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Brain tumor advice pleaseeeee!!!?
Okay so it's not me that has had the tumor.
My boyfriend was in a band some years ago but had to leave it as he didn't want publicity of everyone knowing about his tumor. He had a tumor removed beginning of 2012. He went for regular check ups etc and got the all clear after.
Back in October her got rushed into hospital as he had a black out. They found a shadow on the scan but sent him away and said it was nothing. He went to his doctors and they went ahead with hospital arrangements and found out that the shadow was a small tumor growing. Luckily they caught it on time and he was given medication to shrink the tumor which took weeks to shrink and then he got the all clear again. I'm worried as he has a check up on the 25th and his been suffering bad with headaches again. Whats the chances of him getting the tumor back? His only 26 years old. Still so young. I'm an absolute mess over it and i'm trying so hard not to think about it but its so hard. His become very cranky and his always tired and on curing headaches and its putting an effect on our relationship but obviously being in this situation before iv had to hold back and be very supportive with him.
Please give me some advice. Its so much harder as we live miles from each other so it's putting an effect on us seeing each other as the time he had the tumor he couldn't travel to me and he also didn't want me to see him in such way as he lost so much weight and he gotten insecure. I'm hoping after the 25th everything is all clear so that I can see him. I miss him so much and it's so hard being this far apart from each other. I feel useless as little girl is in school so I can't take her out, he don't want me seeing him so ill.
Thank you.
2 AnswersCancer8 years agoMy insecurity is ruining my relationship.!!?
I am 23 yrs old and my life has been a disaster.
When i was a little girl my Dad used to bring me down all the time, he used to say i wasn't pretty and if i ever grew female bits he'll cut them off as im not allowed them.
As i grew up i was very confident and to the point i knew i could pull on a night out. I was 17 yrs old when i got pregnant with my son and my sons Dad left me after 2yrs relationship as he decided he wasn't man enough to be a father.
I got into a relationship when i was 5months pregnant with a really old school friend i knew, things were going really well until i had my son and then he started becoming really violent with me, calling me ugly, useless, pathetic, he then start using weapons to beat me such as baseball bats, lemonade bottles (full), he also cheated on me too.
One day i built up the courage to get up and go and i moved 140miles away from him near my nan, i was so down and depressed i went through acrophobiac and i couldn't look after myself let alone my at the time 5month old son. 2 Weeks after moving up north my nan kicked me out cause of my moods as i was down. I then moved into a friends house as i had no choice and i started smoking weed. I knew then i was at my lowest and i asked my uncle if he would help me with my son as i din't want him suffering. My uncle volunteeredd and from this day on he has my son now, which isn't a problem for me cause i see my son as normal, he knows who i am and his really happy so that's all that matters to me.
I got my life back on track after having psychotherapyy i found myself in another relationship, you might seem to think it was rushed but i felt lonely in myself at this point and just being with a male would make me feel a little bit better. I met my partner in Nov 2007 and things was going well between us, until January 2008 came and i got raped by an old family friend. I told my partner about it and he said i was to blame, ( any normal girl would have walked away after being accused of something that wasn'tt your fault) not me, i couldn't, i had something i always wanted, i secure relationship, someone that wouldn't hit me. I was wrong, very wrong..i found out i was pregnant in the March and so far into my pregnant my daughters Dad started to hit me about, threw a table at me at 13weeks pregnant and i lost my daughters twin. He sexually abused me, made me do stuff i didn't want to do. I cried endless days to get up and leave but i didn't want to be on my own, at 24wks pregnant i built the courage and got up and left. I did the pregnancy on my own and had my baby own my own with my Mum. I had a beautiful baby girl in Nov 08.
