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Lv 1215 points

Dushawn H

Favorite Answers11%
  • Do you think an extremist group is hidden in America?

    A lady was beheaded in Oklahoma by a Muslim extremist ego tried to convert his co-workers. Why would he be alone, would seem improbable fire him to start a group himself, what if he was apart of an existing one here? Of course he shouldn't disclose that.

    4 AnswersCurrent Events7 years ago
  • Widely misinterpreted scripture... What do you think?

    Ecclesiastes 12:7 "the dust returns to the earth and the spirit returns to the true god who gave it".

    People say "that means we go to heaven".

    I disagree, and believe me, if you're willing to see it for what it really is you'd agree.

    Scripturally the spirit is the life force, "breath of life", or battery.

    Don't believe me?

    Matthew 27:50 "Jesus cried out with a loud voice and yielded up his spirit"..

    Jesus dies in this verse.

    Does he go to heaven? or stay in the ground for three days?

    Again job 34:14,15 "if he gives his attention to them , if he gathers their spirit and breadth to himself. All humans would perish together, and mankind would return to the dust"

    Here we see if God takes the "breadth" away or "spirit" away all mankind would perish it says (yes, we can't live with this vital force)

    For those with hard hearts let's be practical

    There's also no criteria here the basis of a living soul going to heaven, basically by this "all mankind" if ever they died would be heaven bound. Those including Hitler, pharaoh, ADAM!

    so just like it says "he blew into man's nostrils, the breath of life (his vital force)"

    Your thoughts?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Question for Muslims?

    This is not a critical question, I'm just curious.

    Why was it necessary for Jesus, Allah's messenger to go through infancy? Or even become human. Many celestial messengers have been successful without, you know, becoming human.

    I want to know what you say:


    Would you say it's so we can see how he handled childhood. (biblically he obeyed his parents thus example for children to follow) And how he handled being an earthling (which was perfect). And thus would bring good reason for us humans to follow that person who became human because he was the only human to show what being a human was ment to be...

    Not calling him God or anything just to follow by example the only pure sample of humanity ever.

    (Him and his father [in real biblical terms] are definitely two different people. Infact us humans can also relate to a father- son relationship, not three bodies in one [Egyptian triad]. But that's a whole different subject and the whole relationship thing with God is out the window with you I know, but about the first thing I brought up).

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Can we be honest and patient with my bible question?

    "Hell" replaced the word "sheol" which ment "grave":

    Which in turn give an entirely new meaning to bible verses. So, I'm sure none of the bible writers have even heard of hell.

    Peter mentioned "tartarus" but he said God put the disobedient angel there "to be reserved for judgment". So.. they are in a place where they haven't received a judgment yet.

    Revelation had two conflicting scriptures:

    20:10 where the devil is thrown into the lake of fire to be tormented day and night forever.

    This would've been the verse to convince me of a hell except for reading 20:13-14...

    Death, and "HELL"/Hades (really grave) are thrown into the lake of fire. So these intangible terms are symbolically erased according to my understanding along with everything else thrown

    into it.

    And along with that the lake of fire is even called "the second death" or "eternal death"

    Also revelation 20:15 talks about those fortunate enough to be written in the book of life. So if you're name isn't in the book of "life" what are you?

    "God love the world so much.... So that we might not PERISH but have eternal life.

    "Broad is the gate and spacious is the road leading to destruction...."

    So I stopped believing in hell, not just because I hate being told what to believe, but how can a God who believes in "loving your enemies", "forgiveness" and free from all evil and wickedness not only hold a grudge on his creation, but give satan eternal life

    I just want to know, did anyone agree with me?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • how do you view the future 100 years from now?

    Let's keep these in mind"


    Study of medicine continues

    Technology is becoming better

    They are working to go to mars

    Nations are working together striving for peace


    Ozone layer thinning

    Population getting bigger

    Glaciers melting

    Untreated/New diseases spreading

    Weapons and bombs are becoming deadlier

    Religion keeps killing

    Oil is limited

    Animals are becoming extinct due to cutting of trees and spreading of civilization

    Trees are decreasing

    Coastal erosion

    Humans are getting dumber

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • which came first, trees or water?

    1 you need water to grow p any sort of green produce

    2 you need oxygen to form water to compete the molecular equation H2 (O) xygen which comes from the earths produce.


    3 God

    2 AnswersJokes & Riddles7 years ago
  • God vs Science.. is this theory correct?

    They say God is subjective not objective

    1 the physical universe is objective

    2 No physical matter can produce NEW physical matter except by mixing two or more already existing matter which is objective

    3 So to say the physical universe is self - produced is NOT Objective, although it still remains subjective of by what means the physical universe was produced.

    4 It is an objective statement to say that Physical means did NOT bring forth the physical universe. (Hence # 3)

    5 Still like I said by what means the physical realm was produced is subjective and by whom remains subjective and an opinion

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • So the Quran is the book the Islamic militants are making everyone read over in tge middle east, Why?

    It seems to be very imposed don't you think... so.. would this benefit people? Or No.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • What is the Islamic militant group's motive?

    Is it religiously motivated? Or what?

    8 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • is the big bang probable?

    What would it's percentage be?

    Heres a comment from a religious witness youth:

    “Imagine that someone told you that there was an explosion at a printing plant and that the ink spattered onto the walls and ceilings and formed an unabridged dictionary. Would you believe it? How much more unbelievable is it that everything in the orderly universe came about as a result of a

    12 AnswersAstronomy & Space7 years ago
  • How many sects of JeHovah's witnesses?

    Rhetorical question.2 peter 2:1 "However, there also came to be false prophets among the people, as there will also be false teachers among you.a These will quietly bring in destructive sects, and they will even disown the owner who bought them,b bringing speedy destruction upon themselves." 1) prophet: someone who speaks directly to god, we have none. 2) false teachers: that's up to personal opinion 3) destructive sects: applies to all religion who are brutal 4) They will disown the owner who bought them: personal opinion, still God is YHWH yet he is denied/disowned. Jehovahs witnesses have one name, you don't have to ask what "sect" they belong to... still a question none the less.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Why do you think God's name was taken out of the bible?

    Refered in ancient text 7000 times...

    Psalms 110:1 says "Jehovah said to my lord" (Nwt) in the jkv it's "the LORD says to my Lord" the second lord is jesus but from an inexperienced view point it is ridiculous to strain for a proper understanding. Jesus made OT quotes.. Matthew 4 "it is written it is Jehovah your god u should worship and to him alone to render sacred service". . My kjv, in that scripture quote, says LORD. Where, as we know is the title used to replace YHWH/YAHWEH/ why do u think it was taken out? Who was gonna get off their butt and put it back?.. reiterating: it appeared 7000 times in ancient text.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Last question... concerning jws..?

    I'm a jw.. what is it that leads bible readers to just outright say witnesses are wrong? We believe we will live on earth because of this verse "The righteous will possess the earth,

    And they will live forever on it." Ps 37:29 are we THAT off? I could make a list of recorded verses. But witnesses are the only Christian sect to believe in an earthly hope...Last one: "The wolf will reside for a while with the lamb,

    And with the young goat the leopard will lie down,

    And the calf and the lion and the fattened animal will all be together;

    And a little boy will lead them." Isa 11:7 since this is SO out of context my question is. . WHERE is the correct Christianity. . Keeping these verses in mind.. please share versesv with me. . I will read them.. just remember if u share a verse saying we're going to heaven.. you must also have one that says "ignore psalms and Isaiah"

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Why are People so hateful towards JWS?

    I'm a jw.. and I get why some can calmly disagree. It's those people who use more powerful words like "cult".. I personally never called another religious group any such thing. What happened to "no slandering" or reviling? Slanderes are actually mentioned in 2 timothy 3:1-5

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • OT violence...?

    All I have is that those were the times of mosaic law. It was strict, do or die.. Could it be similar to that of the flood? That God, by means of human beings was both cleansing away wickness and fulfilling a promise.. I like to compare it to perfect/heavenly life (the law then) because if an angel even so much as told a lie it would mean death because he's perfect.. Right? I'm a Jehovah's witness but any reader of the bible, I would like any personal view of the OT.. Don't go beyond that please -_-

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • is this joke funny?????????????????????

    Is it funny to say your friend reminds you of a billboard you seen that had a monkey on it

    4 AnswersJokes & Riddles8 years ago
  • Jehovah witness love?

    there's this girl that goes to my Kingdom hall. We're both not even I old enough to start dating but I like her, and there's a chance she may like me. would it be a good idea to tell her how I feel

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • there's a girl I like at kingdomhall?

    I like this girl, she has given me numerous signs of interest, but we're not old enough to date because we're witnesses. I hope by the time we're are old enough I don't loose her interest. What do I do?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Question about this girl I like.?

    I am one of jehovahs witnesses and ever since I moved in Columbus in July of 2012 there's been this girl who I find attractive that goes to my kingdomhall. I think she is shy because she never really opens up to ppl like I do at the hall. I speak to everyone there, I dress amazing, not just suit but a combination of different formal styles and colors, I'm handsome, and to put the cherry on top I give the most insighted comments. I think I wanna be a CO later in life. I know I'm leaving the modest range but I have good reason. I use to be apart of a gang and I approached countless girls with 90% success (but I never had sex with any because I wanted to treat women respectfully. In that department I was 2% successful. So I have no problem talking to a girl it's just because in gods house I feel bad for ppl to see me talking with a girl and be suspicious about me. another thing, when ever I'm having a good Convo with a random person at the kingdomhall, in the corner of my eye she is standing nearby pretending to stare off into the distance, this has happened a number of times. She never looks at me directly when I walk past her, but when I have a friendly Convo with her mom, she must feel as if she has a green light to be right there but only listen attentively. The crazy part about it is, she is SO pretty. We're not old enough to date, and who knows how long she will be interested in me. WHAT SHOULD I DO?

  • Dressing up................?

    Is my suit jacket to big for me? Are they suppose to go past your mid thigh?

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories8 years ago