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I am Mr. Deathbound and I like Metal!
What does driving an El Camino feel like?
I'm thinking about getting an early to mid 70's one. I'm wondering how they drive though. If its like a muscle car I'd be happy, but if its more like a truck I'd want to steer clear of that.
1 AnswerOther - Cars & Transportation7 years agoHow to get this girl's number?
I'm a homework area at my university sitting across from this girl. She's working really hard and I have been for the most part too. She just got up to use the bathroom. I'm thinking I'll make joke (appropriate one) and try to get her number when she gets back. Is that weird?
Other thing I'm thinking about is leaving my name and number on a piece of paper in her seat and getting out of here.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years agoEx is now a fat lesbian. Why?
I dated this chick in high school. She was good looking, in shape, and super into me until I had to move across the country. Its been 5 years since we dated and she is now really overweight and lesbian.
What makes a person take such a dramatic turn in life?
2 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender7 years agoAre you going to get all defensive about dating someone if you aren't?
Long story short is a girl I know won't tell me if she's dating someone or not. So I assume she is correct?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years agoWeird to friend request a bunch of people in my class?
I'm taking a literature class at my university and I the teacher does a bad job of notifying people about the assignments. Its the sort of thing where if we collectively get together we can figure out what she wants.
Would it be weird to friend everyone, maybe even including the teacher, and start a group where we can all talk about class?
1 AnswerFacebook7 years agoSitting on the same side of a booth on a non date?
This chick asked me to dinner. I don't know if its a date or not and I don't want to make it awkward if it isn't. Its a long story how I got into this situation but just bare with me.
I'm thinking if we end up in a booth or 4 seat table I should sit across from her. Normally I'd sit next to her but that is a 100% date move. Is that too much of a friend move and would that kill it if it really is a date.
Ideally I'm just going to sit at the bar with her but that might not happen.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years agoDo central american people not have the same concept of personal space?
I know this woman from Guatemala and she's always standing so close to me I'm running into her. I don't really mind it but just find it weird. Is that just a cultural thing?
2 AnswersEtiquette7 years agoHow to talk to this girl?
This might be good advice for me in general.
I walk past this girl every day. Should I say hi or what? How do I get the conversation going? Please be specific, I'm really bad at this kind of thing when we have no common ground.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoAre big saggy balls attractive?
I'm a young man and I'm not really sure what to make of this. My balls hang really low, like if its warm out my testicles might as well be in a scrotum soup. I know that doesn't sound sexy and that's how I think of it. I don't think my large saggy balls are particularly attractive.
Assuming a shave them, but not the actual pubes above, is that a good look and is that attractive? What I have read online seems to confirm this but there isn't a lot of info on it.
Women I have been with have always been supportive and I doubt they would ever say anything bad. Maybe they really did just like floppy balls though.
8 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style7 years agoConditions like autism?
I work with a guy who I think is a little autistic so I cut him a lot of slack. I let him say things I really shouldn't and know other people do to. He doesn't get reprimanded for anything unless its really bad.
I looked up what autism really is and I'm starting to think he doesn't really have it and I he's really just a socially awkward guy who takes advantage of everyone.
Any other illnesses like autism that would cause a guy to be really awkward and say all sorts of inappropriate things? I don't think its turrets because he at least acts "slow" in other ways too.
Big reason I care is I wonder if its ok to stop giving him passes on everything. He's started making a female coworker feel uncomfortable and I'd like to tell him to stop. If I think he really has something I'll just explain to her that she can't take it seriously and I'll encourage her to complain to the management.
6 AnswersPeople with Disabilities7 years agoPoll do you care about a woman's weight?
I do care about a woman's weight and it is probably the single biggest factor in her being physically attractive to me. I pretty much only go for fit women. It seems most people agree with me while some people vehemently disagree. What do you think? Just be honest. I feel like most other questions on this topic bring personality into it, which for the sake of this argument I'm going to say its unrelated to looks.
Assuming she's the same person either way which would you want? You really have 3 options to this question:
1) She is fit and goes to the gym regularly and eats healthy
2) She is overweight
3) Don't care at all and she could have a BMI of 20 or 32
3 AnswersGender Studies7 years agoIf a girl likes everything I post on Facebook?
I mean everything, she also likes my comments on her stuff and only sometimes only my comments. She also doesn't use facebook a lot. Its like she'll log in, like my stuff and leave. I also don't see her doing this to anyone other than her fest female friend.
She also invites me places sometimes, has asked me to send her pictures of things I've done, and replies to any text I send asap. Weird thing is she doesn't act interested in real life.
Now I don't really like her as more than a friend. I've been keeping her at arm's length so she doesn't get the wrong idea. Does that sound like she does like me or am I unnecessarily pushing her away?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years agoI hate hipsters because they ruined the things I like?
I liked a lot of the things hipsters like before they made these things popular and made everyone hate them. Does that make me a hipster? I essentially dislike hipsters because they infiltrated my life style, tried to steal it, and made everyone hate it in the process.
I don't like the dumb hipster stuff, just the things that are legitimately likable. Like volvo cars, flannel shirts, seeing small bands live, hanging out in restaurants that are small and family owned etc.
2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups7 years agoDo you add your own drum parts to songs?
Just wondering if I'm the only one that does this. Some times when I'm driving and listening to music I really like, usually stoner metal, I'll add in my own drum parts by hitting parts inside the car. I do not attempt to match what the drummer in the song is doing, I come up with my own part that works with the beat, kind of like I'm jamming with them. I also do bass lines sometimes.
1 AnswerRock and Pop7 years agoWhat do women think of acne?
I'm a man in my 20's and I still get occasional break outs. I know acne isn't attractive but I'm wondering how much of a negative it is to women. Is a man less attractive if he has controlled acne?
Personally I don't see it as an issue on women if its under control. I don't think I would count it against a woman if she had a few zits.
6 AnswersGender Studies7 years agoHow should condoms fit?
My penis is a little bigger than average, 6.25 long by 5.25 around mid shaft. I always thought the way condoms fit me was just how it was but I was BSing with a friend and he said he doesn't have any of these problems. My problems are:
-Its tight when I roll it on but its not unbearably bad
-The extra material is uncomfortable at the base where I'm wider
-It is next to impossible to get off when I'm still erect and I usually just end up rolling it off the way I put it on
Is that just the way its supposed to be or should I go try some different ones?
3 AnswersMen's Health7 years agoDon't want to see my ex's crap on facebook?
So this is kind of petty but here is the deal.
Dated a girl for a little while and so all her **** is at the top of my news feed even though we don't talk regularly anymore. She's now hitting on and talking to someone else I know on facebook. So all their interactions are on the top of my news feed all the damn time. I don't want to have to see that but I also don't want to block either of them because that's extreme. Could I just hide all the stories from another user?
5 AnswersFacebook7 years agoHow messy is a GWAR show?
I'm thinking about going to a GWAR show for the supporting bands but I don't know how messy it is. My Brother who is coming is going to want to see them and probably mosh or stand in the front row. At a show like that is there anywhere I could watch from where I'm not going to get covered in fake blood? I really don't want to get that messy.
1 AnswerRock and Pop7 years agoHow do girls generally feel about dating friends?
Here is the deal, I liked this girl and still have some attraction towards her even if I don't really want to date her. I've started hanging out with her more because she's alright, we work together, I like her friends, and I'm kind of using her as a resource to meet more girls and go to parties with said girls.
Now two things:
1. If I casually date one of her friends is she going to get pissy? This isn't going to stop me but I'd like to anticipate it. I can't see why she would given she turned me down.
2. If she's still friends with her ex's friends(they've been friends for years) is it likely they will be interested in each other, because I'm not going to lie, I don't want to be at parties where she is if she's making out with dudes that aren't me given she turned me down.
What this really comes down to is if women are possessive of their close friends and if they generally consider long time friends that were friends of their ex part of their dating pool.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years agoIs she making a move?
I know this girl through a friend. She invited me to make gingerbread houses at her place which a bunch of her friends from high school. I think I'm going to be the only person outside of her family and close friends there.
I'm not really interested in her in that way but I'd still like to hang out with her and meet her friends.
This whole thing sounds really friendzoney to me and I'm ok with that, like I said I'm not really interested. I just want to avoid an awkward situation.
2 AnswersFriends7 years ago