Iv been so careful on the people iv been out with since my experience and iv had relationships but they haven't worked out. Im now settled, moved away from home to be with my partner im with now and his in the RAF, he loves me, adores me and his the best thing ever that's happened to me, we been together for a year now and were engaged and getting married in June. He cuddles me, tells me how much i mean to him. Its great, but im so insecure and have lack of confidence i keep accusing him of cheated. He made comment on his mates photo saying 'FIT...shes not bad either ;)' He said thats his sence of humour and implying his male friend was fit which i can see that but he said she was nice too. If he has a girl texting him (they are just mates) i go up the wall. Some female friends i do not mind, its just others i haven't met before. He wants a child with me he wants his life with me but his told me that my insecurity is causing a big problem in our relationship.
Please someone help me. Im about to loose the best thing that's ever happened to me and i don't want to risk that.
Sorry if iv gone on but i just wanted to explain my back ground and the reason for the way i am.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and even more thank you so much for replying.x
5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoGypsy symbols and what do they mean?
I was out shopping today with my mate and a little fat gypsy lady stopped us in the street and she gave us both a reading, i didnt want a reading but she insisted on me having one. I know about gypsies as i have them along down the line of my family.
This gypsy gave loads of positive sayings to my friend and she told me a little about myself and she put two charms in my hand and after she finished she said me and mate friend 'HAD' to give her £10 each, my mate gave her money and i only had a £5 on me as i need to go to the bank and she said that she wanted £10 otherwise she would ruin my relationship with my fiance and she also mentioned she'd ruin my life. I looked at my mate and the gypsy said 'Dont look at your mate, you pay' and i told her i needed to go to the bank and she took one charm off me and then said just give me £5 so i did. She also gave me some pink and white flowers wrapped in tin foil. She kept saying to my mate that shes going to have a good future but refused to tell me anymore about myself and she said my mate would live till shes 97 and ill live till im 96. I dont want to believe in what she said but i know what reputation gypsies have. She have me like a charm it was a symbol of a monkey/elf thing, im unsure what it is and she gave my mate one too but hers is a little different from mine.
Im worried that when i walked away she would of cursed me. Its made me feel a little bit down too and emotional.
I think what upset me the most is that me and my partner are trying for a baby and she mentioned to my mate that she would be having another little girl but never mentioned anything about a baby to me.
Could anyway explain what the flowers and charm means to me please and could you also tell me if its possible she could of cursed me?
Thank you.
2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade agoIndifferences pay back on work tills?
I started my new job after it had a refurbishment, the pub re opened on the 29th April. Over the opening weekend apparantly the till was down £200 so we was all made to go seperate tills. The two days i was made to go on my own till my till was either up or on the spot, not once down. Anyway Last night i got told to share a till with a work partner and when we cashed up we was £24.50 down we got told me HAVE to pay the differences back out of our wages. Tonight i worked a till on my own and i was £35 down, although everytime i took money and gave changed i made sure i gave the exact change. Mine and my work partners till isn't the only till that has been down there has been other tills down too but not as much as ours. I got told that its against the law that we have to pay the indifferences in the tills. I don't think its fair that we have to pay back the money cause a few work collegues have said that the tills need to be looked at cause we think there down or faulty due to refurbishment.
Please give me some advice and do i go to work tomorrow with the cash of my hard earned money to pay back the indifferences.
2 AnswersUnited Kingdom1 decade agoHis left me thinking, Military lad.!!?
I met this lad online and we got talking to each other and there was a connection there.
I got to know him and he got to know me and everyday we spoke to each other via text or internet. We decided we was going to meet up, i travelled to London to see him and we had a fantastic time it was amazing he told me he had fallen in love with me, i make him laugh, i make his day worth waking up for. I admit we did sleep together but we agreed before we met we was in a relationship. The way he looked at me and told me i was gorgeous and he'd just randomely stop me to hug me and kiss me, he made me feel wanted. Anyway the weekend came to a end and i went back home. I noticed his text's wasn't the same as what they were before we met each other, they were cold and blunt. His excuse was where he was his signal wasnt very good which i know that because we had that problem before we met. We spoke over internet still but then i questioned him and said 'Why aint you putting 100% into this relationship knowing we dont see each other often you'd think you'd keep in contact with me via text' He told me he really wanted it to work but he couldnt see it working. He also said that he couldn't hack only seeing me every two weeks. Cause his in the RAF he sees his son every other weekend so every two weeks is the only option. I keep saying to him 'the distance should make us stronger, if you was dedicated to the relationship you would be willing to make it work' he said he can't do that, he can't hack that long without seeing me. He also told me that he didn't believe he would actually like me as much as he did over the internet, he said he was mad about me once he met me.? I really like this lad and when he called it off it upset me i cried and iv tried to keep myself strong but 3days later im finding myself hurting still over him. Is there anyway i can get this to work between us cause the thought of meeting anyone else really doesn't intrest me. He made me feel special, loved and secure.
Please help me.
P:S. Theres only 94 miles between us.
6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoVideo calling and mobile broadband.!!?
Iv just mobile broadband with orange for £15 for 3GB. I got told that if i do video calling it will rinse my GB out and it would be added to my bill, is this true? I dont want to go over my limit as £15 a month is just ideal for me. I know downloading uses alot up but so far iv just downloaded SKYPE and AVG would i of gone over my limit? Thank you
3 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans1 decade agoAgony pains, whats up with me.!! Im not pregnant.!!?
I don't want to go deep into it but i searched up through google and found nothing.
Around 2months ago i miscarried with my baby. Just recently iv been having agonising pain shoot up my bum and vagina and i dont know whats up with me. I looked up on search engine and everyone who has the same problem as me is pregnant.!!! I know full well im not pregnant now as i have done a number of pregnancy test and its come back negative, iv also had my period last month.
I feel embarrassed asking but i feel even more embarrassed going to my doctor.
Please help. And no stupid remarks please
2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoWhats my mind tryin to tell me.!! I need to know whats goin off in my head.!!?
I went to school with this lad that was in my year, we wasnt best mates and we never talked but we knew who each other were.
August 2008 i wen to see a Medium and she told me loads of stuff which was very true. Then she bought up the name Matthew and i new he had died the christmas before, but she started to tell me how he died then she told me when he died and she even gave me he last name. I was shocked and i cried i coudlnt believe he came to me on this reading, i thought id be the last person he would want to contact as we dint have much contact ourselves.
From then on i dont think iv been through 1 day without thinking of him, i know a few people who have died but i never think about them as much as i do with him. I had a dream a while back i was in a relationship with him and we got on brilliantly with each other. Isit a sign that i was attracted to him??
Please help, i feel like i have feelings for someone that isn't here and im in a relationship and isit wrong?? I do talk about him alot too.
Thank you x
5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoMy dream of my boyfriend makes me cry.!!?
Last night i had a dream of my boyfriend being in a car crash.
I was talking to my boyfriends sister over msn and she told me that my boyfriend had died in a car crash and i was crying and screaming. She sent me a photo of him just before he died lying on a lilo sunbathing and he looked so happy.
I went to my mums crying saying 'my clints died' and i was hugging her and told her i dont want to live nomore and i was going to commit suicide to be with him. I was also looking for signs of him being around me but i knew that cause he is sceptic he wouldnt give me signs. I went to the place where he died and it was in a story carpark and i seen the blood on the floor and i was rubbin my hands in his blood screaming and crying. It was so horrible i just remember waking up in shock and cuddling upto my boyfriend and telling him about it and he just laid there and stroked my head till i fell back asleep.
Just recently iv lost a baby to him and my hormones have been everywhere and iv been snapping at him. I was also telling my sister yesterday that i wasnt that madly inlove with him and after dream it was like a wake up call to say 'appriciate what you have'. I cant stop thinking about my dream and i dint want my boyfriend to go to work this morning incase something happend to him..
Can someone please tell me what my dream means. Since his left work this morning i cant stop texting him to tell him i love him.
