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♫ jojo ♫

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  • What do you think of these names? (Characters in my novel)?

    I would like all of you to give me your honest opinions on these names of the main characters in my current story. Just tell me whatever comes to mind when you hear the names, your thoughts (likes/dislikes) on them and anything else! :)

    Thanks in advance!

    Lillian Kimberly Jacobson (called Lily)

    Oliver Broderick Jacobson (called Oliver or Ollie)

    Tyler Mateo Cook (called Tyler or Ty)

    Aimee Leigh Newman

    Brennan Michael Adams (mostly called Brennan, sometimes Bren)

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What do you think of these names? (Characters in my novel)?

    I would like all of you to give me your honest opinions on these names of the main characters in my current story. Just tell me whatever comes to mind when you hear the names, your thoughts (likes/dislikes) on them and anything else! :)

    Thanks in advance!

    Lillian Kimberly Jacobson (called Lily)

    Oliver Broderick Jacobson (called Oliver or Ollie)

    Tyler Mateo Cook (called Tyler or Ty)

    Aimee Leigh Newman

    Brennan Michael Adams (mostly called Brennan, sometimes Bren)

    7 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Homecoming Makeup Suggestions?

    Homecoming is in a few weeks and I kinda have an idea on how to do my makeup but I need some more suggestions too!

    My dress is basically black, but it has a silver skirt and kind of a black lace with sparkly silver designs on it that goes over and the top is black with the same silver designs on it. It's strapless.

    I'm wearing silver jewelry and shoes. My date is wearing red shirt, black pants and shoes and a silver tie.

    So, with all that in mind, can you think of makeup that would look good? I have a fair skin tone, green eyes. I was maybe thinking that silver sparkly eyeliner from...Urban Decay I think, but I don't know if that would be too much.

    Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • Catholics and Mormons: Religion difference in a Relationship!?

    Okay i posted this exact question in Religion and Spirituality too but I thought I would get some fresh answers here too!!

    My boyfriend is Mormon and I am Catholic. A while ago, my dad asked me why I couldn'y just like a 'nice Christian boy' and a few days ago my boyfriend's mom asked him why he doesn't like any Mormon girls. Mormons, please dont take any offense to this, but I would NEVER convert to that religion, even if it meant that I would lose someone I loved. I'm just wondering if it would ever be possible for us to get married if niether of us converted. Do you have any advice?

    Please tell me your thoughts on this! Like if you think that we are crazy and we should break up, please tell me!

    Thanks so much in advance for your advice!

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Catholics and Mormons: Religion difference in a Relationship!?

    My boyfriend is Mormon and I am Catholic. A while ago, my dad asked me why I couldn'y just like a 'nice Christian boy' and a few days ago my boyfriend's mom asked him why he doesn't like any Mormon girls. Mormons, please dont take any offense to this, but I would NEVER convert to that religion, even if it meant that I would lose someone I loved. I'm just wondering if it would ever be possible for us to get married if niether of us converted. Do you have any advice?

    Please tell me your thoughts on this! Like if you think that we are crazy and we should break up, please tell me!

    Thanks so much in advance for your advice!

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What do you think of this quick poem?

    sorry its not my best work but i just needed to get my feelings down...i havent edited yet, just my first rought draft...ANY suggestions ideas and thoughts welcome...i think it might need another stanza as more of a conclusion but idk...tell me what you think!! thanks!!!

    My hand throbs until it intertwines in yours

    My heart aches until you finally embrace me

    Emotions begin to overtake

    There is only one distraction in my life now

    I fall asleep thinking

    Longing for the one thing that will make me yours

    Your hand pressing the back of my neck

    Our lips moving in synch together

    Blue eyes sparkling

    Gazing down at me

    Tender and loving

    Stomach burning for that moment

    2 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Thoughts on these names? (Really easy)?

    Can you give me your thoughts on these names...please vote on this list and give me your thoughts on your favorites or suggestions to improve them...any suggestions welcome

    9 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Can you tell me if you like these names? (Really Easy)?

    Could you guys vote on my list of names please??!!!

    Not expecting or anything haha...just for fun

    I'm open to any suggestions you have on any of the names...and just pretend that Jakob is spelled Jacob because I went through a phase of weird spellings...luckily i stopped haha


    2 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Mormons: Can you explain your religion to me?

    A lot of my friends are mormon and I want to understand their religion better. I'm Catholic and I really dont understand the whole Joseph Smith thing, etc. So could you explain the essentials of your religion

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Samsung Glyde!!! Calling all those who have one or know somebody who has one!?

    i'm going to get the samsung glyde, but today my friend told me that they break a lot and that they aren't very good there any truth to that or is she just jealous??? haha please share your stories!!!

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Baby Name Questions!!! (ugh 20 characters)?

    Ok so i'm curious, what are your absolute favorite baby names in each of these categories..please don't delete, i need these for a story but i'm trying to make this more fun for you guys to answer!!!

    Please do first and middle names!!!


    Girls Name:

    Boy's Name:

    Twin Girls Names:

    Twin Boys:


    A cute couple (like 2 people who are dating):

    Best friends:

    Any others???

    12 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Who is excited for Valentines Day?

    I am because i know that there is a guy who's going to get me something!!!

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • So who all here...(come on be honest!!!)?

    is at work or school and is just messing around on y!a instead of doing their work??

    i am!!

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • NonAmericans: What do American accents sound like?

    I'm looking for honest answers we really have annoying voices? Maybe compare our accents to another country's accents, tell me which country sounds most like us!!

    I'm very curious about this!!!

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Valentines day! help?

    so me and this guy, justin, just told each other that we like each other on tuesday (him) and thurday (me)...we text and we have talked on the phone for a half hour, things at school are still kinda in the weird stage but we do talk about anyways valentines day is in 2 weeks...i know its kinda early to think about this, but should i get him a present? or should i wait to decide until we are further along in our relationship...any ideas on what to get him? pretty much the only thing he likes is michigan football

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • GUYS (and girls but mostly guys): why won't he call me?

    so this guy (who i met in august when we came to high school) just texted me last night and said that he likes was really awkward in school...i tried to talk to him, but his face just got all red and he didn't really say anything i texted him today and said that i really thought it was cool that he told me he liked me because i wouldn't have been able to do that and then i added, call me if you want to talk :) because i really want to talk on the phone but he just said no because when you have nothing to say, the silences are weird...i can't get him to call me and just talk!!! what do i do? and why is he doing this? is he just shy? and advice for talking to him tomorrow? the plan is to go up in geometry and say hi to him and hopefully a convo will start

    17 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Need advice ASAP...boy problem!!!!?

    i've already asked this Q, but i'll try to make it a little shorter and explain myself better

    Name key:

    S: my crush

    M: my friend

    J: my friends boyfriend

    so i've liked S since last year...he is one grade younger than i am, but only 2 months he's in 8th grade and i'm in 9th so i thought i was over him...until i saw him again last monday...i told M and M told just so happens that J is S's best friend...S and J went camping on Friday and when M informed me that she had told J i freaked out and M told J not to tell S that i liked him...J didn't tell S but when M asked J if he had told him, S overheard and said--and i quote-- 'oh, i already knew that she liked me' when M asked him how he knew he said 'girls are just really obvious about that kind of stuff'

    so here's the problem...i'm seeing him tomorrow night and it's going to be really akward...i don't know if i should say something to him about this whole fiasco or if i should just ignore him and wait to face this problem next year when he comes to high school too...and what should i say if he comes and talks to me???


    10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • AHHH i have a major dilemma here and i need help!?

    sorry this is so long but i really need help!

    So this story goes back to last year (when i was in 8th grade)...i play in the orchestra at school and last year, i had a year long crush on a 7th you may be thinking that i'm a cradle robber etc. but he's only 2 months younger than me cuz i'm young for my grade...anyways i never told him and stuff because he had a girlfriend...over the summer i totally got over him and i moved on to a sophomore (i'm a freshman this year) but last moday (the 19th) i hung out with him and some of our mutual friends in the afternoon and i realized that i either liked him again or have liked him this whole time...i told my friend and she told her boyfriend. her boyfriend happens to be sam (my crush)'s best friend...and they went camping last night....i told my friend to tell her bf not to tell him and he didn't, but my friend asked him this morning if he did or not (and she used my name btw) and her bf said he didn't...sam happened to overhear her ask this and he interuppted with 'oh i already knew she liked me' and then he said 'girls are just really obvious with that stuff' i am going to see him on monday again and i'm really nervous because this is the first time i'm seeing him when i know he knows...what should i do and i thought i wasn't being obvious...i don't know how he possibly knew already


    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I'm so freaking bored!!! (blahblahblah 20 characters)?

    i'm so bored in my class so tell me some stories or something...tell me about your love lives....i need some stories, just anything

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago