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Not sure what to think, Is it all just in my head?? Plz help.?

So me and my husband are TTC. Last AF was on the 2nd, and ovulation days were the 8th-11th (I have a short 24 day cycle) we BD on the 8th, 9th, 11th and 12th. Lately I feel like I have common pregnancy symptoms, cramping, bloated, lots of trips to the bathroom, headaches, upset tummy, tired, dizzy, backaches. seems like the whole nine, lol. also b4 AF my boobs usually get a bit sore, and this time they're not. Also this morning I woke up at 6am really sick to my stomach. I never get sick enough to where it wakes me up!

So I was just wondering what you all thought. is this all just in my head, or could I actually be prego this time?

Im due for AF on the 26th so I don't wanna test to soon, when would be a good time to test?


Thank you to all who answered my question, I will be testing on the 26th, and then later on if that one is neg. :)

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago

    I thought I was pregnant several times before I actually was because I thought I was having symptoms. When I finally was pregnant I thought that my period was just a few days late. It felt absolutely no different from normal PMS. I got a positive test 6 days after my period was due. About a week after that I started feeling exhausted and my breasts got really sore. But everything I've read say that you won't feel anything until after implantation, and that usually occurs when your period is due. I'd say try to relax and don't over-analyze your symptoms. If your period is several days late, take a test. I know it's exciting to anticipate, but it only stresses out your body and gets your hopes up. Good luck.

  • Traci
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It could be real pregnancy symptoms or it could be in your head. There are actual documented cases of women who stop getting their periods, have morning sickness, even start growing a little pregnant-like tummy just because they are wishing for it so hard. So just relax, it will all work out for you! If you aren't pregnant, just know that it might take a couple of months until you get the timing right! Good luck :)

  • 1 decade ago

    usually you wouldn't start to get symtoms untill your about 10 weeks first moody then nauseated then the boobs then cramping about in that order. it is the best time to test about 1 week after your missed period that way enough hgh will he in your system if you are to give you a positive result and if it's negative then it's pretty definate that your not because enough of the prego hormone should be in your system by then.

    GOOD luck

  • 1 decade ago

    Could be! Wait until your period's due, and longer if you can stand it, so there's less chance of a false negative.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know if you're pregnant, but I pray that you are!


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