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  • do i have tokophobia?

    Ok so it has been getting worse and worse. I really don't mind it I mean if I ever wanted a kid I would adopt anyways so yeah.

    My whole life I didn't hate babies/pregnancy related things as much as I hate them now but I never ever thought babies were cute at all. When people had a crib with a baby in it everyone would go "awww how cute" and I kept my distance and didn't say anything.

    But now I find any baby less than at least one and a half year old a grotesque alien thing.

    I'm totally fine with toddlers they can be cute just annoying.

    Whenever i see a pregnant lady walk by I want to throw up and If i read about pregnancy i will start to breath really fast/hypervenilate and want to cry (I never end up crying though)

    I can't watch any baby related shows or commercials without closing my eyes and covering my ears. The last time I saw that show where the ladies don't know they are pregnant or something I threw up in my mouth and hyperventilated

    And the babies cry and laugh and whatever noises babies make drives me crazy.

    I can't watch any horror movies either with babies. Watching orphan with my intesnse pregnancy fear was the worse idea of my life holy ****.

    I also hate it when people use baby talk to talk to dogs my mom does it all the time and she does it high pitched and it's awful Its so bad i cry and she doesn't care because the dog likes it.

    The reason why I ask this is because maybe my mom will see I do have an issue and perhaps she can have the courtesy to not baby talk to the dog so loud that I can hear it when i'm trying to play guitar!

    2 AnswersWomen's Health10 years ago
  • Do I have a good chance of working at guitar center?

    I'm only 13 but I'm talking about if I were to have a workers permit at SIXTEEN and filled out an application would they accept me?

    All my friends play instruments and I play guitar so I know a lot about the instruments and their equipment.

    I listen to 50's-90's music and my favorite artists are The Beatles, Green Day, David Bowie, The Clash, Elvis Presley, The Runaways, Led Zepplin, etc etc

    Sorry for asking this even though I'm not 16 yet, my parents insist I will end up working at mcdonalds because of my shitty grades in math. They think there are no jobs in the music industry.

    1 AnswerPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • How can I become paler?

    I use Olay complete all day UV moisturiozer with 15 SPF but i'm still a weird tan blocchy color. Naturally i'm as pale as a ghost...i'm not trying to be as pale as I was when I was born but as close as i can without any chemicals.

    When it's very cold my skin gets as pale as a vampire (no i'm not a twilight freak) yet I look way prettier paler. Pale skin looks way better with my make up (red eyeshadow & black), my hair looks much better with pale skin too.

    How can I NATURALLY make my face whiter without looking like micheal jackson....I already tried those lemon face mask recipes none of them made any difference. What other fruits can I use to get paler?

    I always wear sun glasses but that doesn't do anything, not that I care I just love ray bans.

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • did my **** stop growing?

    when I first started puberty, they used to grow a new bra size every month and once they stopped.

    They haven't grown at all in 1 1/2 years...I can't even fit a 34 A pushup bra with the padding inside. Look I know your breasts can't stop growing until puberty but what the hell! I don't know why they won't grow anymore.

    I'm only 13 yes i've got plenty of time, but why have they well not changed?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • No bootable device insert boot disk?

    Help please I'm getting this error message and I have no idea what to do I'm just a kid and my mom will kill me and buy her a new har drive if she finds out. the screws on the bottom of my computer were really loose but I don't own a screwdriver and I thought it was the computer battery so I didn't pay much attention to it. Turns out it's the hard drive. It fell out on my lap so I put it back in and found a Bobby pin and screwed it back in and now I have this error. I put it in right. Please help I'm in tears my mom can't know I need to fix this and I have no money plus I used all my monthly data on my iPhone so just being on the iPhone now is costing me 10 bucks

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Should I use nair again?

    people always make fun of my abnormally, manish arm hair. in class people just stare at my arms.

    after 13 years of bullying i tried to use nair today and the pain was unbarable! Now one of my arms are still hairy and the other one has patches of hair and cuts and blood.

    But it looks even worse and it's like 80 degrees and now I have to wear long sleeve. I hate having so much hair EVERYWHERE.

    No seriously even on my butt, as gross as that sounds. Even on my stomach. I grow hair like a man and everyone stares at me I hate it.

    Waxing doesn't last. i have some super fast growing hair and if I wax it grows back as if I shaved...

    I spent 20 ******* dollars on nair and it slaughtered my skin. but I really need to get rid of the hair! should I use it in an hour or something?

    Oh by the way my hair is BLACK. It's so LONG bleaching doesn't make it any better.

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • What am i doing wrong? (my new boss pedal will not work!)?

    The other day I was so excited, I bought my first guitar pedal, a boss blues driver pedal and when I went home to test it out it worked fine but now (3 days later) it won't turn on at all. The light doesn't turn on and when I push the pedal it doesn't change anything.

    I tried different cables everything and I don't know why it won't work! I connect 1 cable to the OUTPUT to the amp and then the INPUT to the guitar. I tried the other way around too, still nothing.

    I think it just like burnt out. I saved up for 6 ******* months and I didn't even get to play one song with it.

    I didn't have the money for the 20$ guitar center insurance and I can't find my receipt anywhere is there anything I can do?

    5 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • i'm dead scared of my father?

    He's ALWAYS been a big douche bag. He hasn't like hit me or anything but he's been the cuase of my depression for years. Every week for 9 years and (now) I would cry for hourrs before I had to see him.

    I finally got the courage to tell him straight out how I feel and everything by email since just his voice scares the piss out of me and he doesn't care (as usual) and says i'm seeing him whether I like it or not, i'm grounded, and children have NO SAY in ANYTHING and they don't know what they want.

    I forgot to say my parents are divorced and by law i'm required to see him every other weekend and he gets other visitation times like "vacations" "holidays" and all we spend them is by forcing me to sit in his office and he sits next to me yelling at me to do better in school and making me study.

    I NEVER loved him. not one bit deep in side. he thought he had a stroke once and i was in the emergency room for 3+ hours and I was HAPPY.

    I told him everything about how he's a big douche bag and he's angrier than ever and I have to see him in 30 minutes!

    He said he doesn't care if he has to drag me to his car and I have to go by law.

    please help what can I do? i don't want to go and i beg my mom but by law she can't just not take me!

    He has 0 custody of me but he has visitation. When i'm there all I can think of is suicide. It's not fair!

    I can't go to court to get him to have 0 visitation rights because my mom is a bit poor and he has a stable job so they'd probably do the opposite of what I want and make me live with him since he's the one with the money.

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Would this make my ignorant father let me be vegetarian?

    I haven't seen him in a month and well i'm now a vegetarian. I told him over the phone and he told me he couldn't care less and that i'm eating meat whether I like it or not.

    I've showed him all the studies proving a vegetarian diet is healthiest. I can't show him the animal abuse stuff because he simply doesn't care about animals except for dogs.

    He still thinks every vegan/vegetarian/pescatarian is crazy.

    I do have the digestive system of a 60 year old though, and the ONLY way to go to the bathroom is by taking tons of NutraLax. Fiber doesn't help either. Nothing does except for this laxative powder stuff.

    I've heard meat is hard to digest so if I say that the nutritionist suggested it for my digestive issues do you think he'll let me?

    He's always hated vegetarians, he's a real met lover. I never liked meat to me it's disgusting and looking at animal flesh on my plate always makes me want to puke.

    I don't see why he won't let me! I take iron & calcium supplements. I even said that i'd bring my own dinner to his house!

    If I brought my own meals when I visit my father it wouldn't affect him at all! He wouldn't have to eat what I have to eat and he can eat his meat.

    A vegetarian diet would be much healthier for him too, he's like 200 pounds and has cholesterol problems that he takes pills for. He also could get a heart disease any second. He never excersizes so a healthier diet would really be better for him.

    What should I do? My father is so ignorant and annoying, I always hated him but sadly I can't get a court order so I never have to see him again because he has a higher income than my mom and a social worker would probably make me have to live with him, the opposite of what I want.

    13 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Do you think it's right for me to almost get suspended for this?

    I wear a wallet chain attatched to my pants & wallet.

    I walk home and to school and I need a place to put my key and everytime it's in my backpack it's either stolen or missing. There's this slot where I put the key and I haven't lost it since then.

    My chain is this one, not very big and there's a kid in my school with a BIG THICK ONE on his neck. He could choke himself because his is so heavy yet I can't wear my wallet.

    I have no idea what kind of metal it is because it's very light. His leaves red marks on his neck because his is so heavy and dense and thick yet i'm the one who might get suspended for wearing mine.

    I've been in the school for 3 years and until now nobody said it was against the rules. I read the student handbook and it doesn't mention anything about chain wallets.

    The libarian who keeps confiscating it says "oh i'm sorry but if somebody from the union school district sees it I might get fired :O"

    She sometimes doesn't even return it and I have to beg a teacher for the key into the library for my damn house key!

    If I do get suspended what do I do? Sometimes the wallet comes out of my butt and I don't notice without the chain and I almost lost my house key.

    I can't trust anybody from stealing my money and stuff in my backpack because more than 50 ipods and valuables were stolen.

    10 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • how do I just get ONE dreadlock?

    I just

    Like all my hair normal and straight but with 1 medium sized dreadlock

    I'm cutting my hair short so i can use the extra hair and make my own extensions (my parents refuse to let me get a dread, so i'll make an extension)

    When I cut my hair how do I tie the ends and turn it into a dread? I don't want one huge thick one.

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • my jealously is driving me insane?

    Everybody I know is living my dream that i'll do anything to persue.

    My dream is: be in a band, It's all I want. Whenever I listen to music, I can only think of me playing in a band. If anybody is like trying to talk to me during a guitar solo or something, I swear i will punch them even if they are giving me something.

    My friends:

    has been playing guitar for 6 years, she's very good and she has the balls (and voice) to sing infront of people.

    has been playing guitar for 8 years, he's amazing and he's met many famous guitarists.

    my other friends are all in a band together. Like a band of six or something. They already play at gigs and everything, and they can write lyrics. one of them plays the bass, one plays drums and the other one plays guitar. I heard there's more people in the band though...

    Me: I just started guitar and I have made little progess in the time i've been playing. I don't even know one song and it's been,what a month?

    I've always tried to make lyrics but I have writers block on everything. I also can't come up with tunes.

    They don't even seem to love music as much as I do. all i talk about is music. I have nothing else to say.

    My jealously is so strong i've been being really mean to all of them. I can't take it anymore. I'll cry for hours about it, and slashing knives in my hip.

    I'm only 13 and they've made so much progress compared to me. I'll never achieve my dreams.

    I've been trying to play Helter skelter by the beatles and I still can't play it! It's their easisest song...

    The only difference is that I have the worst amplifier in the world (I can't believe it has 4/5 star ratings....sounds like a garbage disposal!)

    Also my friends all have Gibsons or epiphone guitars. Their guitars seem MUCH smaller than mine...I have an American Fender Strat, and my guitar is so heavy and my fingers can't reach any fret that's not next to another. On theirs I can though, but perhaps it's just a beginners thing.

    What do I do? I might become too violent. what if my rage get's stronger? today I can't just be happy for them, i just can't take it anymore.

    3 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Coming from a vegetarian: PETA SUCKS!?

    Why do people support that orginization?

    I think their orginization is driving people away from veganism & vegetarianism.

    They bash on people who own pets. So if I have a dog with a missing leg and arthritis and I saved it frim dying that's bad?

    What about see-ing eye dogs? Nope, bad bad according to PETA. No wool either.

    PETA has given tens of thousands of dollars to convicted arsonists and other violent criminals. This includes a 2001 donation of $1,500 to the North American Earth Liberation Front (ELF), an FBI-certified "domestic terrorist" group responsible for dozens of firebombs and death threats. During the 1990s, PETA paid $70,200 to an Animal Liberation Front (ALF) activist convicted of burning down a Michigan State University research laboratory. In his sentencing recommendation, a federal prosecutor implicated PETA president Ingrid Newkirk in that crime. And PETA vegetarian campaign coordinator Bruce Friedrich told an animal rights convention in 2001 that "blowing stuff up and smashing windows" is "a great way to bring about animal liberation.

    PETA has repeatedly attacked research foundations like the March of Dimes, the Pediatric AIDS Foundation, and the American Cancer Society, because they support animal-based research that might uncover cures for birth defects and life-threatening diseases. PETA president Ingrid Newkirk has said that "even if animal research resulted in a cure for AIDS, we would be against it."

    What about rats? Yes they are living animals with feelings but all rats do is harm people in the first place.

    They can do the AIDS testing on rats.

    PETA also targets young children with horrifing pamphelts. I mean yes it's hypocritical to give a child a cute little stuffed cow and then have the kid eat mcdonalds for dinner.

    But still instead of scaring the living crap out of the kid come up with some better way to get kids to be vegan.

    A knife through a bunny isn't going to make anybody vegan more give the person nightmares.

    I'm a vegetarian myself so no need to rant about how i'm a disgrace to animals.

    8 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Where the hell can I get a damn dreadlock extension?

    My parents hate people with dreadlocks and won't stfu about how "nasty and disgusting" they are.

    I just want one random dread lock. All my hair is perfectly straight but I want like one smallish extension,

    Like you know those hot topic extensions? Well like that but a dread lock! Hot topic used to have them but not anymore.

    I looked all over the internet and all I can find is like a wig or a bunch of dread thingys.

    I want a TINY one. All I can find is those huge extensions with about 50 rainbow dreads on them. those are so ugly in my opinion.

    I'm not some raver goth or anything. I just want one f''ucking rasta dread and i can't find one. I used to hate dreads when hot topic had them -_-

    BTW I need like a dark brown colored one.

    PLEASE give me a link. I don't care if you "think" spencers has them. They don't. Do not answer if you don't know or your answer will get deleted.

    Sorry for being harsh but I always get the WORST answers on my questions.

    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • How snowy will it be in Washington DC in 2 weeks?

    I'm from California and I barely have any winter clothes, nor can I afford a winter jacket.

    I'm already shivering here. Even if I wear a thick flannel w/ soft stuff in the inside and a leather jacket i'm STILL freezing.

    How can I stay warm with only 2 thin long sleeves, fake leather jacket, and a bunch of flannels.

    My parents refuse to go shopping for a jacket. also what do I do about my legs?

    I only have skinny jeans and long underwear won't fit. Should I wear my gym class sweat pants over my pants and maybe tights underneath the pants?

    It's a school trip. It costs hundreds of dollars and if I get sick they'll send me home, and no refund and it will cost thousands of dollars for my mom to pick me up and bring me home. She's unemployed so that can't happen...

    I saw on the tv there's a blizzard! Should I buy like 50 of those heat pack things from the dollar stores and put them under all my layers?

    Also when we go to museums wtf am I supposed to do? I'll burn with the heater with all the layers and layers of clothing and no place to put them.

    Buying more clothing is not an option. I'm like broke and I buy all my clothing. My 60$ i've been saving for 2 months on new guitar pickups are going to be wasted on ugly boots just for this trip.

    7 AnswersWashington, D.C.1 decade ago
  • Teens: Your opinion on.....TAXIDERMY?

    I think it's creepy and gross. I can't go in a house with a f'ucking stuffed dead cat or dog...

    It's kind of rude to the animal IMO. Yeah he's dead and dead things have no feelings but still for me it just doesn't seem right. It's eyes just stare at you like this O_O.

    People say it's because they love the animal around but that happy cute loving lively charm in its eye is one of the best features and that just disappears when it dies. It feels cold.

    Also it must be disgusting for anybody to be in the taxidermy buisiness. Scooping out organs...yay?

    I'm asking this because I was at this girl's house for a science project and she was hugging her cat and told me that when the cat dies she's going to get it stuffed and put it in her room.

    I kind of just kept quiet but I suggested for her to just get a painting or a small ceramic statue look alike of her cat but she said "I want (I forgot the cats name) with me forever (:"

    I hope I don't have to go to her house for a science project after her cat is dead.

    6 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • PLEASE ANSWER: I need help dying my pants (I asked this 2 times and 0 answers!)?

    I want these to be black:

    (44% polyester, 53% cottons, 3% spandex)

    I also have a pair of MULTICOLORED blue jeans that are

    80% cotton, 15% polyester, 5% elastane

    They aren't rainbow or anything it's just normal blue jeans but with ugly splotches of dark blue & light blue.

    I want them this color:

    I also have a pair of purple skinny jeans (96% cotton/algodon, 4% spandex) which are purple and i'd like them to be black as well.

    Since each of them are different colors and fabrics should I dye them seperately? I have very little money so I can't get expensive dyes.

    All I have is black liquid rit dye in a bottle.

    What should I do for each one to become the colors I want and which dyes should I buy?

    Should I bleach them too? I have no idea what to do.

    My mom keeps saying they will all turn brown but I don't see how they would if I bleached them...doesn't bleach turn things completely white?

    (this is a re-post since nobody answered my question in the other section)

    4 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Help dying my pants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    I want these to be black:

    (44% polyester, 53% cottons, 3% spandex)

    I also have a pair of MULTICOLORED blue jeans that are

    80% cotton, 15% polyester, 5% elastane

    They aren't rainbow or anything it's just normal blue jeans but with ugly splotches of dark blue & light blue.

    I want them this color:

    I also have a pair of purple skinny jeans (96% cotton/algodon, 4% spandex) which are purple and i'd like them to be black as well.

    Since each of them are different colors and fabrics should I dye them seperately? I have very little money so I can't get expensive dyes.

    All I have is black liquid rit dye in a bottle.

    What should I do for each one to become the colors I want and which dyes should I buy?

    Should I bleach them too? I have no idea what to do.

    My mom keeps saying they will all turn brown but I don't see how they would if I bleached them...doesn't bleach turn things completely white?

    (this is a re-post since nobody answered my question in the other section)

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • My friend can't afford an eye doctor but she has the same prescription as me?

    her eye doctor dramatically increased the price for exams but my friend has the same exact prescription as me and she needs glasses.

    She doesn't have the paper though. If she took this info to lenscrafters or something would they let her get glasses?


    (R) OD : -0.75

    (L) OS : -0.75

    Date of exam:

    July 22, 2010





    Or would they tell her to get the paper with her eyedoctor's signature?

    3 AnswersOptical1 decade ago