience is needed.

  • Why did diet coke go higher?

    I did the mento's experiment with diet coke and coke. The diet coke went up much further than the regular. I used 2 liter bottles for each and made sure they were at room temperature. I also used the original mento's for this. I need to know why one went higher. It made a bigger fountain and went up 12ft in the air. The regular went maybe 6ft in the air.

    This is for my Science Inquiry project.

    2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago