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Lifeless Energy

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  • Diluting Solutions . . . . . HELP!!!?

    Ok, so I've been wracking my brains and searching on Google for what seems like an age.

    Nothing seems to make sense to me.

    Here's my question.

    ' It is required to make a 0.028M solution of potassium nitrate from 72.6mL of a stock solution whose concentration is 0.106M. What volume of water would you need to add? (mL)

    Anyone want to help? PLEASE!! I'm begging.

    And explain it to me like I'm stupid. I've got a few more like this and it would be great if I could understand what the hell I'm supposed to do. :D


    1 AnswerChemistry8 years ago
  • Anyone out there know about Proteinuria and the amount of protein in Urine that means you have it ?

    I did a practical at Uni yesterday measuring the amount of protein in fake Urine.

    We had standards, then samples A1, A2, A3 and B1, B2, B3.

    Plotted on a graph the X axis is the BSA (Blood Serum Albumin) ml (ranging from 0.0 to 1.0), and the Y axis is the Absorbancy Unit measured by the spectrophotrometer.

    We we lead to a website that tells us about the amounts of protein in Urine and the cut offs for the disease

    But the site says this

    Protein/creatinine ratio >100 mg/mmol - refer to nephrology.

    Protein/creatinine ratio >45 mg/mmol with microscopic haematuria - refer to nephrology.

    Protein/creatinine ratio at lower levels than above - manage as CKD, according to the stage.

    Obviously 45mg will not fit on my graph. I need to magically divide this number by 1000 to get a result of .045.

    But how in the hell do I do this?

    I've only got today and tomorrow and I'm super stressing. I have no idea how to make this number fit on my graph.


    1 AnswerBiology9 years ago
  • Do I have to go to every Freshers party?

    I'm off to Uni next week, and everyone is saying how you should go to every freshers party to make friends. Which is what freshers is all about. But there's some parties that I really am not interested in at all. One is ibiza rave night. I hate rave music. Big style. Can I not just feign illness and not go? Or do you think I should at least turn up before I'm 'ill' to show willing?

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Why do I cry . . . . ?

    When I was younger, nothing made me cry. Films, books etc nothing.

    Now I'm leaking from my eyes whenever there's anything remotely emotional.

    Adverts, book, bloody hell even Disney's have got me blubbering.

    Any idea's as to why my brain has become mush over the last 10 years?

    1 AnswerPsychology9 years ago
  • How do I create a backup of my Laptop ?

    I've got an HP Pavilion G6 and nearly had a heart attack when this came onto my screen the other day.

    (Luckily for me i turned off my laptop, turned it back on and all was fine)

    I've not got a backup disc. So how do I make one?

    I'm off to Uni soon and if that happens, I'm screwed.

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • Can you help me expand my literary horizons?

    When it comes to books I'm stuck in a rut. Here's an idea of the stuff I've read and stuff I like. Can you help me and suggest something decent. PLEASE!

    I've read Harry Potter and loved it.

    I love Twilight. But its rubbish, I know. I'm halfway through the 50 shades series, and I dont reckon much to that either.

    I've like Clove Barker (damnation game and cabal)

    I've tried to read Frank Herbert, Gary Gibson, William Gibson and Iain M Banks and didn't really get on with them.

    The WWW trilogy by Robert J Sawyer absolutey blew me away.

    I don't mind Celia Ahern for a girlie read and I read Cathy Glass.

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Why is everyone raving about the '50 shades of' trilogy?

    I've started reading and thought it was very similar to Twilight, but a pornographic version. So little did it surprise me to find out on Wikipedia that 50 shades was originally a Twilight Fan-Fic.

    I don't rate much to the writing, though I will admit that the characters are more three dimensional than their vampiric sexually repressed originals.

    But why has it gone INSANE.

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • To the angry Christians, how do you think your God reacts to . . . .?

    You wishing death and torture upon atheists?

    Surely, by your belief system God made everybody for a reason. And he also gave us all free will.

    Therefore . . .

    your God made me as an atheist. Who are you to question his reasons and wish one of his creations into the fiery pits of hell?

    Doesn't Christianity teach of tolerance and understanding of all peoples so that we can live together in peace?


    Not all christians behave in such a vulgar manner. I can honestly say I am friends with christians, I respect their belief as they respect my lack of it. But I cannot understand why some believers choose to be so angry and viscious)

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • I Love . . . . . . . .?

    Star Trek!!! XD

    Do you?

    If so, fave series and fave character?

    (your fave character doesn't have to be from your fave series)

    Me -

    Fave series: Voyager

    Fave Character: Jadzia Dax

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Change in menstrual cycle?

    For quite a while I have had 27 days between the end of my period and the start of the next. However, for some unknown reason, since April there has only been exactly 20 days between the end of one and the start of another. Anyone know why my cycle would suddenly speed up by a week? I just feel like I'm constantly on a period. -_-

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • If I tried something and failed first time . . . .?

    Should I try the same thing again?

    6 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • Which do you prefer . . . . . . ?

    Thor or Loki??

    I've always had a thing for the bad guys. So Loki's the God for me. ;P

    What about you?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Kittens and Occupying themselves?

    We are going to get a Kitten in a couple of weeks, then get another four weeks later.

    The first kitten is female, and has been with her mother and 1 older sibling, and a sibling the same age so she is used to being with other cats (and kittens)

    The 2nd we hope will be male and comes from a litter of 5.

    (we will spay and neuter them as soon as we can)

    We want two so they can keep each other company. We were going to get 2 from the initial person. But she wants to keep one of the litter and since there are only two left, she has one, and I have one.

    I would like to know how 2 kittens will be together if left for extended hours at a time, and what effects this will have on their development.

    My father and mother work long hours, and can sometimes be out of the house from 10am until 9pm.

    I only work 3 shifts, but these change week to week.

    My longest shift can be 10 hours. In which case they would be on their own from 1pm while 9pm

    Would two kittens be ok with each other for these periods of time?

    (I love cats, we have recently lost out 16 year old. So please don't start with the 'Would you leave a 2month old child alone for 8 hours??'

    Cats are a lot more self sufficient then human babies, though i'm sure these kittens will become the babies of our family)

    3 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • How do I keep my mood up?

    I do shift work and it kills me, up at 5:30am some days then the day after i'm not in until 5:00pm

    I just feel like i have no life.

    How do I feel like i'm in control and happy?

    6 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • UCAS . . . . deadline soon approaching.?

    Anyone waiting on a reply?

    Less than three weeks people.

    Who else is still waiting for one or more Unis to get their asses into gear??

  • UCAS Applicants . . . .?

    Is anyone else still waiting on a University to make a decision?

    Or is it just me . . . . ¬_¬

  • How are things on websites 'broken'?

    You click on a link and it works, you click on the link an hour later and it doesn't work.

    The link button is 'broken'


    What happens to the coding of the button for it to go from working to not working?

    2 AnswersOther - Internet9 years ago
  • What kind of girls do you guys prefer?

    A lot of guys i've met and generally i've heard it said that guys want women with curves and an ability to stand up for herself

    Yet i keep seeing guys going out with short, slim women who look like little girls. And when i've spoken to them there appears to be nothing between the ears.

    I am not the only one to notice this, my friends and their friends have noticed this too. Although this is not ALWAYS the case before anyone says that i'm saying ALL guys go for girls like that.

    So what do you guys want?

    You say women are confusing, but you are too!!!


    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Have you read 'His Dark Materials' ?

    I have just finished the trilogy.

    I read it a long time ago when I was a child, and i didn't fully understand the complex plot behind the dazzling story.

    I have to say, for me, is it the most amazing, awe inspiring, thought provoking piece of fiction i have ever read in my life.

    What do you think?

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago