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Does anyone ever read these?

  • How long am I responsible for someone else's mail?

    I moved 11.5 months ago and I constantly receive mail for previous tenants. They're almost always different names so I don't know how outdated some of this stuff is (obviously at least nearly a year). My box clearly has our names and no others but it still gets delivered. Is there ever a point where throwing away someone else's mail is NOT a crime?

    2 AnswersNotices and Errors5 years ago
  • Why does it happen?


    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • How do I get experience with kids when no one I know has them?

    Hi all. I'd like to get some experience with kids, but none of my friends or family has them. Well, some family has kids, but they live across the country so it's a moot point. I've glanced at volunteering but the couple places I saw wanted volunteers to already have experience with kids. Obviously no one's going to hire someone without experience for babysitting, so please don't suggest that. Ideas?

    3 AnswersParenting7 years ago
  • Do you think it's okay to back out of this?

    I'm a member of a group on I haven't attended any of the in-person meetings yet, but I'd been posting on the boards and what have you. A month or so ago I said casually I'd bake something for a bakesalehey're planning for Saturday (the 20th). Between then an now I've stated again that I would bake something. I've also asked questions about things like pricing items, presentation, if we were allowing goods with peanuts, etc. and most of those questions have been ignored. When the organizer does respond to me I generally get the feeling I'm being brushed off - short, vague answers, that kind of thing. I got a mass email essentially saying "you said you might bake something so please let me know by Friday if you can!" At this point I don't want to any longer. I feel I was trying to do something good and got brushed off, ignored, and shortchanged for it. I already said I would bake something but the email was asking for confirmation, and with everything, do you think it's acceptable for me to back out of this?

    2 AnswersEtiquette8 years ago
  • How to say this on a resume?

    One of the field's I'm looking at is food services, hence, this catagory.

    I've got very little experience and am trying to spin it the best way possible. There are a few different fields I'm looking at and I would want to include this on a resume for them, but I'm not sure how to phrase it the best way possible:

    I cleaned up


    I cleaned up after refreshments

    (I did both, which I'd need depends on which field that resume is for)

    Any suggestions would be really appreciated!

    3 AnswersFood Service8 years ago
  • Help spinning this for a resume?

    I'm looking for my first job. The only experience I have is 7 months volunteering with an independent living home. Since I have no experience I'm wanting to apply to some waitressing type jobs. At the independent living home I was supposed to be the activities director's assistant, but I helped set tables and during parties I would bring food/drink to the residents, and would help clean up afterwards. Does anyone have any tips or advice on how to make that work for me on a resume?

    1 AnswerFood Service8 years ago
  • Help spinning this for a resume?

    I'm looking for my first job. The only experience I have is 7 months volunteering with an independent living home. Since I have no experience I'm wanting to apply to some waitressing type jobs. At the independent living home I was supposed to be the activities director's assistant, but I helped set tables and during parties I would bring food/drink to the residents, and would help clean up afterwards. Does anyone have any tips or advice on how to make that work for me on a resume?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • Updated firefox, performed system restore, now firefox won't even open?

    I updated firefox. It finished completely and I could open windows and everything just fine, but almost immediatly after I had to perform a system restore. Now Firefox won't open at all. Help?

    2 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • Amazon review order before purchasing option gone?

    On my Amazon account it used to be that when I went to buy something, the page I went to would allow me to review my order and I'd have to click continue before it was actually placed. This is now gone. Did they get rid of it? Is it a problem with my account? How can I get it back?

    2 AnswersOther - Internet9 years ago
  • Why is my mother pretending to be more like me lately?

    My mother and I are complete opposites and always have been. And I do mean complete, we've never seen eye to eye on ANYTHING. Lately she's gotten really... weird. If she hears I like something - a band, a show, an author, whatever - she runs out, buys or rents it or whatever, and starts watching/reading/listening like crazy. My mother has always liked instrumental/new age music or really soft jazz. She would literally have a fit if a rock or metal song came on the radio. A couple months ago she heard about a hard rock band I liked and went out and bought all their CDs and plays them nonstop. She ONLY reads romances with happy endings and nothing dark/gory/weird in them. She heard about an author I liked (really really dark humour, totally bizarre events) and ran off to buy his books and borrow movies based on his books from the library.

    She's always dissaproved of everything about me and wanted me to be just like her, so as you might imagine we've never had a very good relationship. "Just talk to her" is not an option, she doesn't listen. In the long run, I know that none of this matters. And I do understand that it's possible she might find she likes one or two things that I like. But like I said, we've always been total opposites and no one in their right minds would believe she'd suddenly ACTUALLY start liking EVERYTHING that I like. I know I shouldn't, but I'm finding it really stupid and downright offensive. Like she's trying to "be" me, take something from me. So I guess my question is a two-parter - why is she doing this and how can I not let it get on my nerves?

    2 AnswersFamily10 years ago
  • What can be done about this? Stop signs?

    Alright, I am a very new driver (about 4 hours of road time) and I'm having a little problem here. The people in the city I live in only stop at stop signs if they see another car - and sometimes not even then. This afternoon my dad and I were driving. There was a car behind me, and we were coming up on a stop sign. Lo and behold, a big car comes flying forward and stops very suddenly a few inches past the stop sign. My dad started yelling at me because I had slowed down by about 3 MPH when I saw the car wasn't stopping and how dangerous that is and etc. Well I don't understand this. If I don't slow down and the car at the stop sign doesn't see me/care, I'm not going to have time to stop and we'll be hit. But my dad says no matter what happens with the car at the stop sign, if I slow down AT ALL, the car behind is going to hit me. So my questions are

    1: How does one correctly handle this kind of situation?


    2: Isn't there ANYTHING that can be done to make people actually pay attention and stop at stop signs?

    8 AnswersSafety1 decade ago
  • Anthony Perkins or Anthony Hopkins?

    My friend and I are having a bit of a debate here. My friend says Anthony Hopkins is better, while I say Anthony Perkins was better. We'd like some more opinions, so who do you prefer?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What do you look like in your drivers license/permit picture?

    I look like an insane male serial killer in mine.

    14 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Why do so many people come to this section to have us do their work for them?

    I am a writer myself, and it makes me sick to see so many people in this section asking us to name their characters, name their book, or even give them the plot! I understand that sometimes you need inspiration or want a stranger's opinion, but these people are flat out saying "give me this" not "hey any ideas on coming up with a good plot?" or "can I have a second opinion here?" Why don't they just ask us to write the story for them?

    Okay, that's my opinion on the whole thing. What's yours?

    12 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • You ever have this happen to you? ?

    So my mom and I were going to place an order with Barnes and Noble later this afternoon. I was on their website this morning getting the links of the books I was going to buy ready to email to her. A book I really wanted was only about $10, so I thought that was great sense I don't have a lot to spend on books right now. About 5 minutes later, the book goes out of stock, apparently goes out of print, and in every website I checked there were three copies for sale used: One for $25, one for $35, and one for $88. Wow. Is this my life or a bad comedy routine? Anybody else have something like this happen to them?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Am I in the wrong here, or are my parents?

    I love to read. Seriously, I read a LOT. Anyway. In our house in one of the rooms downstairs we have a couple of bookcases. Pretty much sense we got them my mom and dad said I could keep some of my books down there. I was using maybe 8 shelves (they're about half the size of normal bookshelves). My bedroom has a bookcase in it, but the room is very small and there isn't room for another. My dad and I went to Goodwill so I could get some paperbacks. He and my mom told me that I wasn't getting any more shelves downstairs. I said I knew. Now, for the past few weeks I've been working on packing up, giving away, and organizing my books down there because it was mostly little kid books and I could use the room for books I read now. I FINALLY finished a day or two ago and decided to take a break before putting my new books down there. And my mom filled my freshly cleared shelves with her books. So now I'm P.O.ed, I didn't go to all that work so I could put my books there, not so SHE could put hers there (I would like to point out now she already had 12+ shelves). My dad is, of course, taking my mom's side and saying they told me I wouldn't get any more space down there. I say it's not more space, it's the same space cleaned off. So who's right here? Should she get the shelves or should I?

    17 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Isn't "I am my father's son" kind of a stupid thing to say?

    It's just like... Well, of course you are. I know they're trying to say "My father was _______ and I am as well!" but, seriously, there's got to be a better way to say it.

    3 AnswersQuotations1 decade ago
  • When friendships go bad, how do you let go?

    This girl was a friend of mine for a long time but... well, let’s say things didn’t just go downhill, they fell off a cliff. We haven’t spoken in a couple of months. Logically I know trying to continue the relationship isn’t worth it because the bad outweighed the good, but emotionally I keep remembering the good times and being sad. I’ve lost friends before, but this seems worse than the other times. I know time will help, but any thoughts/advice for right now?

    19 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • If dreams have meaning, what could this POSSIBLY mean?

    I was getting married to a character from a TV show. It was our wedding day and I was in my bedroom, our ceremony was at 10 A.M. and it was like 6. My mom was making me do everything (hair, makeup, manicure, etc.) myself so I was trying to do that. I opened my closet to get a nail file and was looking at my bags and hats, wondering if getting married was the right thing to do, and the wedding guests started showing up at our house. My mom had made the list, and it was basically a bunch of old people I'd never even met before. She was also cooking the meal for our reception, only it was a bunch of like appetizers and I was trying to file my nails while she's going "Won't you make just ONE thing with cream cheese?" and I'm yelling "NO!" and then yelling at my dad "WHERE'S THE SUPER GLUE, I NEED TO FIX MY SHOES!" And he goes and gets me a tube of super glue and I go back to my room and glue the insoles back into my heels (I actually have those heels, I wore them to prom, and the insole really is coming up). But somehow I got shoes and the fingers on gloves mixed up and couldn't find ten shoes that matched so I was freaking out, then the base of my desk lamp turned into the shoe I needed so I was trying to separate it from the rest of the lamp but I had to try on my wedding dress so I stopped. I opened my closet and got three dresses out. I held up a red dress that looked really good, but I wouldn't wear it because of that old poem about what colour you wear at your wedding that goes "married in red, you'll wish you were dead" so I tossed that aside and came to the wedding dress my mom had picked and put it on. It was the ugliest thing ever. It came to my knees, was ugly grey-white, and looked like a pillowcase. So I ditched that too and put on my prom dress (the prom dress I really have). And then I was bored because the ceremony was still a few hours away so I made cupcakes.

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation1 decade ago