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Lv 770,629 points

Cindy D

Favorite Answers10%
  • Recipe emergency!?

    I have a cake recipe that calls for a 9x9 pan. There IS no such animal in my kitchen. I have lots of other sizes, but not that one. This is a "dump cake" that cannot be mixed and then poured into two smaller pans. Advice?

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes6 years ago
  • Can't get special characters on my keyboard?

    My laptop keyboard does not allow me to use the alt + number combinations I need to get the special characters (accents and such) for Spanish. This MAY be related to the fact that the number pad doesn't work. I bought this laptop used, and I think something might have been spilled on that side of the keyboard. But I don't get why the combinations don't work with the number row at the top of the alpha keys. I hope to be able to get the laptop repaired soon, but in the meantime, any work-arounds?


    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks7 years ago
  • Macrolide antibiotics--does problem with one automatically rule out others?

    I can't take zithromax, but I have taken another macrolide several times in the last few years (clarithromycin?), and don't recall having any trouble with it. But now they say I can't take it any more. I have had so many drug reactions in the past that there are very few antibiotics I can take, and don't want to cut this one off the list unless it's absolutely necessary. It's good for bronchitis, which I tend to get two or three times a year at least.

    My reaction to zithromax years ago was chest pain. The urgent care doctor I saw at the time (I was out of town) diagnosed pleurisy caused by the medicine. This sounds a little odd to me now that I think about it, but I suppose it's possible.

    Do you know anything about this kind of drug reaction? Can you give me information or intelligent questions to ask my doctor and pharmacist to get to the bottom of this?

    Thanks so much for your help.

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care8 years ago
  • What has happened to yahoo games?

    Why can't I play any yahoo free games any more? Everything keeps going to downloads, and I don't WANT downloads!

    2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products8 years ago
  • Locked out of iPad--need help!?

    My daughter accidentally locked herself out of her iPad. As you know if you are familiar with iPad, this could lead to loss of all her stuff on it. The help information tells us to start by backing it up, but we don't know how if we can't get in. We don't want to start over again from ground zero, as she has a lot of pictures, videos, etc., that she really values. I probably have room on my PC for anything that needs to be backed up. I have a lot more memory than I have actually used, and she has only had her iPad a few months.

    Thanks so much!

    What do we do? This is our first i-device, and we aren't familiar with the Apple stuff at ALL. If you can help, please assume zero knowledge on our part. (As far as I am concerned, computers should do as they are told and shut up about it!)

    6 AnswersSecurity8 years ago
  • Suggestions for laptop?

    Looking for a laptop to replace my desktop with a budget of no more than $500. I do mostly internet and word processing, very few games, like Spider and Cubis and some children's games. We do some photos, but not a lot so far. It needs to be tough, as I am a born klutz. It needs to be reliable to last for several years. Its "home" is going to be my desk, but the room where it's located doesn't have good heating or air, so the laptop will be moving around a good bit according to whether or not that room is comfortable, which means good battery life. I need a decent-sized keyboard to fit my fingers on and a well-lit screen. It definitely should have a disk drive/burner. I am a stay-at-home mom for the moment, planning to return to work soon, but I don't anticipate needing to use this laptop for work, if that helps.

    This may sound silly, but I honestly don't know the answer: do all laptops these days do wi-fi or is that something I need to check on when I am looking?

    The computer I have now is pretty "old" in computer terms. We are planning to keep it for my son's games and such, but I spend a lot of time calling it "you stupid machine" and getting frustrated with it when I need to do my stuff. I'm about ready for a new and better one.

    Whatever advice you can give will be helpful and appreciated. Thanks!

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • Is this name male or female? Probably from the Indian subcontinent?

    I am going to be sending my resume in for an open position in my field in a new business opening nearby. The first name of the person I am going to be sending it to is Kishor. The last name I have seen before and I believe is Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi, but the first name is new to me. I would like to be able to use a courtesy title with his/her name, but I don't think I will get any brownie points for the wrong gender! The business is not open yet, so there is no way to call. I found out about this through a campus office which is now closed for the weekend and I would rather not wait until Monday.

    Your help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

    3 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Is this name male or female? Probably from the Indian subcontinent?

    I am going to be sending my resume in for an open position in my field in a new business opening nearby. The first name of the person I am going to be sending it to is Kishor. The last name I have seen before and I believe is Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi, but the first name is new to me. I would like to be able to use a courtesy title with his/her name, but I don't think I will get any brownie points for the wrong gender! The business is not open yet, so there is no way to call. I found out about this through a campus office which is now closed for the weekend and I would rather not wait until Monday.

    Your help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

    5 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups8 years ago
  • Research Participants Institute in Dallas area?

    Are you familiar with this company? Is this good for part-time work? I checked with the BBB and they are not a member, but of course there's no requirement that they have to be. There are no complaints listed with the BBB, but I don't know if there would be since they aren't a member. Do you or does someone you know have personal experience with them? If someone does in-person or on-line work for them, do the checks come on time?

    This looks like a good opportunity, but I don't want to get burned. It looks like it could be too good to be true, so if you are actually familiar with them, please let me know your opinion. If you'd rather send it in an email through Y!A to keep it private, that's fine.

    Thanks very much!

    3 AnswersDallas8 years ago
  • Alt character to type division sign?

    How do you type the division sign, the one with with one dot over the bar and one under?


    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • Help cleaning the crock-pot!?

    I tried a new recipe the other day and it was a disaster. It was supposed to be a breakfast recipe, and among the ingredients were apples and honey. It said to cook for 7-9 hours, so I put it in just before bedtime, but in the night I started smelling a burning smell (after maybe only 3-4 hours), and when I checked it at the right time it was a MESS. I soaked it immediately, but it didn't come clean. We have tried boiling water, repeatedly, and every kind of cleaner we can think of. We have soaped and scraped and scrubbed. Finally there is only a tiny bit left, but it is STUCK around the bottom edge.

    Do you know what we can use to get the residue off that won't damage the crockpot? It's almost new and I hate to spend the money to replace it if I can avoid it.

    Next time I will use one of those crock-pot bags!

    3 AnswersCleaning & Laundry8 years ago
  • OK for my son to go back to school after flu?

    My 5-year-old son is recovering from the flu. He came down sick Wednesday night and was tested at the doctor's office on Friday. He did have the flu, specifically Type A. We started the Tamiflu Friday night and by Saturday his temp was down to normal and he's had no more fever since. He is acting like he feels fine, and was actually pretty active today.

    The doctor's office said he had to be fever-free for 24 hours. I know that flu can pretty well wipe you out for quite a while after the fever goes down, but he seems to be back to his normal, active, little-boy self. He doesn't have enough absences for one more to be a problem, and academically it won't hurt him to miss another day, as he's a bit ahead of most of his class. I plan to check on him during the night and make sure all his activity today doesn't bring his fever back up.

    Assuming his fever doesn't come back up, should I keep him home tomorrow? Nothing short of Benadryl will keep him resting at home during the day. I guess what I really need to know is if he could still possibly be contagious, or if he REALLY needs more enforced rest. He's better a lot faster than the doctor thought he would be, and if I wait to call the doctor tomorrow, and the doctor gives the go-ahead, he'll be at least an hour late.

    Experienced parents or health professionals, what do you think? Thanks!

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases8 years ago
  • OK for my son to go back to school after flu?

    My 5-year-old son is recovering from the flu. He came down sick Wednesday night and was tested at the doctor's office on Friday. He did have the flu, specifically Type A. We started the Tamiflu Friday night and by Saturday his temp was down to normal and he's had no more fever since. He is acting like he feels fine, and was actually pretty active today.

    The doctor's office said he had to be fever-free for 24 hours. I know that flu can pretty well wipe you out for quite a while after the fever goes down, but he seems to be back to his normal, active, little-boy self. He doesn't have enough absences for one more to be a problem, and academically it won't hurt him to miss another day, as he's a bit ahead of most of his class. I plan to check on him during the night and make sure all his activity today doesn't bring his fever back up.

    Assuming his fever doesn't come back up, should I keep him home tomorrow? Nothing short of Benadryl will keep him resting at home during the day. I guess what I really need to know is if he could still possibly be contagious, or if he REALLY needs more enforced rest. He's better a lot faster than the doctor thought he would be, and if I wait to call the doctor tomorrow, and the doctor gives the go-ahead, he'll be at least an hour late.

    Experienced parents, what do you think? Thanks!

  • Need to know date in past?

    I need to know the date of the last Friday in October in the year 2000. Can you tell me of a website that can figure these things out? Thank you very much!

    1 AnswerTrivia9 years ago
  • Changing career suggestions?

    I have been a classroom teacher and a school librarian, and now I'm a stay-at-home mom. I need to go back to work. I do NOT want to be a classroom teacher any more, and there are no library jobs in my area. Moving is not an option. What kind of family-friendly jobs would you recommend for a former teacher? Serious responses only, please!

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • One more time! Ethical question: What to include or not include on your resume?

    I keep hoping I will get some varied opinions on this, maybe even a discussion! But I've only gotten one answer in two postings. :(

    I am redoing my resume looking for a new job in a different field. I have always just assumed that I should never leave out a job on my resume because that might look dishonest, but I have just been talking to someone who used to be in the human resources field, and she disagrees. She says that everyone has things they leave off to present themselves in the best light. Basically, the resume is to get your foot in the door, and you can tell them the other stuff later, which I would!

    This is the one she says I should leave off. Years ago, I took a job that I only stayed with a short time. I knew it would be a stressful job when I took it. The reason I left was that I was physically completely exhausted due to not only the stress of the job, but also some undiagnosed minor medical stuff, which is now controlled with medicines. I simply was not able to do my best, and I felt that it would be better for someone else to do this. I didn't find out about the medical problems until actually a couple of years later. I have had other positions since then, in fact, I had other jobs before I found out about the medical stuff, but they weren't as stressful physically demanding as the one I left. I did give my employers notice and enough time to replace me, and I made it a point to have all my responsibilities completed and up-to-date when I left. I didn't do ANYTHING wrong here, I just was a walking zombie!

    I really would prefer to leave this job off, as the short time period doesn't look good, but I certainly don't want to lose a future position because they think I was dishonest! I definitely would not leave it off the official application for whatever I was applying for.

    Also, how far back should I go? I have been employed most of the last 35 years!

    I want to present myself in the best light, but I don't want anyone thinking I was being deceptive. What do you think?

    5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • Repost: Ethical question: What to include or not to include on resume?

    I am redoing my resume looking for a new job in a different field. I have always just assumed that I should never leave out a job on my resume because that might look dishonest, but I have just been talking to someone who used to be in the human resources field, and she disagrees. She says that everyone has things they leave off to present themselves in the best light. Basically, the resume is to get your foot in the door, and you can tell them the other stuff later, which I would!

    This is the one she says I should leave off. Years ago, I took a job that I only stayed with a short time. I knew it would be a stressful job when I took it. The reason I left was that I was physically completely exhausted due to not only the stress of the job, but also some undiagnosed minor medical stuff, which is now controlled with medicines. I simply was not able to do my best, and I felt that it would be better for someone else to do this. I didn't find out about the medical problems until actually a couple of years later. I have had other positions since then, in fact, I had other jobs before I found out about the medical stuff, but they weren't as stressful physically demanding as the one I left. I did give my employers notice and enough time to replace me, and I made it a point to have all my responsibilities completed and up-to-date when I left. I didn't do ANYTHING wrong here, I just was a walking zombie!

    I really would prefer to leave this job off, as the short time period doesn't look good, but I certainly don't want to lose a future position because they think I was dishonest! I definitely would not leave it off the official application for whatever I was applying for.

    I want to present myself in the best light, but I don't want anyone thinking I was being deceptive. What do you think?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • Texas Life Insurance Certification confirmation?

    Many years ago, I passed the test to be a certified life insurance agent in Texas, and worked selling life insurance for a little while. Sales is definitely not for me, but it would be useful if I could get a copy of the certification or whatever it was called. I don't have mine any more, and have no idea where to begin with this. Can you help?

    Thanks very much!

    2 AnswersInsurance9 years ago