I dont know what id do if anything happend to my boyfriend now, i love him to peices.
Thank you x
5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoMy dream of my boyfriend makes me cry.!!?
Last night i had a dream of my boyfriend being in a car crash.
I was talking to my boyfriends sister over msn and she told me that my boyfriend had died in a car crash and i was crying and screaming. She sent me a photo of him just before he died lying on a lilo sunbathing and he looked so happy.
I went to my mums crying saying 'my clints died' and i was hugging her and told her i dont want to live nomore and i was going to commit suicide to be with him. I was also looking for signs of him being around me but i knew that cause he is sceptic he wouldnt give me signs. I went to the place where he died and it was in a story carpark and i seen the blood on the floor and i was rubbin my hands in his blood screaming and crying. It was so horrible i just remember waking up in shock and cuddling upto my boyfriend and telling him about it and he just laid there and stroked my head till i fell back asleep.
Just recently iv lost a baby to him and my hormones have been everywhere and iv been snapping at him. I was also telling my sister yesterday that i wasnt that madly inlove with him and after dream it was like a wake up call to say 'appriciate what you have'. I cant stop thinking about my dream and i dint want my boyfriend to go to work this morning incase something happend to him..
Can someone please tell me what my dream means. Since his left work this morning i cant stop texting him to tell him i love him.
I dont know what id do if anything happend to my boyfriend now, i love him to peices.
Thank you x
4 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade agoBirthday bash but sooooo over weight.?
Im 22 years old and i weigh 15lbs and i am 5ft 7inches tall.
Im a size 16 but tight and im dying to get into atleaste a size 12 before the 12th september 2009.
Please help me, i am over weight and i know i am. My doctor has just gave me Orlistat (XENICAL) to help me drop some weight off.
I have an excersise bike which i do have gradually built up to doing 30mins a day. Im trying to do the speical K diet but knowing me it just wont last. Please help me fight this weight off cause i dont want to be the big hippo dancin around for my mates birthday with all the slim girls.
My weight is getting me down and i know that if i dont look right for my mates birthday i wont go out and that is my down fall i refuse to go out if i look stupid.
No stupid comments please.
Thank you x
11 AnswersEntertaining1 decade agoAm i Miscarryin?? Please help.!!?
From the 27th of July till the 1st of august i was in hospital with little bleeding and pains on my left side of my stomache and also pain in my shoulder. They did a test on my blood from my pad and told me it was old blood. They kept me in because they wanted to see if i was having an eptopic or not. I had my scan again on friday and there was a sac but no heartbeat as it was to early in the pregnancy to see one. They also took my Hormone levels whilst i was there too and they said they was looking for it to be around 1000-2000 but my levels was 3000 which was good. I still got bleeding every now and then since i left the hospital but it stopped so i wasn't so concerned as the doctors wasnt whilst i was being watched over. Yesterday ust before i left to visit my mum and dad i started bleedin again so i put on a pad but there was loads there. As i arrived at my mum and dads my dad said to me 'whats that on your trousers' so i went to the toilet and i was bleeding more than i ever had. So i put on a pad and about and hour later i went to change it and the pad was full (no blood clots) but when i sat on the toilet i felt a clot come out but it wasn't big id say as big as a 50p. I slept through the night fine but before i went to bed i put 2 pads on to be safe and when i got up they was both full of blood and again when i sat on the toilet another 50p size clot came away. Im concerned but im not in alot of pain. When i phoned hospital last night they said that they wasn't concerned.
I need my mind to rest but i cant and if i go to the hospital i fear they'll send me home.
Please help.
Thank you.
14 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agoMy life has just been a big mess. I want my son back.!!?
This is a long story but i need to get it out.
I dont talk to alot of people about how i feel and i build my self up so much i just hit a deep depression and hide away from the outside world.
When i was pregnant with my son around 3 and a half years ago i got with a lad i went out with at school. My babys dad isnt on the scene and never has been. When i had my little boy i went through a domestic violence relationship and i was nearly killed. I went to the doctors as i was concerned about the big lump i had on my face from being hit with a baseball bat. I lied to my doctor how it happend and his words was to me 'get out of the relationship or it will be my job to contact social services'. The last thing i wanted to do was have my son taken away from me so i got up and made out i was visiting my family in Blackpool which is where i went. I never returned to that relationship but because i left my parents got the trouble and had there house windows smashed and car tires slashed and windows broken. I feel guilty for leaving my parents to have to go through that espcially when my mum has two babies which at the time were only 2 and 3 years old.
After the phone call of telling my ex i wasnt returning was a living hell, the threatened to kill my nan and my family and my nan was so scared she was making any excuse to kick me and my son out. In the end me and my son got kicked out and i went to live with a friend. I hit a big deep depression and i dint dare go nowhere, i cried every day i lost so much weight through going through so much all at once. My nan could see i was struggling to bring up my son so she asked my mum if she would look after my son till i got myself sorted again and my mum said yes, Although 2 weeks later my son was back up Blackpool with me as my mum found it hard to bring 3 babies up so my Uncle stepped in and told me that he would look after my son till i got myself sorted. I played a big role in my sons life even though i was finding it hard to live my own life through depression. I got my own place but i still wasnt recovered from my depression but my Nan and my Uncle reassured me over and over that i would be aloud my son back when i get myself back on my feet. I got moved again as my other place was only a temp accomodation. I got myself onto Anti depressants and i started to built my life back up though in the mean time like i said before i was still playing a big role in my sons life. I asked my uncle if i was allowed to have my son back and he said no i wasnt ready. I cried to my nan and she said ' how can you want to take your son back after what your uncles done for you' . They all made me feel so small and alls i wanted to do is make up for not being the best mum for my son when he needed me the most. I moved in with my uncle for abit so i could be with my son Everyday all day and then it came to 2007 and my uncle met a new girl (they went out with each other through school years.) Thet reunited through facebook, she left her ex husband for my uncle and she already had 4 kids of her own. Around that time uncle kicked me out of his home and i went to go back to my own property. From then on he has made it so awkward and impossible for me to see my son. He has always wanted a family life and now he has that with his girlfriend his trying to push me out the scene and i feel like i was intruding in his life yet he had my son.
Last year January 2008 i got raped my a friend i new for years from school, he came upto visit me and he took advantage of the fact i was paraletic. I blame myself for that night iv never lived it down. I met my boyfriend in the December 2007 and when i told him he told me it was my fault. He stayed with me and in the March i found out i was pregnant. My ex boyfriend was 16 years older than me but i felt like i needed love and anyone would of done at that time. My ex was an alcoholic and he started to become violent with me whilst i was pregnant and he forced me into sexual activities i dint want to do. I got up and left that relationship when i was 22 weeks pregnant and the police had to get me out of his house as i was in a bad way. I went to live with my Nan for abit and she started to become very controlling over me and she bullied me whilst i was pregnant and i was about 4-3 weeks from having my little girl and my nan had me slaving for her all the time. It was 3 weeks before i had my daughter and i noticed i was having dripping water coming down my legs and my nan told me id be fine it was nothing. At this stage of my pregnancy i was finding it so hard to walk as my babys head was so far down it hurt when i walked. My Nan used to get me up at early hours in the morning to make her cups of teas and to walk her dog. My Nan wasnt and still isn't a invilid but she has always been used to everyone slaving for her as such as her husband now. I got told to go to the hospital and i begged my nan to take me but she wouldnt an
2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoWhat more can i do for my daughter?
My daughter is now 8months + 2 days old. She wont be a independant baby such as sit up by herself or hold her own bottle. I teach my daughter everyday to sit up and she just either throws herself back or she'll throw a big temper cause she dont want to sit up, iv even tried proping cusions up behind her and at the side to keep her up. Im concerned my daughter will be behind on alot of things as she wont even hold her own bottle up only if shes lying down and she'll only hold it for a couple of seconds. Also when i'v played and fed my daughter and changed her nappy and cleaned her she still whinges asif she wants me to hold her all the time. I wouldnt say shes a naughty baby cause she rarely cries at all shes good but its just the whinging can happen one day and it'll go on for a whole day non stop and right now im going through depression and i feel like im a failure with my daughter. Can anyone give me some advice please on what more i can do with her. Many thanks .
6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoIs my best friends boyfriend trying to pull her away from me?
I have been friends with my best friend now for over 14 years and we've always said nothing will come between us. But things have changed just recently. I moved away because i went through a domestic violence relationship but we always kept in contact no matter what. My best friend was with a lad she was with for over 4 years and he was horrible to her at times yet at other times they were like soul mates. She went behind his back with another lad from the army that she went to school with and was seeing this other lad for about 3 or 4 months behind her ex boyfriends back. Her ex boyfriend never found out about her new fella. When i moved away i used to always talk to my friend over the internet and she introduced me to her new boyfriend over the internet too and we all got on brilliant we had laughs all the time. I moved back to be closer to my best friend after i had my little girl plus i met a fella of my own which he is the world. Me and my boyfriend met my best friends boyfriend when he came out the army and we all got on fine it was a good laugh.
But thats were everything has changed. My best friend runs back to her boyfriend and tells him everything and i mean everything so her boyfriend has become to hate me even if me and my friend has the odd little taff. Her boyfriend and her have just got a house together but he is still in the army so he aint there much. When he is back i hardly see her at all. Since his been back for the past 2 weeks iv seen her once. Iv spoken to her 2 or 3 times. She told me she was going to ring me to arrange to meet up which we do ever day when he aint there, but she never did. It is the first time today in a week i have spoken to her cause her phone has been off and when i had rang her and it was on she never answered my calls. I sent her a text tellin her that it be nice to hear from her and that she still had mates to consider even though her boyfriend is back. I tried ringing her one more time and she answered my call and she told me that had no phone charger or anything but its not asif shes made any effort to try and contact me to say were best mates and we dont normally go a day without seeing each other unless he is back. I got taken into hospital on the sunday night and i text her to tell her that i had a asthma attack and that they had found a virus on my lungs and i never heard anything from her. I know she dint have her charger till her mum had took it round to hers but when she did charge her phone she dint make a effort to contact me to see if i was okaii? Her boyfriend was meant to go back to the army last Monday but he hasnt returned so right now he has been posten Awol. Do i back off away from her because i know that when he aint around she needs me but then again i feel used for the fact that she only wants something to do with me when she dont have him around? She has friends but i am her only friend really because she dont bother with any other mates she has. Please help me cause i feel like im loosing my best friend and she means alot to me.
Thank you.
7 AnswersFriends1 decade agoMy 7month old daughter has these red spots.!!?
Yesterday i noticed my daughter had these red spots on her back and surroundin it was like a red mark. At first i thought it was a heat rash as she does get them quite often on her back and belly. Iv noticed when shes sleeping she shuffles around constantly asif she is itchin her back to relieve the itchyness. I know these are not chicken pox as she has already had them. I also put a glass up to them and they do seem to dissapear yet some of them seem to just go white? Can someone give me some advice please. Thank you.
6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoEngaged but want to call party off.!! HELP.!!?
Im engaged and im due to have an engagement party on april 10th, only problem is i want to call it off. I hav totally gone off my boyfriend, its down to hygiene. I cant cope with the smell of his feet, iv tried buyin products to help the smell but they dont seem to work. He wears the same top to work near enough everyday and it smells like damp, dirty sweatness and it makes me ill. Im a very hygienic person and i like to keep myself and my baby well clean. For once i want my family to proud that i found someone good. My previous relationships have been domestic violence leading on to be cheated on. The guy im with now would bend over backwards for me, he worships the ground i stand on and he loves my baby girl to bits. How can i solve this problem without hurting him or offending him? Im literally toes touched with feet now and cant stand him touching me and cuddling and kissing me it makes my skin crawl. Just to let you know im 6 weeks pregnant with his child, he also lives with me so its a little harder to end things cause its all about where he'll move to. Please help me. Very fustrated girl here. Thank you .
23 AnswersEngagements & Weddings1 decade ago15 weeks old baby and pregnant again help.!!?
Please dont self judge me as alot of you dont know me, but i need advice and sensible advice please.
Im 21 years old and iv recently had a little girl and she is 15 weeks old. Iv just recently found out i am pregnant again and im so freekin nervouse i aint a clue what to do. My partner wants me to keep the baby and his already told his mum and sister which has really gone and put me in a awkward situation. Ill be honest if i carried another baby i feel like i wont have the time of day for my darling daughter. I love my daughter so much and to think i will loose my bond with her breaks my heart. My Mum has had two babies near enough the same age, theirs 13months between them both. Iv seen my mum graft hard to be there for both children and shes an angel to be able to bring them both up cause i seriously couldnt see me doing what shes done. Im already feeling tired and feel like i dont have much time on my hands nomore, also feel very ratty so im taking it out on my partner. I have told my partner how i feel about this baby and he said that he would support me whatever dicision i make, but i can feel the distance and coldness with him. I know im young, im stupid for not using protection but my mistake has now been done and i really cant do alot about it. Please help me and give me some advice that you may have that may come useful.
Thank you.
5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoTips on how to go into labour early..!! DESPERATE.?
Im 36+5days pregnant and iv had it upto the rim, iv had nothing but problems bein in and out of hospital with kidney infections. Nurses had to stop me from going into labour at 28weeks cause my kidney infection was that bad. I have now got a UTI infection and burns when i wee so much. I got told that can be bad when your pregnant as it can start your labour off. Im trying anything to bring my labour on now, iv eaten spicy food constantly, iv done long walks, iv drank pineapple juice and even eaten pineapple, iv not tried sex as i cant cause my boyfriend is in the army and unfortuantly i cant get it lol, iv even tried HOT baths without cold water lol. Im wondering now if i tried castor oil do you think it would make me go into labour? Im trying EVERYTHING and ANYTHING to bring my labour on im getting that depressed i cant go out as i cant really walk far without being in agony, her heads done she has been down since 28weeks pregnant. Any advice from anyone would be great.Im Constantly in pain cause shes too heavy for me to carry. Thanks
14 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoAm i in the wrong?? (Benefit Fraud)?
Okay so recently i made a post about my ex partner and what he had done.
Ill give you a brief discription of everything, My ex beat me up( while i was pregnant), his threatend me, his had his new girlfriend on the phone abusing me, im due to have his baby VERY SOON and he hasnt provided for her one little bit. His working back handing his claiming benefits aswell. Iv been told to grass him up as his earning upto a grand a month including benefits oh and to top it off he gets housing benefits too. He has had all this money and not gave me any to provide for his unborn child, yet his paying for his other children and his new girlfriends kids aswell and herself. I phoned up and got him done for benefit fraud cause i was sick to do death of him promising me he would give me some kind of money which he hasnt.
Today I got a text from him saying you blew me over with benefit fraud, and i replied back saying 'what do you mean? Dont go accusing people for something they havnt done'. If i admitted to grassing him up id get him coming to me like a ton of bricks and he'll proberly get me hurt to. My Nan keeps saying you've just opened yourself a can of worms but why should i sit back at watch him living in a home with all my furniture init and spending his money of kids that dont belong to him and drugs and booze? Am i in the wrong should i have done this or not? My Nan said to me what comes around goes around and it will backfire on me, im nervous now that im in the wrong. But i also think 'What goes around comes around' as what he has done to me and my baby he deserves to be caught out.
Please advice me.
Thank you.
7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago