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Cymraes o ogledd cymru, siarad 3 a hanner o ieithoedd (cymraeg, saesneg, ffrangeg a dysgu arabeg...) dwi'm fwslim a dwwi'n 13 rwan :) (-welsh girl from north wales, i speak 3 and a half languages, welsh, english, french and learning arabic, muslim and i'm 13)
I've got a green cheeked conure...?
Right, I've had this Conure -chichi- for about 3 years now but my sister's the only one who can handle him properly and I feel a bit left out :( so does anyone have any tips on how I can handle him? Bcoz he always tries to bite me :( Plz help! :)
2 AnswersBirds1 decade agoPOLL: Are you on a computer/laptop/phone/other thing right now?
Haha, another random question, just curious... =] So, are you on a...
Haha, I'm in a random mood today =P xx
29 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoPOLL: Have you yawned today?
16 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoWhich country do live in?
I feel like giing 10 points to someone... :)
5 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade agoWhat's the average lifespan for a green-cheeked conure?
I've got one and I just want to know :)
6 AnswersBirds1 decade agoMy phone memory-card says that it's write-protected on the computer...?
I got the new Jonas Brothers CD a while ago (the enhanced version) and tried to put the songs on my computer (to put on my phone, i-pod... etc) but because it was enhanced, it wouldn't let me so my sister told me to rip the CD with Windows Media Player so I let her do it and i syncronized it with my memory-card and did the whole safely-removed thing...
this morning i looked through my music for it and realised that I must have put it in the wrong folder because it wasn't there, I put it in the comuter and I was right but it wouldn't let me change anything because it said that it was 'write-protected' so now my memory-card has "locked" and I don't know what to do because I was actually going top back it up tonight (i have EVERYTHING on my phone) and now I can't!!
(it you can't be bothered reading it...basically my memory-card's locked and says that it's "write-protected" and I need to know how to unlock it because EVERYTHING'S in it!)
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade agoHow are you?? And I have to have 20 characters :@?
haha, random question but my friend's nosy XD
2 AnswersPsychology1 decade agoWhat are the insturments in the 'strings' family?
I'm sat in a music lesson right now and need to know what all the instruments in the 'strings' family are... like the ones in the orchestra. Please answer A.S.A.P
1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade agoRight, I rescued a bird... help?
The other day we found a baby raven at the bottom of our garden and took it in, we've kept it in a big washing machine cardboard box with branches, newspaper and a little bed for him/her. The raven, named Gwyn (haha, if ur welsh it will be a bit ironic), is sooo much better now and is recovering fast but he still has chunks of feathers missing :s we're waiting for him to be able to fly right now but he's nowhere near it and we're going on holiday in 4 weeks and we already have a parrot to get someone to look after!! ARGH! I really don't know what to do because the zoo can't take him and there's a cat next door but I seriously doubt he'll recover in time... :S
please help...
(and we're worried he won't be accepted by the others... we've been taking him into the garden so he can hop about and exercise but the only answer he gets when he crows -so cute coz it's really quiet- is a really horrible, loud crow which freaks us out because it's not what we usually hear and we're worried the others might attack him :'( )
please help us!!
9 AnswersBirds1 decade agoPlease tell me as much as possible about the Battle of Bosworth!!?
I have an exam in two days and I don't get it!?! Please help!!
(and anything about Charles the first would be helpfull but I'm more desperate about the BoB and Henry 8th)
1 AnswerHistory1 decade agoWhat happened in One Tree Hill today?
I'm really annoyed I missed it!! :'( I'm watching the old series though... so far, Brooke's met/dating that new teacher without knowing who he is, haha, just fond out at the end!! Derek's missing after he fell/got pushed out the window and Payton's really scared. Haley's pregnant and her husband told her on TV that they were going to face it together (awww, sweet!!) and Genesis 4:10 was written on the wall... =O!!!
haha, please can anyone help me?? I'm really gutted :'(
:) ♥
2 AnswersDrama1 decade agoYear 8 exam revision... HELP!!?
Right my exams for year 8/grade 8 are next week and I just can't revise!!!! :S I'm AWFUL at revising and I don't take anything in when I read over my books! Also, my sister who's doing her A level's has officially taken over my room because her's is a mess and my brothers nicked it (his is damp) so I don't have a desk so I can't even do some random questions for myself (which I usually do and it usually works!). Could you guys please help me?? All I want is for you to tell me as much as possible about anything and everything!! I know it's a wide thing but my exams are for...
Religious Education
But I only need help with...
To narrow it down we've been doing...
Food and trailing food
Chemical and physical reactions
Atoms and all those molecule thingy's!!
Harry 8th
Sikhs (5ks)
Religious rules
Global Warming
Sorry it's such a wide questions but could you please just answer by saying which subject, then which 'sub-subject'
Thanks!! :)
1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade agoIf the UK's main wind thing (from the Gulf place) changes due to Global Warming...?
how will it affect our climate in the UK?? Right, I don't really make it sound scientific of clever or anything because I'm welsh and I've learned the work in welsh so I'm not sure how to translate it... :S SO! My question is how will the climate in the UK change if the main wind source (prifwynt in welsh) that's currently from the Gulf Stream place changes due to global warming? All I know so far is that IF it does change then the UK might get sea ice because it'll be too cold...?
Please try to answer me quickly and simply because I need to know this within the hour!! :S:S:S!!!
HELP!!! :)
3 AnswersGeography1 decade agoWhy does the height you drop a ball from onto sand, affect the width of the crater?
This question probably sound kinda stupid because some people are going to say 'it's obvious, the higher you drop it from, the more speed it will gain which will cause it to land harder' and blah blah blah. but I'm in year 8 and the only thing I'd say is that and I'd say it has something to do with gravity. This is a question I've received from my physics teacher and she hinted to the class that it had something to do with energy...?? Any help?? xx
5 AnswersPhysics1 decade agoWhat accelerate and rest at the same time?
My homework has this really hard question and I'm beginning to think that it's a trick question but it's kind of for my A levels and it's puzzled everyone, including my dad who is an ex-teacher of physics and maths!
5 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago