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bob g
Would you still eat meat if you had to slaughter the animal yourself?
Supposing nobody else would prepare the meat for you and you fancied a roast chicken or a slice of bacon, could you be the one to kill the animal?
27 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agoBack boiler hot electrical smell and overflow dripping at night Baxi Bermuda?
Hi I have a Baxi Bermuda 552 back boiler and have just noticed what I would describe as a hot electrical smell (like a burning circuit board). I have turned the boiler off (naturally)
Prior to this smell the overflow pipe upstairs seems to have been leaking at night for the last week as we have noticed a wet patch below it in the morning.
Now we had a new pump fitted about 6 months ago and at the same time a ball valve was fitted to the overflow so I think both the pump and valve are ok. I suspect a problem with the boiler myself, and I just wondered if anyone could shed some light on what the problem may be i.e. is it time for a new boiler ? Thank you for taking the time to answer.
2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years agoAm i getting the right proteins in my diet?
I have taken up a (mostly ) vegetarian diet for the last 6 months I say mostly because I do eat fish occasionally, say once a month. Now I usually eat at least 5 portions of fruit and veg a day, often more, so I think that side is ok. I generally eat brown rice once a week, wholemeal pasta 2-3 times a week, and lentils or chickpeas or beans once a week. I also consume dairy every day, in the form of whole milk, cheese and butter. I also eat peanut butter most days.
Am I getting enough protein and the right proteins, such as amino acids etc in this diet. and what are more good sources of such essential proteins .
5 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan10 years agoHerniated disc again second time?
About 8 months ago I injured my back and was told by my physico that I had a herniated disc L4 L5.
I have since completed physico and was completely pain free for about 9 weeks. Then a week ago I was lifting something (not too heavy, but bulky) and I felt something go in my right lower back / hip area.
I now have the same symptoms as before, my symptoms are: constant lower back pain ,hip joint pain when sitting for any length of time , regular pain down my right leg. and reduced movement when bending over.
Basically I went to the doctors and they just told me to take pain killers when and have put me on a waiting list for physico but told me that I could be waiting upto 6 weeks. I am in constant pain (unless lying flat) and just wondered what my options are or what to expect.
Is there a reason this has happened again what are your experiences.
Injuries10 years agoSnapping popping from side of knee?
Hi, I have developed a snapping from the outside of my left knee when I stand up from a bent knee or crouching position. This began about 8 weeks ago and does not seem to be getting any better. I don't have a great deal of pain, it's more like a feeling of dis-comfort and it doesn't get in the way of walking (I don't do any hard physical sports) but do have a manual job which sometimes requires bending down. In fact the only time it troubles me is when I have been crouching down for a few seconds and then stand up. after it has 'snapped' I just feel a bit of an ache on the outside of the knee
. Now I have made an appointment to see my Doctor, which will take 2 weeks and I just wondered if anyone had any ideas in the meantime what it could be?
Thanks in advance
Just to add It does seem a bit weaker than the other knee, ie more effort to stand up.
4 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade agoBaxi Bermuda boiler buzzing noise. Plumbers?
Hi we have a Baxi Bermuda 552 at home up until now it has been trouble free since we moved into our house. However today it suddenly started to make a buzzing noise, which changed tone after a few seconds and became louder. I also noticed a burning electrical smell from the box beside the boiler which I am guessing houses the controls (but I am no expert) I immediatly switched off the boiler and the noise stopped. My question is, is this going to be expensive to fix ? ie new boiler or even is it worth fixing as it's obviously 20 years old or so.
Thanks for your help in advance
2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agowhy is it that when I pop into at Aldi to buy a couple of things?
I have to queue up behind 5 full overflowing trollys with people buying enough food to survive a nuclear winter, and they only have 1 till open because they only seem to have 2 staff per building.
5 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks1 decade agoCan I watch TV (freeview) on my dell precision m50 laptop?
I have a dell precision m50 which is running windows 2000 pro and I was wondering if I am able to watch freevew tv via a usb dongle. the laptop has the following specs:
Operating System - Windows 2000 Professional
Processor Mobile Intel Pentium 4M , 1.2Ghz
RAM - 768MB
Video - nVidia Quadro4 500 GoGL
Disk Drive 40GB
Network - Integrated 10/100 Network Card
thanks in advance for your help.
2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade agoVW Transporter t25 Rear hub nut size?
Can anyone tell me the size of the rear hub nut (The large one with the split pin through it) on a 1987 VW type 25 transporter. I need to replace the backplate and I do not have a socket large enough and so need to know the size socket to buy.
Thanks in advance
1 AnswerVolkswagen1 decade agocan you translate this text i received on my cell phone? Thanks in advance?
hier soir, j' ; a donné beaucoup de vin à votre conjoint après dinant elle a légèrement frotté mon pénis. elle a avalé mon jus
5 AnswersLanguages1 decade agowhat do you think does more damage to the enviroment?
Scrapping my 15 year old car and buying a brand new one under the governments new £2000 scrapping scheme.
or keeping it on the road for another 10 yearst therefore saving the energy and enviromental costs incurred when building a new car.
What do you think?
8 AnswersOther - Science1 decade agoPoll: Question for Americans only?
I am interested in knowing how many Americans know where Wales is. I live in the beautiful country that is Wales and I have nothing at all against Americans but have , in the past been supprised at where they place Wales so for that reason I wondered where you would place it on a map.
Please confirm you are American by letting me know the state you live in.
This is for fun only, no offence meant to anyone
21 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade agoShoulder surgery bone spur?
I am due to have an operation to remove a bone spur from my right shoulder. I have been told that this can be done via keyhole surgery with a scope. Has anyone had a similar operation and if so what is the recovery time , what are your experiences.Please be honest I have been told that if I do not have the surgery then it could cause a tear in my rotor cuff. Also is there much pain involved during the operation, I expect some after.
Thnaks in advance
3 AnswersInjuries1 decade agoHow can I win using the free play bonus at online casinos?
I have noticed a lot of online casinos are offering some tempting free play offers. Is it best to try as many diffrent games as you can during the free play countdown (like they suggest) or will I be better sticking to one game.
3 AnswersGambling1 decade agoLoss of holiday pay after maternity leave in the UK?
My partner is currently on additional maternity leave and whilst off and before taking leave, she had earned 20 days holiday which has not been taken. Her employer has stated that because she is not returning to work until january, she will loose out on her 20 days holiday and will not be paid it or will be unable to take it. The reason behind this, is that the employer will not allow the holiday to roll over to next year. I have tried looking this up but the details are unclear. Basically i think this is wrong and that she should either be paid the holiday that she has rightfully earned whilst working for the company. Or be entitled to the time off.
Could anyone offer any advice on this. (She has worked for the company for over 4 years)
5 AnswersUnited Kingdom1 decade agoAccident at work in UK do I still get paid?
I recently injured my right hand at work, crushing my fingers and have had to undergo surgery to re-structure one of my fingers. Being right handed and in manual work I am currently unable to work. I do not recieve sick pay at work other than statuary sick pay (SSP) and normally take sick days as holiday so that I am not out of pocket. I would like to know if I am still entitled to recieve full pay whilst off as the accident was not my fault) or will I only recieve SSP. Also If I only recieve SSP then can I claim for costs ie travel to and from hospital, loss of earnings , medication etc.
Also I regularly do overtime to top up my wage and was scheduled to do some in the comming weeks up till Christmas, now obviously I am unable to do this I feel that I will be seriously out of pocket (I will probably be off work for at least 6 weeks and face possible plastic surgery and physio.
sorry for posting this again but I didn't have any answers from the UK
2 AnswersInsurance1 decade agoInjury at work do I still get paid?
I recently injured my right hand at work, crushing my fingers and have had to undergo surgery to re-structure one of my fingers. Being right handed and in manual work I am currently unable to work. I do not recieve sick pay at work other than statuary sick pay (SSP) and normally take sick days as holiday so that I am not out of pocket. I would like to know if I am still entitled to recieve full pay whilst off as the accident was not my fault) or will I only recieve SSP. Also If I only recieve SSP then can I claim for costs ie travel to and from hospital, loss of earnings , medication etc.
Sorry for any typos but having to learn to type one handed.
3 AnswersInjuries1 decade agoHas anyone won from the free play offers in online casinos?
A lot of the online casinos are offering diffrent amouints of free play as the site below suggests and I was just wondering if anyone out there has actually managed to win money from them without actually paying to play or is there some catch?
3 AnswersGambling1 decade agoroulette system does it work?
I was just wondering if anyone else has tried this system and what (if any suceess you have has) also is it legal to use in online casinos?
11 AnswersGambling1 decade agoGas boiler efficiency? Heat engineers please ?
I live in the UK, in a 1970's ex local authority semi and it has the standard 'back' boiler which was fitted to many homes built at that time. After the recent gas bill rises I decided to turn the boiler down to hopefully reduce my energy bills but discovered that the boiler is on setting 2 (out of 5) My question is, would it be better to turn it down to 1 of in fact turn it up to 3 or even 4 making it run hotter and therefore reduce the amount of cutting in and out it does to heat the water tank.
Basically I only have hot water on gas (heating is off at the mo) and it seems to be costing me around £1.50 a day which does seem quite expensive for a couple of showers and some washing up per day.
1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago