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  • Where can I find a website that has a lot of free powerpoint presentations?

    I am looking for a website that has a large collection of K-12 power point teaching lessons. I am looking particularly for math, reading, and writing lessons.

    4 AnswersTeaching5 years ago
  • If I work from home, should I be reimbursed for my internet and phone?

    I am a teacher that works from home. I am a full time contracted employee. Should I be reimbursed for internet? I use my cell phone for work( I use it a lot). Should they be reimbursing me for that too?

    2 AnswersSmall Business7 years ago
  • Looking for lentil recipes?

    Looking for some delicious recipes that I can use cooked lentils in. Anyone have any? I prefer to use a lot of fresh whole foods from my garden. Please no soup! I made some last week, and I am still trying to finish it.

    4 AnswersEthnic Cuisine7 years ago
  • help me answer some questions! For teacher?

    .I am having a hard time with this. Would like someone to help! Please match(number with a letter) each of the major roles that parents have played with the corresponding descriptor of that role.

    1.Encourage parents to participate or help them to connect with a PEC member who can help them find the right group.

    2.Great changes in the field are attributed to this role

    3.Don't be authoritative or assume that you are the center of the decision-making team; this creates barriers in the process.

    4.Don't assume that this is a role that all parents will play.

    Great changes in the field are attributed to this role

    5.Head Start included programs to improve this role

    6.Mutual action, collaboration and collective wisdom for outcomes that benefit all members

    7.Do not blame the family for the child's disability - even if there is evidence that they have contributed. Instead, look for ways to support them and affirm their positive contributions.

    8.IDEA grants this role to be a right of parents

    A. Parents as recipients of professional decisions

    B. Parents as organization members

    c.Parents as service developers

    d. Parents as teachers

    e. parents as political advocates

    f. parents as educational decision makers

    g. families as partners

    h. parents as source or cause of child's disability

    1 AnswerTeaching7 years ago
  • My BMI puts me in the obese range, but no Dr. has ever been concerned?

    My BMI number is in the obese range. I have been to Dr.'s and none of them have ever told me(even when I weighed more than I do now) that I should lose weight. A chart would tell me that I need to lose about 50 pounds to be in the health weight range. That does not seem like it would be a good weight for my body. I carry most of my weight in my hips, butt, and thigh area. I have muscular legs and calves. The crazy thing is that I am kind of bony in other parts of my body. My shoulders are sculpted and I have thin face. People have even poked fun out of me saying I look sickly because my collarbones stick out so much. My ribs and backbone are kind of bony. When I exercise it is often painful to do exercises like a V-up. Even with a mat my tailbone digs into the ground.

    I have been told my blood pressure is very good. Diabetes runs in my family, so I bought a testing kit to make sure I stay in the normal range. I test it randomly and and have gotten numbers between 85-92. I am a very healthy eater(made changes in 2006). I eat mostly organic fruits, veggies, lean chicken and turkey, eggs, quinoa, beans, lentals, etc. I do not eat processed foods, eat out ever, drink pop or sugary drinks, or fried foods. I'm thinking about going completely sugar and gluten free to see if it makes any difference. I work out on a daily basis. I love to walk and will walk several miles a day. I do cardio workouts that focus on certain parts of the body. So what am I doing wrong?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • Does anyone use satellite direct?

    What is the catch? What are the pros and cons? Do you need any special equipment to use it?

    In order to watch many of the shows do you have to enter username and password from a cable provider?

    2 AnswersTiVO & DVRs7 years ago
  • What ingredient in store bought ice cream is making me sick?

    I have no problems eating cheese, sour cream, and all dairy products. I can eat homemade ice cream that I make with organic non-homogenized milk and any store bought ice cream that is organic or labeled "natural". All other ice cream will make me very sick. I get terrible cramps and problems with my stomach. What is in it that makes me sick?

    4 AnswersOther - Food & Drink7 years ago
  • Looking for gluten free flour mix recipes.?

    I am looking for gluten free flour mixes I can make at home. Buying bulk and mixing my own is much more cost effective. I am looking for mixes that you use on a regular basis. I am looking for mixes that would work well in baked items such as cakes, cookies. I am also looking for flour mixes that work well in bread and tortilla recipes. Something multi. purpose would be great. I would like to stay away from potato, soy, corn, and bean flours/starches.. I tried the Hodgson Mill mix and really liked it. It has millet, sorghum, brown rice, and xanthan gum. what ratio of each would I use to make this? I also like other grains like:





    If you have a recipe that you use that incorporates those flour it would be even better! tapioca in place of xanthan gum is what I prefer.

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • What is the recipe for the best chocolate cake you make on a regular basis?

    I am looking for a recipe for moist and delicious chocolate cake. I have a recipe, but I am just looking for something new and different. What recipe do you use on a regular basis? I prefer cakes that use buttermilk as a liquid. I do not have coffee, yogurt, or sour cream on hand(prefer not going to store during storm). so please no recipes with those things included. I also do not want anything like pudding or devils food mix.


    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Jeans for a women that is curvy?

    The so called "curvy fit" jeans all the companies are coming out with are epic fails. NONE are truly for a curvy women. It seems as if they need to do some research! I need jeans that will fit someone with fuller hips and thighs and a smaller waist. I am looking to get answers from a women that has the same proportions as myself. Please have a waist measurement that is at least 15 inches smaller then the widest part of your hips.

    A website or stores in chicago would be great!!

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • Why would someone use inappropriate pictures on ebay to sell?

    They use a women to try and sell clothes. The women has a terrible breast job and no bra(or ill fitting one). Many items are pretty much see through and everything is hanging out. I just don't get the reasoning for it. They are of very bad taste. Wouldn't this be against seller policies?

  • Place to buy sprouted grain flour online?

    I am looking to buy sprouted grain flour online. What is the best place to order from? I prefer a site that offers several different kinds of sprouted grain flours. A blended baking mix would be even better. A reasonable price please!

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Best place to buy a memory foam topper?

    I am looking to buy a 4 inch memory foam topper. Where can I get the best quality at the best price?

    5 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling9 years ago
  • Recipe for a cold Thai peanut/chicken pasta salad?

    I'm looking for a Cold thai peanut/chicken pasta salad recipe.

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Anyone out there with an intolerance to wheat/gluten?

    I'm starting to think I have some kind of intolerance to wheat/gluten. A couple years ago I switched over to sprouted grains and it helped some. Is it common to get a lump in throat, feel like you have some ingestion, feeling kind of lightheaded, foggy mind,very tired, and bloating after eating something with wheat?

    4 AnswersAllergies10 years ago
  • What is the best organic shampoo?

    I have tried Morocco Method and it did not work for me. Is the anything that you use, and you get great results?

    Please no so called organic shampoos loaded with chemicals.

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • pattern dystrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium?

    I have recently been diagnosed with adult onset pattern dystrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium. I have blurred vision which only can be corrected to 20/20-(have no idea what that means, Dr. just said this). He really did not have much to say as far as options go. Since it is rare, there is not much info out there about this condition. Any professionals out there that could help me understand my condition more and what could help correct my vision. I also have a posterior subcapsular cataract in one eye,if that makes a difference. He suggested not having surgery for that. NO copy and paste answers..I could do that on my own.

    1 AnswerOptical1 decade ago
  • who is grossed out by head cheese and braunschweiger?

    Is it just me or do they smell and look so gross it makes you want to throw up?

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • who is grossed out by head cheese and braunschweiger?

    Is it just me or do they smell and look so gross it makes you want to throw up?

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • who is grossed out by head cheese and braunschweiger?

    Is it just me or do they smell and look so gross it makes you want to throw up?

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago