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Lv 55,226 points

LizzyB- Its a BOY!!

Favorite Answers15%

I am a Mother of 3, 2 girls and a boy!! I'm currently pregnant with #4 and due Jan. 26 2010!! this will be my first with curent DH!!!

  • I need help picking out a boy and girl name!!! help!!?

    I'm about 15 weeks pregnant with my 4th child and for the life of me I cant think of a cute boys name, and I have only one girls name!! I need some suggestion's on cute but uncommon names that go with the middle name Love (boy and girl) please help me. Thank you!

    13 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • How do you pronounce this last name?

    My last name is French, and I would like to know the proper way to pronounce it. so how would you pronounce Bruguier? Thank you to all that answer :-) I've always pronounced it (brew-year).

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • What is the best home pregnancy test?

    what is the best HPT to detect pregnancy before a missed period? I've used both Answers (5 days sooner) and the First Response (5 days sooner) and I was doing so research online and it says that both of those detect 100 mlUs hCG, is that right? from your experence what is the best HPT?

    6 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • for all users, were you......?

    I am now 12dpo and I have have been keeping track of my "symptoms" like headaches, heartburn, gassy and all that fun stuff. Well my early pregnancy sing estimator is giving me 89 pts out of 100!

    Now for all of you that use Fertilityfriend and gotten pregnant, how many of you had high points and found out that they were pregnant? I know that it cant tell me if I'm pregnant or not, and the only way to be sure is to take a test, but I have taken 2 already (I'm addicted to pee sticks, lol) and both were negative. I'm just curious too see if there are others that had high point and were pregnant. silly I know =)

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • BBT chart help plz :) is it starting to look triphasic?

    Can you ladys help me with my chart. This is the first cycle I have been charting my BBT. Also has anyone had Positive OPK test after ovulation already happened? Do you think my chances are good for concieveing? Thank you all and lots of baby dust to all that are TTC :)

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Does my chart look Triphasic?

    I was just wondering what you girls thought, I know its kinda early to really tell anything. and also what do you think my chances are that I concieved this month? oh yea and has anyone had positive OPK's after ovulation? heres the link, you might need to click on something to see it. Thank you all in advance! :) lots of baby dust to all you TTCers :)

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • PLZ, I need some help, not sure if its pregnancy signs or PMS.?

    I have a weird cycle, sometimes its 24 days and other times its 28 days. so when I use an ovulation calendar I have to use both. Anyways my LMP was on Feb. 2nd, and with a 24 day cycle ovulation was on the 8th-11th, with AF due on Feb. 26th, and a 28 day cycle, ovulation was the 13th-16th, with AF due on Mar. 2nd. (BD from the 8th-16th)

    I've been checking my cervix and its high, and soft (harder underneath) and wet, but I'm not sure if its open or closed (feels like a little slit) also I've been having some "signs" sore boobs, and more hungry than usual. not sure if that's PMS or what. I was just wondering what you all thought. I have taken 4 HPT's and all were negative, last test was on the 26th. would that still be to soon to test (using an 5 day sooner test) if AF is due on March 2nd? and what is up with my cervix? All answers are greatly appreciated, and thank you to all who answer :)

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Not sure what to think, Is it all just in my head?? Plz help.?

    So me and my husband are TTC. Last AF was on the 2nd, and ovulation days were the 8th-11th (I have a short 24 day cycle) we BD on the 8th, 9th, 11th and 12th. Lately I feel like I have common pregnancy symptoms, cramping, bloated, lots of trips to the bathroom, headaches, upset tummy, tired, dizzy, backaches. seems like the whole nine, lol. also b4 AF my boobs usually get a bit sore, and this time they're not. Also this morning I woke up at 6am really sick to my stomach. I never get sick enough to where it wakes me up!

    So I was just wondering what you all thought. is this all just in my head, or could I actually be prego this time?

    Im due for AF on the 26th so I don't wanna test to soon, when would be a good time to test?

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • what do you think my chances are?

    Ok so I have been trying to conceive for over a year now, I recently went to the doctors and was told I had to have my gallbladder out due to sever infection, and during this they checked my tubes and everything to make sure I there would be no problems for me to conceive, and everything looked great. so we started trying again this month, my LMP was on 2/2 and my cycle is only 24-25 days long, so my most fertile days were from the 8th-12th, we BD on the 9th, 10th and the 12th. and will prob. do so again tonight. what do you think my chances are of finally conceiving (assuming he doesn't have a fertility problem)?

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • What should I expect when I get my ultrasound for Endometriosis?

    I have an appt. on monday to get a vaginal ultrasound done to check for endometriosis. I have had both abdominal and vaginal ultrasounds before during pregnancy, I was just wondering how likely they will be able to see anything? Has anyone else had one done? did the tech show you what it looked like on the screen? and if so what does it look like?

    Thank you all for your help.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Plz help, could there be something wrong with my periods?

    Well for the last 3 or 4 months I have been having extremely heavy periods, with alot of clotting(big clots). now I usually have pretty normal periods, with no clotting at all, and its not to heavy, its been that way my whole life. Now with this last one I had to change just about every hour, and I was using a super plus tampon!! and it was like this for 2 day, and finally became lighter the 3 day, but still lots of clots, just smaller. I'm just wondering if any one knows if there could be something wrong. I'm am due for a pap next month, and plan on asking my dr. about it, but I was just wondering what you all thought about it. Sorry if this is TMI for you. Thanks for the help.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • What do you think this could be? pregnant or period?

    I know I posted this before, I only got a few responses to it, and just wanted a few more opinions on it. thank you to all who answer this.

    My AF was due on sunday, today I am 3 days late, and I have pretty normal cycles, anyways today around 3 I thought I started, so I used a tampon, well when I went to take it out about 6 hours later, there was only a very small amount of pink blood on there. Now normally when I start, its a pretty moderate flow. and a few weeks ago I experiences some spotting only when I wiped, and it only lasted for about half a day. Anyone ever have this happen to them? any ideas on what it could be. I'm not on BC and I do have unprotected sex so yes pregnancy could be a possibility, any one have this happen and then found out that they were pregnant? sorry if this was TMI.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Any ideas on what this could mean?

    My AF was due on sunday, today I am 3 days late, and I have pretty normal cycles, anyways today around 3 I thought I started, so I used a tampon, well when I went to take it out about 6 hours later, there was only a very small amount of pink blood on there. Now normally when I start, its a pretty moderate flow. and a few weeks ago I experiences some spotting only when I wiped, and it only lasted for about half a day. Anyone ever have this happen to them? any ideas on what it could be. I'm not on BC and I do have unprotected sex so yes pregnancy could be a possibility, any one have this happen and then found out that they were pregnant? sorry if this was TMI.

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Just thought I would see what you all thought this poem I wrote.?


    Turn her away

    Forgot the things

    She ment to say.

    Blood, Rain

    The feelings set free

    Trapped in her prison

    To many years to be.

    Hidden, Beaten

    She dosen't know

    Just an empty shell

    No where left to go.

    Left, Affraid

    In her darkened mind

    No emotion

    Nothing left to find.

    Torn, Forgotten

    All the things dreamed

    She is no where

    nothings as it seemed.

    Broken, Defeated

    As she is now

    Never ended

    She never knew how.

    Run, Fall

    She sat at night

    The sobbing tears

    She tried to fight.

    Cry, Death

    Thats how she'll be

    Wait around

    I'll let you see.

    8 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Slivia Drug Test---How Can You Pass It?

    I have a friend that is going to get a job where I work. I know that he will have to take a drug test and I know he will not pass if he dosn't do something. It is going to be a Slivia test, so what I am asking is if there are any tricks that he could use to pass this test. I know theres a mouthwash thats out there that helps you pass the test but its ~50$ and he dosn't have the money for that. If anyone has any tips I would appreaciate it. thank you. and please dont leave me the "dont do drugs then" answers, I already know that.

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Could this be a misscarriage?

    I was due for my period on the 28th of Sep. and I started bleeding on the 29th, and I had bad cramps(I normaly dont have them) I was really tired on the 28th(day befor bleeding) and dizzy. This morning I woke up and had to run to the bathroom because my period was really heavy!! I have to change almost every hour and a half. I have been passing blood clots and one of them was a little bigger in size than a golf ball. I have been feeling kinda sick to my tummy too. I was just wondering what you guys all think. [I am not on any birthcontrol and we do have unprotected sex]

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What was that cartoon about a boy who lived on the moon, it aired n the 70's or 80's?

    It was a cartoon about a boy that lived on the moon and he took care of a flower in a pot. I'f I remember right the boy is almost as big as the moon is. he wears pants that look like bellbottoms, and I think hes blonde. I just wanted to know the name of the cartoon. Thanks for your help!!

    1 AnswerComics & Animation1 decade ago