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  • Can a Child or children be removed the power being off and the parents get charge with child abuse?

    A neighbor's power to her apartment was turned off for failure to pay, after having to use her AC to keep "Meth" fumes from from spreading all through her house and harming her and her daughter. The neighbor had pack all of her family's belongs and was seeking help from her housing for permission break her lease to move out based on the cooking of Meth in the apartment directly above her and her child. The fumes were seeping down into her apartment cause them breathing problems. The children was taken to the doctor and a letter from the doctor was given to the family housing management. The management refuse to let the family out of their lease. The mother called can reported on the drug problem and still not help. The mother called one evening when fumes were pretty bad and when the police officers arrive and saw that her electrical power was off, the officer called children protective service and had the child placed in protective custody charging mom with child neglect. I have searched for the Federal Guide lines that state that Children who are suffering hardship like homelessness, or power outage for none payment, can not have their children taken for child abuse by the State Child Welfare department. I have read two documents, that state that that as soon as mom had power restored, the her child would be returned back home. that was two years ago. Can any one out there give me the link that I can not find. The mom does not drink, smoke cigarets or weed. Attend church every Sunday. The mother has had 4 lawyer so far who she has fired that were given her by the State. There is a community movement to help the mom with research as she now is her own lawyer as Pro Se Plaintiff. So far mom has gotten the Judge to listen to her worries about the wrongful removal and the child is being returned in 6 months. Mom knows that in 6 months the 14 - 24 month Federal Mandate for permanent placement will have passed. And that they can rail road her which is what a lost of parents run into much too often. We need that link and the help of any one out there will be of a great help

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • What is Constitutional Psychopathic Inferiority? (blacks Law Book 1969 page 385)?

    I have read the definition over and over again, because it reads funny like the group is the problem, than changes up at the end of the definition with those decision makers who have not come to fully

    (blacks Law Book 1969 page 385)

    conform to the custom of the group with habitually misbehave and continued sense of no sense of responsibility to their fellowman then these individual have failed to learn by experience and are now inadequate, incompatible and inefficient. does this mean that over extended historical period of time these individual must no longer make decisions concerning the the group based on their lifelong Constitutional Psychopathic Inferiority toward the group. What is Constitutional Psychopathic Inferiority? (blacks Law Book 1969 page 385) Okay all you Kitchen Lawyers and retried Lawyers, of days gone by, help FNCF out here link 2:

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Does any one how to make Spanish rice southern Mexican style?

    I was in the parking lot a friend when a family pulled up and I could smell the most wonderful smell. I ask the lady in the van what it that I smelled and she showed it to me then just out of the blue begin to pull out a plate and pile on the red rice, I kept saying no no no! she shove a spoon full of it in my mouth and I was hooked this was the spanish rice I ate at a mom and pop truck on the side of the road while driving through Arizona, The lady had cooked for the family before they headed back to Mexico. they had come up to work the fields just out side of Gresham Oregon. I am kinda of spoiled with it come to Spanish Cooking I prefer the Southern Cooks of Mexican there food is so much richer in flavor than the northern which is about the same here for Southern soul food s northern souls food so much gets lot in the translation making it from the kitchen. I have mastered Menu do down to the southern Mexican science I just pick the last of the tomatoes out of the garden help me please make this, or I will do it on my own and call it Spanish soul food 503 875-9200 you may send pictures to my face book to may face book Evelyn Cierra Asia or Evelyn Murray I love food made by someones grand mother she granny always know what she is doing

    1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups9 years ago
  • how do I stop my room mate from turning to raising her voice at me when ever I am not in agreement with her?

    my room mate was telling me how her brother would not loan her money in her hour of need, and how her sister used her financially as if she was the father of her children like a husband to help raise her sister children. She rented out rooms from various people over the years and each time she was used, people ate her food, stole her toilet paper just one abuse after another.. well just a few minutes ago Sunday August 7, the 2011. she brought up her brother not helping her, and I told her that being that she is a single woman with a good education and did not have any one to take care of but herself that she should have taken a look at the fact that she was able to take care of herself and that she maybe did not need to hit her brother. She said each time that she brings this up that I am never sensitive towards her as I should be, and that here she thought that we were friends, and I told her that we are friends, and just because I was not in agreement with her why would she say or even think that this would be a breech in our friendship? she began to raise her voice at me, and this is not the first time that she has raised her voice at me. I have ask her to stop and she would not so I for the first time in our 6 year relationship flipped the script on her and gave her a dose of what real shouting is all about, this woman just put her hand behind her head like some one who got what she wanted and is not laying here watching a movie and is just a calm as a cucumber. I screamed at the top of my lungs that I had had enough of her raising her voice at me every time she believe that I don't believe her.. why is it that I have to tell her to lower each time? So I let her have it.. I don't know if she will come at me again,, I did promise her that no more talk about her brother or family because I don't like screaming and I only did to see how it feels to have some one talk to you in such a tone and she did not like it and said that I was being abusive? I ask her what did she feel it was when she did it and that the only reason that I shouted back was because I have never raised my voice at home and wanted her to see how it feel and that it is abusive and that I wanted her to stop. and she said I was abusive I realize that this is not going to work and I need a room mate to help with bills. I just found my 3rd part time job and I will help her find a place that has rent control so that she will not have to live under the abuse of others. Spring of next years should be enough time.. We agree talk about family ever again. I really care for her as a friend and want the best for her, I do see now that she loves being a victim and she needs some one to abuse her, this is way she will not stop until come one comes at her. Her last room mate said that she could not take it any more and now I see what she means.

    4 AnswersEtiquette10 years ago
  • Do you believe that a 5 year old should take a bath with her 33 years old dad?

    My son in law drinks and pees where ever he lay for the night. and I came over to visit one day and my daughter showed me where he had done his business after watching porn and left the soil tissue and the 2 month old dog has chewed the soil tissue and it was on the floor every where. I hear my grand daughter screaming and I hear her daddy making a no no no sound and my grand daughter is say that he hurt her arm and she is in pain and we can not get her to pull herself together. he makes her scream a lot but never where any one is ever a witness to what ever he make her cry, on a day that is freezing he will take the dog for a walk and and take my grand daughter me or my daughter will say put her coat on and he will say that it is not cold out side and that she does not need a coat. then I will say if it's not cold out side why is it that you have on a coat with a sweater and he will take her out in the cold any way, then I have to talk to my daughter that I hope some one will say something about to him. When they return the baby is shaking and her lips are blue and my daughter will flip the script? My son in law say all the time that when he was a child he did not know what a curfew was, He is a passive aggressive person who hold his anger in and I believe that when ever he is angry at my daughter that he takes it out on the baby by hurting her so her mom can coming running and he can say he does not know why she is screaming. then the 5 year old will say he hurt my arms or he bumped my head. He will have the babe out all day and give her a couple of bites off of a his pizza. just this week my daughter had to threaten to sign up for food stamps if he did not buy groceries? At this moment My white son in law is watching blazing Saddle with my grand daughter who is black and the word ****** has been used through out the entire movie? I did speak up and say that this movie was too abusive and my black I think she is still black said it was all in fun and that made it okay. I am worried that this is a situation that can manifest itself into a ugly situation that will be ripe for unthinkable things like molestation. and my daughter and my son in law sleep apart now and he sleeps with my 5 year old grand daughter. We as mothers leave our daughters so open to situations that could have been avoided if we knew a head of time but we don't fore see the outlandish happening not knowing. I have spoken to my daughter and she has too busy am I seeing a pattern here?

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Is there any one out there who can tell me how to file a Petition for visit as a grand parent?

    I live in the State of Oregon and my grand children are in state custody. I have set back and allow the parent and the aunt to handle every thing. They both have stepped away and are no longer involved. The youngest child call one of her cousins saying that she was scared when her foster mom stopped her form breathing. We called 911 and reported the abuse and no one with in the state of oregon checked it out. 2 months later. I met with advocate who arranged a meeting with DHS and an investigation began 2 months later. How do I file in the court for visits and what form do I ask for, and is there a particular form that I need one that I should ask for. I am about to start a fund raiser to get a lawyer. Lawyers are afraid of the Juvenile courts and case work I live in Oregon the case is in Hillsboro County. I just need a heads up on forms

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why is it that big girls pick on small girls all the time?

    I am 5 feet 2 inches and and I have never weighted more than 125 pounds wet. I was picked on all the time in school now even as an adult as an adult what is wrong with big women, what is a gril to do?.....HELP!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Can a tow company tow your car once once the driver get into the car while it is still in parking space?

    My daughter went out to move her car our of my apartment complex before our land lord call the tow company, and came back with her eyes all big saying "mom they have my car hook up and to a tow truck and are getting ready to tow! I ran out side and sure enough the 21st Century Towing company truck had my child's car attached to the back. I ask the diver if he could not tow the car being that my daughter is now here and that the car was still in the parking space? The driver said that he would detach the car for a fee of $189.00

    hearing this my daughter got into the car and said that the tow driver would have to tow the car with her in it. My younger daughter talked the driver into taking $150.00 to drop the car. Can they do that? I thought once the car has been towed away that your car had to be paid for the tow. but the car was not towed? what is up with that? I live here in the state of Oregon where there has been some bills presented for the protection of such situations, does any one have any info that they can share in helping me get my daughter money back

    2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Why is it that most religious leader do not want most people to read 2 Timothy 3:16,17?

    below is a question that I ask at another time:

    If you had the opportunity to have a bible study would you and what question would you ask?

    this is the explanation to explain why I ask this question:

    As a International Bible Student, I find that most people have so many questions about the bible and don't where to start asking questions. There are so many misconceptions about the bible based on hear say. a bible study could answer a lot of questions. check out @ Timothy 3: 16,17 and let me know what you think about the bible and this verse and what does this verse mean?

    Is there a problem with having those that are interested in learning more about GOD to know that it is a requirement of GOD that we must study to show ourselves approved please read 2 Timothy 3: 16, 17. to study a subject is a must if one is to learn for themselves? We study everything else to show that we are qualified to teach. Do we not have to study a subject for ourselves? why is it okay to study every subject under the sun yet not the Living Words of the bible. People need to understand what is being said in the bible 2 Timothy 2:2

    In Studying the bible we learn that the holy spirit will teach us it self. Now how would a student know this if we as teacher do not show them this scripture 2 Timothy 3:16,17? How does any one learn? We learn nothing with out asking GOD thru prayer we teach nothing with out asking GOD thru prayer. It would be so hard to mislead people by false teaching if we did personal prayer with our creator and his son the master instructor Jesus Psalms 8 read the entire chapter then read Psalms 8:22-31


    503 875-9200

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • if you had the opporunity to have a bible study would you and what question would you ask?

    As a International Bible Student, I find that most people have so many questions about the bible and don't where to start asking questions. There are so many misconceptions about the bible based on hear say. a bible study could answer a lot of questions. check out @ Timothy 3: 16,17 and let me know what you think about the bible and this verse and what does this verse mean?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • if you have had the opportunity to visit Liberia what do you think of the country?

    back in the 1950s we as African American were not told about the Journey back to Africa and that any one that wanted passage at the time could return? We were not told that we were sold to the whites by our own African People? My parent did not even know about this nor did their parents? why? My grand parents could not read and lived on a share croppers plantation in the back woods of Georgia, where they raised their children that could read on a 5 and 6 grad level. Now at the age of 57 I learn about that country where the returning slaves along with help from the united state established Liberia. this is something that is still being kept away from our African American children. I wish to go to this country Liberia? before I die. If any one would like to help with my passage please feel free to contact me at This year in 2010 I will attend a community fair put on here in Portland Oregon called the "Good in the Hood" and i would like to share what ever info that anyone might have about their personal visit to Liberia. I feel that this is My "Sister City" and would like to share this with my 12 grand daughters, 9 grand sons and my 2 boys and 6 girls and anyone else that would like to visit our home land " I too sing and love America" yet to visit my roots Land of my forefather would be a dream come true and the beginning of a share beginning for me as well as my family! e mail me some pictures of the people of Liberia. I an going back on line and try to make some connection with Liberia. it is as close as will get to any form of ancestry. I can only image how Jews feel having a home land, and the Irish who are strong on family ties must feel. I am a 57 year old grand mother that would like to be adopted by a family in Liberia or adopt a sister family in Liberia!

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • if you have had the opportunity to visit Libera what do you think of the country?

    back in the 1950s we as African American were not told about the Journey back to Africa and that any one that wanted passage at the time could return? We were not told that we were sold to the whites by our own African People? My parent did not even know about this nor did their parents? why? My grand parents could not read and lived on a share croppers plantation in the back woods of Georgia, where they raised their children that could read on a 5 and 6 grad level

    3 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • If you were offered a bible study by a Jehovah Witness would you say yes and why?

    I find many people do not read the bible and I can understand why. God and his name has been given a bad rap sheet. thanks to being told that they are going to burn in hell and that people are bad. Would you really like to know what th e bible teach?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does any one know where I can find another place to ask questions other than Yahoo answers?

    I ask the following question and it was who ever monitor questions on Yahoo answers?

    Does anyone believe that white Pedophiles are going to Haiti and stealing Child?

    yet there is a question where some one ask if girls would be ok with boys that walk up to them and just start touching and rubbing their private parts? and this question was not rejected?. May be I am too on top of what is happening in the news and would like to hear what other think of what is happening on the news. I need some a little more on task and not so afraid to allow questions that mention White people doing wrong. and yes i know like the aids virus, Pedophiles do not discriminate. something a little bit more political? nothing to sick but willing to address a question that needs an answer

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • do you believe that white people can adopt black children and do a good job?

    I am working door to door and have met a lot of white families that have adopted black children? I some time feel kind of funny about this? especially when I see that the African American females have there hair cut off because the adoptive family can not care for the hair. shouldn't this be part of some kind of education for the adoptive family? I ran into one family that had adopted a little African American girl in an open adoption where the bio logical mother and the grand mother are part of the adopted family? The mother in the open adoption said that it is the only way to adopt African American family. One family stated that they had the same open adoption and it is the only way. I am sure that when there are drugs issue involved an open adoption is out. I am working on this one. Because where there is love, respect and safety no matter the cultural adoption things should be just fine. what do you think. Yes I am African American. will they allow an African American family to adopt a white child?


    7 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Are there services assistance for dads in getting custody of there child/children?

    My son and my grand child have been abused by the mother of his son to the point of where my son has had to move out of their living situation. My son would never think of taking his son away from his mother. well, over a period of 3 years sense the birth of my grandson and my son moving out. my son and i have to put up with the mother cussing and screaming in front of our house with all of our neighbors listening and worst yet with my grandson listening. we have done every thing we can to appease her but to know avail. our neighbors have complained and I have had it. I have taken out a restraining order which she has violated several times. when my son has tired to talk to her about her behavior his ex gets even louder and even have taken to hitting my son especially in the face and my son will not do anything to her because she is his sons mothers and my son has never hit a woman in his life and would not know even how to go about raising his hand to do such a thing. well arrangements were made to have my son pick up his son at the Broward County Sheriffs office because of the restraining order. and so that left her with only the phone to cuss me and my son and ended her nail marks to his face. when arrangements were being made to pick my grand son up. This made it some what easier for me and my son, especially for the neighbors to no longer have to hear the cussing and witness the beat down of my son in front of her son. While picking up my grandson at the Broward sheriff department my grandsons mother got out of her car and came over and started screaming at us in front of the police and her son once again. thank goodness the law officer was there. this was in direct violation of her restraining order. she has broken her restraining order at least 3 times. and this time the judge called her in on it and she has been arrested w/o bail and is awaiting trial. this is her third arrest for violation but this time it is without bail. by son is having a hard time getting custody proceeding started to obtain temporary custody of his son. is there any help for dads that are good dads and seeking help to gain custody of there child/children. advice would be helpful money is funny right now in these economic time for a lawyer. are there any support agencies in the state of florida for dads or the country where my son can get some assistant with legal advice? I never heard of a woman abusing a man before. I have read up on this to educate myself and I was shocked to find that my son is one of many men that are abused by females. and this this type of abuse is less reported because there isn't much help for the man. I read that there are cases where shelters are now by law allowing men to enter battered shelter. I believe that this is progressive for many great dads like my son

    5 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • why do white children shoot up class rooms?

    it seems as if each group of people have their things that is unique to them. and it also appears to be based on the times. just 60 years ago every home had a gun and no one took it upon themselves to walk into school and blow away their class mates and teachers. now it is the thing to do especially if you " are mad" or "upset" are black teens doing the shoot the school thing no they are not black teens do drive bys in their neighbor"hood". white teens either go to school and spray bullits at every one and then go home and take out their parents. black have worked very hard to be a part of a society that that has rejected them for years and now, my my how they are catching up just a few weeks ago Jennifer Hudson mother, brother, nephew were killed how very sad. yet the killer did not shoot up the entire place and take out any one that came in contact with him or her. I believe that our society produces this madness bases on it's depraved classicism the have not have to little and the haves have too much. is it tea time again

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Why is it that white people leave their back doors on locked for some one to just walk in and murder them?

    On the news just a few days ago a 4 year tells a detective that a man walked into the house and killed his mom. the next time you watch a movie check out the white people leaving the door unlocked. do white people feel so safe that they in this society that they think that they own ( usa) that they think that they are that safe. I have many friends that are white and my daughter in law is white and 2 of my son in laws are white also and my children who are black all complain about their white spouses leaving the doors unlocked after they come in and they even leave the car unlocked. will some one tell me what is up with this unlocked door thing with white people. the whites in the deep south do not do this they are like black about locking doors.

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • any one out there that know Carol Kennedy and her daughter Townsend of County Cork Ireland?

    have been look for Joe, Carol, and their daughter Townsend of County Cork Ireland for over 9 years. I am African American and plan to visit Ireland next year 2009. and would like to give them a call would like to stop by for turnips and bangers

    2 AnswersCork1 decade ago
  • are ism words new to our dictionaries?

    I would like to know when did the ism come in to being as part of our english lanuage word like rascism, classism, etc etc

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago